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Sat 02/17/07 07:54 PM
hey Morena like I said I were sick on V-Day may be I'll have more luck
next V-Day if I'm still kicking it:)

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Sat 02/17/07 07:50 PM
yes another lonely saturday night doing my class work but I do have you
guys to spend it with:)

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Sat 02/17/07 07:04 PM
Hey and welcome to JSH sit a spell and funny tonight is going to be a
long one :)

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Fri 02/16/07 08:05 PM
hey everyone back for my ice tea then I'm off to bed:) GN everyone need
to take my warm bath then you get the ideal LOL

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Fri 02/16/07 07:57 PM
She has started decaying so they better hurry up for she might have to
be cremate:(

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Fri 02/16/07 07:47 PM
Thanks for the ice tea Karma :) be back for another one!!

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Fri 02/16/07 07:43 PM
Yes my friend do give it some time but be careful at the same time for
there are a lot of off the wall people out there not to say they are
here on JSH LOL Just be patient and don't give up there is someone
special on here for you:)

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Fri 02/16/07 07:37 PM
well go!!! lion you go see your woman and land a big kiss on her:)

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Fri 02/16/07 08:01 AM
I were sick with a bad cold so I couldn't eating dinner and no I didn't
get lucky either just as well might not enjoyed that either:(

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Fri 02/16/07 07:55 AM
Hey Jenn well you came to the right place for friends:) You have truly
gain a family now welcome:)

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Fri 02/16/07 07:52 AM
hey my friend welcome to JSH I would invite you to breakfast but I
haven't cook just yet stop by later:)

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Thu 02/15/07 10:15 AM
Yes Denise it's been great having you as a good friend I'm truly going
to miss you and I wish you and Terry the best of luck on your future
together I'm sure it's going to be very exciting:)

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Thu 02/15/07 10:06 AM
so how long ur going to stay to see if other respond LOL

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Thu 02/15/07 10:03 AM
well V-Day is over but I still have plenty (((((((((HUGS))))))) for all
my friends have a great day everyone:)

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Thu 02/15/07 09:57 AM
HeHeHe why thanks sugar coming from you you just my morning going off to
an even better start:)

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Wed 02/14/07 06:31 PM
Your a Doll Romee same to you happy V-DAY:)

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Wed 02/14/07 06:28 PM
Well I need a hug (((((((((HUGS)))))))) so giving my family one big

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Tue 02/13/07 03:37 PM
well I do understand what you're going through and my throughts and
prayers will be with you.

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Tue 02/13/07 10:40 AM
Good to see that your up dean so how are you:)

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Tue 02/13/07 10:24 AM
hey Rocket welcome back and don't be a stranger:)

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