Community > Posts By > Darren

Darren's photo
Wed 07/17/19 08:53 AM

Baby boomers are in their last season of life. I expect another housing crash and an abundance of abandoned homes. They will flood the healthcare system and cause it to be rationed.

Aids is rampant in minorities and I expect they will die off when healthcare is hard to get.

The unrest in our country is causing violence and I expect prisons to be over populated which will cause more violence and disease in prisons.

I expect future generations to have it tough but the strong will survive and create a better society.

So what do you think it will be like on 50 years cause that's pretty much today lol prisons are full over in the UK there is like 90k people inside that's over double what it wa in the early 90s with less staff to deal with them and in half the amount of prisons with a justice system that is on its arse.

In 50 years there will be a lot shorter life expectancy cause of the super bugs and new things cause when you look at bacteria we know very little about it all we know a few % or what is out there what it does and what the potential is of it so I can see that being a big problem later when all the tablets stop working.

Darren's photo
Wed 07/17/19 08:42 AM

Just out of interest... have you been raised at school with biology based on Darwin or was he considered a heretic?

This thing came up due to a book I'm reading, and I remembered that when I was a teach I was told to never ever address Darwin and Darwinian theory as I'd get sacked on the spot.
I was like "Wot?!?"
As far as I can remember I've been taught that myself at school, so I didn't get it. Now I understand there's a clash between religion (I take it mostly Christianity) and Darwin.
And I'm wondering if Darwin is considered taboo at schools in other countries as well.
I'm officially Catholic, raised in a Catholic area, and if I remember correctly I have been taught Darwin, so I wonder if it's just other religions who are against this?

Personally, I would sue the school my children attended if they were being taught something introduced to the world by a man who suffered from severe MENTAL ILLNESS!!

Scholars still debate just exactly what problems Darwin suffered from, but whatever they were, they were serious. Despite his famed five year voyage on the Beagle (and the publication it led to) making his career, Darwin was virtually incapacitated the entire time. While he concentrated on his physical symptoms as the cause of all his suffering, the constant trembling, nausea, hysterical crying, and visual hallucinations (among other things) seem to have been mostly caused by a severe case of agoraphobia that kept him virtually bedridden from the time he turned 30. Darwin's fear of people meant he would even avoid conversations with his own children, writing, "I am forced to live… very quietly and am able to see scarcely anybody and cannot even talk long with my nearest relations." In at least one letter he mentions feeling like committing suicide due to the publication of On the Origin of Species, the controversy over which caused him much distress. He may have also suffered from OCD and hypochondria, as he kept meticulous records of every new or recurring symptom.


And people follow Darwin's work like it was Gospel when he was literally a BASKET CASE full of several forms of MENTAL ILLNESSES!!


You say that but most people suffer from mental issues or some degree and in your life whether you will admit it or not you will have but fair enough you would rather have you kids taught that god who no one knows or can see mad 2 people who had 3 kids one got killed and that's where we all came from.

Darren's photo
Wed 07/17/19 08:38 AM

Is Religion homophobic?

Back on topic...
Some are some are not.
Religion is not a universal belief system.

Its not so much as the religions are its how the people who follow it think and if everyone who follows one did like the books say then the wars would stop and they would all get along take Islam the book says if you kill an unarmed person you won't go to the holy land but then people blow them self's up in groups of people in the name of god well how does that work. And don't think I'm Muslim bashing cause the Jews and Christians and even the Buddhist are doing the same I mean come on wtf Buddhists killing people yeah madness.

Darren's photo
Wed 07/17/19 08:06 AM
Most of the time most places get hacked and its not from other countries wanting to steal information its from some kid sat up in their bedroom just doing it to prove they can its always they places that should be really well guarded that get it look back in the 80s when that guy got in to the queens bedroom over here it wasn't to hurt her or anything it wa cause he could and now its just gone online getting in to places you shouldn't b able to.

Darren's photo
Wed 07/17/19 07:24 AM

Human Tail (coccyx)

This picture should get a lot of the people who think we was created like this asking a few things like why would we have a tail also if there is any doctors out there they can back me up about this but I got the scares t prove it, people still have a tendon going from there wrist to there elbow that doesn't do anything now its from when we used to swing in trees and they use it to repair broken guiders in the hands well they did on my hand but if we was created then why would we have that.

Darren's photo
Wed 07/17/19 07:15 AM

Yes, but it is ********.The Bible is right...

Just a few questions about the bible being right.
1st what part of it?

2nd if god did make everything in 6 days wtf was he thinking making millions of different species?

3rd if Adam and eve was the 1st people he created either from the mud or from Adams rib depends what part you read they had 3 sons so does that mean the only people on earth that god just created had 3 sons 1 died so where did anything else come from?

4th Adam and eve in the pictures anyone will see all have belly buttons where they was joined to the placenta's before birth however "god created man in his own image" so does that mean Adam and eve was born if so who was there mother or does that mean that god was born if so does that mean anyone could be god?

Look forward to your reply

Darren's photo
Wed 07/17/19 06:58 AM
When you look at what we have created as humans its amazing but we have forgot about the benefits of plants and things we have all these tablets and creams for issues that get in to the water and then back in to the food then we take more and the things we take em for are getting immune to them look at MRSA.
Staphylococcus aureus is something that isn't a problem but when it gets biggest and stronger then it is and the more we use tablets and things we made to fight these things the more they get immune till one day we are screwed.

Darren's photo
Wed 07/17/19 06:39 AM

I was wondering what happened on the proposal on having a mag shield around Mars.

Billions of years ago, Mars may have looked like modern day earth
with Magnetic field, a warm atmosphere, and oceans with water as much as our Arctic Ocean

Dude, Mars has been soaked in cosmic radiation for what has been estimated to be 4 billion years. We're talking seriously long term half life of some of the forms of radiations, just one form has 1.6 million year half life.

A mag shield I didn't really even bother reading up on as the resources and energy to create a magnetic field the size of a planet couldn't be feasible IMHO.

When you look at chernobyl its about 22 thousand years before people could safely live there and not have the problems from it so when you think about mars even if we could get something to stop the radiation now as I am typing how long are we thinking before things could even think about growing and living there best guess is probs a few 100 million if not billion years and as far as I'm aware, don't get me wrong it could be happening but I don't think we got it sorted for mars at the min.

Darren's photo
Tue 07/16/19 01:26 PM
Does that mean everything I have ever done that people don't like wasn't me it was cause I took some headache pills once :D I'll remember that if I'm in court lol.

Darren's photo
Mon 07/15/19 02:04 PM
Don't worry about the amount of people on earth cause it won't be long before a lot of drugs we use don't work and makes the common cold deadly.

Darren's photo
Sun 07/14/19 03:46 AM
Religion is whatever you want it to be look at how many of them say don't kill then **** off to somewhere and have a war all in gods name and all of em do it look at the Buddhists in Burma or the whole IS lot and how the Christians have being for years. Anyone who looks at it with an open mind will see most religions are the same they was all designed to scare people years ago and keep people in control and shouldn't be taken too seriously. Now don't get me wrong if you want to believe all the things they say great whatever stops you from putting a bullet in you own head but just look at how much **** they all cause.

Darren's photo
Sun 07/14/19 03:33 AM
As long as you are both consenting adults then who cares

Darren's photo
Mon 07/08/19 06:18 PM
What the world need is a big war or something like Ebola but harder to cure cause they will get rid of a lot of the people but yeah the earth does warm up and cool down but like I always say the problem will be when the ozone layer has gone it will let UV c ray to the earth and kill DNA so then life is gone cause you can't adapt. That is pretty terminal but that will take out the building blocks of life aswell fair enough it won't be in our life times but if you don't stop releasing the gases and chemicals we will push it past the point of no return.

Darren's photo
Thu 07/04/19 06:28 PM
You say about what has chemistry done for us well think about it the thing you are using to type on here can only be made because of a understanding about chemistry cars and plains and lights and everything has something to do with chemistry.

Everything you use will have something to do with chemistry or an understanding of chemicals if not what do you use to wash anything. Yeah there is damaging things with it but there is in all aspects of life we don't live in this perfect utopian world I know its hard to believe sometimes with how well everyone gets on but it's true.

Darren's photo
Thu 07/04/19 03:38 PM
You can't just say all women are like that yeah there is some who just want money and don't care how it comes but not every women is like that just like not all guys are the same.

Darren's photo
Thu 07/04/19 02:16 PM
I agree and its still happening like I said a long time ago about the amount of CFCs that are being pumped in to the air still to this day and the chemical I was talking about is bromine 1 molecule destroys 10s of thousands ozone molecules so then once the ozone has gone it allows UV c to get to the earth and that kills DNA so if we don't sort this out now and stop these things we will have destroyed life on this funny little rock we call earth.

Darren's photo
Thu 07/04/19 03:43 AM
Yeah the changes of there being another star planet that is the same as ours is 1 in so many billion or whatever but the changes of there being life of some form is a lot greater now I'm not saying there are little green men like paul but when you look at how much we have sent up to explore around the little bit of space we know then who knows maybe there is something out there who didn't have the dark ages and just think of the Egyptians look at how they lined the pyramids up to the stars and when its looked at from the air its perfect now there is no way they could check that so it shows you how advanced they was they can keep body's looking in decent condition 4000 years later and we struggle to keep em for a month or so there is a hell of a lot we lost in the dark ages

Darren's photo
Wed 07/03/19 02:00 PM
When you look at earth as a little rock in the universe by some fluke we ended up having life on here its crazy to think if every star you can see is a sun and they all have 8 planets the law of averages says we have some friends out there cause for us to honestly believe we r the only thing that's alive out there and we as humans are the most intelligent creatures well that's just insane

Darren's photo
Tue 07/02/19 03:58 PM
The real question is did you find your dick in the bin ant you better off just finding someone who wants the same thing as you. Just sex

Darren's photo
Tue 07/02/19 01:29 PM
If you look in to it I can't remember what the chemical is but 1 part of it wipes out tens of thousands of ozone and like I said about UV c look at what it does in the laps it kills DNA so the more things like CFCs and that we send out the more the ozone is destroyed the greater the change of UV c being about to penetrate and get to the earth and kill everything.