Community > Posts By > giocluedart

giocluedart's photo
Thu 01/14/10 09:53 PM men, sexy accents, BEAUTIFUL country and no Malaria

giocluedart's photo
Thu 01/14/10 09:51 PM
Edited by giocluedart on Thu 01/14/10 09:51 PM
I can be a bit too sarcastic and joke a lot on a level that only me and my best friend find funny LOL

giocluedart's photo
Mon 01/11/10 10:47 PM
:-/ LAME! Hackers are so awesome in ways but they're such bast@rds know what's killer about it is that they're probably just busting up laughing while they were taking over; something like that is just a prank.

giocluedart's photo
Mon 01/11/10 10:44 PM

Who better to laugh at then yourself

Well you look like a happy person :D Especially with the skull on your butt LOL

giocluedart's photo
Mon 01/11/10 10:43 PM

still legally married, saw my husband last in may of 2009 after 12 months apart, told him it was done in august of 2009

yuck, sorry and good luck with that. I remember separating with my ex husband; it was so hard so I gave him a 3 month time period to figure out what he wanted...we both came to the conclusion we were done, but even when you know you shouldn't be with someone it's really hard.

giocluedart's photo
Mon 01/11/10 10:39 PM
Thank you.

It kinda sucks to thank been a rough year and jan. isn't even over yet. I home this isn't a omen of things to come this year......frustrated

No way, can't think of it like that...every time someone leaves my life or I kick them out, I think it was their time to go. I think a lot of people really don't realize how many people do and WILL love them for just who they the ones who don't love you or don't stick around are completely insignificant, just a character in a chapter of your life's book; you'll have the memory, but you can just burn the bridge even though divorce is somewhat of a chore, once it's over you get to press on. Just a matter of strength inside to be happy because you're a whole by one else completes you. The year will only be crappy if you let it be.

giocluedart's photo
Mon 01/11/10 10:28 PM

You gotta laugh at people...the more I laugh the more I am a happier me.

Very true...and laugh at yourself as well :D

giocluedart's photo
Mon 01/11/10 10:26 PM

Have you met chicks these days???? They are whack!!!!laugh laugh

No doubt...hell, most of them arent even worth being FWB's.

Yeah, and they steal you money and go MIA.grumble laugh

been there done that.

Dont leave out the new SUV that ya just bought.

Oh my goodness...I so just want to give you a hug. Maybe it doesn't help any, but what if you could switch the role and be the a$$hole rather than get hurt yourself, would you do it? Probably not, better than that too. I guess I'm saying there is sort of a comfort in knowing that you did your part and she was a quitter; don't want what doesn't want you back or didn't try, they're not worth it. Hope you start feeling better soon, you ever need to talk just send me a message.

giocluedart's photo
Mon 01/11/10 10:14 PM

DAMN! that took too long to write LOL 11 years?!?! Props to you, Kirk. Sorry Drifter...that's a tough one, been there myself; takes a minute to feel better. WHATEVER Mayhem :P must be smart unlike those of us who get divorced and end up right back into this crappy date game. Redsox, don't worry (especially about the douche bag you were going to meet tonight), seems to me you have a good head on your shoulders. And Tom, put up a pic, man! :) That may be the very reason you don't have a girl now if you're really looking on here...I hope you don't hide out in the real world ;)

Dont be hatin'!!

Oh you shoosh LOL You know I can't hate YOU

giocluedart's photo
Mon 01/11/10 10:12 PM
man we could sound like a pretty sad bunch, but I have to agree with the feeling that being single is MUCH better than having a relationship with over half the morons we've dated...seems like we've all kept a decent sense of humor ;D

giocluedart's photo
Mon 01/11/10 10:07 PM

DAMN! that took too long to write LOL 11 years?!?! Props to you, Kirk. Sorry Drifter...that's a tough one, been there myself; takes a minute to feel better. WHATEVER Mayhem :P must be smart unlike those of us who get divorced and end up right back into this crappy date game. Redsox, don't worry (especially about the douche bag you were going to meet tonight), seems to me you have a good head on your shoulders. And Tom, put up a pic, man! :) That may be the very reason you don't have a girl now if you're really looking on here...I hope you don't hide out in the real world ;)

Ive dated but more cautiously after 14 years of marriage and a child.

Very wise :D I've dated, but to the point that I'm just done with it and can only be friends with guys. I'm sure eventually I will fall for a guy friend, but you never know...luckily for me, my dates only affect my life, but kids are a blessing're lucky.

giocluedart's photo
Mon 01/11/10 10:00 PM
DAMN! that took too long to write LOL 11 years?!?! Props to you, Kirk. Sorry Drifter...that's a tough one, been there myself; takes a minute to feel better. WHATEVER Mayhem :P must be smart unlike those of us who get divorced and end up right back into this crappy date game. Redsox, don't worry (especially about the douche bag you were going to meet tonight), seems to me you have a good head on your shoulders. And Tom, put up a pic, man! :) That may be the very reason you don't have a girl now if you're really looking on here...I hope you don't hide out in the real world ;)

giocluedart's photo
Mon 01/11/10 09:55 PM
WOW...that is lame. Plenty of people look and write absolutely nothing LOL. Remember when this site was called JustSayHi and that's literally what we did when we looked at someone's profile or went into a post and had an answer or opinion? Everyone's just looking for that person they may want to talk to based on a pic and some profile that you know is possibly made up...believe I've seen it a bunch of times; there are a lot of pretenders. Otherwise, maybe looking for some topic you give a damn about cause it sounds interesting or strikes a nerve...simply open topic, read some and move along. Awesome.

giocluedart's photo
Mon 01/11/10 09:44 PM
You may as well answer. How long have you been single?

My answer: around 11 months

giocluedart's photo
Mon 01/11/10 09:39 PM
ugh...sorry to hear. People can be such douche bags...and I don't say MEN because women are just as bad and some worse. I wouldn't meet up with him either...sounds like drama and lies to me.

giocluedart's photo
Mon 01/11/10 09:28 PM
Welcome! It's a blast here :D

giocluedart's photo
Mon 01/11/10 09:23 PM
well that's a sh!tty way to feel; I know how it is though except no one is buying my business from me, I'm simply going to go under at the end of this year and throw the towel in because I think I'd be happier doing something else anyway. Giving up is the crappy part, but I don't really feel like a failure so much as I feel like I hit a slippery part of a slope and am going to have to work my way back up. Hope you find happiness where ever you're headed and in the new "project". :D

giocluedart's photo
Tue 12/29/09 09:25 AM

I want the cold hearted truth lol or if its good say it anyways.

You're 19. Step away from the computer and go meet people in real life.

I have to agree here; you're only 19, a cutie, and in Pensacola of all places...holy ****, you're swimmin' in a$$ soup. Looking for love? Girls fall in love especially at your age. Enjoy the site, get advice, whatever, but mainly, get out and meet people :D

giocluedart's photo
Sat 12/19/09 02:01 AM
I'm just a graveyard shifter so this is like my afternooon, early evening

giocluedart's photo
Thu 12/17/09 11:54 PM
It seems as though there are about 3 people who are actually writing in the forums now although there are like 100 people reading LOL But since I'm getting sleepy all of a sudden, I think I will turn in. Gonna wrap up in my soft, cozy, fuzzy blanket under the comforter and sheet. Goodnight, all...and for those of you just getting up and ready for work; sorry for you! Have a great day :D

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