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Topic: am writing on bipolar illness. need advices
bipolar2011's photo
Sat 05/07/11 07:31 PM

Totage's photo
Sat 05/07/11 07:32 PM

AndyBgood's photo
Sat 05/07/11 07:34 PM
I could tell you about a girl I knew that went from nice to ***** in less than a second. Then there is another one with Multiple personality disorder on top of that.

It isn't fun!

bipolar2011's photo
Sat 05/07/11 07:37 PM
plz continue

bipolar2011's photo
Sat 05/07/11 07:37 PM

AndyBgood's photo
Sat 05/07/11 07:41 PM
BTW, why is this in poems and creative writing?

For like a flipped switch,

good and evil entwine,

one person is darling

the other like ice

a lack of control when the two come to pass

there is no control when comes blast

the angst and the anger

irrational spite

and just like nothing happened back to being a delight.

with all of the cheer but that person unknowing

that a moment ago all their anger was showing

but now all is right

and nothing the matter

until the next time that person flips on that switch

and goes from being cheerful

to absolute bittche!

There, a poem to keep things on track!

bipolar2011's photo
Sat 05/07/11 07:44 PM
nice lines. have you ever experienced insanity

no photo
Sat 05/07/11 07:50 PM
when you go to the dark
and the light seems so near
and you think about the moment
and wonder if you can ever go back
to where it feels sane in the
light of day

and you reach a place to survive
because u do not wanna die
gets you back and that is good
because people count on you
but you come knowin; a place
you hope they never hafta go to

and u keep it to yourself
and in all this you never left the kitchen

no photo
Sat 05/07/11 08:15 PM
OK,,YOU asked?
I think THE TERM,,Bipolar,,is a name that MANY psychologists grouped together when they were without a real idea of the mental problem their patients daughter was diagnosed being bipolar. As I tried to learn more about it,,I became agitated more as to ALL THE PERSONALITY TRAIT DISORDERS that come with THAT LABEL...
I feel that its a loose definition that covers MANY, MANY disorders that people can have...And THEN,,,one diagnosed being Bipolar STILL has a LARGE PERCENTAGE of probability to commit suicide in their end..I mean WTF?? THATS THE BEST THEY Can come up with?,,Please.
My daughter NEVER suffered HALF the problems she HAS SUFFERED since they TOLD HER SHE WAS BIPOLAR..Just to be categorized as THAT,,,,to ME. She has read enough on it,,to copy many of the actions it has told her she would or COULD experience through having it...
To me,,the ONLY WAY TO KNOW HOW AND WHY SOMEONE THINKS OR FEELS ABOUT THEIR SELF OR OTHERS,,is through keeping THEM in a place of observation and with THEM KNOWING ALL THE MEDS they truly are taking.
Watching, talking and KNOWING THEM WELL ENOUGH through their time spent TOTALLY CONNECTED,,,at least two months,,,THEN,,,,TELL ME A PANEL OF DOCTOR'S OPINIONS AS TO WHATS WRONG WITH THEM.
I THINK many kids are wrongly passed through our system as being asserted by and THROUGH, SOME doctor that THEY HAVE"""THIS""" ILLNESS.
Be THAT,,,a learning disorder or a depression, or a FALSE CONCLUSION to THAT CHILD'S real problems....
I witnessed a child diagnosed with being hyper and PLACED on Redlin, who took that everyday for twenty years and recently had kidney Failure because of that meds usage,,,,HE RECEIVED A TRANSPLANT and is FINE NOW,,,,BUT,,,,,was he really in NEED of that med then,,and why on Earth did they NOT know its damage and change it?
To ME,,,many DOC'S PLAY with a person's meds like some damn common lab rat...Take Nursing homes and the ones who roam a LOT,,their given depressants to MAKE THEM TIRED and through all their years taking that,,THEY CHANGE and its NEVER BETTER.. MANY are given drugs that change their minds abilities to SEE LIFE,,like they use to,,MANY go inside their minds,,,never to KNOW AGAIN,,,Many JUST sleep AND STAY IN A BED WHERE THEY GET BED SORES THAT END UP killing them...iTS A SAD WORLD WE LIVE IN WHEN IT COMES TO THE time a doctor really takes for each one of his patients to have with THEM...AS THEY FEEL THEIR TIME IS WORTH SO MUCH....AND MANY, QUICK FIX PEOPLE WITH QUICK EVALUATIONS AND TREATMENTS GIVEN OR DRUGS GIVEN FREELY TO THEM...

no photo
Sat 05/07/11 08:25 PM
:heart: I can find NO RHYME for anyone experiencing an oddity in their mind, any illness that causes dis-pare,,,needs someone in their life who really does care.




WE CAN ALL FEEL CRAZY IN OUR MINDS THROUGH LIFE,,but MOST,,know its just many contributing unions merging on us,,at one time...


mssilverfox's photo
Sat 05/07/11 08:29 PM
Terry, you are so right about this.. I had a total breakdown when I was 23 and pregnant.. Spent 12 days in a hospital with 7 electro shock treatments.. Last yr I started having chronic fatigue and my family dr sent me to a psychiatrist who told me (after being asked about 20 questions) that I was bipolar 2.. Duh??I was in his office exactly 20 minutes! Put me on some meds which only made me sleep, so I got off and never went back.. I think they don't really take the time to check you out well enough so they know what is wrong.. BTW..started taking B12 and felt much better...

no photo
Sat 05/07/11 08:35 PM

OK,,YOU asked?
I think THE TERM,,Bipolar,,is a name that MANY psychologists grouped together when they were without a real idea of the mental problem their patients daughter was diagnosed being bipolar. As I tried to learn more about it,,I became agitated more as to ALL THE PERSONALITY TRAIT DISORDERS that come with THAT LABEL...
I feel that its a loose definition that covers MANY, MANY disorders that people can have...And THEN,,,one diagnosed being Bipolar STILL has a LARGE PERCENTAGE of probability to commit suicide in their end..I mean WTF?? THATS THE BEST THEY Can come up with?,,Please.
My daughter NEVER suffered HALF the problems she HAS SUFFERED since they TOLD HER SHE WAS BIPOLAR..Just to be categorized as THAT,,,,to ME. She has read enough on it,,to copy many of the actions it has told her she would or COULD experience through having it...
To me,,the ONLY WAY TO KNOW HOW AND WHY SOMEONE THINKS OR FEELS ABOUT THEIR SELF OR OTHERS,,is through keeping THEM in a place of observation and with THEM KNOWING ALL THE MEDS they truly are taking.
Watching, talking and KNOWING THEM WELL ENOUGH through their time spent TOTALLY CONNECTED,,,at least two months,,,THEN,,,,TELL ME A PANEL OF DOCTOR'S OPINIONS AS TO WHATS WRONG WITH THEM.
I THINK many kids are wrongly passed through our system as being asserted by and THROUGH, SOME doctor that THEY HAVE"""THIS""" ILLNESS.
Be THAT,,,a learning disorder or a depression, or a FALSE CONCLUSION to THAT CHILD'S real problems....
I witnessed a child diagnosed with being hyper and PLACED on Redlin, who took that everyday for twenty years and recently had kidney Failure because of that meds usage,,,,HE RECEIVED A TRANSPLANT and is FINE NOW,,,,BUT,,,,,was he really in NEED of that med then,,and why on Earth did they NOT know its damage and change it?
To ME,,,many DOC'S PLAY with a person's meds like some damn common lab rat...Take Nursing homes and the ones who roam a LOT,,their given depressants to MAKE THEM TIRED and through all their years taking that,,THEY CHANGE and its NEVER BETTER.. MANY are given drugs that change their minds abilities to SEE LIFE,,like they use to,,MANY go inside their minds,,,never to KNOW AGAIN,,,Many JUST sleep AND STAY IN A BED WHERE THEY GET BED SORES THAT END UP killing them...iTS A SAD WORLD WE LIVE IN WHEN IT COMES TO THE time a doctor really takes for each one of his patients to have with THEM...AS THEY FEEL THEIR TIME IS WORTH SO MUCH....AND MANY, QUICK FIX PEOPLE WITH QUICK EVALUATIONS AND TREATMENTS GIVEN OR DRUGS GIVEN FREELY TO THEM...

You sounds really angry and I can understand that. However, Bipolar Disorder is a mental disorder - not a personality disorder. It does take a long time to diagnose and there are two kinds: Bipolar 1 - manic type and Bipolar 11 - Depressive type.

It is a very serious disorder and is often misdiagnosed as ADD or ADHD or other diseases. The usual age onset is over 16 years old - so children are rarely diagnosed with it.

Yes, drugs - even prescription ones can be dangerous and even addictive - so, diagnosis should be made by a professional who deals with mental disorders (not a regular doctor).

For whatever it is worth, if someone is concerned about an mental disorder, I would hope they get professional help as it can be very devastating to the person who has it and to those connected with the person.

bipolar2011's photo
Sat 05/07/11 09:08 PM
oh please..... listen, i am a bipolar myself. don't be so hopeless about that disorder as many have harnessed it as a gift. tell me can u generate tremendous amount of electricity by a slow river? no! yu construct a dam to store its energy and then harness it that is by the dam. you may discuss with me in detail also. take care

bipolar2011's photo
Sat 05/07/11 09:11 PM
never back down. u have got this disorder because u r different. there is connection between dpression and sprituality. explore it. i m ready for help.

bipolar2011's photo
Sat 05/07/11 09:11 PM
never back down. u have got this disorder because u r different. there is connection between dpression and sprituality. explore it. i m ready for help.

bipolar2011's photo
Sat 05/07/11 09:14 PM
since the illness is due to natural cause, so u can remove that cause naturally. think india, think yoga, think controll. talk to me.
tahe care

AndyBgood's photo
Sat 05/07/11 11:07 PM
Worst issue with dealing with people who are bipolar is when they think they are OK and stop taking their medication that stabilizes them.

What is even worst is when their need for a prescription leads to experimentation in other substances.

Now a person with the disorder that acknowledges that they have a problem and deals with it and does not allow themselves to think they are miraculously cured are out there.

Although not proven yet it is possible to control the disorder with behavior modification eventually weaning off of the stabilizing drugs.

This means the triggers must be identified along with corresponding onsets of the big switch. A trigger is any stimulus that sets off an episode. Not all triggers are external. it could be a phrase or just the the afflicted talks. Even smells can be a trigger.

A rare few with the disorder have a version of it that is more akin to epilepsy in that the attacks just happen and do so without rhyme or reason. These people usually have headaches associated with the switch over.

Bipolar disorder is not like Multiple Personality Disorder BUT Bipolar people can likewise have Multiple Personality Disorder which is a coping malfunction more than a physical disorder where Bipolar is a Physical Disorder.

With Behavior Modification though it takes an individual commitment to know there is a problem and to study what it is, how it works, and to know how to identify when you are personally engaging in the abhorrent behavior or having an episode onset.

It takes more than Yoga becasue unlike trying to moderate a sense of calm and control it is like trying to find the brakes on a speeding car you are loosing control over. Like I said, it takes homework to understand the face of this enemy! Once you know the hows and whats the what do you doos become clear.

AndyBgood's photo
Sat 05/07/11 11:07 PM
Also one other observation I have had is that people turning super Spiritual or religious suddenly are addicted to drugs and use religion as a cover.

PoemWriter99's photo
Mon 05/09/11 02:35 PM
no offense but your writing is really hard to read, whats with going from caps to uncaps?

AndyBgood's photo
Mon 05/09/11 09:31 PM
Who's writing is hard to read?

Not mine I hope!

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