Community > Posts By > spfdvol

spfdvol's photo
Sun 01/13/08 01:58 AM
Now there is something I didn't know that rap was invented in the 1920's I stand corrected then :tongue: Learn something new everday lol.

spfdvol's photo
Sun 01/13/08 01:48 AM
First rap song Heart of Glass Blondie she done a rap in the song, and the reason that is the first rap song cause it was in 1970's that song came out. Then after Blondie first rapper was RUN DMC came out in the early 1980's followed by Beastie Boys, and then Sir Mix A Lot whom was followed by MC Hammer. Salt-N-Pepper, and Vanilla Ice didn't come out till 1989.

spfdvol's photo
Sat 01/12/08 09:38 PM
I'm truely sorry too read about what happened, as well as I am sorry to read about that someone may want too speak one's mind, and think it's funny. Listen I'm a volunteer Firefighter as well as I went throught Basic Law Enforcement Training take my advice on something next you think something is funny about a tradegy don't post it so everyone can read it cause it may tend too offend those either involved, or those that know someone, but how one can think it's funny is beyond me, but that is my opinion, and my thoughts as well.

spfdvol's photo
Fri 01/11/08 07:25 PM
huh Do who? I can't answer that one I like Southern Acccents, Australian, German, Irish, ect... Hmm Guess that means I'm different lol Darn the bad luck lmao.

spfdvol's photo
Thu 01/03/08 10:15 PM
Caring is like sharing in many different ways, but what is that we care about that makes us what too share the things? Love is all about caring, and we share those things in a lot of different ways, but can we also not care nor do we share those things in which we care the same way? Material things we care about, and sometimes share in different ways, but if one is vain does he/she care about, or share those things? Gospel we all care about, and share the same way, but if one doesn't believe does he/she care, or share those things the same way? I give you this little post to think about what it is that you care about, or share in different ways, but I can think of one thing that I care about, but won't share about cause I love her in many different ways.

spfdvol's photo
Thu 01/03/08 09:54 PM
Had a friend of mine who liked this story, so I thought I would share it with you I wrote this before Christmas, so I know it's over, but it is part of a few stories I written, and posted that are on myspace.

I give you this little Christmas Story too help you.

Once upon a small town where there was only one light, and noone around too care about the light. As I ran the red light the only one in town I thought I got away until I noticed more. I thought for sure as the lights came closer that I for sure must have got pulled. There were colorful lights mostly blues, and reds, and that siren made me scared. As I pulled my car over cause through the peaceful night I heard a shout that gave me shivered me in fright. The voice said PULL OVER NOW I was like yes GOD I will do it NOW! As my car came too rest I found out that GOD must have put me under ARREST! Cause in my drunken state I heard a knock, and thought it was the Heavenly Gates. God shined a light, and told me too get out. God pulled me from my drunken state too his car because of my state. The drive down too the station I began too sober up, and then I knew as a became sober the doom I could have avoided if only I stayed sober..

spfdvol's photo
Thu 01/03/08 09:22 PM
A man drove down the street, and said too himself " I have too think about a New Year Resolution. I want something noone has done before." About that time he saw flashing blue lights, and thought too himself man I feel sorry for the poor soul that the cop is after. The flashing lights began too get closer, and the man kept thinking about the resolution, and he thought well what is that I could do for this New Year that noone has ever done before? The lights on the patrol got really close, and now a siren could be heard, and followed by PULL OVER, but the man kept thinking what is that I could do that noone has ever done before? The patrol car now followed by several followed the car on the interstate, and the speeds kept increasing too about 80 mph. The cops tried their best too get the car too pull over, but the man was in daze, and kept thinking what is that I should do this New Year? Spike strips were placed down, and the man hit the strips, but he paid no attention too what was going on, as he kept thinking too himself what is that I should do this New Year? The car finally came too a halt, and the police closed in with guns drawn, and ordered the man out, but the man kept saying what should I do this New Year that noone has ever done before? The police looked at the man, and stated "Well for starters you could LISTEN, and Pull Over when we told you too.

spfdvol's photo
Wed 11/21/07 07:13 PM
O.k. here's some advice that may help you. First off if this guy is interested in you, and if he decides that no matter what happed, and that you apolozied to him. Then take things one day at a time, and see where it goes from there. Without you telling me what was said cause that I don't wish too know, but sounds like what I read that at one time you two liked each other. But sometimes misunderstands can be a terrible thing, but my advice too you is this just take it one day at a time, and let him cool off, and see how things go from there. When two people get into a heated agruement things can never be solved only can two people whom are calm and collected with there thoughts can only then a true decisions, or truece be met. My advice just be patient it'll work out if he likes you enough he'll come back talking too you again, but don't rush cause then he'll just turn away cause his feelings was hurt in this one.

spfdvol's photo
Sun 11/18/07 10:40 PM
A man walks down the hustling streets where the crowds begin too flow. He steps off the curb out of the way before a bus comes storming down the crowded road now full of cars, and buses. The man hears a train from the distance; The man startes humming the sounds that the train as it gets ever so near. The man sees the place too which he calls work, and procedes too go too the only place too which he knows he can leave such an awful crowded place. He now lives in the city too which he never was used too he prefered the country too which he could run, and play, and hear no noise. But as the city grew it over too his once happy place, and now he must get used too living in such a deary place. He comes too work all sadden by his grief that he never understands why everyone is in such a rush, but he can never stop too enjoy the city life cause everyone is in such a rush. Just as the man enters the establishment he calls his second home a screaming car pouring out white smoke from it's rear tires blows his horn, and the man driving the car makes an awful jist cause another man whom wasn't paying attention just crossed in his path. The man whom is now at his work shakes his head not in confussion of what's going on, but in annoyance cause everyone is in such a rush. The man stops get's down on his knees, and thanks God that he is hear in one piece too start his day, and prays that he might someday avoid the rush, but the man thankful that Christmas is almost near, and at the sametime is frightful cause it's near. The man bends down with this little prayer.

Dear God thank you for all of done.
Thank you for all you have ever done.
Thank you for creating hospitals, fireman, policeman.
Thank you for giving me such a grateful job.
But Lord if there is one thing I ask in return for all you have ever done.
May you look upon mankind and give them the courage, strength, and hope that one day Lord that they might calm down.
Lord as we all know Road Rage can Kill.

spfdvol's photo
Thu 11/08/07 08:17 PM
I can agree with you there if the work was copyrighted, and someone reads a line, two, or three, and intentionally borrows the lines in their work then yes it is theft, and noone has any right too intentionally borrow someone else's idea too make it their own.

spfdvol's photo
Thu 11/08/07 05:12 PM
A child prays

Dean was a ordinary firefighter whom at one time laughed, joked, played, and had fun with everyday life, but when him and his wife split up he went from ordinary to a loner. When station 49 would get together for their daily meetings and the others would be joking and having fun; Dean on the other hand would be in another room by himself caused he blamed himself for all that has happened between him and his wife. One day while he was at station 49 a fire call went out and their long tones and the wailing of the fire alarm all sounded and all the fireman including Dean all got their gear on and got into Engine 14 before communications even paged out the call. Dean was the chief of the fire department, so he was the driver of engine 14 and he heard communications calling over the radio "Station 49 fire and rescue need you in route to 127 Mckinney Lane a report of a fire at the residence calling advising that a neighbor made the call, and no reports of anyone in the house at this time, but a blue 1998 ford Tauraus was parked in the driveway". Immeidately Dean knew that it was his wife and he also knew that his kid was going to be their if she was, so Dean answered back to communications "Engine 14 enroute to 127 Mckinney Lane can you advice on getting me mutial aid with anyone close in the area". Dean could hear communication come over the radio " Attention Anyone in the area I need you to respond t o 127 Mckinney Road Authority of 199." Dean was afraid that as he pulled at the scene which only took 5 minutes after being paged he could see huge orange reddish flames coming out the back of the house he jump out of engine 14 and ran to the front door. Dean didn't even bother to knock he just took his foot and kicked the door in as he did his fire boot sole was melted onto the door because the door was intense with heat. He ran into the living room sweating not just from the intense heat, but also because he didn't know wether anyone was there, or not, or was anyone alive. Dean couldn't see hardly anything as he made his way to the hall and made a right to the kitchen he called out to his wife. She yelled at Dean "Dean I'm in here in the kitchen I don't know what happened, but all the sudden I heard something pop and felt like I was trapped. Dean told his wife " not to worry that he was going to get her out, and asked if their son was in the house". She told Dean " our son is upstairs in his room asleep, and I couldn't get to him cause I can't see". Dean was listening to her screaming at him as he made his way to the kitchen and grabbed what appeared to be a hand. Dean told his wife "come with me and I'll guide you out then I'm going back in to find our son". Kathy trusted her husband and took his hand as Dean helped guide her out of the house. The heat felt more intense than it did before and Dean noticed off the left from the hallway he could see smoke coming in, and he now feared that his son was more in danger than before because he was on the top floor. As he guided his to the living room and now for the first time they was beginning to see a bright light Kathy was getting scared caused she gripped his hand so tight, but Dean squezzed her hand tighter that made Kathy feel more secure as they headed out the door.

This is a story I have been working on, but haven't had a chance too finish yet, but thought someone might enjoy reading a bit of this story. I'll repost it when I finally get an chance too complete the story. Also too all fireman, Rescue, Law Enforcement personal that may be on this site just want too say as a volunteer fire/rescue myself, and graduate from Basic Law Enforcement Training I hope this story is inspirational too you guys, and want too say thanks for all you guys do.

spfdvol's photo
Thu 11/08/07 04:41 PM
that's the biggest reason when I write a story, or a poem I never look at someone else's work. Cause there can sometimes be a conflict on what is yours, or someone elses most of the stories, or poems I wrote on here came from other things I've already written a long time ago, or have wrote on already and posted on my myspace account, or I will just sit down, and start too write a new story that come from my thoughts.

spfdvol's photo
Wed 11/07/07 09:54 PM
A man walks out upon a old wooden pier, and looks out across the brown mudded pier caused by the ocean waves slamming against the pier. He looks up, and hears sea gulls screaming at one another, and he feels the cool salty air coming across the ocean waves as the ocean wave comes roaring in and claspes onto the shore. He peers out off the pier too see the dark blue/green ocean water as it's peaceful crest comes pulling back out from the shore too the ocean floor. The man sits back, and watches the peaceful stillness of the daytime sun glisten from the tops of the ocean, and makes a shadow smile across the sea. A plane rides above the man stops and listens too the engines propelling the plane across the sky as a roaring loud thunder crash across the sky. The skies now are darken, and the flash of bright white light can be seen from the far distance too the north. The ships are trying too make it back too shore before the sea becomes rough; The waves are now cresting five feet high, and are slamming against the pier causing a deafing sound all across the hollow pier, but yet life seems too be standing still for the man whom is still enjoying himself. The clap of thunder can be heard coming closer, and the flash of lighting which now is like a someone turning on, and off a flashlight can be seen all across the sky. The man can now feel rain drops that are cool too the touch be felt coming down from the sky. The man whom is in no hurry too leave cause he is still enjoying himself on the pier, and his life seems too be standing still. As the man startes too get ready too leave he wishes that his life can just be a peaceful, and calm as he felt when he viewed the raging sea. He now climbs back into his SUV luxious vehicle with all the materalitics things he could ever want, or need, and now puts it in drive too head back too what he knows what be a peaceful day without the sea, but smiles as he gets into heavy traffic with all the screaming, yelling, and cussing. He know realizes that he can be peaceful as the day at the sea, as he turns on his radio, and pretends too back at the sea.

spfdvol's photo
Mon 11/05/07 01:51 AM
Welcome, and I'm sure you will find many brain stimulating, and civil people whom just love too talk.

spfdvol's photo
Mon 11/05/07 12:45 AM
The true meaning of a friend; As you may, or may not know there is a difference of one called friend. A friend much like a dog is royal too the bitter end. A friend will tell you no lie unless it hurts too tell the truth, so then they will lie. A friend will always be by your side faithful too the end. A friend will help you get into trouble, but not there with you in the cell. No the friend will bring your bail; A friend will call you every night, and tell you goodnight. A friend will get on your nerves, but always you will never tell. A friend will help you out, and you never have too tell. A friend will always no matter what consider you a true friend, and ask nothing in return.

The other is a friend in passing whom you will never know.

spfdvol's photo
Mon 11/05/07 12:15 AM
AS I was walking in the great vast outdoors in the woods where the mountains seem too reach the great blue sky; With the puffy white smoke clouds that seem too race across the sky. I was pondering over a question that made me wonder why do I love the mountains for where I now live? It isn't because its like the city for which I lived not so long ago that had anything one could want as far as busniness, and things too do. No unlike the city the mountains for which I now reside is dry like the lakes, and rivers are becoming. Dry as in no alchol of any kind can be bought, unless you like too travel about 25 miles too the nearest town too get it. I looked upon the raging brown giant mountain top that could almost reach the sky, and started too realize what it was that I loved about this place so dear. It was the birds that was singing from a distance a group of canadian geese flying away for the winter cause the morning air is now becoming quite crisp. Frost is starting too form on the ground making the groung harden as it is now turning brown. The wildlife are now starting too graze if you look out you may see one, or more in the delightful moonlight haze. You hear no yelling, no beeping of car horns, but you may hear an cow moo along the way. Everyone in a city all seem too be in a hurry, but around here everyone is slow, and never really busy. Although the accent is much different, and things are never the same it's the little things that make me glad I choose too stay. Instead of the daily stock talk around here you may hear the talk of live stock, or the FFA. As the smoke haze coats the valley below the giant mountain life seems too move a lot slower here in the mountains which is why I love too stay.

spfdvol's photo
Sat 11/03/07 11:15 PM
thanks, glad you liked it.

spfdvol's photo
Sat 11/03/07 06:01 PM
A young boy was sitting in boat fishing with his grandfather when the young boy who was about ten years old decided that he would ask his wise grandfather what life was really about. The young boy looked deeply into his grandfather sharp ice blue eyes, and asked "Grandfather what is life all about is it about an age, or is about having all the fancy things in life"? His grandfather started too chuckle, and said "Boy where'd you here all the from"? The young boy explained too his grandfather that he over heard some of his friends tell him that they heard that life was all about what kind of fancy car you drove too how old you were that made you happy in life. The grandfather listens very carefully as the young boy was explaining this too him, and wonder how people could come up with such ridicious things, but he sat in asumesment as the young boy went on. Then the grandfather sat back lit his pipe from which he loved too use too try to explain his wisdom what the young boy used the word cause his grandfather was around seventy years old. The grandfather after taking a long glance of the water as the sun light glistens from the top of the water, and was listening too the fish jumping, and splashing in the water sit down, and looked into the boys golden brown eyes, and told the young boy "Ok son I will now explain too you what life is all about". "See son life isn't about fast cars, money, fine houses, and certainly not how old one is, but what you have already, and the age you are now is what makes life enjoyable". "It's the taking strolls in parks, sitting here in a boat fishing off the lake, or the ocean deep sea fishing, taking a deep breath just before you get up in the morning, and appriating the simple things in life is what makes enjoyable". "Sure it would be nice too have all the things that everyone would want, but if we did then where would dreams come from which is what life is all about". "Life is all about making dreams, seeking goals, and most importantly being happy". "The young boy listens with haste too what his grandfather was saying, and also looking around him at the blue clear sky, hearing the birds chirp their songs, the fish splashing around, and knowing that his grandfather was still around too tell him the stories of life, and the young boy finally decided indeed grandfather sure know's what his talking about cause right now I'm the happiest I've ever been.

spfdvol's photo
Fri 11/02/07 05:36 PM
lol being older and wiser doesn't cut into my fun just means I'm wiser now too realize what it means too actually have fun, and enjoy myself now instead of sitting around and become older lol.

spfdvol's photo
Wed 10/31/07 12:31 AM
Oh yellow Rose with your beauty ever so bold. Yellow Rose your petals are like a golden gold upon your rose. Yellow Rose too be told you don't seem too bold. Yellow Rose that glistens in the sun you are a star within the sun. Yellow Rose is it your radiant beauty that glitters is what we love, or do we love at all? Yellow Rose my your beauty that out shines us all; gleam with hope, and joy for all eternity as we each find what we love.