Community > Posts By > mandyatl81

mandyatl81's photo
Sun 06/29/08 06:18 PM

IMO: an action is a sin if:
1)its done with the intention of hurting some one
2) it is done thoughtlessly without care of who it hurts

so I'd say probably not =D

did you find your definition in a websters dictionary because that isn't what the bible says....according to the bible it is a sin to be a homosexual...that judgement isn't from me it's from God

mandyatl81's photo
Sun 06/29/08 06:15 PM
i would never stop loving my daughter if she was gay but it would break my heart because she wouldn't be in heaven with me unless she repented for it and turned away from her sinful lifestyle

mandyatl81's photo
Sun 06/29/08 06:13 PM

Jesus was a man . He died and he is not coming back . Dead people do not come back . Furthermore he was killed so he had no power to save himself let alone save anyone else .
think think think think think .

Jesus was more then just a man...he was the son of God and was given the ability to do the miracles God can do here on earth...he could've saved himself but that's not why he was here...he was here to save us and if he would've saved himself instead then none of us would be able to go get to heaven....he loved us that much he sacrificed hiself so that we could live

mandyatl81's photo
Sun 06/29/08 05:51 PM

What if Jesus came back as he has promised?

I know a lot of Christians have different ideas of how this will occur and what will happen and not all of them are the same.

I was thinking about this and imagined a news broadcast on television. CNN or ABC news. Tom Brochau ..LOL

"This just in.....what?.....who?... are you kidding? Folks this report just in states that a large cloud has descended upon all major cities here and in the middle east with a giant hologram of Jesus Christ and a host of angels.....Nasa has been notified and are looking into the strange phenomena.....

Okay that's a joke, but what do you imagine the second coming would be like?

i don't want to imagine it....when he comes back if i'm alive to see it then i didn't do what i was supposed to....the rapture will come first and the righteous will go to heaven...whoever wasn't righteous will still be here to see him and as much as i want to meet Jesus i want to do it in heaven not on earth because even though you still have a second chance to go to God if you're left behind it's not going to be easy to have faith because that time will be dark and evil and people will be killed horribly for not denying God

mandyatl81's photo
Sun 06/29/08 05:28 PM

I dont understand this phenomenon, but i am beneficiary of it.

Why do "older women" prey on "younger men?"
same reason us older guys like younger girls
they are alive

my fiance is 12yrs older then me...i like that sense of security and maybe younger men do in older know it takes 2 people to make something happen so she's not PREYING on him if he is cool with it

mandyatl81's photo
Sun 06/29/08 05:19 PM
no thank you...Kansas has no cell phone service...auntie em...auntie em...can you hear me now

mandyatl81's photo
Sun 06/29/08 05:17 PM

did he really ask her if she had psychological problems and expect her to actually call him you men out there now see what us women are dealing with these days!!!

I am witty and wonderful. You know what, you may want to look up passive aggressive. Yes that may be helpful. laugh laugh laugh laugh

but i'm a real catch and there is NOTHING WRONG WITH ME....yeah, uh huh

mandyatl81's photo
Sun 06/29/08 05:14 PM
really the answer to your question is simple.....we are at the end of days and people are moving futher away from God...Satan has put so many temptations into society today that it's hard to stay on the path to our Heavenly Father and sadly we will be judged for our choices we made in this life and alot of people won't get to spend eternity with our maker because of it.

mandyatl81's photo
Sun 06/29/08 05:10 PM
did he really ask her if she had psychological problems and expect her to actually call him you men out there now see what us women are dealing with these days!!!

mandyatl81's photo
Sun 06/29/08 05:02 PM

Its not so many People. Now people are less afraid to live the life style that was meant for them. Because of so mny close minded people,they had to hide the way they felt. For a so called Free Country, it sure treats People like Sh1t, when they are different:smile:

a mans crap hole wasnt meant to be for another mans tool,,,,it was made for crap....if you want to talk about what things are meant for.....

I guess thats why some religions dont allow a Woman to Preach, or the Womans Right to have an Abortionfrown

what the hell is your keep talking about religions allowing what point was homosexuality considered ok in the bible? it's always been a sin and always will be....your example is a bunch of bs

mandyatl81's photo
Sun 06/29/08 09:40 AM

what sort of room are we talking about

does it have a hotub

PARTY!!!!drinker drinker drinker

mandyatl81's photo
Sun 06/29/08 09:39 AM

noway huh What??? Southern Baptist? What has that got to do with a hill of beans?

cause they're all republicans here in the south.....laugh laugh

mandyatl81's photo
Sun 06/29/08 09:38 AM

what sort of room are we talking about

does it have a hotub

mandyatl81's photo
Sun 06/29/08 09:38 AM

im legal

oh ok....there's nothing wrong with older men as long as it's legal.....flowerforyou

mandyatl81's photo
Sun 06/29/08 09:33 AM
Bob are you robbin the craddle again...devil

mandyatl81's photo
Sun 06/29/08 09:31 AM
i can just see this headline in the news....Republicans and the Southern Baptist Convention boycott China

mandyatl81's photo
Sun 06/29/08 09:23 AM


You seem confused. Perhaps I can help you?

Thanks but no...I don't ask for help from married people on a dating site.

there is nothing wrong with being married on this site as long as you're here for friendship and not to cheat on your spouse and John isn't that kind of person....he started this thread for people that like history...he was just giving you facts about that time period at the top of his you don't like the fact that he's married then don't read and comment on his thread, no one is forcing you

thanks littleredhen for your feedback on my question about the tudors...flowerforyou

mandyatl81's photo
Fri 06/27/08 02:04 PM
smashing pumpkins - disarm

mandyatl81's photo
Fri 06/27/08 01:37 PM
look this topic isn't about me or's about the world today and the world today isn't pretty...we fight with anyone who isn't the same race, sex, or's sad but it's true...i know you think we're all the same cause we're all humans but in todays world it just isn't that simple...sure we all want world peace but the fact is we will never join hands and start a love train it just ain't happening. the point was made a while back about the topic...mlk didn't DO anything, he just had good ideas and planted them in our minds and now they're been shot to hell and back so why does the man need his own holiday? there are alot of others out there that have done greater things and we don't recognize them on holidays if we did the calendar would be full....he has his own day for what cuppy59 said 2 pages calm ratial the fact that mccain is white and wants to do away with it makes him look racist and anyone that agrees with him but there wouldn't be all this tension if a black man would've said lets get rid of the is what it is....our world thrives on hatred today that's why jerry stringer does so good....happy doesn't sell...the media is having a field day with a white man voting against a black man holiday that honestly wouldn't make the sun stop rising if it didn't exist...there isn't any point in arguing about this to begin with because none of this will ever change except for the worst and the holiday will never go ain't gonna happen

mandyatl81's photo
Fri 06/27/08 01:13 PM

Stand my ground due to my personal experiences.

Doesn't add nor take away from anyone's opinion, nor does it make me want to veer from my views.

Location is only geography.

I try and steer clear of the 'what if's' and trying to decipher what people mean/meant/should/should not say. Much like assumptions :banana:

location isn't just geography...the south is where racism all started and to say it's just geography is a very ignorant statement....what about the people on the paki side of the war and the people on the other their knowledge of how people act in that area just geography or is it fact....everyone acts different depending on where they live that's why we have gangs in one area and not in another....if you're going to talk about how people act in an area then you need to know the history behind it and it's more then just geography

((adj4u)) i didn't condemn you at all...if anything i'm the one getting condemed because i speak what i see and have lived in pretty much my whole family is all from here so i know the history behind what i'm talking about but some people who think they can visit atlanta on vacation think they have seen and heard it all and they don't know crap....i do have an open mind...i've been an army brat and have seen may places and cultures but nothing like what is here in the south...if we didn't have some kind of gun control this place would be covered in blood

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