Just a realization that -regardless what you might want to do -you don't always have what it takes. Love is not all you need. |
Where do they go?
The dust returns to the earth -the spirit to God who gave it -until resurrected.
20But now is Christ risen from the dead, and become the firstfruits of them that slept. 21For since by man came death, by man came also the resurrection of the dead. 22For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive. 23But every man in his own order: Christ the firstfruits; afterward they that are Christ's at his coming. 24Then cometh the end, when he shall have delivered up the kingdom to God, even the Father; when he shall have put down all rule and all authority and power. 25For he must reign, till he hath put all enemies under his feet. 26The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death. |
❤️🌹 L©√£ 🌹❤️
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Fri 09/24/21 10:51 AM
Sometimes you can love someone overall but hate them for occasionally being a tool because you love them so much
tickety boo and all that |
Things to avoid?
tugging on Superman's cape
spitting into the wind pulling the mask off the ol' Lone Ranger messing around with Jim |
Do you believe in empaths?
When I first seen the word "Empath" it t seemed like a strange term, however after looking at it's root and also comparing other similar terms such as psychopath and sociopath I was able to start connecting the dots and it is all becoming much more clear now. I wrote a 22 page letter about it but it's too large to post here. If you subscribe to THE NEW ENGLAND JOURNAL OF MEDICINE maybe you can find it there🤪 If you look on WebMD none of these things would be clinically diagnosed by a Dr. They may call them similar things, but they would not use these terms, they are more social terms so defined by peoples own judgement. There is plenty of reading people can do on the subject, but being it does not have a clinical definition it is all subject to ones own interpretation. Hey careful where you are dropping names... good thing I jumped out of the way Interesting that health, disease and treatment are literally by "path" and counter"path". " What does -path mean? The combining form -path is used like a suffix to mean either “one administering a treatment” or “one suffering from such an ailment.” It is the personal noun form of words ending in -pathy, which means variously “suffering,” “disease,” and “treatment of disease.” " |
Do you believe in empaths?
Edited by
Fri 09/24/21 08:59 AM
pretty much a 20
The chemical and scratchy clothes thing surprised me. My skin is sensitive to everything -by contact -from stress/emotions -even from the inside -from diet, etc. ...So much that I am having difficulty finding what does NOT affect me adversely. As for maladaptive responses.... absolutely....... it was to a great degree caused over time by being overwhelmed. I may have had certain traits and tendencies, but life opened up a can o' whoopass on me so I don't like to walk down its street if I don't have to. I was definitely more likely to interact and take opportunities before. It gets really fun when interaction coupled with hyper-vigilance causes you to consider possible and likely futures of those others -good and bad -and feel all kinds of stuff about stuff that may or may not happen. |
Do you believe in empaths?
Edited by
Fri 09/24/21 09:08 AM
The states of others can be sensed in many ways -but some people are not outwardly concerned.
As a genetics newb..... I wonder if having positive regard for others makes us focus more on what we sense -or if we are more likely to have positive regard because we are more sensitive. How much of our positive regard for others is in the DNA vs being taught it? Can basic learned "morality" -or moral sensitivity -be passed on through genes? Does our experience change the code to pass on personality/character traits? People who don't give a hoot seem to get through things more easily. Was watching a video about how the flying fish might actually achieve true flight. In a roundabout way it suggested it could be partly due to its efforts to fly "better" causing genetic changes -which would essentially equate to it willing the changes to its abilities and design into existence (though personally unaware). DNA would process those changes necessitated by will and environment using hidden data -like most are unaware how their computer works -yet do all sorts of things with it. I wonder if DNA code goes deeper than atomic level -like if slightly different atoms of the same element could have a different effect. Some believe natural radiation drives mutation. that would make radiation part of the overall code -and it seems to have a bias toward life forms developing increased mastery of environment. Need more coffee. |
I am a pushover -I have to plan my route when low on funds so as not to keep handing out money at traffic lights -but I actually prefer to give to individuals as so many are advised against it.
Sometimes I just need a beer, too... so I get it. |
Yes -and I am now a strong, confident woman
The Philosophy of Innocence
Concepts of right and wrong may be taught to us, but the idea basically stems from the fact that we all should share the one environment with consideration for others -so actual right and wrong is inherent.
When you're that one goob messing it up for everyone -you're in the wrong. In actuality -there are a lotta goobs. |
an incessantly-unsettled abnormal society is as liquifaction to a foundation
Edited by
Thu 09/23/21 08:06 AM
We are always time traveling with no return -but sequentially.
Apart from nature alone (which is bound by inevitability), we have extreme potential to choose and create the future. We wonder what the future might be like, but we individually and collectively decide it. We are moving from being subject to environment to mastery of environment. Getting successive generations of newbies to do the right thing (and know it in the first place) is the tricky part. (would go to Switzerland pretty much whenever) |
Perhaps a return to courtship -but in a 21st century styleeeeee.
Hookups or even marriages are about as risky as exposure to a global pandemic due to socialization -but we ignore that fact. Getting to know each other well before being too involved -and a couple weeks of quarantine before meeting... pretty much a good idea anyway |
I put the sham in the shamalamadingdong
Have you ever - part 26
no, but I gave pumpilicious a pic of me as a kid in bell bottom spandex with sequins and tassels from a jazz dance recital.
Anyone else has to pay $50 US. hye done the duck dance in a beer hall? |
tips about getting a gf
you could meet a lot by offering free tacos
The Philosophy of Innocence
Edited by
Wed 09/22/21 07:40 AM
With initial innocence also comes ignorance.
Without experience and understanding, we are bound to err -to do that which is not good because we do not yet know what is good specifically. We are animals which may become subject to/submit to higher law, but not before experience. |
I once had a free anything you want pizza.... sent to my last address.... and I was flippin hungry... could not get the rewards back... I hope someone got it.
I'm thinking...
about a long romantic walk in the spooky ol' woods at night. And, wondering what a certain nurse might say, if I asked her to be my Little Red Ridinghood. I know with great certainty I don't want to hear the rest of y'all's version of this song |