Community > Posts By > undrboss

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Sun 05/20/18 09:07 PM

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Sun 05/20/18 09:03 PM

criminals don't registers guns, so how does Law enforcement identify those criminals?

The answer is good police work, informants/rats and sometimes good luck.

Democrats say oh Bill Clinton's assault weapon ban was effective yet it still happened, remember Columbine among others.

Democrats say since the end of the weapons ban more school shootings happened, yes? but social media has something to do with that.

Social media, the Clinton News Network treats these killers like rock stars practically, digging up every thing on these losers keeping their name in the forefront, and you wonder why more copy cats commit these shootings?

The Boston Marathon bomber look at the publicity, One thing America should take from the U.K is the media not giving any press or limited press to the mass killers, the one mass shooter they had in 1996 barely mentioned the pricks name.

That is what we should do here, barely mention the killer and focus on the victims and lives affected , don't give any press to these killers

Quick test, name one victim from the parkland shooting?
Name the azzhole shooter.

bet you couldn't come up with one victims name from the top of your head but you know the killers name .

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Sun 05/20/18 08:53 PM

the reason why race relationship got so much coverage was because of social media, as you said there were racial problem in the past and as each generation continue it got better and better.

Prior to Social media there were only main street media and they reported what they wanted, when social media took off everybody and their mother is considered a journalist reporting on anything and that included race matters.

Obama let his party's people do the dirty work,but he still had the final say Obama was more diplomatic his party wasnt , the attack press in the democrat party were ruthless.

2) I didn't say Obama painted HiLIARy with bad brush, that was Trump, now speaking of Obama and HiLIARY , Obama went after her hard during the 2007
democratic primaries, you can see it on You tube. , they describe the primary, listen to what the woman had to say about that democrat debate.
example of the 2007 democrat debate between HiLIARy and Obama

even back then HiLIARy wasnt well liked and people questioned her honesty , Obama even made jabs at it, this is what he is good at.

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Sun 05/20/18 08:20 PM
gun laws are useless.

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Sun 05/20/18 08:05 PM
An existing loving god would deal with paedophiles, war mongers, environmental destroyers, and all evildoers hiding behind all religious dogma.

Because he gave mankind free will, but free will comes at a price, some will burn for eternity for their transgressions and some will not.

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Sun 05/20/18 07:39 PM

I know the post was to Igor but Id like to chime in with some answers.

It took 100 years because it took that long for people in positions of power to become brave enough to do what was right rather than what was popular.

race relations seemed to be bad, just like sex relations will seem to be bad if we ever have a female president, because people dont complain as much when they are keeping a status quo that suits them as they do when things get shaken up. and because media was sure to highlight it more than they had before.

Trump was elected because Americans admire wealth and confuse it with skill and merit, because many people saw him as hope that the status quo that preferred them would be returned, and because a woman with a voice was running against him, and because of a falsely promoted ideal that No experience would be automatically better than poor experiences.

Im sorry Ms.harmony I dont agree.

America has always had race relation problems or cultural problems,and religious problem.

Whether it was the Native Indians, the Chinese, us Italians, the Irish, Blacks, Communists, Hispanics , Roman Catholics etc.

we are just slower to admit it and slower to get rid of it, but it does happen

Race relations were bad under Obama, and that has nothing to do with him being President, if that was the case he wouldn't have been elected TWICE.

We haven't had a female president because no female wanted the job, I will admit they had no chance up to the year 2000, but when Condoleezza rice became the first black secretary of state well that changed the game.

Even Augusta finally allowed women to be members of that elusive club, and Ms.Rice was one of the first.

How many black or minority governors have there been ? not many in the beginning (12) since 1990 12, so from 1776 to 1989 there were 12 minorities and since 1990 there have 12.

how do you explain that?

Trump was elected because he knew how to play the game, he did exactly what Obama did to McCain and Romney, Obama made them look bad, and basically said if you elect these guys you will regret and the republicans are bad and awful people, meanwhile Mccain and Romney painted Obama as a good guy but not a great leader.

Trump learned that lesson and painted HiLIARy as the horrible, mean despicable person she is and it worked, It had nothing to do with HiLIARy being a female, she was just despised all around.

Just like I told you before if Carly Fiorina won the republican nomination and she was going up against HiLIARy ,Carly would have cleaned her clock.

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Sun 05/20/18 07:01 PM

One of the greatest insights I gained by extensive study of history, and by dedicating myself to factual logical analysis, rather than taking sides about anything, has been the recognition that, in spite of all the well-meant efforts to portray our past leaders as being brilliant, forward thinkers, who neatly solved problems with strict adherence to high principles at all times...

...that the reality has always been a LOT sloppier. Even the greatest and most admirable accomplishments of the past, have actually come through the same sort of murky, mucky messes that we see around us today. You name the grand cause, and we will be able to find a dirty underside connected to it, that sometimes made it look awful even at the time, to many people.

Therefore the fact that MODERN movements and efforts to solve social problems so often include back steps and false accusations and mistakes, becomes a lot more tolerable. Sloppiness in human relations has ALWAYS been an inherent part of the process.

greatest insights ok, maybe explain to us why it took 100 years for black folks to be recognized as Americans to have rights

explain to us why race relations seems to be really bad under the Obama Administration.

explain to us why Trump was elected if America was doing so well under Obama?

Provide us with some of this great insights of yours?

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Sun 05/20/18 06:28 PM
well I guess when I read Women in general I believe he is talking about all women, just because he didn't say ALL, doesn't mean it wasn't referring to all women.

If I said Sicilians in general are always scheming and skimming and one group skims and one group schemes would you think Im talking about all sicilians or just certain sicilians?

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Sun 05/20/18 05:26 PM

read his post
I've noticed women, in general, keep track of how much a man spends on a date. Then they use that information to make judgments. Making it worse, women have varying scales by which they make these judgments. While one woman might think you're careless with your money, another may be flattered you spent the money on her.

Women in general
they use that information to make judgments
women have varying scales by which they make these judgements

his message was very clear

its based on his experience of the women he's met, talked to or whatever.

What am I missing?

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Sun 05/20/18 04:56 PM
I wonder what she made for dinner tonight

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Sun 05/20/18 04:35 PM

We don't just have this exact problem today with sex related issues, we have it with political issues as well.

And as with the sexual issues, abuses are happening on both sides.

In my lifetime, I have now seen several iterations, or "movements" if you will, in various areas of our mutual lives, where it becomes almost "fashionable" to either deny that a given problem exists, or to declare that because some people abuse or exaggerate their personal concerns about it, that ALL who are concerned should be ignored. Or more insidiously, that anyone who is on the latest "not popular" list should be ignored, while everyone else is lauded.

I am a trouble-shooter/problem solver by lifestyle, and by profession. Because of that, I know well, that deciding what to do for ANY concern, needs to be addressed in detail, according to the facts of that SINGLE INSTANCE.

More than anything else, I am opposed to BLANKET responses of any kind. When the BLM movement got going, I was frustrated to see the upper leadership of the nation essentially take exactly one side or the other, either declaring everyone wrong or everyone right.

Same thing seems to be happening with the Me Too movement, with one side of the issue acting as though every woman who speaks up is a hero of truth, and the other declaring that if even one woman complains unfairly, that the issue should be declared "fake news," and be ignored.

except no two movements are alike, real social movements the civil rights movement, women rights, environmental movement vs Feel good movements like the occupy wall street movement, black lives matter matter and now the Me too movement.

Im not downplaying what that pig Weinstein did and Bill Cosby did, but it goes on in every industry while you may oppose blanket statements I think the Weinstein affair brings attention to what goes on in every industry.

The black lives movement was just a liberal feel good politically correct talking point.

Nothing good came out of that movement, It didn't expose racism, racism has always existed for some reason it came to the forefront during the Obama administration.

Perhaps when Obama comments on Trayvon Martin could be his son and commenting on other high profile cases but says nothing , not a damn thing on Gilbert Collar case.

While Im not going to pretend to understand the Me too movement, but I do commend the women who are finally coming forward to speak about their experience because they were too afraid to speak before.

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Sun 05/20/18 03:44 PM
you confusing generalization with stereotyping...
I say it again he didn't say well as I disagree with you on him basing his experience part.... The vast majority of guys(in general) feel that way

The vast majority of guys call themselves "nice guys" , most are not credible.

2) Im not confusing stereotyping and generalization, I gave you an example of generalization and why he made an fallacious argument.

3) he is basing it on his experience, he said "he noticed women, in general, keep track of how much a man spends on a date. Then they use that information to make judgments. Making it worse, women have varying scales by which they make these judgments. While one woman might think you're careless with your money, another may be flattered you spent the money on her. "

that was his post, his quote, did I misread that?

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Sun 05/20/18 02:12 PM

Real men or women cannot be manipulated, that is fact.

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Sun 05/20/18 12:51 PM
As much as I didn't care about the Royal Wedding, it was probably good for the British people to focus on something positive for a change instead of hearing about the results of Brexit, Saddiq Khan and Londonistan, Donald Trump's tweet, Stormy Daniels, Russian Investigation blah blah blah.

From what Ive read about Harry, he seems like a stand up guy and the Brits should be proud of their Royal son, and it sounds like his Brother William is also a stand up guy and making the Royals look like solid human beings.

Unlike their Dad Charles .

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Sun 05/20/18 12:43 PM
and vast majority of 8 year old thinks Candy is the best food and the most healthiest food, doesn't mean it true or coming close to being true.

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Sun 05/20/18 12:41 PM
come on Tom, you are smarter than that.

A belief is either simple or basic to controversial and complex
A belief in God or deity is complex and controversial

a belief in whether I jump off a bolder and can fly is really a simple belief and one kids go through, every adult with an IQ over 75 knows we cant fly.

I think most 3 year olds understand this basic belief and the worshipping of God is a complex belief that cannot be explain in a few sentences let along a message board.

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Sun 05/20/18 12:15 PM
I have no idea what a body shaper is?

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Sun 05/20/18 12:01 PM

Women girdles and body shapers are common use for some women.
Would you feel sensitive about your man friend, spouse, or date wearing this?
Wouldn't exercise be more appropriate for men?

you do know what some men wear girdles for sports( hockey, football) but when they do wear in street clothes its mainly for correcting postures after hernia surgery.

Some men do wear it for cosmetic reasons yes, but they are a small few.

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Sun 05/20/18 11:48 AM

generalization means it's generally true....generalization doesn't mean all

generalization particularly hasty generalization are an example of a logical fallacy and can be true or false.

he is making a generalization based on his experience that doesn't mean it true for all women.

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Sun 05/20/18 10:58 AM

fall in love with old women without meried her
Im guessing the K1 Visa thing didnt work out huh?

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