Community > Posts By > SportsNut2007

SportsNut2007's photo
Wed 07/23/08 01:56 PM

My friend at work has a Bank Account that he's been hiding from his wife for over 10 years.
The account has over $50.000 in it, and he knows she will blow thru it if she knew.

He made this money by doing side work as a mechanic, and gambling and has saved it for years.

Does he have a right to have something for himself ?

A right? Sure.

Is it good for the relationship .. no way.

Sounds like they are reaaaaaaaaaaallllyyy close. LMAOhuh

At this point he's damned if he do, and damned if he don't, so don't say nothing.

SportsNut2007's photo
Wed 07/23/08 01:55 PM

I just know I had some hid back... Our car broke down, bad!!

The same time, my Wife found she had Terminal Ca. I had just enough put back to buy a nice, comfortable ride with killer A/C, to take her for Chemo treatments, Dr Appts. (Was Summer, We lived in Central FL.)

Never been sorry that I had it hid, or what I spent it on.noway

She never said anything...

This is my point exactly !
Should an emergency occur, which is beyond their resources, he has this money.
Are you reading the tale-spin these gals are in over this !

SportsNut2007's photo
Wed 07/23/08 01:51 PM
Okay I have oily skin, and occasionally get pipples.
I use some crap and they go away, a girl at work said that most real men don't card what they look like and us that do are Metro-Sexuals.
Apparently, Metro's have their teeth fixed, hair neatly cut, and wear clean clothers ?

Or am I missing something ?

SportsNut2007's photo
Wed 07/23/08 01:46 PM

BABY PLEASE DON'T GOtears tears tears tears

Women hate Men that cry !

SportsNut2007's photo
Wed 07/23/08 01:45 PM

How would you tell someone that, She/ the one thing you can't live without ?

In Ten Words or Less !

give her bank info on secret stash rofl (7)

ohhh, we got jokes do we !

SportsNut2007's photo
Wed 07/23/08 01:44 PM

After reading this thread every man here must be horrified.
I don't know which is worst, your insecure pre-conceptions of men, or your leftover grief from your past relationship.

Which ever it is get rid of it, and I mean NOW !

rofl now I get it... you are ok and want validation for these actions (your friend) has taken, but when other's dont agree you take the defensive role rofl it's always someone else's fault rofl yet you speak for all men rofl

now I get it flowerforyou

It's not an issue of fault, but judgement !
It's mostly women that are connecting this to past relationships
was happens in most case regardless the situation.
I'm just dealing it back to them.

SportsNut2007's photo
Wed 07/23/08 01:41 PM
Seen it, loved it, Oscar for Heath Ledger !

SportsNut2007's photo
Wed 07/23/08 01:39 PM
How would you tell someone that, She/ the one thing you can't live without ?

In Ten Words or Less !

SportsNut2007's photo
Wed 07/23/08 01:36 PM

My friend at work has a Bank Account that he's been hiding from his wife for over 10 years.
The account has over $50.000 in it, and he knows she will blow thru it if she knew.

He made this money by doing side work as a mechanic, and gambling and has saved it for years.

Does he have a right to have something for himself ?

he may have the right
but I am sure this is not the only secret he hasnoway

Everybody has Secrets !

everyone has things they don't share about themselves
but hiding money is a big thing in a marriage

I agree. My ex hid and stashed money for a year before he told me he wanted a divorce. And I'll be lucky if I ever see any of it. And the money was not the only secret he was keeping! explode

After reading this thread every man here must be horrified.
I don't know which is worst, your insecure pre-conceptions of men, or your leftover grief from your past relationship.

Which ever it is get rid of it, and I mean NOW !

SportsNut2007's photo
Wed 07/23/08 09:00 AM

Ohh I did read the whole thread but still when it comes to secrets such as money when your married and you feel the need you must hide it from the other. Then there is something wrong with that picture.

Myself when I was married the whole time we had separate checking accounts. His was also the Business which was used for his Business and certain bills at the house.ect.. I used mine in the same manor for I paid certain bills with my checks.

It was never and issue how much was in either account or what each other spent or what it was on. I don't believe that anyone should be on a per-say allowance.

But now we did not buy anything big without disscussing it first. ohh shsh yess he did he came home one day and told me he bought a Horse lmao hummm

But still money is just not something two people should feel the need to hide it from the other if they are actually building a nest egg for the future.

Now most do have things in life they have not told that was in the past. That is different but when it comes to money that is something that two should fully aggree upon and should participate in helping build that fund. Heck all you have to do is make a pack and have it fixed at the bank that the money can not be taken out unless both sign for it in person. That way it keeps the other one honest if that is needed.

Then perhaps you're just not fit for marriage ( No Offense ).

But, this man saved $50.000 dollars over a 10 year spand.
Do the math, its about $2500.00 a year, some people spend that much at starbucks, some people make that much picking up bottles and cans.

He works and uses that money to care for his family, this is just money he picks up on the side as a mechanic, fixing cars for friends and co-workers. A tune-up here, a brake job there,. adds up.

Some of these women are just to selfish, and would suck the life out of a guy before his time !

SportsNut2007's photo
Tue 07/22/08 12:33 PM

My friend at work has a Bank Account that he's been hiding from his wife for over 10 years.
The account has over $50.000 in it, and he knows she will blow thru it if she knew.

He made this money by doing side work as a mechanic, and gambling and has saved it for years.

Does he have a right to have something for himself ?

He should have it ALL for himself .
If she finds out , she will blow it on make up and other stupid things.....laugh laugh .
What makes you so sure he's not stashing it to run off with his secretary one day? huh

Bottom line...

If she has money management issues, they should discuss that as a couple don't you think? And, if he has financial security issues, they should discuss that as a couple. Seems to me a healthy marriage is about compromise, no?

She can surely cut back on her spending while keeping a couple of the treats she enjoys the most on occasion, while, if he still feels the need to pocket money away for "what ifs", they should determine what's reasonable together and both work at feeding into their savings, investing some of it for the future instead of just sitting in an account.

No, he should keep things the way they are, and if the time arrives that he has to use it, he has it....otherwise it goes as a neat retirement gift, like a boat, or harley !
NO? Sorry...thought you wanted opinions. :tongue:

Only the rational ones !
Sorry that you feel compromise and trust are irrational expectations for a relationship. That's sad. frown

Be Nice sweety !

SportsNut2007's photo
Tue 07/22/08 12:32 PM

My friend at work has a Bank Account that he's been hiding from his wife for over 10 years.
The account has over $50.000 in it, and he knows she will blow thru it if she knew.

He made this money by doing side work as a mechanic, and gambling and has saved it for years.

Does he have a right to have something for himself ?

he may have the right
but I am sure this is not the only secret he hasnoway

Everybody has Secrets !

SportsNut2007's photo
Tue 07/22/08 12:30 PM

Humm it may seem kewl that he has accumulated that amount of money over the years in a separate account. is sad that he has had to hide it from her and not trust her.

Actually if it was me I would seriously have my feelings hurt to know the man I was living with did not trust me as he protrays to.

And would wonder what else he has keep hidden over the years.

Most times when one hides such issues there is much more to the story then they are telling.surprised

You should read more of this thread, you'll see both men and women have secrest bank accounts.

SportsNut2007's photo
Tue 07/22/08 12:28 PM

My friend at work has a Bank Account that he's been hiding from his wife for over 10 years.
The account has over $50.000 in it, and he knows she will blow thru it if she knew.

He made this money by doing side work as a mechanic, and gambling and has saved it for years.

That's true, lol.

Does he have a right to have something for himself ?

He should have it ALL for himself .
If she finds out , she will blow it on make up and other stupid things.....laugh laugh .
What makes you so sure he's not stashing it to run off with his secretary one day? huh

Bottom line...

If she has money management issues, they should discuss that as a couple don't you think? And, if he has financial security issues, they should discuss that as a couple. Seems to me a healthy marriage is about compromise, no?

She can surely cut back on her spending while keeping a couple of the treats she enjoys the most on occasion, while, if he still feels the need to pocket money away for "what ifs", they should determine what's reasonable together and both work at feeding into their savings, investing some of it for the future instead of just sitting in an account.

No, he should keep things the way they are, and if the time arrives that he has to use it, he has it....otherwise it goes as a neat retirement gift, like a boat, or harley !
NO? Sorry...thought you wanted opinions. :tongue:

Only the rational ones !
laugh laugh laugh laugh do you know where you arelaugh laugh laugh

SportsNut2007's photo
Tue 07/22/08 12:21 PM

My friend at work has a Bank Account that he's been hiding from his wife for over 10 years.
The account has over $50.000 in it, and he knows she will blow thru it if she knew.

He made this money by doing side work as a mechanic, and gambling and has saved it for years.

Does he have a right to have something for himself ?

He should have it ALL for himself .
If she finds out , she will blow it on make up and other stupid things.....laugh laugh .
What makes you so sure he's not stashing it to run off with his secretary one day? huh

Bottom line...

If she has money management issues, they should discuss that as a couple don't you think? And, if he has financial security issues, they should discuss that as a couple. Seems to me a healthy marriage is about compromise, no?

She can surely cut back on her spending while keeping a couple of the treats she enjoys the most on occasion, while, if he still feels the need to pocket money away for "what ifs", they should determine what's reasonable together and both work at feeding into their savings, investing some of it for the future instead of just sitting in an account.

No, he should keep things the way they are, and if the time arrives that he has to use it, he has it....otherwise it goes as a neat retirement gift, like a boat, or harley !
NO? Sorry...thought you wanted opinions. :tongue:

Only the rational ones !

SportsNut2007's photo
Tue 07/22/08 12:18 PM

<----sending sportsnut new panties!!!laugh laugh laugh laugh

No !

SportsNut2007's photo
Tue 07/22/08 12:09 PM

I don't think there is nothing wrong with picking out clothes for each other.

Other then a T-Shirt, no guy should be buying clothers for a Woman, hand her the credit card and let her go.

No guy should allow a Woman to dress's just not Manly.
just make sure it isnt a $50,000 credit limit credit cardlaugh drinker laugh

True, LOL !

SportsNut2007's photo
Tue 07/22/08 12:07 PM

My friend at work has a Bank Account that he's been hiding from his wife for over 10 years.
The account has over $50.000 in it, and he knows she will blow thru it if she knew.

He made this money by doing side work as a mechanic, and gambling and has saved it for years.

Does he have a right to have something for himself ?

He should have it ALL for himself .
If she finds out , she will blow it on make up and other stupid things.....laugh laugh .
What makes you so sure he's not stashing it to run off with his secretary one day? huh

Bottom line...

If she has money management issues, they should discuss that as a couple don't you think? And, if he has financial security issues, they should discuss that as a couple. Seems to me a healthy marriage is about compromise, no?

She can surely cut back on her spending while keeping a couple of the treats she enjoys the most on occasion, while, if he still feels the need to pocket money away for "what ifs", they should determine what's reasonable together and both work at feeding into their savings, investing some of it for the future instead of just sitting in an account.

No, he should keep things the way they are, and if the time arrives that he has to use it, he has it....otherwise it goes as a neat retirement gift, like a boat, or harley !

SportsNut2007's photo
Tue 07/22/08 12:04 PM

My dad used to ask me to help him pick out what to wear if he was going to an event!!! laugh laugh laugh laugh

Maybe he is colour blind???huh

That's different.

SportsNut2007's photo
Tue 07/22/08 12:03 PM
Okay !

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