Uselessknowledge's photo
Wed 06/01/11 10:13 PM

Supersize me!.. yall never seen the new American fortune cookies?
and yes, I know that Americans beat us to the punch by inventing it first. I mean the actually cookie you get with your Chop suey.

rofl someone will probably do that to them too!

Maybe you should change the inserts? Instead of a those, make them advice cookies...
"smile at girl in corner and receive happiness"
"give right-of-way to another to receive peace"

Or, if you're brave and crazy... just put your phone number in the cookies and pass them out at a gathering...
"867-5309 for much love and happiness"


OMG!!! you are Golden! Phone # in the cookies!
but yea... gotta make sure I give it to the right person.. dont want that to happen again.. sigh...

Uselessknowledge's photo
Wed 06/01/11 10:08 PM
Nah.. Drugs were the basis for most of the older religions.
With the current rate of this economy; no way they ganna add me to the prison population!

Seee.. NO room!
and also

No Asians!

Uselessknowledge's photo
Wed 06/01/11 09:53 PM

I like it. :) Unfortunately, most people only want to read something that looks like it came from a magic eight ball prediction.

Hehe I know.. stuck it in the wrong context on purpose, not really sure why though :tongue:

Uselessknowledge's photo
Wed 06/01/11 09:50 PM
Supersize me!.. yall never seen the new American fortune cookies?
and yes, I know that Americans beat us to the punch by inventing it first. I mean the actually cookie you get with your Chop suey.

Uselessknowledge's photo
Wed 06/01/11 09:37 PM
Just ignore me atm.. I'm not completely there/here... w/e you call it

Uselessknowledge's photo
Wed 06/01/11 09:33 PM
Edited by Uselessknowledge on Wed 06/01/11 09:35 PM

people will always be spiritual and those who do not or cannot satisfy their spirituality will seek ways to do so, I think, even if they are not aware of it.

Young Lady.. You done just started something...
This is what happens when you can't satisfy it! just ask Bush.

And Yes! that is a blunt!

Uselessknowledge's photo
Wed 06/01/11 09:22 PM

There are many upon many scriptures that are not included in the bible people have at home. If we put all the scriptures we have into one single book, a "normal" person would not even be able to carry it, at least not with ease.

Interesting how it grows over time... hmmm..

Uselessknowledge's photo
Wed 06/01/11 07:56 PM

All it proves is the site has a bias to prove the Bible right, so of course according to it, it's gonna be true.

Find me an OBJECTIVE source that proves it true, and then we'll talk.

You want proof?.. This is your freaking proof!

Uselessknowledge's photo
Wed 06/01/11 07:38 PM

Actually Jesus was not a white guy anyway so black is not far fetched for the area he was born and lived.

BOOYA! that what i would say if he really existed.

Uselessknowledge's photo
Wed 06/01/11 07:37 PM
heh Correction..
politician not politics

Uselessknowledge's photo
Wed 06/01/11 07:35 PM

Probably about as big as those bills the government passes. In each case, they are so big that it's almost impossible to read through it all before you vote on it. Coincidence? I think not.

Hehe.. that is apart of it...

Useless Knowledge!!!
In order to pass some unwanted bills that one party knows that the other one will reject, they would.. lets say... Attach this bill...
"Leash your Kids while in public Areas like a dog!".. with one that is more favorable " Free Money!, More Money!"..

Another way they do it is.. suppose you have a bill that will be able to strip away all your rights, send you to prison without due process.. etc.. which would you vote for?.. the "I Hate cute little Babies Act," or the "Vote for me or you Hate cute little Babies Act"?

Or you can just go old school by lining the pockets of the politics or even promise them a 7 figure job after they get out of office. Common now.. the Government will never do such a dreadful thing!

Uselessknowledge's photo
Wed 06/01/11 07:23 PM


It is still not a valid competition.

It is like pitting the vikings of old against the ballet today for a competition of grace of movement.

I'm sorry young lady.. you.. are.. totally.. Wrong!

Take yourself to RED BOX and get "How to Train Your Dragon"

I'm freaking Asian right here and I can't even do some of the moves shown in that historical document.

Uselessknowledge's photo
Wed 06/01/11 07:16 PM

Who is Jebus?

This is Jebus!

That Guy! Duh.. sish... people these days!

Uselessknowledge's photo
Wed 06/01/11 07:13 PM

Agreed here also.

It is not funny how the fight for freedom wages on in other countries who don't threaten our freedom at all, the whole while the government is slowly stripping them at home while the soldiers are distracted.slaphead

More Useless Knowledge...

I only found out after I enlisted that once you are in the military, all your rights to protest are stripped away. If you do so in public, your gluteus maximus will be sent to a quite time out.
Might have been my fault but do you know how freaking big those enlistment packets are?? I use to work in the Operations sector of Military Enlistments and we freaking kill trees faster than Jesus can turn water into wine.

Uselessknowledge's photo
Wed 06/01/11 07:03 PM

So to use Versus isn't a valid competition.

Fine, Fine, Fine... how about these for a game title?





Scietheism: After the Storm

FYI.. I'm souped up on caffeine.. so just ignore my randomness

Uselessknowledge's photo
Wed 06/01/11 06:52 PM
Lol.. think it might be more like South Park.. I believe there was a episode where Jebus was dressed up in cammo and was packing machine guns

Uselessknowledge's photo
Wed 06/01/11 06:49 PM

Sadly, the use of "for the good of all" is usually a control scheme.

Yeap.. also a perfect description of The Patriot Act as the US people were lead to believe.. President George W. Bush was the Bestest # 20 presidunt of em Aww. The people that voted for him is also the BESTEST!

Uselessknowledge's photo
Wed 06/01/11 06:43 PM

Sigh.. I vote for a Religious War!.. I"ll take my Nuks born from science, and you guys can have your crosses and bibles.. Fair deal don't you think?

Also.. before the war, I believe that we need a Trial Separation.. i.e. for obvious reasons.

Uselessknowledge's photo
Wed 06/01/11 06:39 PM
They should make a game for this!
Coming in April!.... "Religion vs. Science" ... WHO WILL WIN!

Uselessknowledge's photo
Wed 06/01/11 06:31 PM
This is Jebus!