Community > Posts By > chismah

chismah's photo
Wed 11/08/06 08:34 AM

(Please go to main link above to read about this scenario along with a
recorded live-on-air video for more information...thanks!)

10-Year Old Disciplined for Visiting 9/11 Website

Courageous youth stands up to accusation of viewing 'terrorist'

Aaron Dykes & Alex Jones/ Jones Report | November 8, 2006

A fifth grader named 'Mark' reported to Alex Jones' Infowars TV show by
phone that he had been sent home with a disciplinary report for visiting
9/11 Truth websites such as

The 10 year-old Steiner Ranch Elementary student-- in Leander I.S.D.
near Austin, Texas-- says that he was browsing such sites during his
Computer Lab class period when a fellow student informed on him-- as
though he were doing something wrong.


"He just ran up to my teacher in front of the whole class, saying 'he's
searching terrorist stuff about 9/11'.

His teacher was "all shocked" and said, according to the student, "Mark,
you shouldn't have been looking at conspiracy theory websites."

Mark certainly did not think he was doing anything objectionable or
'terrorism' related.

"I was just searching the government websites which tell the truth--
which they think is a conspiracy-- and I get in trouble for it," the
fifth-grade student told Jones on his live TV show.

The student was sent to the Principal's office to face disciplinary
measures. Steiner Ranch Elementary Assistant Principal Amy Moore was
reportedly surprised that the school's IP filters hadn't blocked the

"They should have," student Mark reports his Principal as saying.

He says that his principal checked the web history in his school web
account, and was 'surprised.'

"I was going to websites that tell the truth about 9/11. She thought it
was all a conspiracy; I confronted her," Mark said. "'No, it's all the
truth,' you know. Bush-- and its not just him, a lot of other people--
and they're just trying to cover it up."

The assistant principal then told the 10 year-old, "Don't talk back to
me" before sending him to sit in the hall and later back to class.

"He came home, and I couldn't really be mad at him," his father, who
also spoke to Jones during the television program, admitted. "I just
told him he should stay on task."

Though Mark did nothing against school rules, he was treated otherwise.
His classmate tattled on him; he was sent to the principal

According to the Steiner Ranch Elementary Student & Parent Handbook,
students are restricted from accessing websites considered to be
abusive, obscene, sexually oriented, threatening, harassing, damaging to
another's reputation, or illegal. It is also against the rules to
'attempt to circumvent content filtered according to the Child Internet
Protection Act (CIPA).'

However, the school makes no attempt to stifle political content, news
media or public information on government activities-- which would
violate American rights to free speech.

So, by that yardstick, this student did absolutely nothing wrong, yet
was subjected to scolding and accused before his peers.

This is part of a chilling pattern in our society, not only in regards
to free speech, but in the right to pursuing alternative views and
research information.

What's wrong with our

Schools turned to prison; mindset of tyrranny

Relevant Transcript:

Mark: Yeah, There was this discipline report I got at my school. I had
looked, I had went on to your website and my principal, you know I just
went onto Infowars and stuff about 9/11and my principal said, "I can't
believe the filter didn't pick that up."

And they said it was inappropriate, and they were saying it was
conspiracies. It was crazy.

AJ: Sure, what school was this in Austin, if you don't mind my asking?

Mark: Steiner Ranch.

AJ: A spy saw you do more details

Mark: A friend, well, not even a friend, somebody else in my class--

AJ: A fellow thought criminal, yes.

Mark: He walks up to my teacher, yelling, "He's looking at terrorist

AJ: Sigh* That's what I thought. And so, he said you were looking at
terrorist stuff. As a member of the youth league, he denounced you to
big brother. And then your teacher decided that it was serious enough to
send you down to the Principal's office?

Mark: Yes.

AJ; And this was a good lesson for the rest of your class. What, were
there 22 or so.

Mark: Just about.

AJ: And so they all got a lesson that you were visiting on the school
computer-- something that said something about 9/11 and so it must be

Mark: Yeah

AJ: And will you describe what happened at Steiner-- middle school did
you say?

Mark: Elementary School; 5th grade

AJ: 10 years old? Tell me what happened? Go through it for us.

Mark: I was just searching the government website which tells the truth
which they think is a conspiracy and I get in trouble for it.

Mark: He said-- he [the other student] just ran up to my teacher in
front of the whole class: "He's searching terrorist stuff about 9/11,
and this, that and the other." And the teacher was all shocked and said,
"Mark, you shouldn't have been looking at conspiracy theory websites."

AJ: But that wasn't enough, she needed to report you.

Mark : she sent me down to the Principal's Office--Amy Moore-- She said,
"I can't believe the filter didn't pick it up. It was supposed to." She
was just surprised to see me going there. I confronted her with the
truth and she said, "Hey don't talk back to me." cause she was just
scared to -- know you-- face the truth.

AJ: So when you just said this was the truth, she said 'don't talk

Mark: Yes

AJ: You talk back like that any time you want to. Weak minded people
like that who think you've done something wrong when you talk about 9/11
being an inside job. You said it was a government site-- were you
looking up something like Northwoods?

Mark: No, they wrote down a couple of them.

AJ: Oh, she said they were gonna lock those down?

Mark: No, they got these websites from going into my profile.

AJ: so they blocked some of them?

Mark: They got into my profile

AJ: They were looking at what you had visited. You have to be watched
and-- I understand, it's part of the new freedom. What did you say to
her when she said you were talking back?

Mark: I said I was going to websites that tell the truth about 9/11. She
thought it was all a conspiracy; I confronted her: I said, 'No, it's all
the truth,' you know. Bush-- and its not just him, a lot of other
people-- and they're just trying to cover it up. She said, 'Don't talk
back to me.'

AJ: Well, I'm very proud of you. You say your name's Mark?

chismah's photo
Tue 11/07/06 04:50 PM
Hey..I have no problem with ANY country in the world. France is no
differen't man!!

The chicks are very cute there and someday I'm going there ^_^ isn't
that nice??

I <3 Europe to... ^_~

chismah's photo
Tue 11/07/06 04:14 AM

(Go to main source link above to see video documentary within article
and mainstream news, documents and other article links within this live
article...thank you)

The Voting Machine Documentary Diebold Didn't Want You to See...

And the Princeton, John Hopkins/Rice U. Studies on Machine Vulnerability
Diebold Considers 'Unrealistic and Inaccurate'

Aaron Dykes/ Jones Report | November 6, 2006

How very telling it is that Diebold pressured HBO to cancel the airing
of this documentary just days before tomorrow's midterm elections.
Fortunately, subsidiary of mega-corporation Time Warner did not cave to
the guilty psychology of the Diebold or other electronic voting
companies pleading to hide just suspicion of the 'fallible' system
behind our vote.


The documentary, Hacking Democracy, did in fact air on HBO Thursday,
November 3, 2006. It is based on the research of Bev Harris and Black
Box Voting (, as well as that of other entities.

While known problems with the electronic voting machines in 2000, 2002
and 2004 have been generically answered away with dubious ideas of
'incompetence' or 'confusion,'-- when these clearly at least raise
serious questions, the companies like Diebold who manufacture these
machines (see also ES&S, Hart InterCivic and Sequoia, all linked to the
GOP) seem to hold a converse and hypocritical universal dismissal of any
inquiries, tests or evaluations.

Consider the Diebold response to a Princeton study that showed the
machines could easily be manipulated with little chance of detection.
The Princeton group specifically checked out the Diebold AccuVote-TS,
the most widely deployed machines for use in the November 7 U.S.
elections and found that they could be compromised through software
written to steal-votes or modify records. The machines are vulnerable to
physical interference wherein anyone with access to the voting machine
install this type of software in less then one minute.

However, Diebold responded to the Princeton study only by calling it
'unrealistic and erroneous.'

But is that also true of joint-research efforts by John Hopkins and Rice
Universities? They also found that electronic voting systems are
'vulnerable to tampering.'

A University of Iowa computer science professor warns of counties who
rely on "inadequate security documents written by the voting machine
manufacturers." The same article reveals another worried computer
scientist at the University of California, Berkeley. He says, "With this
technology, we cannot be certain that our elections have not been

When Rolling Stone published an article written by Robert F. Kennedy,
Jr., on Diebold's role in delivering the Georgia vote to the Republican
party, Diebold claims that the story "falls short of journalistic
standards" and is full of "mischaracterization" and other flaws.

The Wall Street Journal layed out any number of scenarios which could
make the midterm elections go wrong.

Greg Palast is so certain of election wrong-doing in this midterm, he
has released a past-tense article the day before the November 7, 2006

The SEC is also investigating accounting irregularies.

Yet, Diebold continues to act guilty, acting like it has something to
hide and still pretending that it is some kind of upstanding, neutral
corporation. Never mind that the owner of Diebold pledged his commitment
"to helping Ohio deliver its electoral votes to the president next year"
in 2003.

But in the end, Diebold continues to operate much like any other arm of
the Bush Administration-- pretend any criticisms or charges are
outrageous in the face of obvious criminal and/or unethical behavior
that it rightly assumes no one will bring to a halt. How much longer can
things go on like this?

Diebold Inc. sent a letter to HBO CEO Chris Albrecht, concerned about
"Hacking Democracy" airing before elections and calling it-- of course--
"inaccurate and unfair."

"We believe the film contains significant factual errors and does not
meet HBO's standards for accuracy and fairness," Byrd wrote in the
letter sent Monday.

By all means, let us continue to take the word of a partisan company
readying for its fourth run of smoke-and-mirrors for another stolen
election who at a minimal have seriously questionable conflicts of

Let us please put aside information in question of Diebold and other
electronic voting machines developed through research and testing. Isn't
it obvious that Diebold's credibility automatically outweighs Princeton
University and Black Box and Rolling Stone's reporting, along
with that of most-- if not all-- the network and cable news agencies,
all of which have been investigating the many faceted problems we can
expect to face with electronic voting through another high-stakes and
untrustable election.

HBO and those involved with its decision to continue airing "Hacking
Democracy" should be commended for refusing to be bullied by a criminal
operation lurking just behind the shadows, all but out in the open.

People should be at least skeptical of electronic voting machines until
they are thrown out for good or become somehow verifiably unbiased and
no longer subject to malicious or even haphazard manipulation.

chismah's photo
Mon 11/06/06 02:28 AM
6 F' easy!!

chismah's photo
Sun 11/05/06 02:48 PM
Good stuff heh heh..thanks for posting that!!

chismah's photo
Sun 11/05/06 09:22 AM
Heh heh...

"Knock Knock..Knockin on Heavens dooooorrr
wohhhhhh...HEYYYY..HEYYYY..HEY HEY, YEAH!!!"


Knock Knock Knockin on Heavens Doooorrrrrr...


The song just pops in one's mind ya know!!

chismah's photo
Sun 11/05/06 09:20 AM
Thanks...I'm's Football day and I need to relax...have fun
laughing...glad I could help ^_~

chismah's photo
Sun 11/05/06 09:12 AM

A man went to his doctor and asked him how to prolong the lovemaking
experience. The doctor told him that masturbating before sex often
helped men last longer, extending the pleasure for them and their

The man decided, "What the hell, I'll try it."

He spent the rest of the day thinking about where to do it. He couldn't
do it in his office. He thought about the restroom, but that was too
open. He considered an alley, but figured that was too unsafe. Finally,
he came up with a plan.

On his way home, he pulled his truck over on the side of the highway. He
got out and crawled underneath as if he was examining the truck.

Satisfied with the privacy, he undid his pants and started to
masturbate. He closed his eyes and thought of his lover.

As he grew closer to orgasm, he felt a quick tug at the bottom of his
pants. Not wanting to lose his mental fantasy or the orgasm, he kept his
eyes shut and replied, "What?"

He heard, "This is the police. What's going on down there?"

The man replied, "I'm checking out the rear axle, it's busted."

Came the reply, "Well, you might as well check your brakes too while
you're down there, because your truck rolled down the hill five minutes

chismah's photo
Sun 11/05/06 09:11 AM
Well surprise surprise and a verdict just in the nick of time before
elections eh??

chismah's photo
Sun 11/05/06 09:10 AM
Cause they are going to be homeschooled...

chismah's photo
Sun 11/05/06 09:09 AM
To tell the truth guy.

When I have kids...I'm NOT sending them to public schooling (ahem)
re-education camps..PERIOD!!

chismah's photo
Sun 11/05/06 09:05 AM
There once was a man who owned a sausage factory, and he was showing his
arrogant preppy son around his factory.

Try as he might to impress his snobbish son, his son would just sneer.

They approached the heart of the factory, where the father thought,
"This should impress him!"

He showed his son a machine and said "Son, this is the heart of the
factory. With this machine here we can put in a pig, and out come

The prudish son, unimpressed, said "Yes, but do you have a machine where
you can put in a sausage and out comes a pig?"

The father, furious, thought and said, "Yes son, we call it your

chismah's photo
Sun 11/05/06 09:04 AM


chismah's photo
Sun 11/05/06 09:03 AM
I have so many favorite cartoon shows past & present that it's just

Just can't name them all right now. Maybe later!!

chismah's photo
Sun 11/05/06 09:03 AM
I'm a motor mouth wherever I go. So it's really no big deal. But chicks
seem to love the vote of confidence I have to just be myself and strike
up interesting topics of conversation.

chismah's photo
Sun 11/05/06 09:02 AM
Now that poem brought some waterfalls down my cheek!!

chismah's photo
Sun 11/05/06 09:01 AM
Welcome satan...God will be with you shortly ^_^

chismah's photo
Sun 11/05/06 06:24 AM

(Go to main source link above for more information, images, mainstream
and documented news links within live article and news report...thanks)

Saddam Hussein sentenced to death by hanging

Jomana Karadsheh and Aneesh Raman
Sunday, November 5, 2006

Comment: Saddam's fate is sealed but what about those of his accomplices
and business partners? Some of the very Neo-Cons that still control the
White House today and armed Saddam and enabled him to build up a power
base in the first place, but they will milk this for all it's worth
before Tuesday's mid-terms.

FLASHBACK: Saddam's November Surprise?

FLASHBACK: US helped as Saddam plotted chemical attacks, report says

FLASHBACK: Rumsfeld 'offered help to Saddam'

FLASHBACK: Saddam Could Call CIA in His Defence
A report prepared by the top CIA official handling the matter says
Saddam Hussein was not responsible for the massacre, and indicates that
it was the work of Iranians.

FLASHBACK: Saddam Silenced For Fingering US In Iraq Bombings

FLASHBACK: How the CIA found and groomed Saddam

FLASHBACK: April Glaspie's Mission to Allow Saddam to Invade Kuwait


BAGHDAD, Iraq (CNN) -- The Iraqi High Tribunal on Sunday sentenced a
combative Saddam Hussein and two other defendants to death by hanging
for a brutal crackdown in 1982 in the Shiite town of Dujail.

Iraqis under a curfew in Baghdad spilled out into the streets in
celebration of the verdict, news footage showed. But protests were held
in Saddam Hussein's hometown.

Along with Hussein, his half-brother and former intelligence chief
Barzan Hassan, and former chief judge of the Revolutionary Court Awad
Bandar also got death. (Watch Hussein shout protests during sentencing
-- 4:05 )

Taha Yassin Ramadan, a former vice president of Iraq, was sentenced to
life in prison.

"The verdict was predetermined and has nothing to do with court
proceedings," Ramadan said.

Mohammed Azzawi Ali, a former Dujail Baath Party official, was acquitted
because of insufficient evidence against him, the court said.

The three others -- Abdullah Kadhem Ruwaid, Ali Dayem Ali, and Misher
Abdullah Ruwaid -- were sentenced to 15 years each.

There will be automatic appeals for the four who were sentenced to death
and life in prison.

The 50-minute session was dramatic. Hussein entered with a Quran in
hand, as he had in the past. He began screaming Allahu Akhbar -- God is
great -- as the verdict and sentencing was read.

He also argued with the chief judge and shouted, "Damn you and your

As the judge ordered him taken away, Hussein said, "Don't push me, boy."

Bandar also screamed Allahu Akhbar as he was taken out of court.

Defense attorney Ramsey Clark, a former U.S. attorney general, was
ousted by judges early in the session. The court asked him to leave,
saying he had come here from the United States to mock the Iraqi people
and the court.

Another defense attorney, Ziad al-Najdawi, angrily told reporters as he
left the courtroom, "That's the American justice."

The Dujail case stemmed from a crackdown against townspeople after a
1982 assassination attempt against Hussein in the town. The crackdown
involved the ordered executions of 148 males.

Before Sunday's verdicts were announced, a curfew was imposed in Baghdad
and two provinces -- Diyala and Salaheddin -- with large Sunni
populations ahead of expected violence.

Predominantly Shiite and Kurdish provinces were not under curfew.

About 2,000 protesters in Saddam Hussein's hometown of Tikrit on Sunday
defied the curfew and demonstrated in support of the former leader.

A witness said the protesters carried posters of the former president
and were shooting into the air.

The numbers of demonstrators grew after the sentence was announced. A
complete movement ban -- both people and vehicles -- was imposed on
Sunday in the provinces of Baghdad, Diyala and Salaheddin -- where
Tikrit is located.

The Baghdad International Airport also shut down until further notice.

This verdicts come nearly three years after U.S.-led forces plucked
Hussein out of hiding and just a few days before U.S. midterm elections,
with the Iraqi war at center stage.

The U.S. ambassador in Iraq praised the verdicts and sentencing as "an
important milestone for Iraq."

"Although the Iraqis may face difficult days in the coming weeks,
closing the book on Saddam and his regime is an opportunity to unite and
build a better future," Zalmay Khalilzad said in a statement issued
shortly after the verdicts were rendered.

Outbursts and walkouts
The Dujail trial, the first in what is a series of proceedings against
former regime officials, began October 19, 2005, and ended July 27. It
was a turbulent courtroom battle witnessed on TV across the globe.

It was marked by outbursts and harangues from Hussein and his
co-defendants, lawyer walkouts, much-criticized court actions, and
complaints from lawyers about poor security. There were grave concerns
about security for legal teams and their families; three defense lawyers
were killed. (Full story)

Witness testimony and prosecutors got their case across, however.
According to court documents, the military, political and security
apparatus in Iraq and Dujail killed, arrested, detained and tortured
men, women and children in the town. Homes were demolished and orchards
were razed.

The Revolutionary Court sentenced 148 males to death, with Saddam's
signature ratifying the order.

But there were other deaths as well -- nine people were killed during
the destruction of orchards, and many of the 399 people who had been
detained were either killed or remain missing.

Hussein, Hassan and Ramadan were charged with willful killing,
deportation or forcible transfer of population; imprisonment or other
severe deprivation of physical liberty in violation of fundamental norms
of law; torture; enforced disappearance of persons, and other inhumane
acts of a similar character intentionally causing great suffering; or
serious injury to the body or to the mental or physical health.

Bandar was charged with willful killing by issuing the death sentences
for the 148 people.

The remaining defendants were lower-level Baath Party officials from
Dujail, who were charged with informing on residents who later died in
prison or were sentenced to death.

Hussein is also in the middle of another trial involving the 1988 Anfal
campaign, the government offensive in the country's Kurdish region.
Hussein is charged in that case with genocide.

chismah's photo
Sun 11/05/06 03:40 AM
Yup. Now I see what you mean about the pics hun. they never can resist
in the end.

chismah's photo
Sun 11/05/06 12:21 AM
What thingy?? ^_^

How do you send Sugar Gliders into an email?? that would be sweet!!

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