Community > Posts By > buckethand56
nurjoyce, not a real good picture but I think it is very becoming on you, it doesn't look bad at all. Still looks a little red LOL
And to me it looks like it would hurt like hell LOL |
Duct Tape!
LAMom can duct tape me anytime LOL
What colour Eyes are you?
I have the biggest brown eyes you have ever seen, but if I get mad then they turn black
where is everyone from
West Texas, and damn proud of it LOL
nurjoyce, like the new pics you have put up since I have been gone
......last night
joshy, is she still just your friend LOL
sororty, did I just read you right that you think all of us from the south are slow? That just showed me yourreal mentality, dumber than a box of rocks, josh did not make you read that it was on your own, you made that decision all on you own, and do not put us southern people down, some of us just ain't as stupid as you think, we just make you yanks think that on purpose
Why HOT is sexy?
I have worked outside all my life and would rather have it hot that cold, you can always shed clothes in the heat, but in the cold, youcan't always put on enough, and believe me, as a powerlineman, we go where it is cold, ice storms and such
This is for Brigade
thanks brigade, you are in my prayers and we are very proud of you, and will have your back on the home front
she is the most beautiful woman in the world to me
welcome back stacy
I'm tired.....
How are youdoing song, long time no see, and you too styx how are you doing?
whisper, friendss usually make thebest family anyways, congrats on the new job
Honey's question....
I have talked to my sweetheart on here for about 2 months now, and as soon a s we can we will get together, kinda broke at the moment, they won't let youbuild powerlines in the rain for some reason, but just as soon as I can I will be on LAMom's door step, and sweep her right off her feet
Date from hell
you did perfect hon, tellhim how the cow eatthe cabbage, just stand by your words,brothers will take care of him real quick
how you doing seahawks
Paris Hilton is a spoiled rich kid who pouts every time she doesn't get her way, she has nothing to do with the way you look or the way you feel, she was born with a silver spoon in her mouth, and nothing you say will ever change the way she was brought up, spoiled rotten to the core.
your weight has nothing to do with the person inside, that is where the beauty really lies, everybody get off their high horse |
Date from hell
You tell her buttons, you above all know what you need to do, dump his stupid , possesive ass
Man vs Wild
you would be amazed at what you will do to stay alive, I was in Vietnam, and spent most of my time in the jungle, I ate things I never thought I would there, grub worms, bugs, I won't go any further, self presurvation is a powerful thing
Date from hell
cat, you need to tell him the truth, that he made youvery uncomfortable, and he is not your type, if that don't work, you do have five brothers,as a big brother myself, they will take care of their sister, they will talk to him, in ways he will understand,
Not all of us men are that way, so by no means wait three years for another date, there are some gentlemen still out there |