Community > Posts By > fakey

fakey's photo
Fri 12/09/11 04:22 AM
Tripple j's hottest 100
Google it man, Aussie culture.

fakey's photo
Tue 11/01/11 04:22 AM
Do politicians get mandatory periodic drug tests?
They, like welfare recipients, are payed by the grace of tax payers.
Funny how you cant operate a fork lift without drug tests but its all cool to run a country off ya chops!
Can i as a politicians employer demand a cup of pee?

fakey's photo
Tue 10/25/11 06:21 AM
This guy at work partied hard, got himself addicted to brake fluid. I was worried for him so i confronted him, he told me not to worry, reckons he could stop anytime he wanted.

fakey's photo
Tue 10/25/11 06:11 AM
I love a leisurely coffee on the back veranda before work in the summer months

fakey's photo
Tue 10/25/11 06:00 AM
The Western 'democracies' wont even let its own people evoke an agreed upon cultural change on a localized level that is within the boundaries of their laws.
Egyptians overthrew their repressive leaders via techno and social media means realativly peacefully. Be inspired.
We all sit back and whine about it rather be proactive. Brain washed apathy! What can you do? Someone else will do something about it while i watch more brainwashing TV. How far would you go to stand up? You wont, brain washed fear of consequence! I might get jailed...lose my income...thus my brainwashed materialistic world would crumble.
I loath the direction my western government is taking me but I've been brainwashed to be selfish and put my own needs first so i'll help the day.

If you did show some spine and fought back what would you be(a) a freedom fighter or (b) a terrorist threat to home land security?'d be incarcerated!

fakey's photo
Tue 10/25/11 05:10 AM
I cant respect the opinion of any random 'professional' with out first knowing a bit on their back ground. For me any individual must earn an certain element of respect before i take their advice on board with any real conviction. If they havent experienced a similar situation then to me their words lack validity. Hey, no-ones perfect, so why would you take a shrinks advice just coz theres a shiney plaque on their desk?

fakey's photo
Mon 09/26/11 03:54 AM
Thanks heaps guys.

fakey's photo
Fri 09/23/11 10:35 PM

Read a few funny/genuine posts which sparked my interests in a few people.

Wondering if there is anyway i can read someones old posts toget a broader picture of them before i reach out?

Or is not an option due to stalker freaks? Cheers.

fakey's photo
Tue 09/13/11 05:35 AM
I wouldn't go out with expectations but yeah, if the nights going cool why not? Roll with it.

fakey's photo
Tue 09/13/11 04:57 AM
The 'Librarian' - Reserved until they remove the glasses and let down the hair and then...........

fakey's photo
Fri 09/09/11 11:57 AM
Depending on how far the encounter went, if it crossed physical boundaries, i would more than likely after a sequence of emotions eventually become aggressive and physically violent. Not a politically correct answer i know, not proud of it, don't condone it but that's how i feel. In regards to a persons deep seeded personal beliefs and core values there are some lines that shouldn't be knowingly crossed. This be one. Everybody has some beliefs they hold high enough that are in their perspective worth fighting for. If someone blatantly disrespects those beliefs (or violates some one else physical self) by means of force or deception intentionally they do so at their own peril.

fakey's photo
Fri 09/09/11 10:45 AM
Every Sunday!

fakey's photo
Thu 09/08/11 05:16 AM
That picture has given me a boner!

fakey's photo
Thu 09/08/11 04:52 AM

One of the screwiest things about how the Senate works is with the filibuster rule. The phrase "majority rule" is meaningless, and Government is unable to do anything if one side wants to prevent all progress.

So true. Personally I am sick of the well organised vocal minorities dictating policy agendas to the generally complacent silent majority.

.....the squeaky wheel gets oiled!

fakey's photo
Tue 09/06/11 01:21 PM
I believe that in today's techno era the western method of voting is well obsolete.

How about people voting on policy and not people or parties?

One vote to vote in reps who's job it is to hash out a short list of ideas/concepts for the general public to later vote on.

In the digital era it would be easy and convenient to vote on said ideas via a multitude of formats. It should be easier to tally as well so the frequency of policy voting could be increased eliminating outdated governing. (Multimedia is secure enuff for banks and tax now?!)

I'd rater vote on a written statement instead of a spun personality.

Policy voting could bring balance between economic, social and enviromental concerns.

Medicine or Guns?

fakey's photo
Mon 09/05/11 12:39 PM
If voting could change the law it would be illegal!

fakey's photo
Sat 09/03/11 11:20 AM
Have gone from party animal social butterfly extraordinaire to a responsible father, gainfully employed suburbanite.

Another brick in the wall.

I still mourn my old 'weird' life style.

Am trying to break the rut that my life has meandered into.
Some how i have become isolated.

Help me OB1, you are my only hope.

fakey's photo
Sat 09/03/11 10:31 AM
Great. Read all the books. Really glad the series is following it own path. I think that the director has chosen the right actors for each of the characters, they really fit their role. hot hot.

fakey's photo
Sat 09/03/11 10:11 AM
Yep, initial attraction is a physical, visual, sex appeal. Primal, cant help it. Curves. MMMMmmmmmmmmm

Then in a conversation its confidence with a dash of mischiefness. A 'keep up if you can' attitude. Head strong chicks rock.

fakey's photo
Sat 09/03/11 10:11 AM
Yep, initial attraction is a physical, visual, sex appeal. Primal, cant help it. Curves. MMMMmmmmmmmmm

Then in a conversation its confidence with a dash of mischiefness. A 'keep up if you can' attitude. Head strong chicks rock.

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