Community > Posts By > mylifetoday

mylifetoday's photo
Tue 06/07/11 05:48 AM

There are no such things as "bi-polar attacks." It is a state of being. What you describe as an attack is just something other people can see and point to as something is wrong with that guy. Bi-polar is a chronic condition like diabetes. It doesn't go away.

It is ever-present impact on all thoughts and feelings in your life.

What about extreme highs and extreme lows? I've seen this in those who have been diagnosed...wouldn't this be a 'bi-polar attack?' Or the like..

No, that is what I was referring to when I said "something other people can see"

Not an attack really. Just a change in direction. I think the highs are so high because more often than not you are down. Way, way, way down...

Just part of life of being bipolar. Just deal with it as it comes. Before I started on my meds, I would embarrass myself when out in public. I knew I was doing it but didn't care at the time. I was just so happy that I was happy that it made me more happy. But that only happened maybe three times a year. The rest of the time I was trying to figure out why my life sucked so much. I couldn't even be happy going out to a party. I would be thinking of all the other stuff that wasn't working in my life. I could fake being happy though.

That is the best way I can explain it...

I don't like the term "attack" because it implies I am fine the rest of the time.

mylifetoday's photo
Tue 06/07/11 05:28 AM

Thinking about MLT's iPhone and my rock. :)

But, but, But ... I like my iPhone. (Said in the tone of Hammy in "Over the Hedge" when he wants something) :cry:

mylifetoday's photo
Mon 06/06/11 05:20 AM
Just finished watching "The Tunnel."

All I can say is: Thank you Red very much for recommending it. drinker drinker drinker

This movie had the best acting I have seen in a long time.

There are quite a few things I really loved in this movie but can't say it without giving away some of the story.

Everyone should see this. It was VERY well done. drinker drinker drinker

mylifetoday's photo
Sat 06/04/11 05:01 PM

And when you have determined what infomation is valid does it become a stone tablet through which contain a rigid, inflexible set of morals and values?

No. A great big NO.

Seconded. This is the beauty of not being tied down by one specific belief system, you are free to make of your life what you want depending on what is best for you then. That can and does change from time to time, and you are free to change with it. There's no strict set of rules saying you have to hold to one thing forever. There is so much freedom just knowing you are able to do this with no fear of spiritual repercussions if you "choose wrong".

Interesting you say you don't have to worry if you choose wrong.

For arguments sake, what if Christians are right?

That is why a lot of Christians say, I don't have to worry if I'm wrong.

They either are on the right path or it doesn't matter.

If Jeannibean is right, it doesn't matter that I'm wrong.

Spiritually speaking we don't, because we all go back to God in the end. Now does that mean we should do anything we want because we can? Not quite, there are some things that are better for us than other things, and will lead to a better lived life. So we should bear in mind that while we are free to make of our lives what we want, the choices we make do have consequences in this life. Given that we should choose wisely.

Now, if Christians were right, than God in short is a twisted, egomanicial, power hungry monster, torturing all those who don't agree with him. However I don't see God like that at all, and nothing is gonna convince me that He is that way, as it makes no logical sense if you are paying attention. So I'm not too worried about Christians being right, because on that basis they are not.

Finally you are right, it doesn't matter if you're wrong. But that being said, to go back to what I said about consequences for choices, some beliefs are more spiritually healthy than others, not for only for us as individuals, but also for the world as a whole. Christianity I don't think fits that category of healthy, nor does organized religion as a whole really. You may disagree with that, but that's how I view it, with the fruits it all has bore.

Um, WOW!

I don't even know how to respond to this.

All I can say is that I feel very Spiritually fulfilled. Don't see how that is unhealthy.

mylifetoday's photo
Sat 06/04/11 04:51 PM
Max Payne

I love it for the fight scenes and the soundtrack is awesome!

The story is ok but they don't explore the supernatural eliment enough. Seems they included that just to have some cool special effects Could be a lot better.

mylifetoday's photo
Sat 06/04/11 04:36 PM


With the exception of your last line, I can see an argument for that.

I did debate that myself for some time. It would explain the Greek gods and some statements in the Bible.

But I discarded it as there is evidence that the Universe has a conscious design to it. Most obvious being, why did the Universe begin in the first place? An alien race would not be capable of creating something they exist within.

But it does cover a lot of questions. Can't deny that. But I don't believe it answers all the questions.

You seek "All the Answers" but you never list the questions you want answers to.

Furthermore, if you can't answer a question with the answer you think covers that question, then the answer you have accepted is an understanding of your short comings in not having the answer.

For example: most people who believe in the god of the bible, believe he grants healing or powers of healing to some individuals. What determines who will be healed and who not? Why has there never been a substantiated claim of a severed limb growing back?

My guess is that you wont have a satisfactory answer that does not involve having faith in god. But if the answer is actually sufficient, shouldn't it be logical and transparent having empirical evidence and repeatable circumstanses? If there is truth in the answers don't you think they would be obviously true to everyone despite faith in the biblical god?

Jenniebean, how do you expain questions about your developing beliefs as they come about? Do you rationalize based only on the information you have gathered thus far? If not, how do you seek for the answers?

All the question that are posed to me.

There are hundreds if not thousands of questions.

It does explain the Greek God's and their stories. It explains the giants in the Bible and other things. But it doesn't explain some important things like the origin of the universe. among others. I would say aliens would explain about 80% of the questions.

mylifetoday's photo
Sat 06/04/11 04:28 PM

And when you have determined what infomation is valid does it become a stone tablet through which contain a rigid, inflexible set of morals and values?

No. A great big NO.

Seconded. This is the beauty of not being tied down by one specific belief system, you are free to make of your life what you want depending on what is best for you then. That can and does change from time to time, and you are free to change with it. There's no strict set of rules saying you have to hold to one thing forever. There is so much freedom just knowing you are able to do this with no fear of spiritual repercussions if you "choose wrong".

Interesting you say you don't have to worry if you choose wrong.

For arguments sake, what if Christians are right?

That is why a lot of Christians say, I don't have to worry if I'm wrong.

They either are on the right path or it doesn't matter.

If Jeannibean is right, it doesn't matter that I'm wrong.

mylifetoday's photo
Sat 06/04/11 05:25 AM

With the exception of your last line, I can see an argument for that.

I did debate that myself for some time. It would explain the Greek gods and some statements in the Bible.

But I discarded it as there is evidence that the Universe has a conscious design to it. Most obvious being, why did the Universe begin in the first place? An alien race would not be capable of creating something they exist within.

But it does cover a lot of questions. Can't deny that. But I don't believe it answers all the questions.

mylifetoday's photo
Sat 06/04/11 04:47 AM
Well, right now every day is a day off for me.

Apply for some jobs
Get yelled at on Mingle
Play a computer game
Have fun on Mingle
Do my school work
Email people on Mingle
Check Facebook and see bow my farm is doing
Look at Mingle and see most have gone to bed
Apply for more jobs
Think about sleep then discard it as a crazy idea
Look at the TV and realize I don't really care what is on
Check my email
Realize I haven't eaten all day and grab something
Think about sleeping again but having fun emailing on Mingle
Watch the sun come up
Realize I haven't slept in about 30 hours take a three hour nap and start over

mylifetoday's photo
Sat 06/04/11 04:22 AM

Palin is just tired of living in Alaska, if she was a real politician she would just use some of her campaign money to move to the "real" states before she makes an official announcement to run....technically its just her money and no laws are broken, Right?

She is similiar to me...(i know, risky statment lol) very opinionated but not politically ready...then again I am not a politician either.


I'm not living in a real state???

Where am I then?

mylifetoday's photo
Sat 06/04/11 01:24 AM
Your physical health has nothing to do with who you are.

It may impact how you live and you may have some restrictions for it but, so what?

I really don't know you but looking at your profile, I would be very glad to call you my friend or more. Sounds like you have a good heart. flowerforyou

mylifetoday's photo
Sat 06/04/11 01:10 AM


You certainly have a right to believe that way.

If I were a young woman, and I wanted to raise a family the traditional way, I would actually look for a man exactly like you with your traditional values. flowerforyou

I'm not that person, and I never did want to raise a family, but I'm just saying that if I were...

There was a time when I considered it, and I could not find such a man.

Be who you are, there is nothing wrong with that.

Thank you! flowerforyou

You're sweet and a good woman. drinker :heart:

mylifetoday's photo
Fri 06/03/11 11:51 PM
I just saw a new commercial that made me think of you.

They were wishing a happy birthday and many more to those with cancer.

Happy Birthday once again! flowerforyou

mylifetoday's photo
Fri 06/03/11 11:40 PM

the nature of the business doesnt include children(unless its child prostitution)

but that would be like comparing all homosexuals with homosexuals who happen to prefer children

keeping it broad , a homosexual is no more/less likely to make a good 'parent' to a child than a prostitute

unless EITHER one is bringing their personal/sexual life AROUND the child,,,,

,,,,do you feel otherwise?

Msharmony I will say this again. I hope you read it this time.

Prostitution is ILLEGAL. That can't be a good environment for a child. Mommy would have to be bailed out of jail, her pimp might beat her up, etc. LOL

Being homosexual is not illegal. They are not breaking the laws.

As Red said, if you aren't part of the solution you are part of the problem.

Children and families are being discriminated against as far as benefits are concerned.

ok, so an extremely promiscuous woman GIVING IT AWAY for free with no risk of being incarcerated'

would be no further down on the list to adopt a child than a nun?

lifestyle does at some points intersect with raising children and parens lifestyles are and should be considered in deciding the better or BEST envronment for the child

it is idealistic to insist that ALL that is needed is love, but its not realistic or true,,,

LIFESTYLE - what are you talking about?

Have you even bothered to look up the criteria that ANY state might use for foster care or adoption? Do you know the rigorous routines, the programs, and lenght of time and all that people have to go through to be considered for either of these programs.

You have no idea the stress, the heartache, ther trials, and even sometimes the trauma that can be involved. And there you are throwing these idea around inserting prostituion and drug addictions, haphazardly as if the whole world views THOSE PEOPLE in some underworld light.

MY first reaction here was to say --- Shame on you - an all time low for you , I must say.

But then I understand that you are grasping at straws to make points for for which there is not rational view. So I can only assume you have, as you have done in the past, not bothered to look up and ACTUAL inforamtion about this discussion.

Definately not a good role model for MyLifeToday, but then he only needs to look in the mirror to find his hero. Where do you look for your heros?

I find it flat amazing that because I have a different opinion from them that I am now a bigot and narcissistic.

And these opinions are based solely upon my belief that a child is better off in a heterosexual home.

I am just amazed at how intolerant people are towards me because I actually will stand for something. Then they yell at me saying I'm intolerant.

mylifetoday's photo
Fri 06/03/11 11:24 PM

why? when GENDER is a SIGNIFICANT factor in creating a child should it suddenly have no MERIT or SIGNIFICANCE In raising one?

Because there can be good parents as heterosexuals, just as much as homosexuals, even as much as single parents. Gender does not automatically equal a good parent nor should it be the main factor looked at.

a prostitute is not automatically a bad parent either, or an 'escort', but Im sure it weighs pretty heavily on a decision of adoption based upon the 'environment' that would no doubt accompany that type of lifestyle,,,

a prostitute, should not be ruled out as a good parent either, BUT , unless no other options are available, Im sure she would likewise be often pushed down to the bottom of the 'good , better, best' list

Here we go with the extremes again....

(sigh) When are you going to understand that a prostitute, a drug addict, is not anywhere CLOSE to a homosexual loving couple? To try and compare them like that, makes you just look plain stupid. It is not a fair comparision AT ALL.

Why is a prostitute a bad comparison? What makes her bad and a homosexual couple good?

That a question I'm trying to find the answer to. I hope either you or Msharmony will share a response.

You're asking the wrong person. I'm saying there is no difference.

So explain what msharmony failed to. What is this role model think you are stuck on. What is its funcion and how does help or hurt a child who does not have both a male and female adult in their household?

I already said this a few times. I wasn't going to answer because the posts were after your earlier replies.

Men and women are different. Physically, emotionally and mentally.

You asked if there isn't inherent male and female traits. Of course.

But we are talking about raising a kid to be a healthy functioning adult. If your statement is true, we should be able to throw all kids into a warehouse and let them grow up however they choose. That should be no different than having parents.

I have never seen any other male or female role model in situations that I saw my parents in. You see how they resolve difficulties and how they love and how the two different genders react to the same information.

You see first hand the difference in how the genders deal with things and how they prioritize. You also see how they compliment each other in resolving difficult situations.

Men are better at some things and women are better at some things as well.

There are big differences in the genders that you see in an intimate way within your household growing up. You would miss that in a unisex house.

mylifetoday's photo
Fri 06/03/11 10:40 PM
Americas Funniest Videos

mylifetoday's photo
Fri 06/03/11 10:11 PM

why? when GENDER is a SIGNIFICANT factor in creating a child should it suddenly have no MERIT or SIGNIFICANCE In raising one?

Because there can be good parents as heterosexuals, just as much as homosexuals, even as much as single parents. Gender does not automatically equal a good parent nor should it be the main factor looked at.

a prostitute is not automatically a bad parent either, or an 'escort', but Im sure it weighs pretty heavily on a decision of adoption based upon the 'environment' that would no doubt accompany that type of lifestyle,,,

a prostitute, should not be ruled out as a good parent either, BUT , unless no other options are available, Im sure she would likewise be often pushed down to the bottom of the 'good , better, best' list

Here we go with the extremes again....

(sigh) When are you going to understand that a prostitute, a drug addict, is not anywhere CLOSE to a homosexual loving couple? To try and compare them like that, makes you just look plain stupid. It is not a fair comparision AT ALL.

Why is a prostitute a bad comparison? What makes her bad and a homosexual couple good?

That a question I'm trying to find the answer to. I hope either you or Msharmony will share a response.

You're asking the wrong person. I'm saying there is no difference.

mylifetoday's photo
Fri 06/03/11 06:39 PM

Taking a cue from Jeannie, I think I'm done with this debate, this is going nowhere fast. We're just arguing needlessly now.

Have a good evening.

You too.

Take care. flowerforyou

mylifetoday's photo
Fri 06/03/11 06:37 PM

can you explain why a loving prostitute is not like a loving parent from any other demographic? isnt that a discriminatory attitude?

whats stupid about it? to say its nothing close seems quite 'discriminatory' to me.....

wasnt it posted before what people do in their personal life shouldnt be anyones business

so as long as a parent loves a child, what difference does it make what their sexual lifestyle is?


Because prostitution is ILLEGAL in most states.

Nevada being the exception.

Not only that, but that environment is not healthy for the kid anyway, and you damn well know it msharmony.

Why is it less healthy than a homosexual relationship.

The entire argument stems from their sexual preference is no importance.

In general Prostitutes do not work out of their home. So how is it worse?

Because the homosexual lifestyle is not endangering the child or setting a bad example of behavior, where the prostitute lifestyle can. This is really not that hard.

Ok, so being promiscuous is bad but being in a homosexual relationship is good.

Got it.

How exactly is a prostitute endangering their child's life?

mylifetoday's photo
Fri 06/03/11 06:35 PM

As far as what is good to be as adoptive parents, I wouldn't want a devil worshiper to adopt but other than that, if they have a good home, that is all that really would matter. I don't care what their faith is. I may take a second look if they were Muslim, but mostly because of how oppressive their faith is. There have been honor killings of children in the US before.

Could make the argument that Christianity at times can be as oppressive. Just saying.

Um, not even close.

That would be like comparing a mansion to a hovel and saying they are the same because they both provide shelter.

Explain what's different from a Muslim man pushing his religion on his kids, and a Christian man pushing his?

Um, because the Muslim faith says you must be Muslim. They have very little tolerance for other faiths. That and they have a very oppressive life style.

And the Christian faith doesn't say you must be Christian, or has tolerance for other faiths? You're like the pot calling the kettle black dude.

Um, not nearly in the same way.

The Christian faith says this is the way, come join us. The Muslim faith says this is the way, join us or else. And when was the last time you have seen Christians persecuting someone for their faith? When was the last time you were forced to sit and listen to a preacher against your will. You do know that in Muslim cities, prayers are said over loud speaker numerous times a day don't you?

I am very tolerant of everyone's faith. I have never told anyone that their faith is wrong. I have been told hundreds of times mine is and have defended my faith. How is that being intolerant?

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