Community > Posts By > lily38

lily38's photo
Sat 12/01/07 05:44 AM
Hey, dark....WELCOME!!flowerforyou drinker

lily38's photo
Sat 12/01/07 05:23 AM
Congratulations, Shadow and family flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

lily38's photo
Sat 12/01/07 05:20 AM
Wrong forum, kids....

lily38's photo
Sat 12/01/07 05:16 AM
Cuz, cuz, cuz, cuz........hmmmmm....isn't that an abbreviated term for "cousin"....I think I am beginning to see the problem. Try dating outside the family........

lily38's photo
Sat 12/01/07 05:11 AM
Perfect example of the point behind some of my recent threads!grumble

lily38's photo
Sat 12/01/07 05:08 AM
Re-read Shadow and Gypsy's post. I could not agree more with the things they said. As Shadow advised, you need to look at the whole pic. Why is it you are so needy for a man, yet you are bi? Your odds for companionship are double us straight-folk. However, you are somehow alone. It cannot be the other party who always commits the wrong. Do a deep and searching moral is the answer to your questions?!

lily38's photo
Sat 12/01/07 04:52 AM
Good morning to you as well, Richard!flowerforyou

lily38's photo
Sat 12/01/07 04:47 AM
Ask your doctor about a whiffle procedure they use in pancreatic cancer surgery. I have been researching it as several of my friends have been diagnosed with this same cancer and the afore mentioned procedure has the better of results.
Pancreatic cancer is becoming so incredibly widespread. I cannot believe how many people are being diagnosed with it. In this small community there are four I know personally. My cousin had it years ago, a friend in NE.......What has you Dr. said, hon?

lily38's photo
Thu 11/29/07 09:50 PM
This reminds me: did you hear Rodney King was shot?
You know, the guy form the L.A. race riots who said tearfully,"Can't we all just get along"? laugh

lily38's photo
Thu 11/29/07 09:32 PM
Nate, Scatter said some of the same things I wanted to say. You and your brother.....sounds like you're it. You are all he has, and to leave him all alone at 14 would just be the most self-centered thing I can think of. You can help to care for him. There are state affiliations set up to assist you with things from medical assistance, rental assistance, food stamps, utility assistance, etc. You will probably recieve money from you fathers' social security after he passes as well. You are at the very, very beginning of life. To say you lost the love of your life, when you are only 18.......well, hon. you are apt to find the love of your life a minimum of 10 more times in the next ten years before you finally find "the one". This is life. There are a whole lot more downs than ups, but what can you do to change it? You can't control the life spans of those around you, but you can control the decisions you make. You can decide to give yourself a chance to grow and learn and eventually see what your path in life is supposed to be. All the bad things are prepping you now. Someday you will use the wisdom, understanding and strength to significantly be of great help to others in the future. Life is hard....harder for some than others. Life is one big, wild ride with lots of unexpected twists and turns that leave you hanging at the edge of the world. You just gotta learn how to hang on and ride it out.

lily38's photo
Thu 11/29/07 09:16 PM
I LOVE my cats! :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: Tom, Maggie, Big Oliver and Little Oliver...( first two are bro/sis, second two are dad/son)

lily38's photo
Thu 11/29/07 01:57 AM
I should have been a porn star, but I am against public nudity..........noway

lily38's photo
Thu 11/29/07 01:53 AM
I sick youtube! I sick youtube! I sick youtube!.......It isn't working, Gypsy.......

lily38's photo
Thu 11/29/07 01:26 AM
Caris, I am trying hard, but it is almost impossible to decipher the language you speak.....were you just singing the song "Oh, don't go changin' to try and please me".......(who is that song by)?

lily38's photo
Thu 11/29/07 01:23 AM
I have kept my standards low for years......keeps the door open for all the liars, cheats, sociopaths, narcissists, etc. But,hey, at least there are plenty to choose from. In fact, seems to be a neverending supply. grumble Stellar advice, U Wanna. Way to make yourself a poster boy for "Don't let this happen to you" on the front of STD prevention brochures.laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

lily38's photo
Thu 11/29/07 01:15 AM
Ahhh...then you still have much to learn, Grasshopper........

lily38's photo
Thu 11/29/07 01:11 AM
We are missing the point here, folks....the real issue at hand is.......Am I Attractive? Or do these jeans make my butt look big? Should I cut my hair? Whiten my teeth? Please....PLEASE! I MUST know.....AM I ATTRACTIVE, DAMNIT!!

lily38's photo
Thu 11/29/07 12:11 AM
drinker Wouldee

Gearhead, it is my experience that most people who have had their heads buried in the sand for a decade or more tend to like to keep them there.

Oh....and yes, I see the commercialisation of the afore mentioned sites popping up more and more frequently in various forums.......It is almost obnoxious.....but hey.....maybe that's who the propaganda is targetting....the obnoxious

lily38's photo
Wed 11/28/07 11:59 PM
Thunderstruck AC/DC

lily38's photo
Wed 11/28/07 11:53 PM
Andy Warhol