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Mon 12/16/13 07:55 AM
Bogus Mandela Interpreter Helped Burn Two Men Alive
By Kevin Spak, Newser Staff
Posted Dec 16, 2013 7:55 AM CST | Updated Dec 16, 2013 7:59 AM CST

Thamsanqa Jantjie has done things a lot worse than making up sign language—including burning two men alive, one of his relatives and three of his friends tell the AP. We already knew that Jantjie had murder charges on his resume, but now we know the specifics: Apparently Jantjie was amongst a group of people who accosted two men they'd caught with a stolen television in 2003. The mob put tires around the suspected thieves' necks and set the tires on fire, killing them—a common apartheid-era execution technique known as "necklacing."

Other men involved in the killings were put on trial in 2006, but Jantjie was deemed mentally unfit, and was instead institutionalized for a little more than a year. Jantjie himself described the incident in an interview in the Sunday Times of Johannesburg. "It was a community thing, what you call mob justice, and I was also there," he said. On Saturday, he denied some other accusations against him in a USA Today interview, saying, "I never raped anybody ... I've never [done] ... all those things that they talked about." It was after his mental hospital stint that Jantjie started getting signing gigs for the African National Congress. He says he studied signing for a year, but the AP wasn't able to locate any evidence of the school he named. There is likewise no sign of the owners of the interpretation company he says hired him for the Mandela event; government officials say they have disappeared.

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Mon 12/16/13 07:32 AM's Lie of the Year for 2013 is something that President Obama kept repeating even though his administration knew that it wasn't true.

It was a catchy political pitch and a chance to calm nerves about his dramatic and complicated plan to bring historic change to America’s health insurance system.

"If you like your health care plan, you can keep it," President Barack Obama said -- many times -- of his landmark new law.

But the promise was impossible to keep.

So this fall, as cancellation letters were going out to approximately 4 million Americans, the public realized Obama’s breezy assurances were wrong.

Boiling down the complicated health care law to a soundbite proved treacherous, even for its promoter-in-chief. Obama and his team made matters worse, suggesting they had been misunderstood all along. The stunning political uproar led to this: a rare presidential apology.

For all of these reasons, PolitiFact has named "If you like your health care plan, you can keep it," the Lie of the Year for 2013.

A lie that hits people in the wallet isn't soon forgotten !!!
ask bush sr...

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Mon 12/16/13 07:18 AM

its still a free market, she can continue to shop around,,,

I have spent days/probably weeks shopping around...I had a was cancelled...luckily NC reinstated our plans...Obamacare plans r not equivalent to the old plans which would have been renewed......I got my 2014 rate and know what my coverage was and no obamacare plan even comes close...unless u want to pay a whole lot more for same coverage...

not a free market if u can't buy insurance across state lines...

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Mon 12/16/13 07:09 AM

lets hope it is repealed

the system we had was already working so well laugh laugh

From PBS Newshour:

Beginning some time in October, I actually had just gotten my rate renewal for my current plan. My premiums had gone up to $297 a month. The deductible of $2,700 was still the same. The out-of-pocket maximum expenses of $3,200 was still the same. But my premium had just gone up a little bit.

And a couple weeks later, I got another letter from CareFirst telling me that that policy didn't qualify under the Affordable Care Act, and that by next October, at the time of my renewal, that policy was going to be canceled. I nearly fell off the chair because, for years, all I had heard from President Obama, if you like your policy, you can keep your policy; if you like your doctors, you can keep your doctors.

I have excellent coverage with the plan I now have. I have hospitalization, and doctor care, and labs, and blood tests, physical therapy, ambulance, hospitalization. I mean, everything is included in this plan that I feel I would need.

It is a PPO, which I really wanted to be in, and I'm perfectly satisfied with this plan. So, once I received this letter from CareFirst, I was completely shocked. I could not figure out what was happening, and then I started the process of trying to find out what the new available policies were.

What I found in the bronze level, not the platinum level, in the bronze level, there's a PPO HSA policy that, between the higher premiums and the much higher maximum out-of-pocket costs, will cost me probably more than $5,000 a year more than what I'm already paying for health insurance.

It's been a total sticker shock. I have had some health issues this year, and I have had to reduce some of my workload. It's a real hardship right now. My husband is 67 years old. I'm 58. We are desperately trying to save for retirement.

As I said, we are both self-employed, so we don't have a pension from some company. And $5,000 more a year is not pocket change. You know, it's really going to affect us. And now it makes no difference that we tried to cut back on other expenses, because it's all going to be absorbed by the new health care policy.

The representative told me to look in the booklet that they had sent me, and I looked in the booklet. And in that booklet is a list of services that the ACA covers. Well, I have every one of those services, except maternity coverage and pediatric care. Now, I am 58 years old.

The chance of me having a child at this age is zero. So, you know, I ask the president, why do I have to pay an additional $5,000 a year for maternity coverage that I will never, ever need?

this scenario is highly representative of those that already HAD INSURANCE and whose policies were cancelled because of Obamacare...some states reinstated those policies for 1 year...saving people thousands of dollars for 2014...Obamacare plans can't even come close to matching premiums, deductibles, or coverage...if one is on the lower end of the income scale for the subsidies one might save $100 a month on the premium (4 an equivalent Obamacare plan)compared to one that already had a plan that would have renewed if not for Obamacare...everyone got their 2014 premium from the plan they had so it was easy to compare plans with Obamacare plans...and Obamacare plans SUCK...premium, deductibles, and coverage...and the website.

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Sat 12/14/13 08:07 AM
Of all of the last-minute delays, website bungles, and Presidential whims that have marred the roll-out of Obamacare’s subsidized insurance exchanges, what happened on Thursday, December 12 will stand as one of the most lawless acts yet committed by this administration.

The White House—having canceled Americans’ old health plans, and having botched the system for enrolling people in new ones—knows that millions of Americans will enter the new year without health coverage. So instead of actually fixing the problem, the administration is retroactively attempting to force insurers to hand out free health care—at a loss—to those whom the White House has rendered uninsured. If Obamacare wasn’t a government takeover of the health insurance industry, then what is it now?

On Wednesday afternoon, health policy reporters found in their inboxes a friendly e-mail from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, announcing “steps to ensure Americans signing up through the Marketplace have coverage and access to the care they need on January 1.” Basically, the “steps” involve muscling insurers to provide free or discounted care to those who have become uninsured because of the problems with

HHS assured reporters that it would be “urging issuers to give consumers additional time to pay their first month’s premium and still have coverage beginning January 1, 2014.” In other words, urging them to offer free care to those who haven’t paid. This is a problem because the government has yet to build the system that allows people who’ve signed up for plans to actually pay for them. “One client reports only 15 percent [of applicants] have paid so far,” Bob Laszewski told Charles Ornstein. “So far I’m hearing from health plans that around 5 percent and 10 percent of consumers who have made it through the data transfer gauntlet have paid first month’s premium and therefore truly enrolled,” said Kip Piper.

“What’s wrong with ‘urging’ insurers to offer free care?” you might ask. “That’s not the same as forcing them to offer free care.” Except that the government is using the full force of its regulatory powers, under Obamacare, to threaten insurers if they don’t comply. All you have to do is read the menacing language in the new regulations that HHS published this week, in which HHS says it may throw otherwise qualified health plans off of the exchanges next year if they don’t comply with the government’s “requests.”

“We are considering factoring into the [qualified health plan] renewal process, as part of the determination regarding whether making a health plan available…how [insurers] ensure continuity of care during transitions,” they write. Which is kind of like the Mafia saying that it will “consider” the amount of protection money you’ve paid in its decision as to whether or not it vandalizes your storefront.

There are other services HHS is asking insurers to offer for free. The administration is “strongly encouraging insurers to treat out-of-network providers”—i.e., costly ones—“as in-network to ensure continuity of care” and to “refill prescriptions covered under previous plans during January.” But the issue of unpaid premiums looms largest.

It’s unconstitutional to force insurers to cover people for free

The administration could pay insurers to cover up for its mistakes. But that would lead to criticism—as it has in other instances—that the White House is lawlessly throwing taxpayer money at insurers to, well, cover up for its mistakes. So, instead, they’re asking insurers to pay for the mistakes.

But, of course, the cost of paying for those mistakes won’t end up being paid by insurers, but by consumers, in the form of higher premiums.

In theory, the Obama administration’s actions aren’t merely illegal—they’re unconstitutional. The Fifth Amendment of the Bill of Rights says that no one can “be deprived of life, liberty or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.”

But it will be up to insurers to sue to protect their rights. Like battered wives, they are unlikely to do so. Companies like Aetna and Humana are so terrified that the administration will run them out of business that they are more likely to do what they’re told, and quietly pass the costs on to consumers. The chaos and recriminations have made insurers like UnitedHealth, who have largely stayed out of the exchanges, look smart.

I wonder when Obama will let me get that same deal with food I buy...Pick it up, eat it now, pay later...maybe I don't want to eat the cheaper store brands so I should be able to get the more expensive name brands at the same price...George Will gave the best analysis for obamacare ...those in charge of Obamacare are running it like a bunch of teenagers would...of course insurers aren't dumb...they can raise premiums just about at will....

frustrated :angry:

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Tue 12/10/13 08:07 PM

Yeah, right. whoa

Someone is dreaming, because President Obama isn't about to sign a bill that repeals Obamacare, and Congressional Republicans don't have enough votes to override a presidential veto.

If enough democrats fear for their jobs and jump ship the house and senate can override his veto.
Not likely. The latest jobs numbers show that Obamacare isn't the job killer that Republicans claimed.

Also, Republicans have got nothing to replace it with.

However, Bernie Sanders introduced a bill to replace Obamacare with a single-payer plan. So, there's that.

I am so lucky (at least for another year) that Blue Cross Blue Shield re-instated my silver policy...I'll gladly pay the $415 a EQUIVALENT Obamacare plan is a whopping $268.35 per month higher premium...on the Obamacare plan my deductible if $500 higher, trip to er is $100 more, and out of pocket limit is $3,350 more...even the copays are about $5 each higher...most of the bronze plan in NC carry co insurance not co pay for a simple er visit...this means a trip to the er could cost u up to the deductible...and the deductibles range from $3000 to $5000 is the same way on the basic silver plan too...believe me, when people start using their new Obamnacare policy next year all hell is gonna breakout when they realize what is not covered...everybody doesn't qualify for a subsidy...and unfortunately, those that do will probably opt for the lower cost policies not realizing that for anything more than a cold or a preventative check it will cost them thousands of $$$ to be sick or injured...of course, they won't be able to pay the bills so Obamacare will be a total failure...and the voters just might send a strong message...

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Mon 12/09/13 09:35 AM
Edited by crickstergo on Mon 12/09/13 09:36 AM

i'm not for barrycare, but i can understand why they charge a high deductible/co-pay...that will slow down the people with a cold trying to get into a hospitable/emergency rooms...if they didn't do this, the hospitals would be flooded with hypochondriacs just wanting some attention and break the country...

not talking about co pays...but co insurance for a er visit where you have to meet your deductible first...don't think many understand how choosing such plans could end up costing thousands...

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Mon 12/09/13 09:33 AM

Plans with lower premiums will have higher deductibles and copays. This isn't just with Obama care. If you want lower deductibles and copays, you're going to have to pay higher premiums.

True...but CO INSURANCE is different from a co pay...any policy where one has to meet their deductible for a simple trip to the er is practically worthless...sooner or later just about everyone ends up there...and these are the policies marketed by the insurers as examples of Obamcare rates...trying to prove how cheap Obamacare coverage is when in actually that is nothing but BALONEY...

an Obamacare plan for an individual that had a grandfathered plan in NC runs close to twice as much for equivalent coverage...

My plan covers preventative care. For ER visits, the deductible would have to be met before coinsurance kicks in. This is not an Obama care plan.

so it probably takes a significant pain for you to seek treatment in the er...that could be dangerous unless you have other options...there r not any urgent cares where I live that are open at nite so the er is the only adequate plan should certainly have a copay of $150 to $250 for a er visit not a co insurance after one meets the deductible...looks to me that when people get on these Obamacare plans and end up at the er(since many are on subsidies) they are going to default and not pay those bills because they can't...does that really improve healthcare in the US?

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Mon 12/09/13 08:25 AM

Plans with lower premiums will have higher deductibles and copays. This isn't just with Obama care. If you want lower deductibles and copays, you're going to have to pay higher premiums.

True...but CO INSURANCE is different from a co pay...any policy where one has to meet their deductible for a simple trip to the er is practically worthless...sooner or later just about everyone ends up there...and these are the policies marketed by the insurers as examples of Obamcare rates...trying to prove how cheap Obamacare coverage is when in actually that is nothing but BALONEY...

an Obamacare plan for an individual that had a grandfathered plan in NC runs close to twice as much for equivalent coverage...

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Mon 12/09/13 06:37 AM
for those switching to Obamacare, one needs to be careful because as they say, the devil is hidden in the details...

The lower cost Obamacare policies (at least in my state)that are being publicly marketed and hailed as "affordable" not only have high deductibles($2700 to $5500)but also have 20% to 50% co insurance for just an er visit to the hospital...that means a simple er visit could cost you up to the deductible amount because co insurance doesn't pay anything until the deductible is met.

in NC, I have found that just about all the bronze plans have co insurance for an er visit and the lower cost silver plans do too...once again, these plans are being marketed as "affordable".

that is ridiculous...the law should be that all plans have a flat rate co pay for at least the first visit to the er in any given will cost you big time if you have one of these so called "affordable Obamacare plans" if you have to go to the er...

from the website/the only plans offered in NC is with Blue Cross Blue Shield...the deductible amount for each plan is after the plans name..

Blue Advantage Bronze 5500
ER Visit: No Charge after deductible

Blue Advantage Bronze 2700
ER Visit: 20% Coinsurance after deductible

Blue Advantage Bronze 5000
ER Visit: 20% Coinsurance after deductible

Blue Advantage Silver 3000
ER Visit: 30% Coinsurance after deductible

the above r the lower cost plans for NC offered on

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Sun 12/08/13 08:14 PM

Explains why I never feel comfortable with that gaping black eye on top of my monitor. I usually put it aside when not in use

always face it backwards till u need it...u can buy a cover for a laptop for a few dollars...or make your own easily...but u know that the FBI isn't using it only to fight terror and serious crime cause how many times have we heard something like that before only to find out different...the constitution has become just a piece of paper...might as well make a paper airplane outta of it...Obama can be the

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Sun 12/08/13 04:47 PM
If the FBI wants dirt on a suspect, agents are capable of turning on his laptop's webcam—without him knowing. The light won't go on, Gizmodo reports, based on a Washington Post piece. The technique, available to the bureau for years, is mostly used to fight terror or other very serious crime, a former FBI official tells the Post, which offers more details on the bureau's high-tech strategies.

In the case of "Mo," who was behind multiple bomb threats last year, the FBI created surveillance malware to install via the suspect's Yahoo email account. These programs can download materials from users' computers or turn on their webcams, the Post reports. In Mo's case, a magistrate approved the use of the software; courts have also struck down such plans, however. Despite the use of warrants, observers have raised constitutional concerns. "We have transitioned into a world where law enforcement is hacking into people’s computers, and we have never had public debate," says an ACLU rep.

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Fri 12/06/13 10:35 AM
Tucked inside nearly 11,000 pages of the Affordable Care Act is a little-known provision that doles out three months of free health care to individuals who choose to default on their premiums.

People who receive the federal subsidy to be part of Obamacare will be allowed to incur a three-month “grace period” if they can’t pay their premiums and then simply cancel their policies, stiffing the doctors and hospitals.

Their only repercussion is that they have to wait until the following year’s open enrollment if they want coverage on the exchange.

“It will help break the system,” said Rep. Louie Gohmert, R-Texas, one of a core group of Republicans who oppose Obamacare. “This is a huge piece of evidence to show this can’t work, you will break the system and bankrupt people involved.

“The hospitals, doctors and insurance companies will be left holding the bag. There will be disagreements over who will pay for what. Lawyers will get involved because we are talking about a lot of money,” he said.

Under Section 156.270 of the Affordable Care Act, the insured needs to pay a premium for just one month before qualifying for the three-month grace period. The insurance company must pay the claims during the first month of the grace period; during the second and third month doctors and hospitals are left to collect unpaid bills.


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Fri 12/06/13 10:07 AM

guess those lucky ones r not big enough ***** like the rest of us have to be
noway noway noway shocked

was saying that those Reid exempted don't have to worry about their policies being canceled or having Obamacare crammed up their ***...

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Fri 12/06/13 07:09 AM
Edited by crickstergo on Fri 12/06/13 07:12 AM

guess those lucky ones r not big enough ***** like the rest of us have to be

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Fri 12/06/13 07:03 AM

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Tue 12/03/13 07:53 AM
ObamaCare Site's Re-Launch Stumbles Out of the Gate

1/3 of all enrollments reportedly screwed up

(Newser) – The new and supposedly improved isn't off to a great start. The site flooded with traffic yesterday morning, slowing it to a crawl and spiking its error rate, the LA Times reports. By 10am the government had turned on a "queuing" feature, essentially putting would-be applicants on hold. At that point about 35,000 people were on the site—less than its promised capacity of 50,000. Later in the day the administration said that performance had improved, and that 750,000 had used the site by 5:30pm.

But here's the rub: Many of those people might not actually be insured. Insurers began sounding the alarm yesterday, because errors are still plaguing the back end of the site where people actually buy coverage. Many may not actually be enrolled, NBC News reports. The administration says it's urging people to make sure they've submitted a payment, and to check with their insurer.
• It's an ongoing problem; roughly a third of enrollment attempts since Oct. 1 have been plagued with errors, meaning those people might not have the coverage they expect, sources tell the Washington Post. The administration disputed that number, but wouldn't provide one of its own.
• "Health insurers are still seeing enrollments that are duplicated, missing information, things like that," the head of an industry group says. The administration met with insurance industry leaders yesterday in an attempt to clear up the problems with the forms, called "834s."
• Many consumers, meanwhile, were frustrated. The queuing system let users put in their email address, saying they'd be notified when they could sign on. But the Post talked to one woman who, upon getting the email, found she still couldn't log on.
• Some users took to Twitter, and posted screenshots of their error messages; you can see examples on Twitchy. "I have been trying for two days and still can't get this system to do anything but make me redo it," one user wrote. "This doesn't work FAIL!"

By Kevin Spak, Newser Staff
Posted Dec 3, 2013 7:58 AM CST | Updated Dec 3, 2013 7:59 AM CST


what will Obama do...tell more lies, legislate more illegal delays and changes to the law, waste more taxpayer's dollars while continuing to inconvenience millions of people....
he will do everything he can except what he should do...shut the site down until it is completely tested and functional...

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Tue 11/26/13 05:37 AM

One of the "Big Lies" being told to the US public for decades is that "illegal workers take jobs Americans don't want and they are not affecting unemployment in the US".

Go to ANY construction site ( I go to them weekly). Try to find one that is not covered with illegals doing concrete finishing, plumbing, carpentry, electrical, and every other trade. Many of the returning vets used to start their construction trades in the construction industry as well as many college students (like me). The industry has been taken over to save a buck and the cost to the US in unemployment is huge.

a lot work as a crew for cash the job not by the of course to hold cost down contractors will hire them...there is no enforcement around here...they do work hard from what I've seen for there share of the cut...if there was enforcement, contractors would have to hire US...and demand would be dictating the wage...

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Sun 11/24/13 07:48 AM

Blue cross Blue Shield of NC will re-instate cancelled policy holders but will raise premiums up 16% to 24 %...

Blue Cross is asking for rate increases between 16 and 24 percent to renew policies that would have been terminated because of the Affordable Care Act requirements.


frustrated explode

no comment needed...I think those 2 emoticons accurately sum up how most people now feel about Obamacare...can the rip off get any worse...

Well, there is one comment that's needed....Now, more people are beginning to see the "truth" behind the plan...Redistribution of wealth is a biotch for the working man...ohwell

I sure hope so...our insurance nightmare because of Obamacare has turned into a double feature...

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Sun 11/24/13 07:36 AM
Blue cross Blue Shield of NC will re-instate cancelled policy holders but will raise premiums up 16% to 24 %...

Blue Cross is asking for rate increases between 16 and 24 percent to renew policies that would have been terminated because of the Affordable Care Act requirements.


frustrated explode

no comment needed...I think those 2 emoticons accurately sum up how most people now feel about Obamacare...can the rip off get any worse...

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