Community > Posts By > geektothetenth

geektothetenth's photo
Sat 06/13/09 10:24 AM

A rant is to blow off steam...hope some of you understand that.

BTW, I can multitask extremely well thank you very much.

People like to spoil a perfectly good rant, my chum, with their meddling answers. A good topic for a new rant.

He would've gotten away with it if it weren't for that dog and those meddling kids.
HI waving , remember me?

geektothetenth's photo
Sat 06/13/09 10:15 AM

I actually prefer MORGAN & like those??????

Are you into tweaking and lesbians named Morgan?

geektothetenth's photo
Sat 06/13/09 09:34 AM
The rope maze serves an important purpose, it keeps the minotaurs at the bank from eating you.

geektothetenth's photo
Sat 06/13/09 09:22 AM
And you know the kid just texted this whole thing to his dad from his brand new iphone :tongue:

just trying to bring it back to levity.

geektothetenth's photo
Sat 06/13/09 07:13 AM
What if the poor family wasn't in the country on a farm but some hobo under a highway eating cat food and lying in his feces and filth?

And what if that rich person just decided to buy out the mortgage on the poor guys farm and kick them off just for spite.

Point is, sentiment is nice, and yes we should appreciate things but not having money sucks. Here in philly if you're poor, you probably live in a very dangerous neighborhood, your children grow up with drug dealers on their street corners and gangbangers as neighbors. They live with hunger, violence, lack of opportunity, lack of role models, their parents work 2 jobs leaving their young kids to be raised by the streets. It's probably good to have both money and perspective.

geektothetenth's photo
Sat 06/13/09 06:53 AM

My mom use to say she felt like she was standing in a hole next to me & my brother, (6'3") that my twin sons are grown, I can relate to that boys are 6'5" & 6'6".

Jeez one more and you got a complete basketball team. Can you send one of your boys over, I need to change a lightbulb grumble :tongue:

geektothetenth's photo
Fri 06/12/09 11:22 PM

ohhh, why you people don't realize that NOTHING happened ever since the election?

Obama is no more than Bush. Same sh1t, different face.

There is absolutely NOTHING changed...matter as well kept Bush for another for 4 years... Obama, he has deceived you.

You Obama haters don't see how he is doing the same crap that Bush would do..

while you Obama lovers won't see how he hasn't done a damn thing, beside talking about himself, while everything is the same. A 100 day passed and not a damn thing changed.

If there's no difference, then there really shouldn't be any complaints from you or any other conservative.

geektothetenth's photo
Fri 06/12/09 11:11 PM

Liberals like Obama have never been known to do anything productive or useful for the people.I keep wondering why people keep electing these liberals knowing they are only going to get less freedom and more taxes.

Obamas legacy so far....

Outspent Bush by 4 times and he hasn't even been there 6 months.

Added trillions to the national debt.

Record job loss including one month with over a million job losses.

Stimulus program has failed miserably and still hasn't created one job.

Total lack of respect from rogue nations who think he is a push over.

Spent millions on photo ops of Air force one,dinner in NYC,interviews with Jay leno,and trips to France all the while telling the American people we need to conserve and live with less.


If were going to tell stories then we need to make it even bigger.

Obama is Santa Claus, Tooth Fairy, Old man time,

Obama is to blame for Global Warming, All worldly wars, He is even the Grim Reaper in disguise so we need to blame him for all sickness, diseases,etc...

Obama is an alien in disguise sent to take over the world.

Obama is the anti christ sent to let the devil take over the world.

Come on make the fantasies worth it if you are going to tell them.slaphead

I'm seeing less and less Obama stickers on cars now days.Anyone who still supports this clown must be in deep denial.Even the liberals are starting to turn on him.

I see fewer McCain stickers...I'm guessing it's because the elections are over.

geektothetenth's photo
Fri 06/12/09 11:02 PM
Edited by geektothetenth on Fri 06/12/09 11:03 PM

it's all a plot by obama to force us all to go green. if gas prices are high, then people use less gas and alt. fueled cars will be more in demand. i mean, since everyone blew off the whole principle of the market and supply and demand and blamed it on bush's special interest oil groups, it must be obama's fault now...

People were blaming Bush because he went into Iraq, the destabilization of the Middle East did have something to do with supply and demand which in turn had to do with rising prices. Prices are rising now as they do every summer. Demand going up, people are going on vacations.

The benefit though is that new technologies will emerge. Whether or not one believes in Climate Change, oil is not sustainable for the future, there's no way we can find it as fast as we're using it. So we should be the leaders in the world in developing this tech now, that way other countries will buy our tech instead of us buying theirs.

i know, I'm just feeling extra sarcastic tonight.

To be honest, the actions in the middle east have barely changed the landscape. iraq has oil, but they are not a very large supplier. IIRC, Iraq is only 6 or 7 percent of the OPEC supply. That is hardly enough to drastically change the landscape at the scope it did.

However, nations like China and Russia developing further have driven up global demand. The global recession lessened global demand along with the SUV/F350 craze here. Part of the hike was also related to speculators bidding up the costs artificially.

I do not believe in man-made climate change, but as with all on this earth, oil is scarce and will run out at one point or another. granted, the saudis are sitting on enough to feed the world's demand at our current rate for 300 years on their own, but while right now it basically squirts out, eventually it will have to be extracted at extra costs. we have plenty of time to further develop alternative systems, but that is not a reason to not start now.

As for tech, china and japan are the most efficient at making it. notice the location of most of the largest tech firms: microsoft, apple, intel, oracle, sun, etc. are all based here in america, they've just realized how much cheaper it is to have the asian nations make the actual product.

Very true, but you forgot India, I think they add a few more people into the equation of how many new drivers will be out there pumping smog into the air. And even if someone doesn't believe in man made climate change, it's not just Carbon that's emitted but other pollutants that do have an effect on people. The respiratory disease rates of highly polluted cities like Mexico City and Hong Kong is higher. I think nuclear energy (obviously not in cars, though I'm sure people might start paying attention to the road if they have a fission reactor in their car) should be better utilized until even cleaner forms are more efficient.

geektothetenth's photo
Fri 06/12/09 10:44 PM

it's all a plot by obama to force us all to go green. if gas prices are high, then people use less gas and alt. fueled cars will be more in demand. i mean, since everyone blew off the whole principle of the market and supply and demand and blamed it on bush's special interest oil groups, it must be obama's fault now...

People were blaming Bush because he went into Iraq, the destabilization of the Middle East did have something to do with supply and demand which in turn had to do with rising prices. Prices are rising now as they do every summer. Demand going up, people are going on vacations.

The benefit though is that new technologies will emerge. Whether or not one believes in Climate Change, oil is not sustainable for the future, there's no way we can find it as fast as we're using it. So we should be the leaders in the world in developing this tech now, that way other countries will buy our tech instead of us buying theirs.

geektothetenth's photo
Fri 06/12/09 10:17 PM
Edited by geektothetenth on Fri 06/12/09 10:20 PM
It's both sides of the same coin. Both liberals and conservatives in rabid support of their candidates have raised completely unintelligent and disgusting remarks. Liberals aren't always right, neither are the conservatives but it is exactly this back and forth that ensures our country does not get tilted too far in one direction.

It's like the south park episode where Stan said, the US needs both, the Hawks to protect us and the Doves so the rest of the world doesn't hate us.

I just wish that people could, at least every once in awhile, look at the positives of the other side. Like I said, McCain is an honorable man, a self made man, a war hero who endured unspeakable horrors for the sake of the United States of America. He corrected that one lady during a town hall meeting who said Obama was a muslim and she was scared of him being president. McCain told her that that was untrue, and that she should not be scared of Obama as president. I think the Republicans did McCain a disservice when pairing him with Palin. He got a raw deal, I wish he was the Republican candidate during the Bush years.

Obama is likewise an incredible man, he's thoughtful, he views issues from multiple perspectives, highly intelligent, hard working, analytical, he has great diplomatic skills.

Now can we just go back to asking if the person above us wants to contract an STD from us, get a severed ear as a gift from us, lick various condiments off of know...witty banter. hehe

geektothetenth's photo
Fri 06/12/09 09:57 PM
Edited by geektothetenth on Fri 06/12/09 10:03 PM

Well the liberals can only redistribute wealth for only so long, before hard working people are fed up supporting people that don't wanna work.

It's really a tiny minority of people who abuse welfare, there are lots of people on welfare who are looking for jobs, who are trying, who are hard working decent people who need a little help for a short period of time. Funny when people point out the tiny majority that do bilk the system....funny that the example seems to always include a mexican, latino, or black person. Yeah let's punitively punish them so that we can push their kids (who are innocent in this and just born into the circumstance that they're in) to the back of the opportunity line. We should lift up those who are trying to break the bonds of generational poverty. We should try harder to find the abusers of the system and kick them off of it but not at the expense of those who are using the system in the manner it was intended.

How about California's annual cost of 15 billion towards health,education,and welfare for illegal immigrants?Lets not even mention New york and most of the leftist running the East coast states.I'm sure the costs of the illegal's in the United states runs into the hundreds of billions of dollars always justified with the liberal agenda. Conservatives want illegal's deported and borders secured.

Go check McCain's previous voting records on this subject. He denied it in the elections but he did vote for mass amnesty. And president Bush wasn't exactly shutting down the borders either....the votes.

I don't deny those numbers, I want the borders shut down too. My parents came through the legal process, it's unfair to just grant amnesty when others are going through the legal channels and doing it the right way. Mexico needs massive reform, if people think the US government is corrupt, they haven't seen what goes on in other countries.

geektothetenth's photo
Fri 06/12/09 09:55 PM

Sure, ummm who's the leader of the Republican Party right now?....yup. Recent CNN poll found almost half of republicans and right leaning independents have no idea who their captain is. Let's go Jindal...hahaha (though in actuality I believe he is very smart and capable but man that was one poor performance, was he talking to a child?)

First it was the conservatives complaining all the print media is liberal....probably fair point to make, but perhaps it's because more liberal minded people go into journalism. Print media is an aging dinosaur with the internet. So if print media is liberal, and all print media seems to be waning...hmmm.

it's that republicans are moving further right, (not surprising considering they feel backed into a corner after losing in spectacular fashion).

Yes in Europe people may have switched, much like the US switched in 2008. Guess what happened, the economy tanked, people were unhappy, they voted for the other guy.....same thing happened here, we just happened to have conservative leadership at the time and they had leftist leadership.

All of this says very little other than, liberals are more content now because they wield the power and conservatives are getting upset and thus watching more news to make their arguments, they are becoming more active then they have been when they had the power. It's the have nots that feel pressed into a corner who are going to fight back.

Although you made some good points and you are well informed I must disagree with you.There is no doubt in anyones mind that that the media in general is left leaning.Just look at how they treated Obama compared to Mccain and Bush.There has been many polls that showed the media has been very soft and avoided any hard questions for Obama.It also showed that he was given far more positive publicity than any president in the last 20 years.Look at how they buried his ties with domestic terrorist,and his relationship with reverend wright.The people heard about that from the Conservitive talk radio shows.

You mentioned the Republicans moving to the right when they were never left to begin with.It is the general public that is moving to the right and even the world in general.Europe has been in the left zone for nearly a hundred years.

I am also not buying that because you have a Republican in office the economy tanks.Some of the biggest records as far as job growth,world growth,and world wealth in general happened under George bush jr.

I did not say it was the conservative leadership that tanked the economy (although their insistence on deregulation did not help, Greenspan admits as much, he has said that he was wrong in trusting the bankers to regulate themselves). The economy tanked and people are going to blame who's in power, if a democrat was in power when this happened I fully expect the democrats to get owned in the election. That's all, I'm not placing the blame just explaining what probably happened.

Yes the print media has a liberal bias, perhaps it's because liberals tend to believe in a larger world view and that pushes them into the occupation. If the conservatives wanted to, they could turn out great journalists and own newspapers too. It's like if I sign up for a triathlon and decided not to train, and to eat twinkies all day and then on race day I'm complaining that everybody else is in shape.

The numbers based on the analysis shows that democrats and left leaning people have not changed their views on abortion. It's that more moderate Republicans have moved further right.

And yes, some of us liberals (I consider myself a left leaning moderate) did know about Rev. Wright and the Weather Underground. Didn't change my vote, I actually like McCain, I consider him a hero and find it distasteful when people compare him to Bush.

McCain is a war hero who sacrificed greatly for the USA, Bush was a trust fund baby raised with a silver spoon. If his Granddaddy wasn't Prestcott Bush and his Daddy wasn't the President, there's no way he'd have been president. He was a mediocre student, granted admission to a college through legacy admissions, he ran a failed baseball team and a failed oil exploration company, he disappeared from his Champagne Corp military service. He's an example of power begets power.

Bill Clinton and Barak Obama were raised by single mothers in tough circumstances. They've been poor and had to earn everything they had. They found a way out of a tough upbringing to become the that not the American Dream. A dream of opportunity to all?

geektothetenth's photo
Fri 06/12/09 09:39 PM

Well the liberals can only redistribute wealth for only so long, before hard working people are fed up supporting people that don't wanna work.

It's really a tiny minority of people who abuse welfare, there are lots of people on welfare who are looking for jobs, who are trying, who are hard working decent people who need a little help for a short period of time. Funny when people point out the tiny majority that do bilk the system....funny that the example seems to always include a mexican, latino, or black person. Yeah let's punitively punish them so that we can push their kids (who are innocent in this and just born into the circumstance that they're in) to the back of the opportunity line. We should lift up those who are trying to break the bonds of generational poverty. We should try harder to find the abusers of the system and kick them off of it but not at the expense of those who are using the system in the manner it was intended.

geektothetenth's photo
Fri 06/12/09 09:28 PM
Sure, ummm who's the leader of the Republican Party right now?....yup. Recent CNN poll found almost half of republicans and right leaning independents have no idea who their captain is. Let's go Jindal...hahaha (though in actuality I believe he is very smart and capable but man that was one poor performance, was he talking to a child?)

First it was the conservatives complaining all the print media is liberal....probably fair point to make, but perhaps it's because more liberal minded people go into journalism. Print media is an aging dinosaur with the internet. So if print media is liberal, and all print media seems to be waning...hmmm.

it's that republicans are moving further right, (not surprising considering they feel backed into a corner after losing in spectacular fashion).

Yes in Europe people may have switched, much like the US switched in 2008. Guess what happened, the economy tanked, people were unhappy, they voted for the other guy.....same thing happened here, we just happened to have conservative leadership at the time and they had leftist leadership.

All of this says very little other than, liberals are more content now because they wield the power and conservatives are getting upset and thus watching more news to make their arguments, they are becoming more active then they have been when they had the power. It's the have nots that feel pressed into a corner who are going to fight back.

geektothetenth's photo
Fri 06/12/09 06:45 PM
I don't think the PA boards are going to do any better.

geektothetenth's photo
Fri 06/12/09 06:34 PM

geektothetenth's photo
Fri 06/12/09 06:21 PM
I think taller guys tend to have more options as well as shorter gals. It is what it is. But I would hate to be Yao Mings height, if you were that tall and not a pro athlete, it'd suck. Everything you buy needs to be custom made.

I guess the moral of the story is everyone needs to date a baby bear.

People make a lot of rules up but sometimes people just meet and connect regardless of all their preconceptions about what traits they prefer. Sometimes you don't think someone's that attractive but the more you hang out with them the more beautiful you find them.

geektothetenth's photo
Fri 06/12/09 05:56 PM

not washed up by any means!!!! for most!!!

my friend, Harry Anderson from night court, is tired of acting, and is doing a multitude of things, and in new orleans i used to be his sign guy, and he was busy and happy then, and had recently got married, then katrina blew through, and he left to north carolina, and is doing well still i hear...very busy with projects. but really that's what the majority of stars are doing, after they finnish with acting, and they do it for a stepping stone to do what they've always wanted to know, dreams! lol. for they get tired of the glitz, and just want out.

i wish all the people that are tired of it get to do their dreams...cheers to them for making their mark, wherever they may be now!!!drinker drinker drinker

hey tenthdrinker drinker

I remember that show, wasn't he the judge?

geektothetenth's photo
Fri 06/12/09 05:53 PM
MC Hammer, apparently Hammer time is a very brief unit of time measurement. Due to a typo that said McHammer on his last album he was sued by Ronald McDonald and the Hamburgular. Now that he has no money he can stop saying "You can't touch this" cause most women don't want to anymore. The legitness agency has revoked his too legit status and he now has just the right amount of legit to indeed quit.

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