Will she grow on me?
...I'm forever cursed...
..or blessed maybe? |
Don't Rate Mine!
Hey I was thinking, I might be able to save you some money on watches.
Buy a calendar! Open up the owners manual and it says to clean/change the aire filter every 25 hrs, (thats every day right?) clean/change the spark plug ever 100 hrs, (every four days) change to oil every 300 hrs.(every 12 days) Write in all the dates... Wake up every day, look at calendar. You could buy an extra LED bulb with the money you save on watch servicing. |
Will she grow on me?
was that Stockholm Syndrome shy_emo_chick?
The answer lies in whether she is attractive to you, seemingly the answer is no. Out of interest what other qualities does she have other than her race, is she kind, loving, amourous? I'm willing to bet that you would be a lot happier with a woman with those traits than you would with a woman who didn't have them, asian or caucasian, blonde or brunette, skinny or cuddly. |
what did you buy mine with?
Don't Rate Mine!
Your profile is ok buddy, I feel like I know you already.
Is there not more to wisdom than just knowledge?
FF, you're not even worth my time. People who like to argue are merely seeking to manipulate others. Please note, I did not criticize your views or opinions but rather the manner in which you chose to enter the thread. You chose to enter by casting dispersion on others, and by using strong language. I'm not about to go back and forth with you on this. After all, that's what you want. If you truly believed what you say above, you would not have posted another reply. You like to argue, how are you trying to manipulate me? Or is it others who are reading this that you may wish to impress upon them the idea of how PC you are, how educated, how kind, how valiant, how upright an internet citizen you are. Yeah my bad on the language. Its meant more as a form of punctuation for emphasis rather than an agressive, insulting tirade though. I dont mind either way if you reply or not. At least it provoked a reaction and stimulated a response from you though. Shame you arent a girl. |
Edited by
Sun 12/25/11 03:39 PM
I don't like having to do this, but... yes you do, it fills you with the desire to 'save the underdog'. Your own righteous anger. Lets face it, its safer than running in front of a truck to save some womans poodle to prove you have a valiant heart. But I respect that. You, FF, are the one who needs an attitude adjustment. Someone may be wrong, and you may be right, but you don't have to get all angry and confrontational about it. maybe. You say they have a right to a viewpoint. Then you should discuss the difference in viewpoint rather than being combative. Disagreement does not give you the right to go on a full scale attack. Thats not full scale. By coming into this thread, and attempting to start an argument, you ARE showing your true colors. You show your selfishness, intolerance, indignation, and righteous anger. different day, different colours. Like a kaleidoscope. I have demonstrated a selfish, intolerant, indignant facet of a much more complex whole. I care.
Do you really? I mean REALLY? The OP cares.
You have a point. If it helps people to understand what causes break ups, then we can take steps to avoid a break up when it really matters to us. I'm not so sure you can. We can do that by self-improvement. Interesting theory. We can't all just coast through life expecting things to fall exactly into place. It depends what your expectations are... Being happy in life takes work, not just to achieve happiness but to maintain it. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. Take a chill pill. Don't act like someone's post was a personal attack on you when it clearly wasn't. meh. |
I don't like having to do this, but... You, FF, are the one who needs an attitude adjustment. Someone may be wrong, and you may be right, but you don't have to get all angry and confrontational about it. You say they have a right to a viewpoint. Then you should discuss the difference in viewpoint rather than being combative. Disagreement does not give you the right to go on a full scale attack. By coming into this thread, and attempting to start an argument, you ARE showing your true colors. You show your selfishness, intolerance, indignation, and righteous anger. And to answer your posited question: I care. The OP cares. If it helps people to understand what causes break ups, then we can take steps to avoid a break up when it really matters to us. We can do that by self-improvement. We can't all just coast through life expecting things to fall exactly into place. Being happy in life takes work, not just to achieve happiness but to maintain it. Take a chill pill. Don't act like someone's post was a personal attack on you when it clearly wasn't. Why |
Happy Holidays!!!
right back at you.
Fraggle. |
the muppets who never post pics of themselves on a dating site. Thats a real pi55er for us serious folk, trying to find the 'one'
women who like construction
I alone would like to chat with (sexy) girls who can do house repairs... |
Thats a great pic Simone, its as though you have been dope, suspenseful with a coloured pencil ever since Prince turned himself into a symbol.
What do you think it could be?
gemini |
women who like construction
do not get talking about DIY. This is a dating website, we all HATE DIY, thats why we're here, to find someone to DO IT FOR US...DIFU...Do It For Us.
Actually, point taken. Yeah, I too would like to chat with (sexy) girls who can do house repairs... |
could it be for other reasons?
seriously, What do men want?
Try thinking outside the box. Most is not to be taken seriously. You sound a wee bit crabby if you dont mind my sayin. No, I refuse to think outside certain boxes, most of the time its what keeps me from doing sociably unacceptable things. ou sound a wee bit crabby if you dont mind my sayin. meh |
seriously, What do men want?
Edited by
Sun 12/25/11 07:18 AM
By clone I don't mean same sex.Clone can be of opposite sex too,I guess.
I knew that Prashant. It applies to an opposite gender me. Same gender me clone? Neither of us would be boned by the other, that one would be down to who could get to a lethal object the fastest. |
why do you want to know?
women who like construction