Community > Posts By > andrewzooms

andrewzooms's photo
Thu 10/04/12 03:06 PM

[We have not fixed any problem in the last 20 years.

What makes you believe that the federal government can actually fix problems?

They make nice sums of money and are elected to move the country forward.

andrewzooms's photo
Thu 10/04/12 02:57 PM
Fun fact: Halle Berry was born and raised in the same community of these idiot protesters.

andrewzooms's photo
Wed 10/03/12 06:48 PM
Why was Gary Johnson not invited? sad

andrewzooms's photo
Wed 10/03/12 06:11 PM
11075 viewers and counting.

andrewzooms's photo
Wed 10/03/12 06:10 PM
Thanks I am watching this.

andrewzooms's photo
Wed 10/03/12 06:02 PM

andrewzooms's photo
Wed 10/03/12 05:54 PM
Help I live 5 miles from this crazy lady. Puts things in perspective for me. Yikes

andrewzooms's photo
Wed 10/03/12 08:04 AM
Edited by andrewzooms on Wed 10/03/12 08:07 AM
Or course that video does not show him reaching for the officers gun and out of control.
The term "subdued" means a suspect is handcuffed and in control.
long as a man refuses to place his hands behind his back to he can be

cuffed he is not subdued, and he still poses a threat to the officers trying to arrest him.

With this idea in mind officers trying to control a suspect must do what they can make a suspect submit to being cuffed, even it it means using force.

Was the amount of force used on King reasonable? You can argue that until the cows come home, but the bottom line
is he wasn't shot so you really can't say it was terminally excessive.

andrewzooms's photo
Wed 10/03/12 07:42 AM
Edited by andrewzooms on Wed 10/03/12 07:42 AM

Obama says the Rodney King beating was a scar on all of us. Only Obama would have sympathy for a criminal. Haha funny stuff Mr President.

The same rhetoric that caused the LA Riots.

I will remember that next time someone is beaten down for JAYWALKING,,

committing a 'crime' doesnt make one less human or excuse cowardice by others who gang up on and beat someone down who is unarmed,,,,

Lets see comparing a man running from the cops to jaywalking.
He resisted arrest. Drove drunk and high. Did not get out of the car. Did not give up after being tased. Resisted arrest. He deserved to get beat down.
The two people who got out of the car with King did not get beat down because they followed simple instructions.

andrewzooms's photo
Wed 10/03/12 07:33 AM
Edited by andrewzooms on Wed 10/03/12 07:33 AM
Obama says the Rodney King beating was a scar on all of us. Only Obama would have sympathy for a criminal. Haha funny stuff Mr President.

The same rhetoric that caused the LA Riots.

andrewzooms's photo
Tue 10/02/12 01:45 PM

Our career defines who we are. Yet I have not had a career so far in my life. Education, writing, and volunteer work is not the same as doing something I have a passion for. A person with a job is a positive in my book.

I think so too. My career in the military definitely defined me as a person. When I left the military; my job has destroyed everything that made me a better person. I feel empty; lost, and damn useless sitting behind a desk. I no longer have a purpose in life or even a reason to get out of bed anymore.sad

I am sorry it is the worst feeling in the world. Having a dreadful unfulfilled job.

andrewzooms's photo
Tue 10/02/12 01:43 PM
50 years and older wanting kids. Well that is a handful at that age.

andrewzooms's photo
Tue 10/02/12 01:41 PM
Castrate these punks before they breed.

andrewzooms's photo
Tue 10/02/12 01:29 PM

I am divorced with no kids ever. I get "WHY DID HE DIVORCE YOU?? IT'S NOT TO LATE FOR YOU TO HAVE KIDS"!!!

When they find out I divorced him, it's like "OH THE HORROR"!!!

And that I physically can't have kids, "Oh shame of you for not having them when you could. Your mother must be so disappointed that she didn't get grandchildren from you".

My ex is happily off with his girlfriend.

My mother after going through heck with my sister and nephew is grateful as anything not to have more.

My current boyfriend loves that I have no kids because his are grown and he does not want to deal with rug rats.

Most men do not want kids especially free spirited individuals.

andrewzooms's photo
Tue 10/02/12 01:25 PM
Oh deer lol

andrewzooms's photo
Tue 10/02/12 01:21 PM
A career is something with good pay, great benefits, stability, and a specialized skill.

andrewzooms's photo
Tue 10/02/12 01:03 PM

President Obama’s lawsuit claims it is unconstitutional for Ohio to allow servicemen and women extended early voting privileges during the state’s early voting period....Romney

“This lawsuit seeks to treat all Ohio citizens equally under the law,” Yes a lie.

‘Obamacare’ puts the federal government between you and your doctor'...Romney

It is still Government mandated healthcare.

"Obamacare adds trillions to our deficits and to our national debt." ...Romney

The Supreme Court ruled it as a tax; therefore someone is going to have to pay for it.

Eliminating "Obamacare" ... "saves $95 billion a year." ...Romney

When the CBO looked at the first 10 years of repeal, from 2012 to 2021, it found that repeal added $210 billion to the deficit. So the deficit would actually be lower if the law is not repealed. Yes a lie.

Says Barack Obama "never worked in the private sector" before he was elected president....Romney

He worked in construction and an ice cream scooper so I guess this is a lie.

"This is the slowest job recovery since Hoover."...Romney

2nd worst recovery.

"The only time government employment has gone down during a recession has been under me." ...Obama

First year of Reagan it decreased.

If the Supreme Court throws out the federal health care law, it "would be an unprecedented, extraordinary step of overturning a law that was passed by a strong majority of a democratically elected Congress." ...Obama

Marbury V Madison. This is a lie.

When President Franklin D. Roosevelt started Social Security, "it only affected widows and orphans," and when Medicare began, "it was a small program."...Obama

This is a lie but social security did start off slowly.

Health insurance companies are "making record profits, right now."...Obama

Replace the word record with high and this is a fact.

"Right now, an employer has more of a chance of getting hit by lightning than be prosecuted for hiring an undocumented worker. That has to change."...Obama

This is just a dumb comment but he was making a point that very few employers face any penalties.

"Over the last four years, the deficit has gone up, but 90 percent of that is as a consequence of" President George W. Bush’s policies and the recession. ....Obama

This is true because he blames the wars, bailout, economic disaster on Bush.

Not really lies just taken out of context.

andrewzooms's photo
Tue 10/02/12 12:38 PM

This is all G.W Bush's fault. What an awful job. Did he do anything to make America safe or prosper? How many gang members are now unaccounted for in this country?

I think its no one persons fault really,,,,

we have a government of hundreds of men/women who are meant to work together for AMericans, but they get caught up in working for a 'party' or a platform (and against any other politician with a different party or platform) instead,,,,

If we have a government that is unable to defend its own borders what business do we have dealing with any other countries problems? Government and business together have destroyed this country. We have not fixed any problem in the last 20 years.

andrewzooms's photo
Tue 10/02/12 12:21 PM
What is wrong with these quotes?

andrewzooms's photo
Tue 10/02/12 12:19 PM
I would consider a woman who has tried oral and got to 3rd base a virgin but not prude.

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