I_love_bluegrass's photo
Wed 06/03/20 08:16 AM
Edited by I_love_bluegrass on Wed 06/03/20 08:17 AM
I LOVE Thai food...and Korean and Vietnamese also... love

I_love_bluegrass's photo
Fri 05/15/20 08:59 AM
Edited by I_love_bluegrass on Fri 05/15/20 09:01 AM

Consider yourself lucky in that as a woman, you have the easy FWB option.

Us guys can't typically set up such an up-front offer to a string of ladies. You ladies would clamor that men are pigs and that your'e here for serious relationships and children and marriage instead.

I have had NO one worth a **** want to try and get a leg over...
If by "lucky" you mean "in that as a woman, you have the easy FWB option"..."lucky" only applies if the guy is a drunk, meth addict, homeless, or some other absolute nope.
At least in my world...those are the only ones that have ever offered.
(not that i asked them..they just volunteered)

And, no..I do not hang around people like that...I merely said those have been the only type to offer.

Howdy Bluegrass!!

What I meant was simply this:

Men can't get away with putting "Looking for an FWB only at this time" and expect ANY level of success. (Someone step in and prove me wrong, as I'll start using that!)

If a guy puts in his profile "Looking for an FWB only at this time" (and doesn't look like Brad Pitt in profile pics) any/most woman reading the profile will call him a pig.

OTOH - risks of meth-heads responding aside, a gal will get INUNDATED with replies to her profile request for "Looking for an FWB only at this time". Regardless of her profile pics.
She will be seen as a modern, liberated, sex-positive woman who knows what she wants.

It is not a level playing field in OLD between the sexes.

You do know that you are projecting your own undigested stuff here? And with that showing your mental/emotional state?

As for your argument: the playing field has always been a man's game until women began to take their power and personal rights and freedom back in the 60s. We're still not there.
Funny you only look at the aspect of sex and not see the whole picture.

As for sex, there's thousands of men who only want sex sex sex. Let's say there's 1000 men who want sex only -and often they're involved even!-, then there's only 1 woman wanting the same.
Meaning there's 999 women who want a meaningful connection and while searching the right one to have that with, they take care of their own needs.
So it's not like we have it easy, the cause is that many men are only focused on sex and we are not. That is the only reason it is easier for a woman to find a sexual partner.
If you men would be like us -looking for something meaningful- it'd be different.
Don't blame us for your sexual obsessions.

Ummm, who has a sexual obsession?
Sweetie, aside from coming off as incredibly judgey..*I* meant ~dating~....
Yes, I *did* make a comment in regard to someone saying women can get sex anytime they want, as *I* have personally not found that to be true...

And, in my last example you took out of context was to the comment Skip made that women " so she is automatically expected to have several orbiting her at any given time."
And that THAT has no been my experience either, ever..
And that had nothing to o with sex.

I am not "projecting" anything..
When one merely relates what they have seen and experienced in their life, and how everyone is different, and has different experiences, that is not "projecting"...and to claim that because they differ from this person or that person is flawed, damaged, or wrong, or what YOU (the generic you) THINK they should be this or that way (because that is how you are and what works for *you..that *is* judgemental..and WRONG..

See also, I wasn't talking to *you*....but to Skip, and what he said.
See also: I wasn't aware God had spoken to you directly and that you were an Ascended Master™ whom God has granted the ability to speak for all and tell others how they should act or believe.
But, if He has, I apologize.

I_love_bluegrass's photo
Fri 05/15/20 07:27 AM
Edited by I_love_bluegrass on Fri 05/15/20 07:28 AM

All grown adult men should already know that anyway; women operate from a position of abundant men, and so she is automatically expected to have several orbiting her at any given time.

That is the funniest thing I have read so far this year..
In all my years of dating..even when I was younger, thinner, "all that and a biscuit" (as they say here)..I never had "several orbiting" me..
From the time I was 20 until *now*..nope, that has NEVER been the case with me.

Just tossing that out there to remind guys that "not *all* women".....:smile:

I_love_bluegrass's photo
Tue 05/12/20 04:20 PM
Edited by I_love_bluegrass on Tue 05/12/20 04:21 PM

it's like no one is interested in meeting no one they just waiting on people to hit them up no one looking for a conversation not everyone you talk to you have to date or be interested in

I'm beginning to believe that the art of conversation is dead...or at least on life support. It's all BRB and LOL and you have 3 and 4 people sitting at a table not talking to each other, but all sending text messages back and forth. People don't know how to talk anymore.

oh, and let's not forget that percentage of the population that goes out of its way to be offended at just about everything somehow. They definitely help keep others quiet simply because they don't want an altercation...even talking about the weather can turn into global warming warfare...such fun.

Besides that, you have so many people being led by their hormones...that's really what many are only here for...looking for that next encounter. Forget meeting someone for the experience in learning about them, learning from them or vice-versa. It's all about how quickly I can get you out of your clothes and in between the sheets.

Finally, the majority of the population now are followers. Taking initiate has been wrung out of them and now people just wait to be told what to do, what to think and where to think it.

So all we're left with are the cranky old men, like me, screaming for people to stay off their lawns...

Well, I feel better now...perhaps I should switch to Sanka???

PSXtreme, I am a cranky, curmudgeonly woman...laugh

Seriously though...in *all* the time I have been on the various dating sites...seems the ability to have ~any kind~ of worthwhile conversation has vanished..
It's all one line, or 2-3 word replies...over and over..
I'm like, honey..how about instead of sending me a single line at a time..how about you type up a *complete paragraph*, and send THAT?
That ^ seems beyond the skill set of most people these days, sadly... :cry:

I certainly have no problem taking initiative, on the rare occasion I see a well-written informative profile that gives me *some* idea of if we have anything at all in common...
but sadly, those, as I said, are all too rare... sad

I_love_bluegrass's photo
Tue 05/12/20 06:24 AM
Edited by I_love_bluegrass on Tue 05/12/20 06:25 AM

Consider yourself lucky in that as a woman, you have the easy FWB option.

Us guys can't typically set up such an up-front offer to a string of ladies. You ladies would clamor that men are pigs and that your'e here for serious relationships and children and marriage instead.

I have had NO one worth a **** want to try and get a leg over...
If by "lucky" you mean "in that as a woman, you have the easy FWB option"..."lucky" only applies if the guy is a drunk, meth addict, homeless, or some other absolute nope.
At least in my world...those are the only ones that have ever offered.
(not that i asked them..they just volunteered)

And, no..I do not hang around people like that...I merely said those have been the only type to offer.

I_love_bluegrass's photo
Sun 05/10/20 08:35 AM
Edited by I_love_bluegrass on Sun 05/10/20 08:36 AM
I never have dated more than one person at a time..
If I find someone I have a lot in common with..why would I want to see someone else?
It's too distracting.

Plus, I like to be fully present in the dating..not sidetracked by others..

To each their own....I'll not tell someone what they want to do is wrong....
*I* just prefer one person at a time..
But then, I screen carefully, don't just meet someone off the cuff and "decide" to date them..there's conversation that has to happen first, and if we have nothing in common, or only one thing, and they dislike the rest of *my* interests (and vice versa), then I wouldn't be interested in spending any time with him..

Again, to each their own, you do what *you* prefer.. :thumbsup:

I_love_bluegrass's photo
Wed 05/06/20 06:37 AM
I don't know why when there's a long power outage, or any other thing where people are cooped up together for a while, the only thing they can do is have sex..
Seems that way...as they don;t correlate a "baby boom" to any other random period when there's nothing wrong.

In a extended power outage, sure, it's dark, no TV or radio (I'm showing my age)...can;t cook..I can see dull, boring people being supremely bored and can't think of anything else to do...sad...
But, he**..my late husband and I were without power for 5 days when the flood in Nashville happened.
(we were no where near water..it was a substation that was flooded)
We couldn't go anywhere, all three directions at the bottom of the ridge roads were water covered..
We did fine, read..walked...I don't think we had sex any more during that time than any other.

But, now?
No disruptions in electricity..TV and internet and all that stuff works just fine...
I can't imagine anyone thinking there's nothing else to do but f**k.
There's yard work, gardening, working around the house, innumerable hobbies, reading, crafting, tinkering in one's shop..etc...

I_love_bluegrass's photo
Thu 04/30/20 07:00 AM

I mean real.ly god forbid if someone calls you b..ch or something.may be these people are just trying to be nice

Maybe they were....:-)

I_love_bluegrass's photo
Tue 04/28/20 02:08 PM

I don't block, I just report them...Stopped counting at over 30 in one evening.

That's me....
I have ways to out them as fake...plus, using reverse image search is great..you can use that as proof they are fake...:thumbsup:

I_love_bluegrass's photo
Tue 04/28/20 07:57 AM

If you want to have a good relationship it alway start with a conversation. State your own reasons for a date here.. :blush:

Well...conversation is how you get to k ow someone..see if the two of you have enough in common *to* go on a date..

To not do that first is to me like accepting a job from a company that you know nothing about, don't know what they do, don't know what the job actually is, nor what it pays....makes NO sense..

I_love_bluegrass's photo
Mon 04/27/20 07:05 AM

Whoever votes for Dufus Biden and VP (Stacy Abrams) or (Romney) will soon be begging to have Trump back. If you really want to live in a socialist/communist country, I can name several. All you need is one change of clothing, a handful of quarters and a one way ticket to Cuba, Venezuela, Russia, Denmark, Vietnam, China, North Korea -- just be prepared to live in crowded homes with no running water, work til you drop in the fields, get sent to prison camps and starve to death while you dream of a simple piece of warm toast with real butter.

Trump improved our country 1000% and then China unleashed this virus which has hit countries all over the WORLD. All those who complain about him, I'd sure like to see you put us back together. If it can be done, Trump will get it done. He did Not CAUSE it. So shut up about that...do your part as a patriot.

Pelosi needs a nursing home. Schiff needs prison, preferably co-ed so he can talk to Hillary, and don't think for a minute that Romney is a Republican. Thats the old John McCain trick, Dem in Republican clothing. Utah only has one decent man Senator Mike Lee...conservative and a REAL Republican. IF you have any brains at all, you know Pelosi, AOC, Abrams, and those Muslim dames are doing everything they can to ruin our democracy. If you let it happen, then don't complain and don't ask me for a dollar to buy milk for your kids.

Sweetie..what YOU describe is communism...

Strange you put Denmark in with China and Russia and Cuba..that is hilarious laugh

People in the Scandinavian countries, Norway, Sweden, the Netherlands,and Denmark report to have the higher quality of life and are happier tha n people in the US...
As are people in France and Germany...all of whom do some form of democratic socialism..

Get you facts straight.

And, for the record?
Venezuela's problems came not from their "socialism"...but rather from a HIGHLY corrupt leader and government.

I_love_bluegrass's photo
Sun 04/26/20 09:00 AM
Edited by I_love_bluegrass on Sun 04/26/20 09:07 AM

Topic: Why do girls won’t show interest on sincere lovers

It takes more than sincerity.
If a man isn't what a woman wants, then the problem is with the man, not the woman.

I_love_bluegrass's photo
Sat 04/25/20 02:25 AM

Something to watch out for, is how lots of people do exactly the same thing, but use different tricks to accomplish it.

Most people have "checklists" which they try to fill in, at least those who are directly "on the prowl." However, not all of them are direct in how they go about sorting things out, so it can appear that they are looking (for example) for character rather than looks alone, while actually, they are using "character tests" as a way to more intent;y inspect physicalities.

How would trying to ascertain common interests have anything to do with physicalities?

Just one of a myriad of sneaky things that have been built into basic dating since forever.

In some areas, for example, young eager daters will invite someone to try something like, oh, say, to play beach volleyball. Nominally about shared interest in sports, while actually providing an extended opportunity to inspect the other person in a bathing outfit, posturing in all sorts of ways.

People have been known to arrange dates at fancy venues (museum presentation dinner kind of stuff), nominally to check for shared interest in things historical, but actually to check whether or not they know how to, and have the wherewithal to show up in formal wear.

That sounds a bit like game playing..
I've never done anything like tat, and if I found out someone did that to *me*..even if i passed their bullsh*t "test"...it be an automatic "See ya, bye....."

I have no interest in screwy game players.

I_love_bluegrass's photo
Thu 04/23/20 03:35 PM

Something to watch out for, is how lots of people do exactly the same thing, but use different tricks to accomplish it.

Most people have "checklists" which they try to fill in, at least those who are directly "on the prowl." However, not all of them are direct in how they go about sorting things out, so it can appear that they are looking (for example) for character rather than looks alone, while actually, they are using "character tests" as a way to more intent;y inspect physicalities.

How would trying to ascertain common interests have anything to do with physicalities?

I_love_bluegrass's photo
Thu 04/23/20 12:08 PM

...but it seems to me that men and women react to messages about potential dating in two different ways.

Men approach them like a job interview: Does the applicant fit the needs of the company?

Women approach them like a granting agency: What can I find wrong with the applicant so I can remove them for the process?


*I* do it like a job interview.

I ask specific things, because dudes are too lazy to read the profile....so, i have to ask when they message me if any of my "nopes" apply to them..
Most of the time, there's more than one deal breaker..which, had they *read* the damn thing, they should have had Gods good sense not to message me in the first place... mad

I_love_bluegrass's photo
Mon 04/20/20 07:47 AM
Edited by I_love_bluegrass on Mon 04/20/20 07:47 AM
I've been having this happen for a WHILE now..

I use a desktop computer...live alone, don't want to try and remember eleventy billion passwords, so, I never log out of *any* site..
I don't even close Mingle's tab..I just leave it open..
And yet, several times a day, I am having to re-log in...:angry:

I_love_bluegrass's photo
Sat 04/18/20 10:01 AM

It's why I am thought of as a picky grammarian by a number of people.

I'm not sure I'm all that happy with saying some things are a "choice" or not, by contrast, though. She and I might differ there. My sexual "orientation" sure as heck isn't a "preference" or a "choice." To me, "choice" implies that I COULD pick something else. "Preference" implies I actually WOULD take the other, if the one wasn't available.

"It's why I am thought of as a picky grammarian by a number of people."

Me too...:smile:
I do make mistakes sometimes, but I try and catch & correct them

"She and I might differ there. My sexual "orientation" sure as heck isn't a "preference" or a "choice." To me, "choice" implies that I COULD pick something else. "

One's orientation is NOT a choice..if *you* think it is..tell me exactly when you "chose" to be heterosexual..

Now, being bisexual is possibly a choice/ preference...

I_love_bluegrass's photo
Sat 04/18/20 06:02 AM

Preference: a greater liking for one alternative over another or others. When we say we 'don't' do something. That is not a preference.

A preference ranks options by order. If I don't eat spinach, that is NOT a preference. It is a choice, and It is an exclusion altogether, not even in the options. If I prefer strawberry ice cream, I will still eat other types. But amongst those options, my first choice is strawberry.

If I do not date girls, that is my choice. Because they are not an option, I can't really say it is a preference. They are not even on the list. IT is an exclusion and it is my choice though.

Pardon? What are you saying MsHarmony?

She's saying there
's a difference between *preference" (i.e. what one prefers) and "choice" (as Ms harmony puts it, absolute *nopes*)

I disagree with the latter...some things, such a sexual orientation are NOT "choices"..

I_love_bluegrass's photo
Sat 04/18/20 05:53 AM
Edited by I_love_bluegrass on Sat 04/18/20 05:59 AM

Ok. Do you not get ugly, sexual, harrassing messages before you block them? I am not going to reply to a message which says,"Let's get naked on WhatsApp"". Which is his first or second message....
I owe no one an explanation when they are rude and disrespectful to me.
I am gone like a ghost...boo.

No, I do not..
Perhaps because I am old..58..don;t know what that What's thing is..do not do Skype, or any of those things.

What I DO get are nasty, hateful, mean-spirited INITIAL messages from guys I never messaged about what they dislike about me, why they think i am distasteful and repulsive...

THOSE I do not reply to...I report them as inappropriate, and block summarily.

*I* am referring to someone I HAVE BEEN CHATTING WITH...which is what the context/ premise of ghosting is....abruptly stopping communicating with someone you *have been* chatting with.

And, no..even then I have never gotten anyone asking me for nudes or "do you want to f***" once I have been chatting.
It usually ends up deteriorating due to ideological or political differences, because the morons failed to read my profile, or did, and thought *they'd* be the one special individual I would toss all my standards and preferences asides for.laugh
Or they let something slip on the conversation that they previously answered one way to..and then I caught them in a lie, call them on it, and...that's an "I won't be with a liar, peace out"...

Sorry for the confusion :thumbsup:

I_love_bluegrass's photo
Fri 04/17/20 05:24 PM

Hey Cat, I did not write the article, but I thought it might help people who are asking why people have stopped messaging them etc. Or why we do it to them....

I have never just stopped messaging someone....I always tell them why, if it comes to that...and, if they chose to get stupid/ hateful..THEN I block them..simple...:thumbsup:

I have zero respect for someone who says "well, I can't tell them why I don't want to talk to them...they will get rude/ hateful/ can't take no for an answer..."
Honey..then BLOCK them if they do that...simple..

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