shadowsfromthesky's photo
Sat 10/24/09 09:05 PM's not so much that the picture is "awful" much as it's not a real reflection on who any of us might get to know.

People like to see what the surface looks like...even though 85% of the people here would tell you that they're not superficial. (Which is total crap...we're all superficial to some degree...)

And your profile is a little boring...We can all make the assumptions that anyone likes to cuddle, watch a movie, and travel.

For me...I want more interesting information about people. I don't enjoy profiles that read like the back of a cereal box...cause honestly, most of the time, those people are just flakes anyways.

shadowsfromthesky's photo
Sat 10/24/09 08:46 PM

It is sad somewhere in the developement of young men that some are told that denying their manhood somehow makes them a nice guy. A woman, even a girl, does not want a male that has given up his right to have desires only that HE has control of them. A male that gives that control over to women is seen as weak and useless.

If a man tells me that he is attracted to me, only one part of me, weather it is my body or my mind, I would be insulted. I can not divide myself or deny what I am. If I wanted to be a mindless asexual child then I would never leave the protection and comfort of my home. I am a woman and just because I do not waste that foolishly does not mean that I am not all woman and a he-l of a woman when I choose to be.

It is truely sad that some people allow themselves to be divided and insulted by being treated/used as a person that is not fully a person. The parents of such young people have failed them terribly. I think they are cowards for not giving their children the knowlege to know when and where to enjoy both sides of life.

I blame Disney.

shadowsfromthesky's photo
Sat 10/24/09 08:41 PM

really people is the OP going to respond probably not he has a small rooster...i guesslaugh

Must be out tending to him...I'm sure that he doesn't get a lot of help herding his clutch and I'm almost positive it keeps him up late at night with all it's crowing. (Esp when he's watching anime.)

shadowsfromthesky's photo
Sat 10/24/09 08:16 PM

all I ever hear women talk about is how they want a nice guy who will treat them the way a woman should be treated then when you get the choice between the good guy you keep saying you want and a guy who abuses women and has no job they pick the jobless ******* everytime come on ladies what does a nice guy got to do to get some love

Maybe if you get rid of the gloomy "nice guy" robe.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA....I just spit water all over my desk.

Thank you so much...I needed a good laugh.

shadowsfromthesky's photo
Sat 10/24/09 08:10 PM
Hahahah...Thanks guys!

I have a good friend who uses the 'nice guy' crap with me all the time...and I told him one day that he can't get a girl because women just assume that he's being "nice" because he's not interested in them in a romantic sort of way. Duh.

He called me a b*tch and then one day he realized what I was talking about.

shadowsfromthesky's photo
Sat 10/24/09 08:04 PM

And I mean...brutal honesty...

Men (and women) typically get put into a few categories before they even get out of high school.

Jocks. Nice guys. Geeks. Bad boys. (etc)

Most people (women included) hold onto these titles because it's what defines them during the "growing up" phase of life. It takes a lot of soul searching to get out of the rut of being told who you are for a good part of your life.

Men who are told that they are "nice guys" are the guys who spent most of their puberty years being the friend to most of the pretty girls who were being hit on by douchebags. These same guys were being indoctorinated that it's not ok to tell a girl like it is, they were taught that it's not ok to tell a girl she's being a moron for sticking with the guy who treats her like ****.

Just like we teach girls that they'r meant to be looking for their Prince Charming because no princess has ever made it on her own, we're teaching the "nice guys" that they have to let a woman walk all over them.

Guys...listen up....we don't want to walk all over you. Grow a back bone. Grab yourself by the sac and remember that even though the feminist movement won us the right to vote, buy property, and burn our expensive Victoria Secret bras...that it doesn't mean that you can't take a little control.

I'm not saying that you need to start treating every woman like crap. Instead don't lay it all out there and be over the top nice. Women enjoy the thrill of the chase as much as men do. all reality...most men who complain that they're the "nice guy" who never gets a date...are still living in their parents house, have a crappy job, play video games way too much, and let women walk allllll over them. "The Nice Guy" excuse is getting's all about putting yourself out there and actually engaging a woman in intelligent conversation instead of starting at her chest and thinking about what she might look like naked wearing only your official Darth Vadar helmet. (Woops...that's what I do...hahahha)

Seriously...nice guys do finish last...but it's a crutch. Stop leaning on a lame excuse.

shadowsfromthesky's photo
Sat 10/24/09 07:21 PM
Emily Dickinson
Chuck Palahniuk
Christopher Moore
Neil Gaiman
Jodi Picoult
Augusten Burroughs
Kate Chopin
Margaret Atwood
Karen Joy Fowler
Max Robbins
Will Eisner
Dr. Seuss
Joyce Carol Oates
Shel Silverstein
Cormac McCarthy
Gillian Flynn
Khaled Hosseini
Amy Hempel
Chelsea Cain

Yes folks...this is a never-ending list...


I <3 books.

shadowsfromthesky's photo
Sat 10/24/09 05:55 PM

When standing in line to check out at the grocery or other stores, every so often a child will come up to his/her mother and ask her to buy crayons, pencils, coloring books or some simple pleasure like that. The mother says, "I'm sorry honey, mommy just can't afford it." I hand the kid the money to buy it.

Also, when my kids have to send money into school for supplies or field trips, I always send double to pay for a child that can't afford it.

I do that too!!! That is...the sending in double for fieldtrips, etc! Every year the schools ask the parents to send $5.00 in for some Scholastic weekly reader type thing...and if the family can't afford it it just comes out of the school's budget, but I always send in $20.00 with my daughter and tag it with a note that says to put the balance of the $20 towards any other child who can't afford to pay.

shadowsfromthesky's photo
Sat 10/24/09 05:52 PM

That's how I stroll through the park all the time! It's my favorite outfit...topless, cargo khaki's, and heels...

Would you like to meet to go to the park ? flowers


It's a little chilly up here for that...I'd have to make sure I was wearing my fleece pasties...

shadowsfromthesky's photo
Sat 10/24/09 04:24 PM
That's how I stroll through the park all the time! It's my favorite outfit...topless, cargo khaki's, and heels...

shadowsfromthesky's photo
Sat 10/24/09 04:21 PM
Maybe I'm partial because I work in the hospitality industry in New England...but...

New England rocks!!!

The coast of Maine is gorgeous anytime of the year. Boston is fabulous to visit. Vermont is stunning!! (covered bridges and Ben & Jerry's!!)

But that's just my .02

shadowsfromthesky's photo
Sat 10/24/09 03:36 PM
Actually I heard it from Little Red that Jill was nagging Jack to go fetch some water...and when he left she shouted at him that he couldn't do anything right and nagged him all the way up the hill about what a low life he was for not having a job and always having his buddies (the three little pigs) over to play PS3 and drink beer.

When they finally reached the top of the hill Jack told her she was a nagging *****...Jill who had at this point yanked the pail from Jack (contending that he was a sissy and could NEVER carry a pail FULL of water back to their house) swung the full pail at Jack and caught him in the mouth. She knocked 4 of his teeth out...and chipped his new crown.

But...there again...Little Red's been sleeping with the Big Bad Wolf for months and would say anything to create a little drama.

shadowsfromthesky's photo
Sat 10/24/09 01:36 PM
Daytime...I figure it's typically $2.50 or less to make someone's day.

And unfortunately msharmony...I don't live in Vegas! But I wish I did!!

shadowsfromthesky's photo
Fri 10/23/09 06:08 PM
My favorite "good deed" is to pay for the coffee for the person behind me in the Dunkin Donuts drivethru!

It's always fun to see the person's reaction in the rearview mirror and it makes me smile for the rest of the day.

Our neighborhood grocery store (Hannaford) always gives these 2,3,or 5 dollars off your next visit coupons...I always lose them so I started giving them to the person behind me in line.

The reaction is always one of complete and utter shock!!! really does come back around.

shadowsfromthesky's photo
Fri 10/23/09 04:58 PM
Using alcohol may seen "teenage minded" however, alcohol does help to lower inhibitions which helps with breaking through that shyness factor that holds people back.

Drinking to excess and throwing yourself at the last guy standing at the bar just after last call...well...that's just bad.

But having a glass of wine and getting that warm belly buzz that causes you to have a genuine smile and a little color in your cheeks that might attract a man, well I don't see anything wrong with that.

And can I just say...that coffee...looks AMAZING!!! I'd kill for one of those right now!

shadowsfromthesky's photo
Fri 10/23/09 04:48 PM

how to get over shy ness

OMG I wish I had that problem.

hahahahah...I'm glad someone else has a problem with being gregarious!

shadowsfromthesky's photo
Fri 10/23/09 04:34 PM
How to get over shyness when dealing with men? Or how do you get over men who are shy?

shadowsfromthesky's photo
Mon 10/29/07 09:09 AM
I just put this song on my iPod the other day...It's a fantastic gym song!!

shadowsfromthesky's photo
Sun 10/28/07 10:35 PM
Alright you's been fun, but I'm tappin' out...


shadowsfromthesky's photo
Sun 10/28/07 10:31 PM
Thanks Thumper....thank god Jello is good for the hair and nails!

And I know it Grannit....LMFAO