Community > Posts By > rambill79

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Fri 08/22/14 04:51 PM
-I have two cats, but THey have not done much window shooting with pistols that i am aware of...,

-that i on the other hand have done lots of shooting, i had a class 3 firearms liscence at one time and a gun shop and rifle range..., and shot service rifle competition for more than 20 years, and have worn out 5 guns and a reloader..?
- I HAVE MORE AMMO in my house than the local gun store. ( turned out to be a great investment) ... try to find a box of .22lr., i have 34 cases.
- the stairs in my project house were so bad that i tore them out and used ladder, it was safer.

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Fri 08/22/14 04:51 PM

Did u know im at work but still here
didnt know that but i would make sense considering the time there...

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Fri 08/22/14 04:44 PM

Didu know that I knew it
Did u know that u told me
aww thanks.

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Fri 08/22/14 04:43 PM
oh and thow money.Lots of money, at them, on them, for them.

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Fri 08/22/14 04:40 PM
oh and i really like m3k4.

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Fri 08/22/14 04:38 PM
-that i do green reconstruction? ( super hi effiency remodels)
-I am remodeling a historic house?
-that i like asian women? ( more of a guideline than a rule. but yeah)
-I met my last gf on here? she is from the phillipines.
- Am a volunteer firefighter
- I fear nothing but God
- am an AVID reader, have about 4000 volumes...

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Fri 08/22/14 05:06 AM
ANYTHING that takes your attention away from God is antichrist, by definition. eg.., coffee worship, arming your cat with a pistol, sports, money..., all can be false gods. Then there are the devil worshipers..,but really they are all the same in Gods eyes.
The part i dont get is that to believe in the devil , a person is by default admitting the existance of God, and also turning thier back on him. ood luck with that logic.

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Fri 08/22/14 04:58 AM
communism is one of those ideas that works great! ( in theory)..., but never works in practice. oh and communism didnt die it moved here.
read the 10 planks and compare with our society here today.

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Fri 08/22/14 04:56 AM
i was in the soviet union before the wall fell, teaching construction techniques to workers. No one knew how to work! They could make you show up at work but they cant make anyone do anything. It was like watching laurel and hardy... bad. i could do the job faster myself than thier crew of 8 men.. why? there is no incentinve to be productive under communism. it stifles progress, forward thinking and ambition..., and now its moving here.

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Mon 08/18/14 01:12 PM
Edited by rambill79 on Mon 08/18/14 01:13 PM

The question came up on another thread that guys see 'desperate' if a woman initiates conversation. What do men think of a woman who takes the initiative?
I would think... Im gonna get laid!. lol. hmmm actually I would have no problems with it until she stalked me like Rose on "men". Actually that would be ok too if she looked like Rose.... hmmmm

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Sun 08/17/14 05:45 PM
Oh. and flirting with Basha

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Sun 08/17/14 05:32 PM
... so much ammo upstairs that i have to reinforce the house.
.... a hot lil asian.....
.... a nice sleek supersonic capable model rocket...
.... owning a book that the library of congress wants...

thats about all i can think of now. lol

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Sun 08/17/14 04:37 AM
Edited by rambill79 on Sun 08/17/14 04:44 AM
Thank you for your input, Sheik. In every religion there has been the redicals, for example, see who brought us the inquisition. ( believe what we believe or die, you heritic) as for the eye for an eye thing, im for all that. though it sounds unususlly cruel, the net result is that the crime rate drops to near zero, since there is a real penalty for bad behavior. I AM SOMEWHAT A STUDENT OF BIBLE LAW, and my understanding is that the VICTOM has the say about the punishment. they may be happy with two oxen, for example, or mabe so much Gold. they have a choice, though., no gold and eyes, one otr the other, which puts the accused and the victom on an interesting level, i can have the one who took my wife killed, or i can have his guest house for example, but not both. This makes the accused the victoms new best friend. does the victom want revenge? OR, RATHER. enrichment/compensation. CANT HAVE BOTH. SOUNDS equitable to me. I have a friend in Isreal, where they still practise such law.., he says he could make a stack of $100 bills and leave it on his porch with a rock holding it down, and go abroad on vacation, and it will still be there when he gets back.
Its kinda like the old saying THAT people dont trespass where they hear automatic weapons fire..., (IT WORKS, I HAVE DONE EXACTLY THAT). , AS the price of getting caught is too high.
( When i had my Gun shop in my house, there was someone who watched me drive to work each day and then tried to break in. the cops couldent or wouldent help, i tried dogs, security, ect, so, frustrated, i took an m-16 off the shelf and used it to chop down a tree about every other day. 250 rounds of full auto fire followed by a big tree crashing to the ground solved my problem. and was a lot of fun. )

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Sun 08/17/14 04:21 AM

Unless God tells us this directly, Himself.
uh huh. good luck with that logic.

I honestly don't understand. there something wrong with my logic?

There is something wrong with the logic of every Evolutionist I've ever heard. Funny how evolution never evolved into an open mind?

wow! bash did you get the last word? lol.

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Sat 08/16/14 12:20 PM
i wouldent change any of it, rather i would like to see it as the law, which it no longer is. We have police running around in military equipment, a clear violation of possee comatotis, and the part about uneasonable search and seisure... our taxation and money system is totally unconstitutional, and of course thier is the 20,000 gun laws..the document is solid,if it applied, but no one can expect it to be enforced in court anymore. Doesent stand up. too many interpitations, when the truth is that it was purpously written in 8th grade english so everybody could understand it.

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Sat 08/16/14 12:04 PM
actually it is romans 6 and 7 where paul covers the law,...

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Sat 08/16/14 08:43 AM
it is in acts, romans, and other places as well. are we now under grace? of course not! thats in romans, chapter 3 i believe. Paul is quite clear that we are still under the law, which is not grevious. the law is for our instruction, for our benefit, and the benefit of our society. step away at your own peril.
as an aside, who killed jesus? it was the senhedrin..,i.e., the religious rulers of the day. Jesus was pissing in thier pond by teaching bible truth, which was cutting into thier money changing action at the temple. he called them a den of thieves. snakes. They observed the sabbath as well, and tried to have him arrested for violating the sabbath because he ate a handful of grain... whic of course is not the intent of the law at all.

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Sat 08/16/14 08:43 AM
"it is finished".... his crusifiction is finihed. hs earthly life is finished, not the law.

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Sat 08/16/14 08:34 AM
this whole bit about the old testament being done away with is, you guessed it, another doctrine of man. its still wrong to murder, to rape, to worship other gods, to steal, not to tythe, the biblical food laws are still in effect, ad nauseum.

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Sat 08/16/14 08:32 AM

tbr-- you keep quoting RELIGIOUS beliefs, and religious peoples works AS BIBLE FACT... why? everyone knows that religion is of man so of course it is wrong right out of the gate. This in no way nullifies the bible. it does, however obscure the facts as presented in the bible., assuming one doesent do thier own research that is... Name a religion and i will chew thier doctrine to shreds. (a big one for me this sunday worship,,, since saturady is the sabbath, and since not following the sabbath day has a death penalty attached to it, .... if they cant even get the sabbath day correct,, they have nothing that i want to hear. That sunday sabbath thing eliminates the credability of all but mabe two churches right out of the gate. ) Doctrine is Not relavent.

What's it matter what specific day the Sabbath is celebrated? And the 7th day adventists and or pentecostals do celebrate their sabbath on Saturday. The scriptures don't say the Sabbath is Saturday or Sunday, just merely says that God made the world in 6 and rested on the 7th blessing it. You think God was using our calender?

And no to the following -

not following the sabbath day has a death penalty attached to it

Unless you're going to tell me you know of a verse from the NEW TESTAMENT claiming this, and if you do I would truly love to see it. Because there was no Christianity before the New Testament, for there was no Christ before the New Testament.
new testament christian huh? u might better read acts.., Jesus observed the sabbath, he also said that the law is in full effect. Gods law never changes, mans law changes daily, like ones socks or underwear.

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