Community > Posts By > katydid34

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Wed 12/12/07 10:48 AM
Edited by katydid34 on Wed 12/12/07 11:05 AM
I never said either was better than the other. I said from what I'VE seen and from what I'VE experienced. I can only speak for myself. I also said that IF she had found a younger guy who was willing and able to have a relationship with an older woman, then congrats to her. It really helps if you take the time to read the post completely before you jump down someone's throat because they made a comment that you don't agree with. I have no idea how my post offended you, but if it did, then whatever....

And other thing, if you have to refer to me personally, you can call me katy or katydid34, I'm no relation to you, so calling me "sista" is offensive. Thanks. :P

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Wed 12/12/07 10:41 AM

You're the one who said I'd do it under the right conditions. I thought you assumed you knew me. :P
you know what they say about assumptions? Nah I know people though and usually when they are willing to talk in a joking" manner about such things, chances are they've already thought about it. Haven't you? I mean you said you were talking about it...

I talk about lots of things. Like marriage, which doesn't interest me either. :P

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Wed 12/12/07 10:12 AM
You're the one who said I'd do it under the right conditions. I thought you assumed you knew me. :P

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Wed 12/12/07 10:06 AM
LOL, the right conditions? Exactly what would be the right conditions?

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Wed 12/12/07 10:00 AM
Being lez. We agree we'd laugh too much to actually do it.

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Wed 12/12/07 09:57 AM
Nope you aren't ugly. Just take your time, there shouldn't be a rush. :)

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Wed 12/12/07 09:55 AM

Because just like boys, girls from the age of say 16 to 23 are still exploring their bodies and are mostly looking for experiences with different partners. As for maturity, it depends on the individual. But in my experience girls are usually still playing their games until about 25 or they've been screwed over so many times they either turn lesbian or settle down.

LOL, me and my friends were discussing that the other day, however we all agree we'd be laughing too much to actually go through with it. :)

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Wed 12/12/07 09:54 AM

I hope so, but sometimes its hard to find an older woman, i like older woman b/c you dont have to worry about all the drama, and other things that come with a lot of girls my age, and all of the older women that i talk to think i'm to young, or just dont give me a chance!

I guess it depends on how much older you're talking because, at my age, there is no way I'd date an 18 year old, even if he was the nicest guy in the world. It would just feel creepy to me.

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Wed 12/12/07 09:12 AM
Thank you. :)

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Wed 12/12/07 09:11 AM
Well, you're still really, really young, so don't be in so much of a hurry. Enjoy the fact that- technically- you're still a teenager, and just have fun. Date around and see what's out there. I'm sure by the time you're my age, you'll have found exactly what you want. :)

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Wed 12/12/07 09:08 AM
Everyone has a preference- that goes for guys and women- but I'm sure if you stick it out, you'll find what you want. I've heard of several people who found dates on here. Welcome and good luck.

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Wed 12/12/07 08:31 AM

lol dont take it the wrong katy
i love beautiful woman
im just trying to say that some of the prettiest people
have their hang ups too

We all do. I'm not taking it the wrong way, I'm just saying there's nothing wrong with liking a hot guy/girl. :)

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Wed 12/12/07 08:29 AM

I do background checks now after a dinner date turned into a psycho stalker that tried to burn my house down.

Sounds good in theory, but being a jerk won't show up on a background check- only criminal behavior, for which they were caught, will.

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Wed 12/12/07 08:28 AM

I have cancelled and postponed dates before purely due to overlapping schedule conflicts.

Girls really do flake out on dates more than guys do. If you disagree, I dare you to take a statistical survey and I guarantee that you will discover that girls flake out wayyy more, assuming that the guys surveyed are not all bass guitarists. I am so sure of this fact that I would bet all my worldly posessions on it.

why? motivation through emotion. to women, emotions are very temporary so her motivation to do anything can come and go as easily as she can walk from point A to point B. we men don't understand mood swings because our emotions last longer, so motivation stays. all this sh!t has been scientifically proven, by the way, so don't give me any of that "youre sexist" bullsh!t.

You can't generalize all women. We don't all operate strictly from emotion. To me it doesn't matter who does the "flaking out." It just seems to me, if you are a mature individual- of whatever gender- you should know if you are interested in someone before you go and ask them out. It's one thing if the person who was asked out changes their mind for whatever reason, but to actually go to the trouble of asking someone out, planning a date for a week in advance and then the day before, "you're scared" or whatever, sounds like teenager stuff.

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Wed 12/12/07 01:10 AM
Not unless I didn't like the view of him walking away...

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Wed 12/12/07 01:09 AM

look past what you see with your eyes and look deeper into what you see with your heart

LOL whatever floats your boat....

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Wed 12/12/07 01:08 AM
I haven't diagnosed you yet. :P

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Wed 12/12/07 01:07 AM
Awesome. Good luck to you. :)

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Wed 12/12/07 01:07 AM
Eh, I know some fugly people who live pretty brutal lives too. Nothing wrong with liking a pretty face, just be nice about it, so you don't chase them away.

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Wed 12/12/07 01:06 AM
LOL. Yep funny girls rock!!!

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