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Thu 06/26/08 03:18 PM
Edited by smiless on Thu 06/26/08 03:24 PM
Welcome to the History Club!

Here we can discuss US History or World History. We can talk about European Wars or the Indian Wars or even the Napolean Wars. If you have some interesting information that you don't usually find in history books then please post it. If you enjoy the history of what was and why we are the way we are today then create a topic here.

If you are not interested in the History Club then perhaps the Writer's Club would be your cup of tea! Here is the link

I will start it off with the year 1900!

1900 Bernhard von Bulow, German Chancellor - Bernard Von Bulow succeeded Chlodwig Karl Hohenlohe as Chancellor of Germany. Von Bulow, a Prussian politician, initiated an aggressive foreign policy that eventually led to war.

1900 Boxer Rebellion -The Boxers called themselves "I Ho Ch'uan," and their goal was the removal of foreign influence from China. At the beginning of that year, the Boxers began to attack and kill foreigners throughout China. In June, foreign troops captured the Chinese coastal port at Taku. At that point, the Boxers entered Peking and merged with the Imperial Army. The Imperial government, under the control of the Dowager Empress Tzu Hsi, declared war on all foreigners. The army, together with the Boxers, laid siege to the foreign legations in Peking. The European nations, along with the United States and Japan, sent a force of 10,000 men, in an attempt to lift the siege. The force took 52 days to fight its way to Peking. On August 14th, the troops entered Peking and relieved the embattled legations.

1900 The Boer War -The Boer War was fought between Great Britain, the Boers of Transvaal (South Africa), and the nearby Orange Free State. The Boers demanded that Britain withdraw its troops, who were protecting the many British citizens who had come to the country. After achieving initial success, the Boers were defeated by reinforced British troops led by Field Marshal Frederick Marshalls.

1900 Paris Metro Opened -The first 6.25 miles of the Paris Metro was opened. The Metro grew to 157 miles.

1900 Freud Publishes -Sigmund Freud published his book "The Interpretation of Dreams."

1900 US Navy Accepts Submarine-The US Navy accepted its
first submarine, designed by John Holland.

1900 Quantum Published -Max Planck, the German physicist, published his quantum theory.

1900 First Zeppelin Developed - (7/2/00) Ferdinand von Zeppelin constructed the first dirigible. It had a speed of
14 miles per hour.

DestinysDream's photo
Thu 06/26/08 03:40 PM
Was the Teddy bear really named after Theodore Rooselvelt?

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Thu 06/26/08 03:43 PM

Was the Teddy bear really named after Theodore Rooselvelt?

You know I heard that also. I would have to check up on it. Maybe someone knows and can post that up for me. thanks


no photo
Thu 06/26/08 03:48 PM
The name Teddy Bear comes from one of American President Theodore Roosevelt's hunting trips to Mississippi. There were several other hunters competing, and most of them had already shot something. A suite of Roosevelt's attendants, lead by Holt Collier,cornered, clubbed, and tied to a willow tree an American Black Bear after a long exhausting chase with hounds.

They called Roosevelt to the site and suggested he shoot it. He refused to shoot the bear himself, deeming this unsportsmanlike, but instructed that the bear be killed to put it out of its misery, and it became the topic of a political cartoon by Clifford Berryman in The Washington Post on November 16, 1902.

While the initial cartoon of an adult black bear lassoed by a white handler and a disgusted Roosevelt had symbolic overtones, later issues of that and other Berryman cartoons made the bear smaller and cuter.

A Brooklyn store owner, Morris Michtom, saw the drawing of Roosevelt and the bear cub and was inspired to create a new toy. He created a little stuffed bear cub and put it in his shop window with a sign that read "Teddy's bear." The toys were an immediate success and Michtom founded the Ideal Novelty and Toy Co., which still exists today.

At the same time, in Germany the Steiff firm, unaware of Michtom's bear, produced a stuffed bear from Richard Steiff's designs. They exhibited the toy at the Leipzig Toy Fair in March 1903 and exported 3000 to the United States.

By 1906 manufacturers other than Michtom and Steiff had joined in and the craze for Teddy Bears was such that ladies carried them everywhere, children were photographed with them, and Roosevelt used one as a mascot in his bid for re-election.

American educator Seymour Eaton wrote the children's book series The Roosevelt Bears, while composer John Bratton wrote "The Teddy Bear Two Step" music which with Jimmy Kennedy's lyrics became the song "The Teddy Bears' Picnic".


While the Mississippi history is fact, another legend of how the teddy bear got its name comes from the American state of Colorado.

In 1905, the Hotel Colorado in Glenwood Springs, Colorado, became the temporary home for the President of the United States and his assistants during a three-week bear hunting expedition. Roosevelt stayed at the Hotel Colorado on multiple occasions after this.

According to the hotel, maids gave a stuffed bear pieced together with scraps of material to Theodore Roosevelt after an unsuccessful day of hunting to cheer him up. Later, when he did kill a bear, his teenage daughter Alice admired it saying, "I will call it Teddy."

DestinysDream's photo
Thu 06/26/08 03:58 PM
Thank you! They are still trying to sell the legend and teddy bear's at the Hotel Colorado.
"We invite you to join us in Legends Trading Company to see the latest Teddy Bear collectibles."

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Thu 06/26/08 06:44 PM

Thank you! They are still trying to sell the legend and teddy bear's at the Hotel Colorado.
"We invite you to join us in Legends Trading Company to see the latest Teddy Bear collectibles."

That is pretty cool! I can't imagine how much money such a teddy bear would cost if you found one that is over a hundred years old!!

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Fri 06/27/08 06:26 AM
Edited by smiless on Fri 06/27/08 06:27 AM
A wonderful good morning my History friends. May you enjoy what happpened in 1901. Do not fear to discuss or add more information to the forum.

1901 Queen Victoria Dies - On January 22nd, Queen Victoria died. She was 82 years old, and had ruled Great Britain and all its dominions since 1837. At her bedside was her son and successor, as well as her grandson, the Emperor of Germany.

1901 Social Revolutionary Party Founded in Russia - The party was formed mostly by students and was based on earlier Russian populist movements. Its main interest was concern for the peasants. Consequently, the party advocated nationalization of the land.

1901 Boxer Rebellion Ends - On September 7, 1901, a formal agreement was signed, ending both the Boxer Rebellion and foreign intervention. Under the terms of the agreement, the Chinese were forced to destroy their forts at Taku. Foreign troops were given the task of insuring free passage to and from Peking, and China was forced to pay an indemnity of 330 million dollars.

1901 Australia Created - By virtue of an act of Parliament passed in July 1900, the Commonwealth of Australia came into being. The Commonwealth was created by uniting six separate former British colonies. There was a population of 3,772,000 (not including Aborigines).

1901 Boers Begin Guerilla War - In the aftermath of the conventional military victory won by British forces, the Boers launched a guerrilla war. The British responded by taking action against the civilian population. At one point, the British acknowledged that they were holding over 100,000 people in concentration camps.

1901 McKinley Assasinated - While attending the Pan American Exposition, President McKinley was shot by an anarchist. The anarchist, whose name was Leon Czolgosz, was protected by police from a mob who wished to lynch him. President McKinley died eight days later.

1901 Cuba Becomes US Protectorate - Cuba had been occupied since the US victory in the Spanish-American War. On June 12th, the Cuban Constitutional Convention adopted a resolution that prohibited Cuba from entering into any agreement that would limit its independence. The amendment also stated that, if Cuban independence were threatened, the US would intervene.

1901 Mosquitos Cause Yellow Fever - The US Yellow Fever Commission presented compelling evidence that yellow fever was transmitted by mosquitoes.

1901 Trans-Siberian Railroad Completed -The Russians completed the Trans–Siberian railroad from Moscow to Port Arthur. The railroad opened large-scale access to Siberia.

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Fri 06/27/08 06:28 AM
The pilgrims were on there way to Jamaica....They ran out of beer....pulled over to find fresh water to brew some more....landed at Plymouth.....the rest is History...

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Fri 06/27/08 08:16 AM

The pilgrims were on there way to Jamaica....They ran out of beer....pulled over to find fresh water to brew some more....landed at Plymouth.....the rest is History...

If it wasn't for the beer right!laugh

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Fri 06/27/08 08:22 AM
every "Land owner" of the original 13 colonies was required by Law to grow Hemp

Jtevans's photo
Fri 06/27/08 08:24 AM
Edited by Jtevans on Fri 06/27/08 08:28 AM

Was the Teddy bear really named after Theodore Rooselvelt?


Teddy Roosevelt is also the one that named the Rat was formerly known as a Feist but he owned one for they were clearing out an old building behind the White House,his Feist killed around 2,000 rats within a few hours and he renamed them Rat Terrier

no photo
Fri 06/27/08 09:22 AM

every "Land owner" of the original 13 colonies was required by Law to grow Hemp

and today it is illegal. Is this correct?

no photo
Fri 06/27/08 09:22 AM

Was the Teddy bear really named after Theodore Rooselvelt?


Teddy Roosevelt is also the one that named the Rat was formerly known as a Feist but he owned one for they were clearing out an old building behind the White House,his Feist killed around 2,000 rats within a few hours and he renamed them Rat Terrier

Very interesting. thank you for sharing this.

mandyatl81's photo
Fri 06/27/08 09:23 AM
i want to know why Elizabeth became queen after Henry Tudor died and not his son that he had with Mary because he was born before Ann's daughter was...and what happened to the daughter he had with Catherine?

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Fri 06/27/08 10:46 AM

i want to know why Elizabeth became queen after Henry Tudor died and not his son that he had with Mary because he was born before Ann's daughter was...and what happened to the daughter he had with Catherine?

Well that would require alot of research. I am sure there will be someone who might know the answer. In the meantime we can see what we can find on the internet.

A great movie that I just watched was Queen Elizabeth the Golden Age. It was just released a few months ago.

A very good question. :smile:

no photo
Fri 06/27/08 10:57 AM
Thatmks for sharing that. My Olive is a Rat terrier.

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Fri 06/27/08 11:15 AM
The son Edward, was king but in name in name only, he was too young to actually run the country. He died as a teenager. Bloody Mary was queen before Elizabeth.

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Fri 06/27/08 11:19 AM
Edited by paul40 on Fri 06/27/08 11:22 AM

The son Edward, was king but in name in name only, he was too young to actually run the country. He died as a teenager. Bloody Mary was queen before Elizabeth.

The last people I want to read about are those monarchists and their supporters . If there is any justice in the globe , all officials should be elected . One family above the rest of families is not my cup of tea .
.....think think think think think ...

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Fri 06/27/08 11:25 AM
laugh Yet here you are, reading & even replying!

I am certainly not promoting monarchy. noway We are simply discussing history.

no photo
Fri 06/27/08 11:54 AM

laugh Yet here you are, reading & even replying!

I am certainly not promoting monarchy. noway We are simply discussing history.

I am glad you are not because I can not stand them .
flowers flowers waving waving .

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