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Topic: Conservative Columnist Say Registering The Poor To Vote Is �
Dragoness's photo
Fri 09/02/11 02:01 PM
Conservative Columnist Say Registering The Poor To Vote Is ‘Like Handing Burglary Tools To Criminals’
September 2, 2011
By Stephen D. Foster Jr.

Conservative columnist Matthew Vadum. Image from

A conservative columnist is equating the poor to criminals, and he isn’t being shy about it either. Matthew Vadum, the author of a book published by World Net Daily says registering the poor to vote is “un-American” and “like handing out burglary tools to criminals.”

In a column for the American Thinker, Vadum states,

“It is profoundly antisocial and un-American to empower the nonproductive segments of the population to destroy the country — which is precisely why Barack Obama zealously supports registering welfare recipients to vote. Encouraging those who burden society to participate in elections isn’t about helping the poor,” Vadum writes. “It’s about helping the poor to help themselves to others’ money. It’s about raw so-called social justice. It’s about moving America ever farther away from the small-government ideals of the Founding Fathers.”

So the slew of voter suppression laws being passed in GOP controlled states across the country isn’t really based on the fear of voter fraud as Republicans would have us all believe. It’s about stripping the right to vote away from the poor. And Mr. Vadum just came right out and unashamedly admitted it. The right wing and the wealthy are waging war against the middle class and the poor. If we do nothing to put an end to this right wing crime against humanity, there will come a day when all rights for the American people cease to exist.

They are sickos.

Hopefully the real blood of this country the poor and middle class American people are sick of the sickos by now.

TJN's photo
Fri 09/02/11 02:29 PM
I have always thought that if you don't pay taxes you shouldn't be able to vote. After all we vote for people to make decisions on how to spend our tax dollars. So if you don't pay why should you have a say in how others money is spent?

InvictusV's photo
Fri 09/02/11 04:29 PM
Edited by InvictusV on Fri 09/02/11 04:31 PM
I don't agree with taking away the voting rights of anyone.

Most people can't help the fact that they are forced to be indoctrinated by worthless leftist teachers that are enabled by their union bosses who care more about their pensions than doing their fning jobs.

I think Wisconsin is proof of that.

Dragoness's photo
Sat 09/03/11 04:55 PM

I have always thought that if you don't pay taxes you shouldn't be able to vote. After all we vote for people to make decisions on how to spend our tax dollars. So if you don't pay why should you have a say in how others money is spent?

I can agree with that since EVERYONE pays taxes.

the list of taxes is long

Sales and excise taxes being the most common.

So since all adults pay taxes no matter how poor they are to live in this country, they should all be voting.

So don't deny anyone.....back to the joker sicko in the OP.

He is a prejudice baffoon.

heavenlyboy34's photo
Sat 09/03/11 05:17 PM
Some truth to the OP, but it doesn't go far enough. There should be a test before acquiring a voter registration-comprised of economics, US history, civics, and political philosophy.

Dragoness's photo
Sat 09/03/11 06:46 PM

Some truth to the OP, but it doesn't go far enough. There should be a test before acquiring a voter registration-comprised of economics, US history, civics, and political philosophy.

Not, because what I consider stupid may not be what you consider stupid so who gets to decide who is stupid and who isn't?

Me? I have some real qualifications for ya.

Live in an all white neighborhood and ya can't vote. Would be a nice one for regulating out those white racists from the polls. Too bad for those who are guilty by association or circumstance. That would weed out some problems at the polls.

Or if you make more than 250,000 dollars a year, no vote. Because you are too biased towards the rich. That would eliminate some problems at the polls.

I will classify all of these people as stupid to fit into the stupid restrictions you want.

See how easy it works.....:thumbsup:

Peccy's photo
Mon 09/05/11 11:57 AM

Live in an all white neighborhood and ya can't vote. Would be a nice one for regulating out those white racists from the polls. Too bad for those who are guilty by association or circumstance. That would weed out some problems at the polls.

That goes for all races, not just white. Dang woman, have you no pride in your heritage? You think the American white guy is responsible for everything bad! All races have their share of bad seeds.

adj4u's photo
Mon 09/05/11 12:21 PM
they used to have tests u had to pass to be able to vote

they were set up in such a wat to keep the negro population out of the voting booths

any test can be slanted to be ez for some and harder for others

heavenlyboy34's photo
Mon 09/05/11 12:35 PM

Some truth to the OP, but it doesn't go far enough. There should be a test before acquiring a voter registration-comprised of economics, US history, civics, and political philosophy.

Not, because what I consider stupid may not be what you consider stupid so who gets to decide who is stupid and who isn't?

Me? I have some real qualifications for ya.

Live in an all white neighborhood and ya can't vote. Would be a nice one for regulating out those white racists from the polls. Too bad for those who are guilty by association or circumstance. That would weed out some problems at the polls.

Or if you make more than 250,000 dollars a year, no vote. Because you are too biased towards the rich. That would eliminate some problems at the polls.

I will classify all of these people as stupid to fit into the stupid restrictions you want.

See how easy it works.....:thumbsup:

I didn't say anything about any sort of intelligence test. Only a test on fundamental subjects that any competent person should know. As I said, economics, US history, civics, and political philosophy. When voting was invented, all this was common knowledge. Nowadays, gross ignorance is so common I simply don't trust the average American person to make a rational decision about policy or policy makers.

fakey's photo
Mon 09/05/11 12:39 PM
If voting could change the law it would be illegal!

msharmony's photo
Mon 09/05/11 02:15 PM

If voting could change the law it would be illegal!


msharmony's photo
Mon 09/05/11 02:18 PM

I have always thought that if you don't pay taxes you shouldn't be able to vote. After all we vote for people to make decisions on how to spend our tax dollars. So if you don't pay why should you have a say in how others money is spent?

I think americans should decide how america is run, regardless of their income status or if they are earning an income

as Dragoness stated there are far more taxes than income tax, and there are many ways people contribute to the economy of the country besides 'earned' income

to toggle back and forth on an individuals voting rights(only allowing them to vote if they are earning income) would just not be practical or economical or fair,,,

no photo
Tue 09/06/11 01:21 PM
It's amazing to know that these attitudes are still around to the point where public people feel emboldened enough to express them in public.

have you no pride in your heritage?

It makes no sense to take pride in one's heritage. You are born with a heritage. You can't earn it. The white arian racists make a very strong call to their 'pride in their heritage'.

fakey's photo
Tue 09/06/11 01:21 PM
I believe that in today's techno era the western method of voting is well obsolete.

How about people voting on policy and not people or parties?

One vote to vote in reps who's job it is to hash out a short list of ideas/concepts for the general public to later vote on.

In the digital era it would be easy and convenient to vote on said ideas via a multitude of formats. It should be easier to tally as well so the frequency of policy voting could be increased eliminating outdated governing. (Multimedia is secure enuff for banks and tax now?!)

I'd rater vote on a written statement instead of a spun personality.

Policy voting could bring balance between economic, social and enviromental concerns.

Medicine or Guns?

no photo
Tue 09/06/11 01:30 PM
How about people voting on policy and not people or parties?

To some extent, this is a great idea. Initiative voting has been vigorously used a lot by one party at the State level, and there is some interest on my side in using it on the national level.

One of the screwiest things about how the Senate works is with the filibuster rule. The phrase "majority rule" is meaningless, and Government is unable to do anything if one side wants to prevent all progress.

adj4u's photo
Tue 09/06/11 06:12 PM
maybe all those running for office must where a hockey mask and not have any public photos available

a lot of election results are slanted because of the appearance of those running

and how about making those that are running take a test on how govt is supposed to work

msharmony's photo
Tue 09/06/11 06:16 PM
Edited by msharmony on Tue 09/06/11 06:19 PM

maybe all those running for office must where a hockey mask and not have any public photos available

a lot of election results are slanted because of the appearance of those running

and how about making those that are running take a test on how govt is supposed to work

that would be so cool, ,candidate A and candidate B

they would always be behind a curtain when they spoke or answered questions

and people could just vote based upon whose ideas they most agreed with and there could be no QUESTION that was why people voted,, instead of all these assumptions about race or gender or financial status

take that back, it wouldnt work, because as many people may agree that its kewl,, just as many people would see it as some conspiracy with computer generated candidates who didnt really exist,,,

Dragoness's photo
Tue 09/06/11 06:32 PM

Some truth to the OP, but it doesn't go far enough. There should be a test before acquiring a voter registration-comprised of economics, US history, civics, and political philosophy.

Not, because what I consider stupid may not be what you consider stupid so who gets to decide who is stupid and who isn't?

Me? I have some real qualifications for ya.

Live in an all white neighborhood and ya can't vote. Would be a nice one for regulating out those white racists from the polls. Too bad for those who are guilty by association or circumstance. That would weed out some problems at the polls.

Or if you make more than 250,000 dollars a year, no vote. Because you are too biased towards the rich. That would eliminate some problems at the polls.

I will classify all of these people as stupid to fit into the stupid restrictions you want.

See how easy it works.....:thumbsup:

I didn't say anything about any sort of intelligence test. Only a test on fundamental subjects that any competent person should know. As I said, economics, US history, civics, and political philosophy. When voting was invented, all this was common knowledge. Nowadays, gross ignorance is so common I simply don't trust the average American person to make a rational decision about policy or policy makers.

Except "book smart" doesn't mean smart at most other levels.

No tests to vote because like I showed examples of in my previous post. Anything can be used as a "determinate" of intelligence or non intelligence..... I gave you examples of made up stupidity.

So you don't understand that?

You cannot standardize a test for voting rights because, I will say it again, no one has no bias.

IN other words what I say is stupid may not be what you think is stupid so who gets to write the standards? You or me?

Dragoness's photo
Tue 09/06/11 06:39 PM

Live in an all white neighborhood and ya can't vote. Would be a nice one for regulating out those white racists from the polls. Too bad for those who are guilty by association or circumstance. That would weed out some problems at the polls.

That goes for all races, not just white. Dang woman, have you no pride in your heritage? You think the American white guy is responsible for everything bad! All races have their share of bad seeds.

Are you defending your whiteness?? How cute. Considering how many different whitenesses there are, which one are you defending?

Now I will explain what I did there once more. It was an example of made up "stupidity" requirements that could be slipped in to any "test" for a right to vote. I can sure see how a white guy would not feel so good about it.

I will not go over the crimes of the white man in this country today. But they are many and they continue today. So they are still an issue for white folks to deal with. There are no excuses for the continuance of the crimes that continue from white folks in this country although they sure do present a whole slue of untrue ones.

No tests for voting. We need to have the voice OF ALL if we can get ALL to vote.

Dragoness's photo
Tue 09/06/11 06:41 PM

maybe all those running for office must where a hockey mask and not have any public photos available

a lot of election results are slanted because of the appearance of those running

and how about making those that are running take a test on how govt is supposed to work

surprised Hockey maskshocked Isn't that Michael Myersscared scared scared scared waving

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