Your Appetite
One study found that hungry men perceived women with higher body weights as being more attractive. Once those men had something to eat and no longer reported being hungry, they no longer found those same women quite as attractive. I'm thinking I shall never have another dinner date ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() I'm eating now... I'll tell you about my perception once I'm done ![]() The results are in... Before I ate I wanted a good ol' big one, after I ate I want a big ol' good one ![]() Just no pleasing some people. ![]() I did say I was picky ![]() |
Your Appetite
One study found that hungry men perceived women with higher body weights as being more attractive. Once those men had something to eat and no longer reported being hungry, they no longer found those same women quite as attractive. I'm thinking I shall never have another dinner date ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() I'm eating now... I'll tell you about my perception once I'm done ![]() The results are in... Before I ate I wanted a good ol' big one, after I ate I want a big ol' good one ![]() |
Your Appetite
One study found that hungry men perceived women with higher body weights as being more attractive. Once those men had something to eat and no longer reported being hungry, they no longer found those same women quite as attractive. I'm thinking I shall never have another dinner date ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() I'm eating now... I'll tell you about my perception once I'm done ![]() |
Edited by
Fri 10/26/18 12:36 PM
Can we talk about pizza instead? Or turtles? What about both? ![]() |
Soul mate
I think on this word logically. So lets break it down. We have "Mate", which is someone that we want in our life...a it man or woman or man/woman. Then we have "Soul".....which according to God is something that I have since I was born. So I want a mate who has a basically I want someone who is good enough for me....and can make a kick azz pizza. ![]() |
Mid-life Angst
I am struggling to find my peace of mind In a world of pain where venom reigns, Tearing everyone down, destroying renown On sadistic whim, separating life from limb. The world around us has gone to rust From neglect and despair. Is it beyond repair? Are we as species equivalent to feces? Or can we do better by removing the fetters That shackle our minds, making us blind To the simple truth we held close in our youth That the world can change if we expand our range Of knowledge and thought, using courage youth brought? Have we lost our way? Or have we forgotten That each new day needs not become rotten? Nice! ![]() |
Certainly,it is life changing in many ways.It is binding,self-assuring and priority shifting,etc. What makes you decide nor convinced to finally take the plunge? ![]() I do want to get married and start a family but It is certainly a life-changing decision. That's why I've been taking my sweet time, much to my mother's chagrin. She's tried to set me up with everyone of her friends daughters but after a few dates I wasn't satisfied that any of them would be a good match. Maybe I'm too picky ![]() But when I hear the kind of problems my friends are having in their marriage it kind of cools my jets to make a decision I'd regret for the rest of my life. I always keep an eye open for that rare pearl though. One never knows ![]() |
are good, simple, honest, caring, loyal, and single men still men still existing? No. That guy was crucified over 2000yrs ago. |
My work, my house, my friends.
Whatever you do, don't even think of turning to psychiatry. Remember according to them, if your Ill, then you don't know that your ill . so they'll decide for you, what is real and what is not. They will simply try to delude you into believing that your deluded, and force uneccesary drugs on you, to help them to push you, wherever they choose for you to be pushed . and try to persuade you that you have an incurable brain disease. Even though the disease they say you have, doesn't actually exist. They will make a paraih of you for realizing or speaking of any of this. And effectively give you social leprosy. They essentially find you when your at your weakest, and then offer you a hand up, while actually kicking you when your down. Any the 1s they do lock up, are just a few, to try and create the impression that they do something about it. That's what happens if you talk, and worse. Full stop. Thanks for the warning, R2, but I mentioned psychiatry and psychology for the abusers, not for me ![]() Personally, I wouldn't mind if they turned the abusers into glassy-eyed zombies, at least they wouldn't hurt anyone anymore. |
This is a hard subject for me to talk about because I'm a victim of sexual abuse by both a man and a woman. I will not pretend to have any answer because the whole thing is beyond me and reading the replies on this thread proves that most people do not understand sexual predators and what animates them. I understand that sexual predators are members of both genders and so that tells me that it isn't about sex or the lack of it. I don't know what would take care of the problem but I know that pointing the finger at anything that moves isn't the answer and legalizing prostitution isn't either. Europe has some countries where prostitution is legal and that hasn't help to curb or eliminate sexual abuse. What I do know is that victims of sexual abuse must be taken seriously, listened to and helped, especially when they report it not long afterward and the abuser's identity is known by police. As a victim, I feel that psychiatry and psychology has failed us, creating more sympathy for the abuser than for the abused. I am sorry this happened to you. Thank you for speaking out. You have been heard. I too was abused by both genders. Sadly it creates another layer of issues for the victim to deal with. If children are given the freedom, information and safety they need, they will often report. Too often though children are warned not to talk or experience so much guilt and shame over the abuse that they never tell anyone until years later. All the abuser wants is silence. All the victims want is to be heard and believed. One of my abusers who WAS reported to the police, later had a job as a school crossing guard!!! Most likely that was before registries that might have excluded him from that job. But that never should have happened. Canada needs an open sexual offender registry like many other countries. A few years ago I was invited by a class of medical students to speak to them about child sexual abuse. They said that in their entire 8 years or more of training they had only 1/2 hour of training into the issue. They clearly realized that was not enough and did something about it. Believe me all my fellow students in my programs knew all about child sexual abuse. Each one of them heard me make presentations about all aspects of the issue. At least I knew they had a good basic knowledge of the issue that victims have to face Thank you, MsLeeHM. I hope one day this problem will be solved so that children don't grow up carrying the mental scars that you, I and countless of other people are carrying because even if time heals all wounds, those wounds are there for life. |
This is a hard subject for me to talk about because I'm a victim of sexual abuse by both a man and a woman. I will not pretend to have any answer because the whole thing is beyond me and reading the replies on this thread proves that most people do not understand sexual predators and what animates them. I understand that sexual predators are members of both genders and so that tells me that it isn't about sex or the lack of it. I don't know what would take care of the problem but I know that pointing the finger at anything that moves isn't the answer and legalizing prostitution isn't either. Europe has some countries where prostitution is legal and that hasn't help to curb or eliminate sexual abuse. What I do know is that victims of sexual abuse must be taken seriously, listened to and helped, especially when they report it not long afterward and the abuser's identity is known by police. As a victim, I feel that psychiatry and psychology has failed us, creating more sympathy for the abuser than for the abused. I agree with most of this. Abuse is difficult to understand. The concept of it is so foreign to most of us that we really can't even imagine why someone would do it. And I do believe that the psychiatric community has failed us on a number of levels, though not always due to a lack of will or effort. It's actually something I hope to improve in the future as I travel down my new career path. As for creating more sympathy for the abuser than the abused, I'm not sure that's the psychiatric community's fault. The blame for that could fall more on the media, education, and sociology. It's the same rationale as "Not my kid" or "Not in my backyard". Rejection and denial are unfortunately a part of human nature. But that only means that media and education have a moral and social responsibility to offset those inherent negative traits that generate a harmful mob mentality born from ignorance. Thanks for sharing something so personal though. I hope it opens a few people's eyes. You're welcome. Both incidents happened when I was under 10 and while I'm mostly over it, it hurts to read how much people are ignorant on the subject. It hurts even more, being a man, when I read articles on sexual abuse with insinuations pointing at men being the "main" perpetrators while completely ignoring that women are perpetrators, too, and they usually end up being facilitators of said abuse. It isn't a one-gender problem. Let's get that understood once and for all. I think sexual abuse conviction on a child should carry the death penalty by firing squad but that's just me. |
Edited by
Thu 10/25/18 07:23 AM
This is a hard subject for me to talk about because I'm a victim of sexual abuse by both a man and a woman.
I will not pretend to have any answer because the whole thing is beyond me and reading the replies on this thread proves that most people do not understand sexual predators and what animates them. I understand that sexual predators are members of both genders and so that tells me that it isn't about sex or the lack of it. I don't know what would take care of the problem but I know that pointing the finger at anything that moves isn't the answer and legalizing prostitution isn't either. Europe has some countries where prostitution is legal and that hasn't help to curb or eliminate sexual abuse. What I do know is that victims of sexual abuse must be taken seriously, listened to and helped, especially when they report it not long afterward and the abuser's identity is known by police. As a victim, I feel that psychiatry and psychology has failed us, creating more sympathy for the abuser than for the abused. |
Does spooning really lead to forking like they say? Ive just gotta know! What kind of spoon? Teaspoon? Tablespoon? Soup spoon? What kind of fork? Meat Fork? Salad fork? Dinner fork? If the soup is served before the salad . . . Oh, never mind. ![]() |
Soul mate
I don’t believe we have a soul mate. I believe spending time together determines if you should be together. I also think love evolves over time. ![]() |
Death of a Friend
![]() ![]() |
Soul mate
I don't believe in a soul mate for Me. Especially on a internet. I have to meet him in person to see how Our dating process goes. Then I decide if we are right for any Relationship. That's just Me. I agree. Nothing beats meeting in person. |
Soul mate
The concept of soulmate comes from ancient Greece. According to Greek mythology, humans were originally created with four arms, four legs, and a head with two faces. Fearing their power, Zeus split them into two separate beings forcing them to spend their lives in search for their other halves. Seems a bit silly to me... I did not know that, Cranky. When you put that way, it does seem silly to me also. |
Here is a question for women
I understand your point. Consider this: When I meet a stranger in the street or on the terrace of a café or at the store or library, I know nothing about that person but how she looks, just like on a profile. Yet I can go over to her table and politely ask if I can sit and talk. If she says no, maybe she wants to enjoy her time alone, maybe she is waiting for a friend or maybe she doesn't feel good just at the moment or maybe she doesn't like the way I look, no big deal. If she says yes, I sit and start talking to her and only then I get to know her better. Also, many people do not like to say so much about themselves online because the internet is no longer safe. Also NEVER tell a woman you do not know in person or on line to "smile".. You don't know what kind of day she is having and, anyway..she doesn't owe you or anyone a smile... You wouldn't tell a guy you don't know (or even one you do know) to "smile, make your face light up"... It sounds just as ridiculous to us women. Now, back to what you said Totto.. What you said is true, but that is *also* what the benefit of dating sites is...that the person has a profile that tells a bit about them, their interests, and so you'd know if you two have anything in common, so you don't waste you time chatting up someone who doesn't, and would have no interest in talking to you. I understand what you are saying, "people do not like to say so much about themselves online because the internet is no longer safe.".. But I see people post pictures of themselves, their kids, their cars..some people even have pictures wearing their work uniform/ ID. (Some morons even put their phone number or email or first and last name *in* their profile.. ![]() Just be cautious, use common sense....but that doesn't preclude one from telling some about them. Above courteous, polite...when sending an intital message. If she's got nothing on her profile..I can't imagine what you *could* say as a conversation starter other than "Hey", which isn't a great way to start... Maybe ask where the picture was taken? If she says she's not interested, or no decent enough to say "OK", and move on.. Being rude, pushy...or telling her off...that's just immature, and shows lack of character and maturity. I agree with your reply. I have nothing to add to it. It's all very sensible. |
older actors
I would miss Sean Connery, Harrison Ford, Keanu Reeves, Jim Carrey, Tom Hanks and quite a few others.