SINGLE or TAKEN? - part 20
Single again and ready to take care and worry ONLY about myself and be happily selfish.
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I want to forget you ever happened. I want to stop feeling like this. I want to move on and heal already. |
The End.....
Edited by
Tue 02/07/12 08:39 PM
So simple, he seemed so pure
Even the clothing, the truth they obscure Attraction at first sight, I must admit The decision to pursuit, we both did commit The kisses, hugs and holds although always lacked His words he repeated, trying to prove what he said was fact Guarded I kept what I cherished so much A heart missing pieces, fragile and such With actions always failing to meet satisfaction A lack of experience the excuse, only provoked a doubting reaction For she knew it was due to something greater His lack of romance was due to a great intimidator With poems and flowers, in the past he showered that b!tch A waste of energy and love, but too stupid to realize that $h!t She knew that b!tch was always on his mind Such a shame, she thought he was one of a kind Now, another small piece is chipped away Crying is all that's left, day by day Missing him she passes the days Pretending she's ok, in the thick haze |
Lol That's awesome. Love your honesty btw.
![]() I'm waiting for Diablo III to come out to play together with the BF. I'm excited. ![]() ![]() |
so, its all personal, like most I say, a guy can be as free as when we courted, free to wash their own clothes, fix their own meals, get loving WHEN they take me out,, JUST LIKE WHEN WE COURTED but most guys I hear complain about their freedom are all for the little 'sacrifices' the woman is supposed to make for them, but dont want to change anything about their responsibilities or lives for the woman in other words, the old uneven double standard,,which Im not for I want to move forward with someone, not stand still, if they want to stay how they are and keep 'their' life, they can do it without adding more responsibility to mine by way of sharing a home or a relationship,,,, LOL Agreed. I can see both sides. Like: > The woman not letting her man do the things he did before their commitment. For example, hanging out with friends all the time = A lot of drunk guys all together are bound to do stupid things like: A) Encourage Cheating B) Encourage things that lead to physical harm C) Encourage breaking of the law D) Cause the feeling of neglect to the GF She may feel she needs to "limit his freedom" because she's afraid of what may happen, in other words she's insecure. OR Maybe he needs a mommy to tell him what to do because if he doesn't have one, he'll always be getting in trouble. So even though he's constantly running his mouth about her limiting him, inside, he actually likes it. But in the case of the latter, then there isn't any trust in the relationship, which is what should be addressed, rather than "Oh my GF took away my freedom!". This applies to men too! Don't limit her freedom! I hate it when a GF "can't" go out because her man didn't "let" her. ![]() |
How would you handle love?
I have found it very difficult to find someone that loves me as much as I love her. How can I make a girl I love show as much love as i show her? ![]() ![]() You can't "make" anyone do anything, that's rule #1. Communication is key. Talk with her and let her know of your needs. Be honest and tell her how you feel. Don't tell her what to do or complain about what she doesn't do, tell her what you like and enjoy instead. Good Luck. ![]() |
Why do women think that way?
When I was younger, one of my male cousin's sat me down and told me that there is no such thing as a favour from a guy, if he does you a favour, he's usually going to want something in return at a later stage. Ever since then I've been wary of "nice" guys who want to help me out. That being said, not all guys are the same. It's just that sometimes it's hard to pick out the wolf amongst the sheep. I agree. From a young age we're warned about men and their perverted ways. We're told they're only after one thing. When we grow up, we still have this engraved, so naturally we're going to wonder what the "nice" guys hidden intentions are. ![]() |
Edited by
Tue 11/29/11 02:27 AM
Remembering Those songs from those days play so suddenly My vision starts blurring as I begin to remember You sang along changing the words of the song to my name Not caring about harmony only the meaning Your dark eyes locked with mine Expressing your feelings through music and rhyme I felt I wanted this forever, both each others first loves Intertwined in each others arms and body, becoming just one Never to be separated, only to grow stronger with you my soulmate A love that fought so hard to be Suddenly ended so lonely Betraying my trust, hurting my heart, it had to add up It was hard to do, but I had to give you up Your affections, kisses, and love I will never forget But the decision to end it, is not one I will ever regret |
Dear Santa,
Something is still missing! PLEASEEEEE send some wisdom so I can figure it out!! ![]() And some chocolate wouldn't hurt too ![]() |
I'm sure you have your reasons to do what you do.
Not everyone is trustworthy after all. Maybe you just need to feel in control, or sly or even sneaky. I'm okay with that. Just know I have nothing to hide. If you want to know something, just ask. ![]() and yes, I know, of course I know. The "how" doesn't matter. |
SINGLE or TAKEN? - part 19
Newly-ish Taken
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Since LimeWire went down, I haven't found a reliable p2p program for music. Any recommendations? Something with a low to no virus download chance where you could actually find music. Frostwire is useless too btw.
Microwave relationships
I believe in having standards and not wasting time with men that do not meet those standards.
I'm too young to waste my time on trying to "change/fix" someone to my liking, and I have enough experience to know that if he doesn't meet my standards, I will never be completely happy. My standards aren't about looks or money or superficiality. I care about honesty, loyalty, faithfulness, etc. So I have had a lot of microwave relationships, but I promise it wasn't because they didn't have nice butts. ;) |
![]() Grow up already. Yeah, you. Who else? ![]() ![]() |
do you talk to dead people?
I'm curious about the paranormal as much as I find it highly creepy.
![]() But I've never heard/seen dead people. ![]() |
I like
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Nice to meet you.
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He lived about two hours away, so most of the time we'd have long conversations over the phone. His phone would just cut off after 2 hours for some reason. He'd call me back and say "Hey! Why did you hang up on me!!". Of course I didn't hang up, but he was teasing. ![]() One random day, my phone rang and it was him. He never called at this time because he knew I was at work. I answered. Then he said "Hey! Why did you hang up on me!!". ![]() I ended it. As he obviously misdialed, and then proceeded to lie about it saying he thought he was calling his mom. Turns out he had lied about other things too. Oh well, and I thought I had found a worthy guy at last ![]() You and I both ![]() |
![]() I would have sued, big time. |
I think I'm going to give you a chance
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