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Topic: What nags you ladies the most in a relationship???
chismah's photo
Sun 09/24/06 01:34 PM
So what does nag you ladies the most that turns you off to a guy that
you are having a relationship with??

Heh honest...make a list and let me read them ^_^ knowledge is
power and knowing is half thee battle...

cookieie's photo
Sun 09/24/06 01:55 PM
Other than the standards: lying, cheating, beating... The next
irritating thing is making statements/promises that he or she has NO
intention of following through with.
I believe in "say what you mean and mean what you say" This is the best
way to build trust and faith.

chismah's photo
Sun 09/24/06 02:54 PM
Dam cook that's a great response...I admit I've made promises but I plan
on keeping the promises that I make and follow threw or else I wouldn't
make them...

cookieie's photo
Sun 09/24/06 03:04 PM
The two most abused words... Promise and Sorry. To easy to say and
difficult for some to mean. You wouldnt make a promise to your child
and then break it knowing your going to have to face those little eyes
filled with tears. Well does anyone think we outgrow that just becuz we
get big. Yes, life is filled with disapointment, but dammit, stop
proving it to me.

chismah's photo
Sun 09/24/06 06:37 PM
We feel your pain hun...

cookieie's photo
Sun 09/24/06 06:42 PM
Thanks. Now how about some comfort food. I hear pasta is good for

treetopflyer77's photo
Sun 09/24/06 06:45 PM
for real?? not putting the toilet seat down when you're done man. it
only takes one time in the middle of the night to fall into that cold
ass water and you're ready to super glue the seat down. ok?

treetopflyer77's photo
Sun 09/24/06 06:48 PM
stop laughin so hard you know i m right!

cookieie's photo
Sun 09/24/06 06:55 PM
I bet that was really tough to type laughing your ass off knowing
everyone, even some guys have fallen in.

unsure's photo
Sun 09/24/06 07:19 PM
You know what is very annoying to me is play on words..for
Did you sleep with her? Hell no he didn't sleep with her...he just had
sex with her, there was no sleeping!
All men can take a simple question and use it to their own benefit, I
don't know why you all do that, but you do! Can't you just be honest? If
you decide that you want to go out with someone else, then just tell
us---end it before you go out with someone else, we don't care! We would
rather know the truth then be made a fool of.
Another thing that annoys me, he gets me in front of his friends, then
says...oh the guys want me to do blah blah blah with you mind?
Now come on, you could ask me without them around---you just know I
won't argue about it! What if we already had plans? Then you sit there
and have all those guys around to back your arse up..pleaseeeeeeee!!

no photo
Sun 09/24/06 07:55 PM
I'm with you cookieie if that can only do what they promise and stop
this lying ,cheaing , want to beat up a woman because things don't go
their way then may be bro man can keep a good woman. Yet the same go for
some us women for there are some guys out their who are faithful,
honest, and loyal we just have to look a little deeper on the inside and
don't worry about the outside of the guy. This is my point for tonight:)

lookin4da1's photo
Sun 09/24/06 07:56 PM
thats men for u

lookin4da1's photo
Sun 09/24/06 07:57 PM
i will say though i dont see how a man can ever beat up a woman

no photo
Sun 09/24/06 08:04 PM
I can't say what's they problem for they can only hurt themself in the
end for they will be doing some jail time I guess it's worth their
freedom:) But yet a lot of these women will fight back so they better
watch who they try to beat:)

lookin4da1's photo
Sun 09/24/06 08:08 PM
in my opinion a real man would never lay a hand on a women!!!!!!!

no photo
Sun 09/24/06 08:24 PM
That's so true I do my best to stay away from the so call thug like type
of males who think they all that but not about ***** LOL

loveofangels's photo
Sun 09/24/06 08:59 PM

cookieie's photo
Mon 09/25/06 06:36 AM
A friend of myne believes it takes 2 months for people to show their
true selves... I have discovered it only takes 13 days. Thank God for
the short timers.
Another way I have found to get to know someone in RL is to talk to
their ex's. But dont take their comments to heart. They are not you
and you may not face the same issues in your relationship with him.

no photo
Mon 09/25/06 09:13 AM
Well then I guess I can use my son then if he like the guy then maybe
there is something there for us but may be I should run an back ground
check just kidding:)

sexymichy220's photo
Fri 09/29/06 11:01 PM
for me is the lyings and the unkept promises, but what really piss me up
is to be dump and not be told why...some men are cowards......they
should have enough pants to tell you straight
"you know what I find someone else" or " I change my mind you are not
what I was looking for" that way I could move on with my life and stop
wasting my time with a fucking jerk that is obvious does not know what
the hell he is looking for or want"

Another thing the I hate is when they make you feel like you where the
once after their asses excuse my french, when they were the ones that
look for you and instant message you. I never look for them, they are
the ones that do so....and then when they change their mind or didn't
like me in person, and I ask what happen? they make it sound like I was
the one after them.

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