Special intelligence from foreign forces found him in a compound just off a military base in Pakistan....
9 special force members(USA) flew in on a helicopter(stealth) which was destroyed by you guys.... They shot up the place.... Killed guards and injured others..... If you need some history in news and verfied governmental releases, I will and can provide..... Is our memory or ignorance so short or shallow... |
nah, youd have to read some of the other threads to get the significance of the analogy,,, It just means someone did something well, but not quite PERFECT enough to get the credit,,, No need to be verbose when you nailed it so right... Over 100,000 troops per day looked for Osama under the Bush regime..... 9 elite troops took Osama out under Obama's leadership.... The math is easy.... Politics aside.... Many areas are now observing a real settling in our world |
In order to understand the Libyan’s anger at him, we don’t have to analyze his whole political career. The way he behaved during the uprising amply demonstrates all: first of all, he branded the freedom fighters as ‘rats’ and said that they were all on drugs; then he repeatedly said that his people loved him and would protect him in the event of his life being in danger; then he said about the countries that were going to benefit from Libyan oil – of course, those who chose to be quiet about his crackdown; then he declared a few ceasefires, only to break them blatantly a day or so later. Moreover, the Libyans were forced to listen to his boring monologues and hollow rhetoric, day in day out. Then, there was his Green Book – the blueprint for good governance and prosperity – which, in fact, is a collection of trivial thoughts some of which were not even worth the paper they were written on. Against this backdrop, the excesses of his offspring, ranging from violent behaviour to squandering public money, may have been the last straw for the ordinary Libyans who thought ‘enough was enough’. The erratic behaviour of Col Gadaffi which bordered on self-ridicule reinforced the general view held by the international community about Col Gadaffi: unpredictable, vindictive and vicious individual who had nothing but contempt for public opinion. He was put into power via a revolution fighting against those at the time and the same reason and revolution who took him out of power 40 years later..... |
OWS helps homeless
Thanks for the read....
It puts a real light on humanaity and issues out there.... I am sending this out to my colleagues.... |
how is everyone tonight?
Dance Where ever you may be I am the Lord of the dance said he I'll sing And I'll dance where ever you may be For I am the Dance of the Lord said he.... |
how is everyone tonight?
You are not alone tonight.... Your here with us
how is everyone tonight?
Lovely profile young lady.....
Good morning!
That would be an absolute pleasure. Sweet dreams! Aww, aren't you a sweetie. I was actually born in Britian and would take a cup of tea over coffee anytime. Also would enjoy the company of a British man over a Canadian as well. Cheers. For proper tea one has to temper the china cup before adding tea..... The richness blend of tea at high heat allows for scent ingestion....sipping foLlows at the same time..... See you at High Tea some time..... From a Canadian gentleman...... |
Okay..... We didn't get the last letter.... Solve the puzzle.... |
Did this show air in the 60's?????????
My god!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
Can I buy an "E" before I go there...
Oh jees! Wardrobe issue I hope with Vanna.... Gotta go! Thanks for the heads up! |
I agree with you here.... Wished Canada never entered into any of the agreements including the PAC Rim....
Sanctions,threats and tariffs set out by US lobbyists have slowed our growth.... We've lost corporations and jobs to third world countries. All countries have different laws of doing business.. Governments were sucked into these agreements when world markets were strong and stable by corporations..... Corporate (very) friendly governments passed the laws... The US in no different situation than Canada... From auto parts in China to Motts Clamato juice in mexico.... We just gave corporations a cheap ticket to fly out and in turn put there products on shelves for us to buy.... Both Canada and US now have an appalling GDP growth yet other countries are thriving..... |
so why doesn't anyone post a person that received a check? BECAUSE IT IS A LIE! you people just believe anything some posts on the internet... Cheques and balance There are always critics on both sides.... Here is one to cheque out for all.... Obama wrote all US citizens a cheque.... Iraq is done and no more $20 million a day price tag... Money stays home for your citizens.... Libia is free and oil is now or soon coming home to you at better prices..... Bin Laden was taken down by a small unit of elite soldiers.....Not a full nations plus others military forces.... Obama had alot of work and systemic issues to correct.... He did so.... Debt reduction is on its way..... Economic growth is soon at your doorstep..... You raise the issue of a few cheques..... I in turn ask you to see the 300,000,000 cheques for not only freedom but economic freedom you deserve.... |
Did you know that in the 60's that the dairy foundations sued margarine manufacturers for dying their product yellow. Margarine companies lost the law suit because yellow was the color of butter....
My mom had to mix dye in the margarine there after to make it yellow.... Now we have peanut butter... There is no dairy product in it.... Made with the same oil products as is margarine...... Is it peanut margarine or butter? I looked and peanut margarine has less trans fat than milk per serving..... I must have way to much time on my hands.... But in light of the new findings, does anyone see a class action lawsuit here???? |
What do you make of........
these men who post long romance speeches as their profiles? Just curious as to how other women react to them.......... I kind of feel neutral towards them............. Terri Dang!!!!! I SUCK!!!!! If that is what ladies are reading... YES! IM A GUY! LOL Waiting for your comments ladies and who knows... I may ammend my profile.... Just waiting your responses to this topic! |
no way, you shouldnt be flogged at any age, whether a child or adult. here if you get a flogging its the same as bashed. Thankyou!!!!! I concur with you. Draconian measures of law have no place in society today.... Inhumane comes to mind.... If flogging is okay for those in a changing society, whats next? Flogging is punishment! Those who support or joke about it need medication or councelling! My comment comes from reading and veiwing punishment of exstreme punishment by law.... The public stoning to death of a woman in the middle east comes to mind... Where and when does it stop.... |
whether you call it conscience or heart, glad to see someone who has eithe in the white house I appologize for my previous rant but yes!....I too agree..... Obama is very much so appreciated by this Canadian!!!!!! He takes blame..... I encourage Americans to elect a House of Representatives and Senate that has his vision..... There is hope! this is definitely the place for rants,,lol just be prepared for counter rants,,, Same playing field and rules?!!!!!! Wadda concept. Now I know I'm in good company |
whether you call it conscience or heart, glad to see someone who has eithe in the white house I appologize for my previous rant but yes!....I too agree..... Obama is very much so appreciated by this Canadian!!!!!! He takes blame..... I encourage Americans to elect a House of Representatives and Senate that has his vision..... There is hope! |
Edited by
Fri 10/21/11 02:02 PM
I just wonder how many conservatives/republicans/right wingers/ tea dipsters realize the hypocrisy of their candidates who say "hire me as your government employee to lessen your government". If they were really about lessening the government they would work privately to diminish the government and the need for more employees. Politicians who are less than stellar like building very tall totem poles with countless people below them.... The countless people below are blamed for problems while Politicians wrap themselves in teflon tape so nothing sticks to them..... Accountable Politician is actually an oxymoron in this day an age |
It definitely does show he has a kind and giving heart. Which is more than we can say for his adversaries that is for sure. He is a good man. Even if I don't agree with his decisions as president. like i said, show one person that received a check... just democratic propaganda.. The President is powerful and weak.... He can Veto a bill from congress and senate... He cannot impose laws. All Americans would have had universal free healthcare if that was the case.... I feel Obama is working smart.... Withdrawl of troops from Iraq.... The middle east is calming down.... Military personale from both countries are coming home... Bush never came clean when speaking of weapons of mass destruction.... It was't weapons(plural)..... It is WEAPON! And who was that weapon of mass destruction.... George Bush.... Does the CIA, FBI or National Security monitor this site? I'm just wondering if freedom of speech is still okay.... Just in case I choose to vacation in the USA |