Community > Posts By > MzCat73

MzCat73's photo
Sat 06/18/11 10:19 AM

Why is it that some men want a PASSIVE woman....just so they can run over that woman and control her?

perhaps because there are some women who want to be 'controlled',,,

with much privilege comes much responsibility and some women willingly forego the privilege/responsibilities of decision making and running things

no offense to anyone, but i think that's why my ex said he wanted a white woman. i think that's why he was hinting at that. frown

WOW! surprised

yea, i know!!!

MzCat73's photo
Sat 06/18/11 10:17 AM

Is everyone meant to be with someone, or is most ppl meant to be alone??? I've had to kiss several frogs/toads, and can't seem to find that one who is my prince!!! Is it just me, or does this happen to some of y'all. It's almost like a curse.

Some people are clearly meant to not have a 'romance' in their life,, like priests, nuns,,etc,,,

for those 'suffering' with lust, a romance is probably best

but for others without such 'affliction' , I think its completely possible to live a life without a traditional romance and still find joy and happiness from our other relationships,,

because 'romantic' love is not the only type of love nor even necessarily the best kind

i see!!! maybe i shud try nun city <-----that's a joke, but i get what u saying tho. lol biggrin

MzCat73's photo
Sat 06/18/11 10:16 AM

You should relax.I look at your pic and see a beautiful women.
Nobody is worth you losing your self esteem over.
My daughter dated lot and lots of men but she never found the Right one til she was 42.My niece was over 40 too.They knew what they wanted and were not willing to settle for less. It paid off cause they are both very happy now.
This will happen to you to, if you let it. flowerforyou

thanks betty, but you should check your prescription because i'm a beautiful man

isn't he a little stinker!!! LOL jk biggrin

MzCat73's photo
Sat 06/18/11 10:14 AM

You should relax.I look at your pic and see a beautiful women.
Nobody is worth you losing your self esteem over.
My daughter dated lot and lots of men but she never found the Right one til she was 42.My niece was over 40 too.They knew what they wanted and were not willing to settle for less. It paid off cause they are both very happy now.
This will happen to you to, if you let it. flowerforyou

OH WOW...that's a relief to know i'm not the only one. some times it feels like it, but i guess i'll wait til i'm over 40 then. maybe it'll happen. thx flowerforyou

MzCat73's photo
Sat 06/18/11 09:57 AM

tired of losing!!! seems like it keeps getn worse and worse. i don't think a worser guy could come into my life.

i know worser is not a word, just saying tho!

there is always somebody worse and always somebody better.
You just need to relax and think in a more positive way.Your negativity atm the might be sending out bad vibes.
Don't get discouraged it will happen.flowerforyou

thx i'll try to relax! :cry:

MzCat73's photo
Sat 06/18/11 09:47 AM

Why is it that some men want a PASSIVE woman....just so they can run over that woman and control her?

perhaps because there are some women who want to be 'controlled',,,

with much privilege comes much responsibility and some women willingly forego the privilege/responsibilities of decision making and running things

no offense to anyone, but i think that's why my ex said he wanted a white woman. i think that's why he was hinting at that. frown

MzCat73's photo
Sat 06/18/11 09:46 AM
uh oh, someone's getn naughty up in here. hmmm :laughing: scared

MzCat73's photo
Sat 06/18/11 09:38 AM

Why is it that some men want a PASSIVE woman....just so they can run over that woman and control her?

you'll likely get better answers to your question if you don't provide an answer yourself. the question was best ended at "Why is it that some men want a PASSIVE woman?" jeez.

well JEEZ...i wanted opinions!!! lighten up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

oh i stay light. if you want opinions, quit offering your own. but okay, here's my onionated answer to your original question.......NO. not just so they can run over that woman and control her? now did that help???

see, now u being a smart@@@ :angry:

but i guess...........

MzCat73's photo
Sat 06/18/11 09:36 AM

wow if u have been thru what i've been thru over and over 20x or more, then it not work, ya get tired after while. just saying

20x or more? hey, one or two or even a few could be a matter of bad luck and finding all the wrong guys but 20x or more and i'd look into my own behaviors, attitudes and habits. maybe you should give it up until you can look within. i mean really look. just saying too.

i mean, i was being sarcastic about how many times, but it's been a lot. it's like every one i run into, are all on games. but as far as attitude, yea i have one, because if u doing wrong, U DOING WRONG and i'ma call u out on it. i will tell a guy, that's rude for u to have me over, but u out on the porch hangn and smoking and drinkn wit ur buds. basically like i'm null and void. and sitn up texting back and forth with ppl REALLY.................yea i'ma have an attitude about that. then they get mad if i leave..........WOW!!!

but i said all this, cause guys play too many head games, think they can get one over on a girl. but yea, maybe i should just spend some time BY MYSELF, cause i don't deserve that.

MzCat73's photo
Sat 06/18/11 09:20 AM
WOW@THIS THREAD slaphead lol i mean, the answers

MzCat73's photo
Sat 06/18/11 09:11 AM
wow if u have been thru what i've been thru over and over 20x or more, then it not work, ya get tired after while. just saying

MzCat73's photo
Sat 06/18/11 09:09 AM

:banana: <------ The key to true happiness is to enjoy everyday. Have plenty of good friends, and to love all the good people in your life. Whistle, sing, and dance everyday, :banana: <------ just like this guy! happy

don't have friends, can't trust ppl, too wishy washy...but i'll try to keep myself busy :smile:

MzCat73's photo
Sat 06/18/11 09:08 AM

don't give up yet, your not alone..
need more patient, it will come in a perfect time..:smile:

well heck, i'll be an old lady by then. lol but i guess if u say so!!! tired of sitn around waitn. sad2

YOU are not OLD(Hell I got a few years on you). There are plenty of fish in the sea (like the saying goes) You haven't been here long, give it a chance, look for someone who interests you and message them, at the most your out a few minutes and a couple of words. Just relax and don;t be so impatient.


MzCat73's photo
Sat 06/18/11 09:06 AM

Ahh yes, but is giving up going to make the situation any better or get you any closer to happiness?


MzCat73's photo
Sat 06/18/11 09:04 AM

I guess we all own a different meaning to the word "passive". My definition of passive is NOT someone who gets walked over, but someone who has the confidence and knowledge that enables them to remove themselves emotionally from a potentially volatile situation.

I have been with "bulls in china shops" who would unleash their fury over petty things. Friends, Family and co-workers would feel her wrath at any given moment.

-If you want to be seen, Stand up!

-if you want to be heard, Speak up!

-if you want to be appreciated, Shut the f@ck up!


WOW surprised

MzCat73's photo
Sat 06/18/11 09:02 AM

Why is it that some men want a PASSIVE woman....just so they can run over that woman and control her?

you'll likely get better answers to your question if you don't provide an answer yourself. the question was best ended at "Why is it that some men want a PASSIVE woman?" jeez.

well JEEZ...i wanted opinions!!! lighten up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

MzCat73's photo
Sat 06/18/11 09:00 AM
tired of losing!!! seems like it keeps getn worse and worse. i don't think a worser guy could come into my life.

i know worser is not a word, just saying tho!

MzCat73's photo
Sat 06/18/11 07:41 AM

don't give up yet, your not alone..
need more patient, it will come in a perfect time..:smile:

well heck, i'll be an old lady by then. lol but i guess if u say so!!! tired of sitn around waitn. sad2

MzCat73's photo
Sat 06/18/11 07:39 AM

Is love for everyone?

i think love is available to everyone.
But you have to do some shopping.
Spend some time looking.
Comparing values.
Touching and feeling the fabric.

When you 'see' that little number,
it might not even fit you.
Try it on.
It could be perfect for you.
Don't use a mirror.
Just..feel it.
Don't ask other's opinions.
Wear it like it owns you.
You paid for it, treasure it.

And don't keep shopping around.
Be happy with your choice.
Love is available, you have
only to find it.

sorry, but the clothes just ain't worth tryn on. they don't fit. nothing to shop for, window shopping is even a mirage. LOL i'm being silly, but u know what i mean. sad2

There is so much sadness, and lonelyness in your heart. I hope you know you are loved. You only need to look inside your heart, to know that you are :)

thx :cry:

MzCat73's photo
Sat 06/18/11 07:38 AM
waving yawn

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