cool_guy_incognito's photo
Thu 05/21/09 12:23 AM
Balls are gonna explode.....metallic balls that is!!!!

how you ask?

they will be TERMINATED!


cool_guy_incognito's photo
Mon 05/18/09 11:41 PM

I can't knock the suggestion.


cool_guy_incognito's photo
Sun 05/17/09 02:38 PM
the funniest movie ever made? thats easy. america's funniest home videos: the edited collection. its true, i took some of the funniest moments and edited it into a full length feature. and i'm the only one who has it. dear lord its funny. football in the groin, cat falls off television, kid goes psycho after getting a super nintendo for christmas, mom slips in ditch and skirt rips in two, father and kids go haywire on a snow slope, grandpa falls on his ass, kid cries at her own recital, groom drops bride, dog sings happy birthday, women farts, lardo starts puke-fest, teens wipe out on water skis, karate instructor kicked in the groin by cute kid. its all there baby! and it the funniest movie ever.....the funniest movie i have ever edited that is!

cool_guy_incognito's photo
Sun 05/17/09 02:24 PM

i believe this topic needs a reboot! so go ahead mouse on my head lady, give this old post another kick.

It appears your bored as hell... huh

i was bored. but now its a completely new day. meaning, i'm bored in a completely new way!


:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
and then there's that to contend with...

i'm always engaging myself with boredom, somehow we always meet up! perhaps i need a new hobby? i will prevail one of these days. please pray for me.

i should do a montage of me overcoming boredom. turn on some 80's tune, put on my sweat pants and a headband, run around the neighborhood, chase some chickens, and then fight dolph dundgren. and surely, i'll win, i mean whats the point of the montage if i can't win.

yes, only one can dream...........

cool_guy_incognito's photo
Sun 05/17/09 02:13 PM
i'd like to revive this topic because of its topic title. the final chapter of rob zombies reboot of HALLOWEEN is coming out. so get ready for another BOOBS-A-THON!


cool_guy_incognito's photo
Sun 05/17/09 02:03 PM

i believe this topic needs a reboot! so go ahead mouse on my head lady, give this old post another kick.

It appears your bored as hell... huh

i was bored. but now its a completely new day. meaning, i'm bored in a completely new way!


cool_guy_incognito's photo
Sun 05/17/09 02:41 AM
waddup meg, er i mean evlan001. why do you have a picture of meg unhooking her bra? i thought that was funny anyway.

cool_guy_incognito's photo
Sun 05/17/09 02:35 AM
topic revived! we want to hear about your date from two years ago all over again. please do tell.

cool_guy_incognito's photo
Sun 05/17/09 02:31 AM
i believe this topic needs a reboot! so go ahead mouse on my head lady, give this old post another kick.

cool_guy_incognito's photo
Sun 05/17/09 02:28 AM
wow! look at them bananas go! its really quite entertaining. man i must be bored. ****, who can ever really get bored at dancing bananas?!?!!??

cool_guy_incognito's photo
Sun 05/17/09 02:23 AM
...but one day i'm gonna grow a beard so fine, i'm gonna adopt baby birds to live in it. maybe even baby squirrels. heck, especially baby squirrels. you'll see, you'll all see! muhuhuahhahahahhaaaa! -sobs-

cool_guy_incognito's photo
Sun 05/17/09 02:20 AM
its a shame i can't grow a beard. damn this asian genetics!

anyway, if there should be an award for beardiest beards of all, i nominate user RareEntity! holla!



cool_guy_incognito's photo
Sun 05/17/09 01:57 AM
welcome to world of tomorrow! sorry, that only works if this was the future and you were from the past. well, technically this is the future, well not this post, and we are all from the past. inching into the future at every second as we live in the present. well in that case, WELCOME TO THE WORLD OF THE TOMORROW!


cool_guy_incognito's photo
Sun 05/17/09 01:50 AM
holy mr miyagi! i thought i was the only asian guy on here. (tears) so i guess this is what it feels like when doves cry.

-still sobbing-

cool_guy_incognito's photo
Sun 05/17/09 01:45 AM
they should join forces and create.....THE HISCOVERY CHANNEL! well its a lame joke, but i tried.

cool_guy_incognito's photo
Sun 05/17/09 01:18 AM
i think you should grow your stache into a fu manchu and let it hang really low. yeah, awesome! seriously.

cool_guy_incognito's photo
Sun 05/17/09 01:13 AM
put in some knock knock jokes.

cool_guy_incognito's photo
Sun 05/17/09 01:11 AM
i think the show dallas was waste of time.

cool_guy_incognito's photo
Sun 05/17/09 01:09 AM
i think i'm afraid of your muscles.

cool_guy_incognito's photo
Sun 05/17/09 12:47 AM
cool. thanks for that one. it gotsta see it. is it only a trailer or is it gonna be an online movie?

i should recommend a fan film as well. its an older film but its too cool if you haven't seen it. its called Batman Dead End. its badass!

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