Topic: The Beach.
spfdvol's photo
Wed 11/07/07 09:54 PM
A man walks out upon a old wooden pier, and looks out across the brown mudded pier caused by the ocean waves slamming against the pier. He looks up, and hears sea gulls screaming at one another, and he feels the cool salty air coming across the ocean waves as the ocean wave comes roaring in and claspes onto the shore. He peers out off the pier too see the dark blue/green ocean water as it's peaceful crest comes pulling back out from the shore too the ocean floor. The man sits back, and watches the peaceful stillness of the daytime sun glisten from the tops of the ocean, and makes a shadow smile across the sea. A plane rides above the man stops and listens too the engines propelling the plane across the sky as a roaring loud thunder crash across the sky. The skies now are darken, and the flash of bright white light can be seen from the far distance too the north. The ships are trying too make it back too shore before the sea becomes rough; The waves are now cresting five feet high, and are slamming against the pier causing a deafing sound all across the hollow pier, but yet life seems too be standing still for the man whom is still enjoying himself. The clap of thunder can be heard coming closer, and the flash of lighting which now is like a someone turning on, and off a flashlight can be seen all across the sky. The man can now feel rain drops that are cool too the touch be felt coming down from the sky. The man whom is in no hurry too leave cause he is still enjoying himself on the pier, and his life seems too be standing still. As the man startes too get ready too leave he wishes that his life can just be a peaceful, and calm as he felt when he viewed the raging sea. He now climbs back into his SUV luxious vehicle with all the materalitics things he could ever want, or need, and now puts it in drive too head back too what he knows what be a peaceful day without the sea, but smiles as he gets into heavy traffic with all the screaming, yelling, and cussing. He know realizes that he can be peaceful as the day at the sea, as he turns on his radio, and pretends too back at the sea.