no photo
Tue 07/03/07 09:18 PM
Good Nite UK sleep tight:)

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Tue 06/26/07 11:53 AM
yes this is so true all I know it's just sad they were all find dead in
their home:( They will be truly missed:(

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Tue 06/26/07 11:40 AM
I were heart broken when I heard that Chris his wife and son were find
dead in their home may they truly RIP I will leave it this for I can't
believe he would actually kill his choke his wife to death and go into
the next room and smuggle his own 7 years old son; where he would
actually stay there a day then hang himself. I just don't understand:(

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Sun 06/03/07 06:41 PM
I agree children having children is not very smart especial if don't
have stable and finance support you would need from a good strong
family. Not saying the family pushes you out there but one should always
know that he/she can count on their partner before they get in over
their heads. The grace of God, Communication and knowledge is the trick
to get by in this cruel world:)

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Tue 05/29/07 03:28 PM
Thanks boredchick for I feel that my life is too precious to take for
I'm a child of God all things are taken care of long as I following

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Tue 05/29/07 03:13 PM
Not sure what to make of this but I were truly in disbelief as what a
young mother did to herself and her four girls. It took place in Hudson
Oaks, Texas were an 23 years old mother and her 4 girls ages 5,3,2 and 8
months old find hanged in her moble home closet by her sister. Her 8
months little girl were still breathing and she were rush to the Medical
Center in Fort Worth Texas;in good condition. Question Could depressure
take us so for that we would take our own lives and our love ones too:(
I personal count on my Lord Jesus to help out of any situation I can't
see my way out of. I'm personal not the suicide type for I love my
life:) What do you think? If you wanted to take your life would you also
want to take your kids too?

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Mon 05/21/07 05:08 PM
I would have say 2 and both I got close to the alter just didn't work

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Mon 05/21/07 04:57 PM
Yes Why not? I have no problem with dating out side of my race if you
both are truly in love with each other then I say go for it because it's
your life:)The both of you are in charge of your own life:)

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Mon 05/14/07 09:32 PM
Amen to that my friend:)

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Mon 05/14/07 08:59 PM
What would you do if you dated out of your race and your family
disapproved of the person you're dating!!!!

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Mon 05/14/07 08:55 PM
I feel you been there myself few times men can be a real jerk some time
,but we have to step above that for there is that one guy who is right
for us:)

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Mon 05/14/07 08:45 PM
Good question I just move on for he wasn't worth my time anyway:) For I
know that I find someone way worth my time and attention. His lost your
much better then that:)

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Fri 05/11/07 10:22 AM
4 years yes that is quit long time chatting online and over the phone
but truly be care is all I'm going to saying. I been there and find out
something totally diffent about getting someone from over seas:(

no photo
Thu 05/03/07 10:41 PM
Just leave her a rose yellow for friendship right then if she like it
invite her for a cup coffee ice tea and some chicken wings. OOPs just a
suggestion Good luck with winning her over:)

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Wed 04/18/07 10:44 AM
Great question I hope someone knows the answer:)

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Wed 04/18/07 09:56 AM
Yes take your time let what happens just happens be yourself and I agree
always meet a person in a public place much safer:)Good luck:)

no photo
Wed 04/18/07 09:48 AM
Not say a fan but I like the white sox plus I love to follow the Braves
win or loss:)

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Tue 04/17/07 02:31 PM
We must all repent for our sin if want live eternal life in heaven:)Who
all feels they might be on the road to heaven if say die right now:)

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Tue 04/17/07 02:10 PM
And if only outlaws have guns then we are all in trouble:( Special if
there are trigger happy outlaws!!!!!

no photo
Tue 04/17/07 01:59 PM
I would love a cup of coffee plz. :)

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