Community > Posts By > Deelite

Deelite's photo
Mon 08/20/07 05:24 AM
Also, wish u hadn't signed off, u seem very guinuine.

Deelite's photo
Mon 08/20/07 05:20 AM
I'd say you will have to bit the bullet and e-mail and find out. we all get turned down here so don't take it personally if it happens. Just move on, plenty r out there.

Deelite's photo
Mon 08/20/07 05:17 AM
This is a tough one! You just have to look deep in your heart and choose who you really love, Not who you think U should be with or be with one out of giult. It will just end bad later anyway.

Deelite's photo
Mon 08/20/07 05:14 AM
I will quickly say you are not alone in these feelings. And you sound like a very great guy. Before U can move on you really have to be out of love with her and that takes time. Sounds like she was long before you split. Still its good for the heart and soul to go out and have fun with someone, just let them know where you stand in this, u wouldnt want to be lead on is all right? Staying alone all the time prolongs the process or can at least make it harder emotionally on you in many ways versus not sitting around alone wollowing in these feelings.I know from experience about all this. Simualr situation.

Deelite's photo
Mon 08/20/07 05:07 AM
I really needed to hear this thank you. VERY INSITEFUL!!

Deelite's photo
Mon 08/20/07 05:05 AM
at least wait til u r in person to make sure its real and not to scare them off. this is more real anyway.

Deelite's photo
Mon 08/20/07 05:03 AM
i agree and would too. just make sure they do the same for you and will really be there if you make such a change to be with them.

Deelite's photo
Mon 08/20/07 05:02 AM
14-15 and it was real love-young love but real.

Deelite's photo
Mon 08/20/07 05:00 AM
Blow him off as well like the wind-bad, just bad all around. Send the flowers back. I'm a certified victims advocate and he's showing early signs of someone who would possible hit you or worse. Jealousy, controlling, and issolation are the top three signs to look for. he has one you say and that's enough trust me, been there too.

Deelite's photo
Mon 08/20/07 04:56 AM
Blow him off as fast as the wind will take him!!!!

Deelite's photo
Mon 08/20/07 04:53 AM
Game payer, don't return calls. unless a death in the family?

Deelite's photo
Mon 08/20/07 04:49 AM
Match face is the new thing and no on the jewelry, but that is personal taste really.

Deelite's photo
Mon 08/20/07 04:48 AM
God I went through the exact thing with ex before last. I saw all that you do at a year plus and two and it never changed and wasted 4 plus yrs of my life just to find out he was never in love with me! Don't waste more time. @ yrs is long enough for him to know, way more than enough.

Deelite's photo
Mon 08/20/07 04:44 AM
as long as thereis trust and nethier cheat it is a great form of time apart to bring you closer together when around one another and kkeps you from getting tired of one another so fast. No one likes to feel controlled, and tied down that much.

Deelite's photo
Mon 08/20/07 04:40 AM
Honestly because they just really are not that interested and r just keeping you around for the just in case guy.

Deelite's photo
Mon 08/20/07 04:38 AM
Love no, Passion YES, which is ewasily mistaken for love.

Deelite's photo
Mon 08/20/07 04:37 AM
To be blunt ,sorry but that's me, -it sounds he may be cheating and/or just not in love with you anymore. But doesn't mean to not give it another try and see if you can rekindle that love you once had. Hard to do yes, not impossible. See a therapist, be hoest and open about feelings. Maybe he doesn't think you want to be touched anymore by him. A lot of male married friends in same situation tell me this.

Deelite's photo
Mon 08/20/07 04:32 AM
sorry if being to blunt but i've been there a few times and trust me if you were in love with him for real you'd love all that, sounds like he is in your friend catagory at heart.

Deelite's photo
Mon 08/20/07 04:26 AM
Ouch, 10 in a row?It is hard and I do understand, but girls do cheat out there just as much as guys do.(in ratio/numbers) I know this doesn't make it any easier. My ex before last had an entire other girl friend after the first 8 months we dated for 3 yrs going and then dumped her, kept me and got another. I had my suspisions but couldnt catch him and not the type to check up-i'm trusting. I confronted him and the second outside his penthouse at the elavators-I bs'ed my way up after being told about it all. She thru a drink in his face and said she was leaving him. He had just asked her to marry him and had never broke it off wuith me. Had even been at my house 'with me' the friday night befoer 3 days earlier. I asked for months if someone new just to tell me and we'd call it qiuts and be fiends. She actually stayed with him!! Still is!! I've had at least half the guys cheat on me and thats just what I know. Its sucks, but is true,-you just have to reach a point of letting it go and know it had nothing to do with you- rarely does- and trust agian and move on or just stay alone; not many other options there hate to say. The girl he dated for 3 yrs, we are friends now-chat by e-mail. He was really slick to hide it from us both for so long. we were both suspisious and he'd just make us feel crazy and like nags to stop our thots. Your heart, not mind, will tell you if you listen close enough. He was a corpoate attorney, turned land developer/builder. He was older yes but younger guys and older guys, well its hard to say which group does this more. I use to think younger but now I think its pretty evened out. And keep in mind there are plenty of guys out there who have had the same thing happen to them over and over too, and it hurts them just as much if not more in ways i think.

Deelite's photo
Mon 08/20/07 03:51 AM
to add, yes he was a 43 yr old upper class businessman too. Unbelievable huh? I wouldnt have believed it if didn't happen to me.

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