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I just get real tired of nonChristians saying my faith is a lie and I am a fool to believe. Constantly being shown "proof" that it is. I have never said anyone else believes in a lie. But these same people say they accept everyone and are tolerant of all beliefs. That is patently untrue when they say my faith is a lie. How can you say you accept me and are tolerant of me and say I believe in a lie at the same time? I don't clearly remember many of your posts on here, but a lot of people who mind their own business get caught in the crossfire between outspoken religionists and anti-religionists. Life isn't fair. And yet... you remind me of someone who posted on here that homosexuals shouldn't be allowed to adopt. Was that you? If so: well I think at that point its appropriate to point out any flaws found in your belief system, as you'r advocating for a position which could effect other people's autonomy. Yes I did say that. But that has nothing to do with being Christian. I still felt that way when I knew there was no God a few years ago. Why is it if I have a stand on an issue, it must be because of my Christian faith? I believe gays adopting is a bad idea because you have two mothers or two fathers. You don't have a living example of both sexes and how they interact. I believe from a societal standpoint we are better off with a mother and father raising children. My faith does not come into play in this belief. By the way, I think a single parent has the same problems only more so because they don't have anyone else to help in their daily lives. But because so many are angry with Christians over the gay issue, the fact that I am Christian is all they see and won't listen to what I say because of that. |
I just get real tired of nonChristians saying my faith is a lie and I am a fool to believe. Constantly being shown "proof" that it is.
I have never said anyone else believes in a lie. But these same people say they accept everyone and are tolerant of all beliefs. That is patently untrue when they say my faith is a lie. How can you say you accept me and are tolerant of me and say I believe in a lie at the same time? |
Moral Question
I guess the most interesting question here is: If he decides he no longer wants the pace maker, is it suicide? Can doctors even legally do that? Are you asking if doctors can force a person to have a pacemaker? No one can be forced to receive medical treatment. It's illegal to perform a medical procedure or give medication without the person's consent. The patient always has the legal right to refuse treatment. He already has a pacemaker. Can the doctors legally turn it off if it sustains his life? |
Um ... OK ... People that don't believe in the Bible have been saying this for decades. Have yet to see anyone prove anything false in the Bible. Actually, I have a few stories of people that went out to prove it false and ended up being Christian in the process. Where are the people and evidence you suggest exists???? You made a wild claim that Abraham WILL be proven to be a fictional character. No evidence, just a BELIEF that will be true at some random point in the future. You know I just don't get these people either. I just spent a week of my time telling them how they can study and find out if this is true or not and as soon as I turn my back they are back to bashing (in the name of love). I'm afraid they are losing credibility with me bigtime. You know I find that funny, cause I see a lot of Christians bashing in the same way, in the name of their version of love. That's about the definition of the pot calling the kettle black if you ask me. Further, maybe some people HAVE studied, and just came to a different conclusion than you did. Just because they don't believe what you believe, doesn't mean they're wrong. This I find fascinating. Those that argue against Christianity are fairly angry, or at least appear to be, towards Christians. They get mad at Christians for being exclusionary and say that Christians hate. The Christian response is generally, just open your heart and accept people for who they are. Then these same people that beat up Christians, congratulate each other on how loving and accepting they are towards everyone, (except Christians but they never mention that.) No, we have no problem with you, EXCEPT when you shove your beliefs down our throats when we don't care to hear it. If you wanna believe what you do, that's fine, no one is going to tell you can't, even if we don't agree with it. But when you start to say your belief is for everyone, that's where you cross the line. It's a line many Christians cross, whether they realize it or not. So don't even tell me, that Christians accept people as they are, because if they did, they wouldn't push their ideas of change onto people who don't think or live their lives the way they do. Granted not all Christians may do that, but I'd bet a good portion of them do, be it consciously or subconsciously. Um, actually, the OP in this thread is saying I shouldn't believe in it and I am wrong to do so. But when you start to say your belief is for everyone, that's where you cross the line.
Seriously? Your belief is for everyone - if they choose to accept it. Atheism is a for everyone - if they choose to accept it. Islam is for everyone - if they choose to accept it. Buddhism is for everyone - if they choose to accept it. Apparently, Christianity is not allowed in this category. Seems today's prevailing attitude is: "You can be Christian if you are now. That is OK. But you aren't allowed to infest others or your children with it." Yes to us you are wrong, but we aren't telling you you can't believe it, or that if you don't you will die or anything like that. We cannot take that right from you as much as you can't take the right from us to believe the opposite. No, here's the difference between Christianity and some of the others, particularly things like atheism and buddhism. In other non religious systems, nowhere are you told that if you don't believe as they believe, you won't be saved, or that God is gonna send you to Hell, or any variation therein. They will tell you what they believe, and whether you believe it or not, what you take from it, that's up to you, and they by and large will understand that. It's not quite the same thing in Christianity, because you HAVE to be right, and you can't be right and have others believing what they want too. So if one tries to go against you, they're wrong by default, and they have to come back to the "truth". They are given little choice. I felt this from my own family when I left Catholicism, they drove me away from them for simply making a choice. If you wanna tell people what you believe, do that, I have no issue with that. But when you start to get on people who think different from you, and start to forcably try and convert them, that's going too far. Like what if you had a kid, who decided he didn't believe in your version of God? Could you handle that, or would you cast him out for it? Um, you are telling me what I must feel towards you because I call myself a Christian. You said I can have my faith and in the next sentence tell me how wrong I am for having it. Which is it? If you don't believe in Christianity, why does it bother you so much that there are people that believe it is correct? What you say is true. Christians believe they are right (just as every other faith believes as well) But if you are right, what does it matter what a Christian believes? Then they are wrong and foolish. So, why does it bother you. Why does it bother so many to have someone say there is a right and there is a wrong. It is not possible for everyone to be right. So, who is wrong then? If I am wrong and we are a cosmological accident, then my faith is just foolishness. Won't mean anything when I die. But if I'm right ... But then again, if Islam is right, then I may be in trouble... I can believe I am right and others are wrong. You can believe the same thing. Personally, I don't think that anyone anywhere is right about how this will all play out. I think if Jesus came back today, He would tell all faiths how they are not doing it right. As far as my son, he is my son. I will love him no matter what. He may think I don't if I try to tell Him why my belief is important. But that won't change how I feel. There is a much greater chance of him disassociating himself from me than anything else. Running away bitterly cursing me for not allowing him his freedom or something along those lines. When I am just sitting here waiting for him to realize that I love him and always will. He will be his own man someday and will have to live with his own choices. My dad was P.O.ed with me when I left the Catholic church. But I had no doubt he still loved me and would be there for me even though he seriously disagreed with what I did. |
In Word, select "New" sheet.
The next window will be templates you can choose. I have used several different resume formats from this selection in the last few years... |
Edited by
Fri 06/24/11 01:46 AM
Um ... OK ... People that don't believe in the Bible have been saying this for decades. Have yet to see anyone prove anything false in the Bible. Actually, I have a few stories of people that went out to prove it false and ended up being Christian in the process. Where are the people and evidence you suggest exists???? You made a wild claim that Abraham WILL be proven to be a fictional character. No evidence, just a BELIEF that will be true at some random point in the future. You know I just don't get these people either. I just spent a week of my time telling them how they can study and find out if this is true or not and as soon as I turn my back they are back to bashing (in the name of love). I'm afraid they are losing credibility with me bigtime. You know I find that funny, cause I see a lot of Christians bashing in the same way, in the name of their version of love. That's about the definition of the pot calling the kettle black if you ask me. Further, maybe some people HAVE studied, and just came to a different conclusion than you did. Just because they don't believe what you believe, doesn't mean they're wrong. This I find fascinating. Those that argue against Christianity are fairly angry, or at least appear to be, towards Christians. They get mad at Christians for being exclusionary and say that Christians hate. The Christian response is generally, just open your heart and accept people for who they are. Then these same people that beat up Christians, congratulate each other on how loving and accepting they are towards everyone, (except Christians but they never mention that.) No, we have no problem with you, EXCEPT when you shove your beliefs down our throats when we don't care to hear it. If you wanna believe what you do, that's fine, no one is going to tell you can't, even if we don't agree with it. But when you start to say your belief is for everyone, that's where you cross the line. It's a line many Christians cross, whether they realize it or not. So don't even tell me, that Christians accept people as they are, because if they did, they wouldn't push their ideas of change onto people who don't think or live their lives the way they do. Granted not all Christians may do that, but I'd bet a good portion of them do, be it consciously or subconsciously. Um, actually, the OP in this thread is saying I shouldn't believe in it and I am wrong to do so. But when you start to say your belief is for everyone, that's where you cross the line.
Seriously? Your belief is for everyone - if they choose to accept it. Atheism is a for everyone - if they choose to accept it. Islam is for everyone - if they choose to accept it. Buddhism is for everyone - if they choose to accept it. Apparently, Christianity is not allowed in this category. Seems today's prevailing attitude is: "You can be Christian if you are now. That is OK. But you aren't allowed to infest others or your children with it." |
Um ... OK ... People that don't believe in the Bible have been saying this for decades. Have yet to see anyone prove anything false in the Bible. Actually, I have a few stories of people that went out to prove it false and ended up being Christian in the process. Where are the people and evidence you suggest exists???? You made a wild claim that Abraham WILL be proven to be a fictional character. No evidence, just a BELIEF that will be true at some random point in the future. You know I just don't get these people either. I just spent a week of my time telling them how they can study and find out if this is true or not and as soon as I turn my back they are back to bashing (in the name of love). I'm afraid they are losing credibility with me bigtime. You know I find that funny, cause I see a lot of Christians bashing in the same way, in the name of their version of love. That's about the definition of the pot calling the kettle black if you ask me. Further, maybe some people HAVE studied, and just came to a different conclusion than you did. Just because they don't believe what you believe, doesn't mean they're wrong. This I find fascinating. Those that argue against Christianity are fairly angry, or at least appear to be, towards Christians. They get mad at Christians for being exclusionary and say that Christians hate. The Christian response is generally, just open your heart and accept people for who they are. Then these same people that beat up Christians, congratulate each other on how loving and accepting they are towards everyone, (except Christians but they never mention that.) |
Um ... Ok ... People that don't believe in the Bible have been saying this for decades. Have yet to see anyone prove anything false in the Bible. Of course not cause you won't accept anything as such with your bias. You can't see the reality without letting go of that. That applies to you just as thoroughly. You will not accept anything that conflicts with your views. Your statement is usually, "It is part of the conspiracy. They are blinding you." Is see reality just fine. I don't see massive conspiracies everywhere I look. Definition of a conspiracy: 1. A secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful. 2. The action of plotting or conspiring. Just by claiming it to be a conspiracy, you have self fulfilling proof. You can't see it clearly because it is a secret. Lack of evidence is actually proof of it. But there IS evidence, you just choose to ignore it. You really don't see reality like you think you do. As they say, the truth is stranger than fiction. If you could actually prove me wrong, I'd accept it, but you really can't. Right, because so far every single time without exception that I have proven you wrong your response has been, "It's a conspiracy. Open your eyes. I can't believe you don't see it." You discard proof. Can't prove you wrong when you toss it aside like yesterday's garbage. |
Um ... OK ... People that don't believe in the Bible have been saying this for decades. Have yet to see anyone prove anything false in the Bible. Actually, I have a few stories of people that went out to prove it false and ended up being Christian in the process. Where are the people and evidence you suggest exists???? You made a wild claim that Abraham WILL be proven to be a fictional character. No evidence, just a BELIEF that will be true at some random point in the future. You know I just don't get these people either. I just spent a week of my time telling them how they can study and find out if this is true or not and as soon as I turn my back they are back to bashing (in the name of love). I'm afraid they are losing credibility with me bigtime. If people haven't studied it, it's just wind and anger. Now I'm kinda hoping more Christians come up here than they can count and give them a big kiss right on the lips. take care bro Well said MG. I've seen that too... |
Um ... Ok ... People that don't believe in the Bible have been saying this for decades. Have yet to see anyone prove anything false in the Bible. Of course not cause you won't accept anything as such with your bias. You can't see the reality without letting go of that. That applies to you just as thoroughly. You will not accept anything that conflicts with your views. Your statement is usually, "It is part of the conspiracy. They are blinding you." Is see reality just fine. I don't see massive conspiracies everywhere I look. Definition of a conspiracy: 1. A secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful. 2. The action of plotting or conspiring. Just by claiming it to be a conspiracy, you have self fulfilling proof. You can't see it clearly because it is a secret. Lack of evidence is actually proof of it. |
Um ... Ok ...
People that don't believe in the Bible have been saying this for decades. Have yet to see anyone prove anything false in the Bible. Actually, I have a few stories of people that went out to prove it false and ended up being Christian in the process. Where are the people and evidence you suggest exists???? You made a wild claim that Abraham WILL be proven to be a fictional character. No evidence, just a BELIEF that will be true at some random point in the future. |
Hey Best,
I am impressed. Good luck and stay safe. Hope you find what you are looking for. ![]() |
Moral Question
My former father-in-law is in bad health. They put him on hospice care. No life support. He had a pace maker put in about ten years ago. They recently tested his pace maker to see if it was working. When they turned it off temporarily, he flat lined until they turned it on again. He already is on life support with his pace maker. Is it ethical to force a person to stay alive when their body will not sustain itself? Remember, he has very poor quality of life. He leaves his home maybe three times a year and can barely walk to the bathroom. does quality of life weigh in on your decision? I am not seeking advice or support. Just interested in what people think about this. This man was completely paralyzed for 23 years and everyone thought he was brain dead. He's going to write a book about his experience and his family have gotten a long thought dead member back. There is always hope for people, no matter how sick they are. As for your former father-in-law, he should probably up his protein intake and his weakened muscles should start to repair themselves. The older people get, the more protein they need in their diet. The most common causes of old age frailty is lack of exercise and not consuming enough protein. He has multiple health issues. Heart, diabetes, blood pressure, liver ... They are surprised he hasn't died years ago. |
Moral Question
I guess the most interesting question here is:
If he decides he no longer wants the pace maker, is it suicide? Can doctors even legally do that? |
Moral Question
I am assuming he is awake and lucid for the most part. So, the decision is entirely his. You can't really judge another's quality of life in this situation. He may prefer the life he has now to death. He has moments where he has a clear head. But a lot of the time, he is confused about what is happening. At least that is what I'm told. I don't see the confusion when I see him. But I don't see him much anymore. |
Moral Question
You forgot? I forgot to point out in the OP that I was not asking for advice. Just interested in what people would think in this situation. Because the life saving measures have been occurring for some time but no one knew it. Ahh, forgive my intrusion then... I thought you cared about him. I do care about him. But I know he is dying and I still am unsure what I would do here. But I am not struggling over this decision. I have no say in what they do and no one would listen to me anyway. He is the only one on my ex's side that I really liked. When he does die, I will be sad but glad he isn't suffering anymore. Death is part of life. And I have already experienced a very similar situation with my own dad. It was a relief when he did die and everyone was glad he was no longer suffering and still sad he wasn't with us. |
Moral Question
You forgot? I forgot to point out in the OP that I was not asking for advice. Just interested in what people would think in this situation. Because the life saving measures have been occurring for some time but no one knew it. |
Moral Question
Ahh, dude... my heart bleeds. But on topic... I'll move off topic. What's it matter? How do you feel? Ooops, Didn't think about that. I am not asking for advice. It really is just an interesting moral question. What is right in a situation like this? Forget about the fact that I know him. |
Moral Question
Edited by
Thu 06/23/11 06:51 PM
My former father-in-law is in bad health.
They put him on hospice care. No life support. He had a pace maker put in about ten years ago. They recently tested his pace maker to see if it was working. When they turned it off temporarily, he flat lined until they turned it on again. He already is on life support with his pace maker. Is it ethical to force a person to stay alive when their body will not sustain itself? Remember, he has very poor quality of life. He leaves his home maybe three times a year and can barely walk to the bathroom. does quality of life weigh in on your decision? I am not seeking advice or support. Just interested in what people think about this. |
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