Community > Posts By > chismah

chismah's photo
Mon 09/25/06 02:47 AM
A ticket to hell is usually paid with good intentions I guess...

chismah's photo
Mon 09/25/06 02:37 AM
It's easy...but how can you love a guy (yes you had a baby with) keep
coming back to tell you he loves you and the baby and wants to be with
you..but YET goes right behind your back to look at and see other women
and be with THEM instead of you...

Wow...that just shows you soooo much how he luvs you and his's a total MIND CLUSTER FUCK I call it and I have been threw a
couple of those from women and ladies and don't wish to go threw the
crap anymore and bullshit games...I say move on with your life girl and
think about your son or baby and FIND somebody who WILL love you and
your baby just as you are and leave the bullshit and fakes out your

There's a guy's perspective...but I don't have all thee answers and
don't know what to say to make you feel can't be
helped...there's plenty of great guy out there for you just waiting to
sweep you off of your feet...

chismah's photo
Mon 09/25/06 02:32 AM
Cool personality you got there guy and you couldn't be anymore closer to
the truth...amen ^_^

chismah's photo
Sun 09/24/06 06:37 PM
We feel your pain hun...

chismah's photo
Sun 09/24/06 02:54 PM
Dam cook that's a great response...I admit I've made promises but I plan
on keeping the promises that I make and follow threw or else I wouldn't
make them...

chismah's photo
Sun 09/24/06 01:34 PM
So what does nag you ladies the most that turns you off to a guy that
you are having a relationship with??

Heh honest...make a list and let me read them ^_^ knowledge is
power and knowing is half thee battle...

chismah's photo
Sun 09/24/06 01:24 PM
Nah...I could care less what they do if they listen to me or not BECAUSE
this government has gone have a 4th amendment...your right
to privacy regardless and you cannot be spyed on without "a warrant from
a signed district judge"...they are now just coming out with it all
right now conditioning everyone that this is ok and needed...

They can spy all they want on me and others here....they are breaking
the law of this nation and to the bill of rights they swore to uphold
and to protect and to serve the public trust...I'm still going to live
my life regardless...and not in fear either...yeah spy on the american
people...frisk and pat the american people down at the airports....check
points on the highways looking for illegal drugs this government ships
and fly's in here to get our kids on their dirty drugs to get us all
into the prison and state system of control run by the real drug

But those borders are SUREEEEE going to remain wide open heh heh...

chismah's photo
Sun 09/24/06 01:08 PM
Dam straight...all ladies are also not that innocent mmm hmmm

chismah's photo
Sun 09/24/06 12:44 PM
And that's why I have a happy lifestyle because I create my own reality
to the life that I live until I DECIDE to let a special lady come into
it if she's on the level I am at in what I seek in a lady...

True there are many ladies out there...but only one can and may have

It has nothing to do with a persons clothes to make attraction it's many
types of factors...ladies are very selective and not every person is
going to like you or even notice you or even love you all at's
just not how life works...every person has his or her own taste in the
type of guy or gal a person wants to be with...

Mostly attitude...a way a guy/gal carries
themselves...personality...honesty and other things. but when the right
person comes along you know overall it's going to be right
regardless...but DON'T try to be somebody you are NOT ladies and some
guys can smell that and if and when they do you will be fake in that
persons mindset and the mindset barriers go up and litterally that
person will be un-interested in you ^_^

Just be yourself people and live life the way YOU want to and don't be
somebody you are not either in fashion, style or personality. because in
doing so will only confuse your own self and when trying to attract the
person you wish to be with will see this and you will possibly loose the
chance to ever gain attention from that person...

Now I sound like some dam narrator for a dating service...hmpphhh!!

chismah's photo
Sun 09/24/06 12:36 PM
Not at all it's perfectly normal to meet new people in your life...

chismah's photo
Sun 09/24/06 12:35 PM
Depends on the couples and open mindedness to explore while in a

Not everyone will do something like this..but again it's about both
parties communicating on whether or not to happily explore with another
person to have fun with when it comes to 3-somes.

If it makes 2 people happy to have another in order to keep a healthy
relationship...then I guess it's cool...but I wouldn't bet my
relationship on it...but in today's society it's hard for people already
in relationships to stay monogamous with just one partner...

To me in this's like FOOD you eat...if you and your
special other always like the same type of food...sooner or later you
are going to experiment with something else to keep the suspense going
or to try something new

chismah's photo
Sun 09/24/06 08:29 AM
no prob there guy..we all have our days..don't worry about it ^_^

chismah's photo
Sun 09/24/06 07:46 AM

Personal surveillance in U.S. everywhere

Dawn C. Chmielewski and Alana Semuels / LA Times | September 24 2006

The corporate spying scandal at Hewlett-Packard Co. has piqued the ire
of prosecutors and politicians, but not of Mark Pawlick.

The New Hampshire dad figures the outrageous allegations of HP prying
into private phone records, tailing board members and sending computer
spyware to reporters are more examples of how America has become a
society of snoops.

"There's probably more surveillance than anyone is aware of. It's just a
fact of life," said Pawlick, who himself has resorted to a little
spycraft, by installing a tracking device on the car of his teenage
stepdaughter. "These things don't surprise us anymore."

At a time when your bank tracks how and where you spend every dime, the
federal government might be listening to your phone calls and your boss
almost surely knows how many minutes you spend on eBay, the notion of
personal privacy is changing fast.

HP's scandal highlights how conflicted those notions can be, in the same
way people thumbing through the supermarket tabloids tsk-tsk at the
invasive tactics of paparazzi.

"The public has a double standard," said technology futurist Paul Saffo,
adding that it's difficult for people to get riled up when someone
else's privacy is under attack.

At the same time, though, "we take it for granted we're being watched,"
Saffo said. "We all know we're being watched, but we assume no one who's
watching us cares."

The lengths to which HP went may have crossed ethical and legal lines -
California Attorney General Bill Lockyer is weighing criminal
indictments and the FBI is investigating - but spying has become part of
modern life. And it's not just the big guys playing James Bond.

Women and men will Google prospective dates. Neighbors check what the
house next door sold for on People use online satellite
imagery to sneak a peek into the backyards of the rich and famous.
Hidden nanny cams record baby-sitters. More than 75 percent of employers
monitor what their workers do on the job - and more than a third record
every computer keystroke.

"You really have, in a good and bad sense, a democratization of
surveillance technology," said Lee Tien, senior staff attorney for the
Electronic Frontier Foundation, a nonprofit technology advocacy group.

For $155, for instance, nervous new parents can buy a wireless camera
small enough to hide in a smoke detector to keep tabs on the nanny. It
even has night vision. For $60, DisneyMobile sells a kid's cellular
phone with satellite tracking technology developed for the military.

Beth Givens of the Privacy Rights Clearinghouse in San Diego knows one
man who is such a privacy "zealot" that he considers any piece of junk
mail a violation of personal space. But he would willingly do a
background check if he felt something was amiss about his daughter's
boyfriend. He even went dumpster diving to investigate the dealings of a
corporation in which he had invested.

"People are conflicted, but they are in all aspects of life," Givens
said. "They have one set of standards for themselves and another for
others, including large corporations."

Pawlick, for instance, used global positioning technology to monitor
where his stepdaughter drove, and how fast. The tracker e-mailed him
when she exceeded the speed limit or drove to parts of town he had
designated as off-limits.

"I was out there basically doing this to protect her from herself,"
Pawlick said.

The 2001 attacks and ensuing war on terrorists opened the door to
heightened surveillance by law enforcement and intelligence agencies.
They increased taping of Americans' phone calls and voice mails and
clandestinely accessed bank and credit card transactions. Authorities
are even using supercomputers to crunch enormous amounts of personal
data to predict who might become a terrorist.

Companies are heavily involved in checking up, often starting with
background checks on prospective workers. And people make it easier than
ever, by posting personal information to social networking Web sites
such as MySpace or pictures to sites such as Flickr.

chismah's photo
Sun 09/24/06 06:19 AM
This I know personally and I agree with you...convo is important bra...

chismah's photo
Sun 09/24/06 06:16 AM
SCAM SCAM SCAM FRIKKEN SCAM...remember those anti-scam resources of
research I posted up people??

Check those sites out and start avoiding the scams and start SEEING the
scam for what it is and you can simply just ignore the scammers...stay
one step ahead of them...good job guy this person is a scammer plain and
simple and it just goes with my point in those anti-scam post I posted
yesterday...scammers can't resist such sites like this and it will
become a breeding ground to get ripped off...BUT...if we all LEARN how
scammers operate we can all avoid them and they will eventually go

chismah's photo
Sun 09/24/06 06:13 AM
Everybody feels lonely at one time or another..but it's who you surround
yourself with is also what counts in life in such difficult times!! are I guess you can't feel lonely anymore ^_^

chismah's photo
Sun 09/24/06 06:11 AM
heh heh 1st time for everyone eh??

chismah's photo
Sat 09/23/06 06:45 PM
What about carpets???

chismah's photo
Sat 09/23/06 06:43 PM you like peaches & panties...sweet ^_^

chismah's photo
Sat 09/23/06 06:31 PM
So let me get this straight....

Simple and plain...

You have a fetish for eating ladies panty's with gravy?? 0_o am I