Community > Posts By > SportsNut2007

SportsNut2007's photo
Sun 10/19/08 05:42 PM

Me and my girlfriend Lisa(pink_lady) have been taking tap dancing lessons, and im not sure if i want to carry on doing it or not.

Could you please take a quick look at this video of us dancing and tell me if i look gay or not?

Many thanks.

If you have to ask if it's a gay activity...then you know it is.
Don't you have any guys around you to smack you around for doing stuff like this.

I havent seen my guy friends much lately. One of them is too busy with his crochet class, another is always going out to the ballet, and the other is studying hard for his Fashion degree..

Then why are you pretending not to know you're Gay.

SportsNut2007's photo
Sun 10/19/08 05:39 PM
Another Win for the Longhorns.

Keep em coming !

SportsNut2007's photo
Sun 10/19/08 05:39 PM
Another Win for the Longhorns.

Keep em coming !

SportsNut2007's photo
Sun 10/19/08 05:39 PM
Another Win for the Longhorns.

Keep em coming !

SportsNut2007's photo
Sun 10/19/08 05:30 PM

I don't understand why a lot of people get upset over gay marriage. And to those people all I have to say is,
Why do you care? You don't have to go to the wedding, or buy them anything. It doesn't effect you.

Maybe they care that they will have to explain to their kids why god says it's wrong, but people do it anyway and we have to tolerate it.

Letting kids learn about people who may be different than them isn't a bad thing. Being open minded is a good thing.

Everyone has a different level of tolerance.

I believe that Gays know that everyone is not accepting of their why put yourself in the position to suffer further anguish
by forcing people to introduce this to their kids.

SportsNut2007's photo
Sun 10/19/08 05:14 PM

I don't understand why a lot of people get upset over gay marriage. And to those people all I have to say is,
Why do you care? You don't have to go to the wedding, or buy them anything. It doesn't effect you.

Maybe they care that they will have to explain to their kids why god says it's wrong, but people do it anyway and we have to tolerate it.

SportsNut2007's photo
Sun 10/19/08 05:13 PM
You mean got blew out like a bunch of drunken bums.

Still love em...but hell we got to get it going !

SportsNut2007's photo
Sun 10/19/08 05:04 PM

OK, I've had my bi-monthly dose of this chat stuff. I hope you all enjoyed it as much as me. lol But hey...there IS an outside world.

Seriously, I do not consider myself ignorant, a redneck or a hater. I'm quite certain that every person that knows me also does not think that of me at all. Just not one to hold back in my opinions or back down from...anything. I'm a helper and a good friend to those that are honorable. I'm that guy that breaks up a fight and keeps the peace, stops even when Im in a hurry to help you on the side of the road, and fixes your car, not just give you a ride as far as Im going, buys you a meal or some gas to get home on, fixes your computer...and car if I love you. lol

The question was gay marriage and, as I said, I'm against it. I'm also against cheating on my girl, stealing, lying, hurting people and general bad behavior. I have values based on what my mother and father and grandparents taught me, not what the media tells us that we should believe. So take em with a grain of whatever you need and realize that I'm not alone by any means in my beliefs.

Have a great weekend everyone...fags included. lol

Despite claiming not to be a redneck, hater or ignorant, it seems that whenever you open your mouth or type, that's all that's broadcast. You are holding on to old views and not being remotely open to new views. That, by definition, is ignorance.

You aren't against gay marriage. You are against gay. There is a big difference. Gay marriage would, semantically, challenge the current definition of marriage between a man and a woman. If you were only against that, you wouldn't refer to gay people as fags and call them child molesters.

Actually, if I only read what you posted here, I would think you were nothing more than an ignorant, Stars and Bars flyin', hate spewing piece of white trash that would be better off falling in the combine you're driving.

But, hey, that's just my opinion.

Well, Coming from a lesbian who will not even post her real photo and who apparently has WAY too much alone time, that doesn't hurt my feelings at all.

I AM against gay marriage and gays in general. I do not want to be around them, listen to their "views" or watch them strutting around flaunting how sick they are. Been there, done that. If someones gay, it would be nice if I were not sure of it from their behaviors. I don't go around grabbing my girls ass and tits in public and displaying how we're gonna do it tonight.

As for the Stars & Bars, nah. I am for equal rights for everyone BORN into a situation. My two best friends in the world are black and I have some Arab friends too, against popular sentiment. I just KNOW that the fags that I have known, when they get to talking, say they were molested.

And you may think me a redneck little girl, but I'm just a serious man. Actually I am an old hippie, but a Southern hippie thats had a fair share of fights with REAL rednecks in my youth. I'm not sure you understand what a redneck really Southern terms anyway. They didn't like hippies and mistakenly believed them to be easy prey. Hard lessons those rednecks get from time to time.

As for new views, I don't need em. New science, new technology, new freinds..I can do that. But "new views" tend to be liberals touting BS political correctness and trying to make everything seem OK. Gang members are just misunderstood, fags were born that way, we need to save everyone on the planet but ourselves.

I believe in accountability, not enabling perverse or criminal behavior. I have whats called morals and they include the important ones, like do not steal, lie, cheat, hurt people, screw my friends wife. They do not include giving my approval to sick people. And they ARE sick.

And, sorry to bust your little angry bubble but I don't go out and beat up fags either. But I'm not making any friends with them either. I find the behavior sick, reprehensible and I believe that they are a danger to the core of society, just like political correctness and liberal propaganda.

I'm talking to a wall here though. You need to feel like you are OK and doing nothing wrong so you lash out when someone differs with your perverse lifestyle. Thats OK by me. But I believe I'll just stay straight and see things clearly, not painted through pretty rose colored glasses.
If gay is so natural then tell me why your body is not built with two sets of sex organs...male and female. Men and women are at LEAST biologically meant to be together. I find it disgusting and sick that these faggots put their business up some guys dirty ass and call it love. As I said I S**t out that. It isnt made for entry by anything.

One last thing. I know what a combine is but I'm a computer systems engineer with a Masters in Electrical Engineering and 35 years computert hardware and systems/applications programming experience. But I never drove a combine. Or a tractor...or a mule.

You may feel free to come on down to LA and see that we're not a bunch of redneck idiots...and I'll even rent you a mule to spend the night with. May as well try that too...right?

I'm a lesbian? That's news to me. Last time I checked, I had a penis, little man. I didn't realize that you could be working on computer hardware for thirty five years, considering there hasn't really been computer hardware for thirty five years. But hey, that's neither here nor there.

I don't care where you live, where you came from or what you've heard from your "gay" friends over the day. I can't think of a single gay friend I have that was ever molested. I'm going to call bull on that and say that you have never had a gay friend in your entire life.

Every word you've posted thus far has been nothing but ignorance and intolerance. You can't seem to grasp the fact that gay people are....Born gay! Really? You think that people one day decide "Hey! I think I'm going to try being gay now!"

If you put down your copy of Mein Kampf or any wonderful book on eugenics, you might read something actually...truthful. It isn't a choice. It's who you are. Some people realize it later than others. It's part of life, like deciding that you like basketball more than baseball.

Two sets of sex organs? I'm going to demean myself here and just come out with it...You are an idiot. There, I broke a rule. I called someone a name. As others have pointed out here, there are animals, such as chimpanzees, which have homosexual and lesbian relationships as well. It's. Part. Of. Life.

I really don't care that you live in LA and see some freaky stuff. I live in Chicago and have probably seen just as weird of stuff as you.

You know what you lack, aside from a spine and any form of intellect? Compassion. Tolerance. Learn to look at something from someone else's point of view. No one is asking you to take it up the butt. Actually, just judging from how ugly your words are, I don't think anyone is going to ask much of anything from you. Except perhaps where the next Klan rally is.

Wow....lots to think about.

Thanks for the input !

SportsNut2007's photo
Sun 10/19/08 04:56 PM

Me and my girlfriend Lisa(pink_lady) have been taking tap dancing lessons, and im not sure if i want to carry on doing it or not.

Could you please take a quick look at this video of us dancing and tell me if i look gay or not?

Many thanks.

If you have to ask if it's a gay activity...then you know it is.
Don't you have any guys around you to smack you around for doing stuff like this.

SportsNut2007's photo
Sat 10/18/08 02:50 PM

like I said...the behavior is not normal and I don't want to see legal something that I know in not normal...thats my opinion...why are you hocking me ?...let do whatever they want...but...legalize gay marriage ?...please wait until I die...then you can do anything you want whenever you that a deal ?...I've always said I was born 50 years too late !

So, just because you think something isn't normal, you just want it to go away? To not have to see it? What is normal anymore these days, anyway?

excellent question!

did you know that around 1/3 of men admit to sex to completion with another male? makes you wonder what the number REALLY is, if you count that some would lie even anonymously.

And this is relavent how ?
Stuff like that often trash up a discussion inwhich the truth is the issue. Please stick to the subject.

SportsNut2007's photo
Sat 10/18/08 02:43 PM

I don't believe in it, but that's probably got a lot to do with the fact that I don't understand it.

It doesn't effect me one way or another, so if those that believe in it want'll hear no protests from me. flowerforyou

I don't think anyone wants it !

If this is being read correctly, you don't think anyone wants gay sex? What about, maybe, gay people?

Exempting a few people here and there, I'm staggered at the level of ignorance here.

You're not reading it correctly...again !

Ah, you're speaking of gay marriage and not gay sex. My apologies, this thread has somewhat derailed into intolerance about anything gay.

But, once again, for gay marriage, I'm gonna say that gay people want it.

Also, I don't think it's being recognized that marriage has no religious background what so ever. Marriage in a religious sense was started by the church during the middle ages. It was a way to tax, make more money, and control the populace.

C'est la vie. Is there anything really wrong with sharing benefits with someone you love that happens to be of the same sex? What does that really hurt? What problems could sharing benefits at a civil level be? If the thought of two dudes pumping each other in the butts offends you, think of it like a business proposal.

Edit: Also, you really can't tell me you don't dig lesbian porn. That would just be gay.

I'm a military man.
I've put my life at stake to uphold the Constition of the United States... the People, and our way of life.

I don't agree with same sex marriage, or the gay lifestyle....But I'll fight to the death, anyone who trys to take away their right to live that way.

Do I make myself clear !

Just because you don't agree with it doesn't mean there aren't people out there who want it.

What are you talking about...?

SportsNut2007's photo
Sat 10/18/08 01:58 PM

I give you respect for being in the military, but I'm sorry, marriage is not mentioned in the constitution anywhere.

I love the "I defend rights" argument by people justifying their intolerance. If someone wants to do you in the butt, you have the right to say no. That's about it. I'm going to guess a majority (if not all) of the people in this country would prefer you stay out of both their pants and their bedrooms.

Marriage is not in the constitution, but having the right to is.

SportsNut2007's photo
Sat 10/18/08 01:56 PM my opinion what they do is their business...and...I believe that most Americans look at the " behavior" as unatural...not normal...all the way to down right being said... why would we want to make legal...a behavior we know is not normal or natural...if we legalize Gay what point in we start promoting / teaching that lifestyle in school ?...

It will start immediately...for example....look at Massachusetts.
Many lesbians have kids, and do not want them being harassed at school by other kids.
So it will be taught in schools that same sex marriage is okay....because it's legal.

SportsNut2007's photo
Sat 10/18/08 01:48 PM

If SNL give's Joe the Plumber time..he'll have more then 15 min of fame.

I feel a "crack attack" coming on! All plumbers unit!:banana: :banana:


SportsNut2007's photo
Sat 10/18/08 01:46 PM

I don't believe in it, but that's probably got a lot to do with the fact that I don't understand it.

It doesn't effect me one way or another, so if those that believe in it want'll hear no protests from me. flowerforyou

I don't think anyone wants it !

If this is being read correctly, you don't think anyone wants gay sex? What about, maybe, gay people?

Exempting a few people here and there, I'm staggered at the level of ignorance here.

You're not reading it correctly...again !

Ah, you're speaking of gay marriage and not gay sex. My apologies, this thread has somewhat derailed into intolerance about anything gay.

But, once again, for gay marriage, I'm gonna say that gay people want it.

Also, I don't think it's being recognized that marriage has no religious background what so ever. Marriage in a religious sense was started by the church during the middle ages. It was a way to tax, make more money, and control the populace.

C'est la vie. Is there anything really wrong with sharing benefits with someone you love that happens to be of the same sex? What does that really hurt? What problems could sharing benefits at a civil level be? If the thought of two dudes pumping each other in the butts offends you, think of it like a business proposal.

Edit: Also, you really can't tell me you don't dig lesbian porn. That would just be gay.

I'm a military man.
I've put my life at stake to uphold the Constition of the United States... the People, and our way of life.

I don't agree with same sex marriage, or the gay lifestyle....But I'll fight to the death, anyone who trys to take away their right to live that way.

Do I make myself clear !

SportsNut2007's photo
Sat 10/18/08 01:36 PM

laugh He doesnt have a plumbers liscense,he owes back taxes,and he makes less than $40,000 a year so I guess he's full of **** .laugh

You forgot to mention that the state he is in doesnt require a plumbers license
laugh He doesnt have a drivers license either.laugh

Lots of people don't have a drivers license. What does that have to do with owning a plumbing company?

sorry but that funny.

I suppose people can take theie plumbing to him to be fixed...

SportsNut2007's photo
Sat 10/18/08 01:33 PM

laugh He doesnt have a plumbers liscense,he owes back taxes,and he makes less than $40,000 a year so I guess he's full of **** .laugh

You forgot to mention that the state he is in doesnt require a plumbers license
laugh He doesnt have a drivers license either.laugh

oh cmon...really !
laugh Yeah and his family is financially linked to McCain laugh

Okay....he's a borderline Dirtbag.

SportsNut2007's photo
Sat 10/18/08 01:31 PM

I don't believe in it, but that's probably got a lot to do with the fact that I don't understand it.

It doesn't effect me one way or another, so if those that believe in it want'll hear no protests from me. flowerforyou

I don't think anyone wants it !

If this is being read correctly, you don't think anyone wants gay sex? What about, maybe, gay people?

Exempting a few people here and there, I'm staggered at the level of ignorance here.

You're not reading it correctly...again !

SportsNut2007's photo
Sat 10/18/08 01:29 PM

laugh He doesnt have a plumbers liscense,he owes back taxes,and he makes less than $40,000 a year so I guess he's full of **** .laugh

You forgot to mention that the state he is in doesnt require a plumbers license
laugh He doesnt have a drivers license either.laugh

oh cmon...really !

SportsNut2007's photo
Sat 10/18/08 01:28 PM

laugh He doesnt have a plumbers liscense,he owes back taxes,and he makes less than $40,000 a year so I guess he's full of **** .laugh

Well, as my grandpa used to say.....everybody has sh$t in the toilet...!

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