Community > Posts By > KevinHecka

KevinHecka's photo
Thu 01/27/11 12:41 PM

KevinHecka's photo
Thu 01/27/11 12:29 PM
"The guy" was the author of "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus".

It is evident that in a selfish society, the concept of dying to self to procur the vitality of the generation behind them is a worn out traditional statement.

Like Lemings to the cliffs, I'll watch the herd go by.


KevinHecka's photo
Thu 01/27/11 12:22 PM
I'd read it said
' When women are younger they tend to be more maternal and self sacrificing. As they grow older they tend to become less inclined towards the needs of others and focus more inwardly on their own personal needs.'

The same author stated that the reverse is true for men. When we are younger, we tend to be more self-centered and as we grow older the drive is more to be caring of others. As a man I would have to agree with the author regarding myself.

Your mileage may vary...


KevinHecka's photo
Wed 01/26/11 08:39 AM
Um...let's see, you 'painted his house', 'cooked his meals', 'he was a pig' etc., etc., . Sounds to me like you were needy and now you're scorned.

Me thinks you invested and lost, but the investment was a loss to begin with. Now he's tossing it back in your face.

Yup, you're scorned, pretty sure.

Hope things get better and you find a real man who will treat you as you deserve. It sounds as though you have some fine attributes.


KevinHecka's photo
Wed 01/26/11 08:32 AM

KevinHecka's photo
Sun 10/17/10 10:12 AM's come to this. So bored I'm looking at other peoples animal pictures.

I hope that 2yr. old colt grows into his head! J/K.

Nice dogs,


KevinHecka's photo
Sun 10/17/10 08:30 AM

Take your gun with you if you go anywhere near the border....Tea Party or otherwise!!

And a tac 2 vest!


KevinHecka's photo
Sun 10/17/10 08:24 AM
:) And I'm only on my 2nd cup of Java here Mom.


KevinHecka's photo
Sun 10/17/10 08:11 AM
Phonies piss me off, like Lemings to the cliff.

SOAP BOX (On) These type of people have absolutely no value at all to me simply for the fact that if they are not happy with themselves and have to present their lives in a fassad, their is no way of assessing in a relationship what they might be in a future tense. Particularly should rough times arise and it may be necessary to stand ones moral grounds against popular beliefs. Changing like a Chameleon to fit the new or current social trend but sacrificing ones own beliefs is at its root, cowardice (Imo) SOAP BOX (Off)

It must be early still, :)


KevinHecka's photo
Sun 10/17/10 07:55 AM

Dude! Seriously......if your morality is gonna prevent you from using the proper tools for the are making a huge mistake in pursuing that carreer.

This is the equivalent of someone wanting to become a carpenter but refusing to use a hammer. Yes, there are nail guns and pry bars available....but, sooner or later you are gonna need a hammer.

I could be completely wrong on this....I bet I aint.

Still, I wish you luck....and I hope you got a hell of an insurance policy.

Ditto Krupa.


KevinHecka's photo
Sun 10/17/10 07:54 AM
Go here, you can take various firearms courses and they do teach an 'edge' course;

Though you may not at this time prefer to work the job w/o equal force of your potential take-downs, it might be at least wise to get a handle on what might be used against you in the 'real world'.

Good luck,


KevinHecka's photo
Sun 10/10/10 10:19 AM
And what's romance w/o humour? :tongue:


KevinHecka's photo
Sun 10/10/10 07:58 AM
Edited by KevinHecka on Sun 10/10/10 07:59 AM

Has society (in general) become more rushed or lazy? I received an email from my niece. It was all in text message form....and she was typing from her frickin computer!!!

I'm not the type that worries too much about spelling and grammar, but this texting style of typing is crazy. I feel like I need a decoder ring for it.

U, Y, R, 4 and 2 are letters/numbers not words. I can handle omg, lol, lmao, etc. Those are acronyms at least.

We have fast food, drive through banking, etc etc...being on a site for only a few days and worried about not getting emails....

Are we in a HUGE hurry or lazy or what?

SLOW DOWN PEOPLE!!!! rant is done....for now pitchfork

LOL! Do you feel the 21st Century breathing over your shoulder?

I heard it said that 'The introduction of the "Information Age" has caused many in society to lose the ability to think deeply'. Personally, I find myself in agreement with the authors statement.

I wonder how long it will be before somebody figures out that they could write and sell a book with just txt. print alone in it?

Hang in there,


KevinHecka's photo
Sun 10/10/10 07:11 AM

Sorry peoples here.
i have been here last 2 hours with one women from USA we date all off thinks but when we arrived to religions i say to here i am Muslim she has finished conversation.why she do that?

Well...(putting on the kid gloves), all due respect and I understand that you may be bi-lingual, but you might want to work on your 1)Grammar 2) Punctuation 3)Word application in sentences as you're communicating in your second language (especially when in writing).

You're probably a real nice fellow in the world apart from cyber-land, but all things being equal people judge us by our ability to communicate according to the medium we use at the moment.

In all reality I doubt it has to do with religion as much as communication.

Your mileage may vary, good luck.


KevinHecka's photo
Sat 10/09/10 06:26 PM

Swim, swim, swim. And when you're done with that...swim some more.

Good luck,


actually, as the recruiter told my brother

you dont have to swim well, you just have to sink,,,lol

but that could have just been for the underwater munitions experts,,,


KevinHecka's photo
Sat 10/09/10 05:31 PM

First and foremost
1. Get a lawyer
2. Get paternity tests done, you can have the court order them to be done.(You split the costs)
3.IF and only IF the paternity tests prove that they are your sons, hammer out through the court:
A. Custody
B. Visitation
C. Child support.

3. Rebuild your life.
4. Have as little to do with this woman as possible.

Good Luck.



KevinHecka's photo
Sat 10/09/10 05:20 PM

IN TOTAL, IT SHOULD TAKE 50 TO 60 MINUTES for you to prepare such a great meal that will make you a keeper in her eyes. :)

50 to 60 minutes cooking? know any good recipes for the microwave

ROFLMAO!!! drinker

I was thinking "damn...a whole meal?" How about we take in a Dodgers game and I'll spring for Polish Dogs!!


KevinHecka's photo
Sat 10/09/10 05:14 PM
Maybe he's like a fellow that used to work with me. We nick-named him 'Blister' because he always showed up when the work was done!

Good luck lady,


KevinHecka's photo
Sat 10/09/10 05:10 PM
Women want; a Jaguar in the garage, a Fox around their collar and a Jackass to pay for it all.

:banana: :banana: :banana:


KevinHecka's photo
Sat 10/09/10 05:04 PM
Edited by KevinHecka on Sat 10/09/10 05:06 PM
It's un-avoidable.
You have a great time at the ocean you'll go back comfortably and expecting greater things the next time. You have a bad experience in life and your survival instincts kick in and you're a bit more apprehensive the next time.

I have to guard myself regularly and sift through certain actions that 'trigger' me into certain defensive patterns. Once I learn that the lady with me is who SHE IS and not the person of my past, the matter is clarified once and for all. It makes you feel like you're 19 again on your first date, learning all about what makes that woman tick. :)

It's not easy, but it can be learned.

my .02 cents worth, your mileage may vary,
