Topic: does meeting new people makes you nervous
airpaul's photo
Sun 09/24/06 11:57 AM
I was just wondering of anybody else feels nervous when you are meeting
someone new. could be a friend, a blind date or maybe someone online.

I do feel that way, is this normal?Maybe it is because i lost my partner
but that was a long time should have gone over it really.

no photo
Sun 09/24/06 12:02 PM
it's perfectly normal man. i myself don't really get nervous about it
because it more exciting than anything to me but it is a normal feeling
and i wish you the best

chismah's photo
Sun 09/24/06 12:36 PM
Not at all it's perfectly normal to meet new people in your life...

chica42ny's photo
Sun 09/24/06 12:47 PM
I get butterflies in my stomach.

Supermomto2's photo
Sun 09/24/06 12:51 PM
I also get nervous meeting new people. I have been told that it is
normal though. That is why it is so much easier talking on the
computer. lol

no photo
Sun 09/24/06 12:52 PM
I get nerves myself at times but usually I have to calm my date down for
he doesn't know how to act around me and I don't know why do anyone out
there knows:)

no photo
Sun 09/24/06 01:27 PM
I guess it is normal for anyone to feel nervous about meeting new
people, but I think it's mostly because of the pressure we put on
ourselves. Think about it, if you know you are going to meet someone,
you become neurotic about every little detail, wanting it to be perfect.
Well, nobody is perfect. Mr. or Mrs. Right is going to accept those
little imperfections, right? Lighten up, meeting people is supposed to
be fun.

pms64's photo
Sun 09/24/06 03:51 PM
Hey CXPoet, I like the way you think. Too bad more people do not think
like you. And you hit the nail right on the head. I do believe we are
our own worst critic. pms64

unsure's photo
Sun 09/24/06 08:36 PM
I do get a little nervous...but what us girls do is this, we give each
other the guys information, just in case he is a whacko. They have his
cell number, where he lives, what he drives, where he works...any kind
of information we have on him...the girls get! Honestly, you really
never know who you might meet or what their intentions are, so better be
safe then sorry :)

no photo
Sun 09/24/06 09:29 PM
kinda like that women in detroit who met a man on a chat line.
he came over to her house, they drank, had sex and when they went to the
store she stopped at a gas station and while she was pumping her gas he
pulled a gun on her and stole her car. be careful

Ghostrecon's photo
Sun 09/24/06 09:52 PM
For me it's kind of being on a job interview. And I do think it in the
same way too, cause you are trying to make a first good impression. But
since a date to me isn't going to make or break your career, I try to
not take it too seriously.

no photo
Sun 09/24/06 09:56 PM
i know alot of people judge by first impressions but i don't even worry
bout trying to impress someone. i go as i am that way i know what's up
with the chemistry, no false fromts or nervousness and more times than
not even if we don't hit it off we have a good time.

vanchau's photo
Sun 09/24/06 10:09 PM
wow. that's borderline evil.. fake people are the worst.

to the original author, i think getting nervous is totally natural and
CXPoet had some great advice.

i also think "meeting" people online has a lot of benefits. i would
never have a purely "online" relationship, but online can definately
augment rl (real life)

no photo
Mon 09/25/06 04:36 AM
i get nervous at first but then i just get into the groove of things,
b/c you nervous isnt really you...