Community > Posts By > feelyoungagain
friendship first
Most of my relationships start intimately then change to friendship or fade away. Ever wonder why? you're doing it backwards. LOL |
friendship first
How are you messed up? LOL I think those that don't believe in establishing a friendship first to build a strong foundation are misguided. Then again, it's all about personal choice. Those looking for casual hook-ups may or may not seek a connection, at least not a deep one. However, for a long-term/serious relationship, yes, you should also be friends.
Online dating experience
Very frustrating to say the least. I meet many members who express interest and then they go MIA. Some will simply text and never call. Some simply stop texting. If you're no longer interested, why can't you just say so? Some men have no intention of meeting. Why not just tell me this? My time is valuable and so it's very frustrating when someone cannot see that and actually think it's okay to waste someone's valuable time. I'm 46, not 26. Some men are very disrespectful and only do so on here because they think that the forum being a site instead of face-to-face that somehow that gives them permission to talk to women in degrading manners. Just like showing pics of your penis. If I did not ask to see your penis or consent to see it, it's rude, inconsiderate, offensive, and very presumptuous. I'm frustrated when a man does not assume I have anything to offer and goes straight to sex with his initial email. Some don't even say hello :o If I wanted sex and being a woman, I don't need a site. Just saying... I have had some good experiences, but not as many good experiences as bad ones. Thank God I'm not paying for the nonsense!
To feel safe, needed, appreciated and amazing sex! That easy lol Absolutely! Whenever I feel like this, I make sure my man feels the same. It's hard for me to do it otherwise. And in addition to amazing sex, just to feel amazing is also nice. :) |
That depends. Sometimes I just want a good flogging. LOL
Edited by
Fri 07/31/20 08:54 PM
You cannot always change one's reality. Why? Because that would mean changing one's perception, which is not always possible, even with hard facts, and so the person's reality continues to exist.
I'll find out one way or another. LOL Here's my thing- I don't want to come back on this earth, so I hope not. Now, if I can be reincarnated as a bottlenose dolphin or a plant, yes I would love to come back.
Because people are fascinated with the unknown or unexplained. Plus, horror movies sell to the teen population.
Never get one, use one, and throw it away. yep, speaking from experience
It's okay. It does describe my personalities well (I was born on the cusp), but I will not read a daily or monthly horoscope. I also have an affinity with Chinese astrology.
I moved into this house 6 months ago and in the past few weeks unexplained things have happened. The first thing that happened was the doorbell ringing on different occasions when there's no one at the door. From where I sit in the living room I can see my front door and on each occasion no one was there. I put it down to a faulty connection. A week or so later, at night, the security light at the front door came on a few times on different nights. Each time it happened, I went to the door to find no one there. Not so strange, but the fact was the security light switch was in the off position! The last thing to have happened was about a week ago. I was sitting in the living room and heard something and decided to see what caused the noise of a thud I heard. I have a fruit/vegetable stand in a corner of my kitchen and when I entered the kitchen there was a pear on the kitchen floor next to my fridge. To explain, the pears were in a deep fruit bowl and had no way of falling out. It would have had to have been lifted out and thrown for it to have landed over 3 feet away next to the fridge.
I live alone so couldn't be anyone else doing these things. Sounds really cool Delightful... have you tried communicating with the spirit? Communicating with a spirit can backfire unless you know for a fact the spirit is friendly. I know I have a friendly spirit in my house and one of my ex-bf's communicated with it and my house has been quiet ever since. BUT, we knew the spirit was friendly. Please be cautious. |
Why is 5G bad?
I think you missed out the part that many people are concerned in that it can be used to track your whereabouts in a 1984 big brother is watching you kind of way. I mean I know they do that already, but this would really put your nuts in a vice And before anybody trots out the standard police B.S. line of ' if you've done nothing wrong , then you'll have nothing to hide ', then let's see some nice photos of all the sites masons in their robes, and the reason the cauldron club collects your...cough..seed Whether I've done anything wrong or not, it's an invasion of my private, personal life; not my public life where things matter. |
Exactly, people just don't think these things through. According to tradition a Succubus drains your life-force along with your semen. That's the deal, even if there's no such thing as a Succubus. It's like Theology, even if there's no God the Theology remains logically valid, if vacuous, even though it doesn't relate to any reality. Let's not forget it's a demon that takes the shape of a woman. Operative word being demon. |
I thought the OP was serious? How do you know he is not serious? Some peeps could have this fetish....or nightmare or dream. Yeah, and it's creepy AF |
Demons? You want a demon to have sex with you? ummm.... okay....
Depends on how much acid you take...take enough and its very real. I'm not one for drugs, but damn that was funny!! LMBO (probably also very true) |
I'm thinking bigger scale, the THE UNIVERSE, where there is nothing outside of it except void, where that void can not be discerned. Including everything that exists anywhere at every level at any 'time', even anti-matter universes. The 1 in the 1 / 0 duality. That 1 is divided into innumerable sub parts like multiverses, parasimilar universes, infinite dimensions and space/time expressions beyond human comprehension, through infinite radiations, and molecules, atoms, and sub atomic things, and things humans have never observed or predicted. All of that must find balance to exist totally contained within the 1. There can be no more or less than 1, [totality], so MY 'net zero' means zero change to 1's value, although the components of 1 may be in constant change and/or interaction, even violently. Yes all within that 1 is riddled with all manner of forces creating potential differences, polarities, clines over distances and times and concentrations etc.. All positives and negatives must balance within their space, but it doesn't need to be a fixed static balance, it can be dynamic and fluctuating and interacting with diverse and multiple other existing things, and notional things. Pain and suffering, and joy and well being here may be balanced against pain and suffering, and joy and well being in an alien world we know nothing about, or spread across many. Our attitude to the distributions of everything may make little difference to its distribution, including things like pain and suffering, and joy and well being. Everything involves energy, which can not disappear. How do you EVEN know what is or isn't out there? Then I'll have a discussion with you. And your 1/0 or 0/1 whatever you want to call it logic, is anything but logic; and that's where I stopped reading your post. Nothing sensical could have come after that. |
How do you EVEN know what is or isn't out there? Then I'll have a discussion with you. And your 1/0 or 0/1 whatever you want to call it logic, is anything but logic.
I don't know, but it would be neat. Then again, what difference would it make? One, we'd never get to experience it, and secondly, would science be able to benefit from it? Doubtful. How are scientists going to be able to study parallel universes?
Basically after watching the Nun, The conjuring, and Annabel, I got fascinated about the demons
Hahaha, you think those movies are real. I suppose The Exorcist is a documentary? What if I do believe it's real? Why do you care? Were you with me every time I saw something move that had no logical explanation to it? Tell me how a small Disney figurine suddenly falls of a shelf with great force. There was no strong wind coming through that room and everyone was seated at the table in the dining room (i.e., not the same room) witnessing this. I respect your views, but you also need to respect others' views and not laugh at them; at least not publicly. It's rude. |