Topic: why is it that your heart always get broken.
PinkyStar's photo
Mon 05/14/07 08:47 PM
I have liked many guys, but they haven't liked me, and the ones that
have liked me only wanted one thing. I had this boyfriend once and he
got mad at me because I wouldn't have sex with him. He ended up emailing
me nasty letters and calling me a fat ass virgin. It was so bad that I
had to change my email address. He broke my heart. That was not the
first time though. Why does it happen so much.

no photo
Mon 05/14/07 08:55 PM
I feel you been there myself few times men can be a real jerk some time
,but we have to step above that for there is that one guy who is right
for us:)

PinkyStar's photo
Mon 05/14/07 08:56 PM
That is sooo true!!!!!!!:heart:

Phoenix0311's photo
Mon 05/14/07 08:59 PM
I'm sorry to hear that...not all men are like thatflowerforyou

Your heart shouldn't be broken.... You don't need a person treating you

...and you shouldn't let it happenexplode

JaymeStephens84a0lc's photo
Mon 05/14/07 08:59 PM
Girl, let me tell ya, ur preachin to the choir! We all go through that
crap, you are SO not alone on this one! Seems to me like you wear your
heart on your sleeve, much like myself. Just be strong in who you are
and don't faulter because some idiot makes you feel like you "have to"
for him to like you. Thats just pure crap. Been there too babe, I'm
still there. I get told I'm too much of this or not enough of that or
some other crap reason. Its what I like to call "commitmentphobic" most
men are ailing from this disease. Its SOOO NOT YOU, its all on them.

On the upside, you get to enjoy life as a single woman! You don't have
to apologise or answer to anyone for anything that you want to do! It
really is a beautiful thing baby girl! I'm learning to love it!

rivergirl301's photo
Mon 05/14/07 09:24 PM
It's like iam4u said, tell him to kiss your big virgin ass! You don't
need that. Look at it this way--the universe is trying to clear a path
for you, to lead you to the right man, by getting these jerks out of the
way. Hon, I am 46, and if I guy broke up with me because I wasn't ready
to have sex with him, I would laugh so hard, I don't know what.

DJ_Osiris's photo
Mon 05/14/07 09:29 PM
It's unfortunate that there are people like that in the world.
It puts the nice guys at a disadvantage.

I'm a philosophy guy myself, my favorite quote being

<b>"Beauty shall be defined in the eye of the beholder"</b>

It's heavy as hell, but tried and true.

PinkyStar's photo
Mon 05/14/07 09:36 PM
I don't know why people have to be so cruel. I guess thats when you grow
a backbone and stand up and tell them off.

rivergirl301's photo
Mon 05/14/07 09:37 PM
Absolutely! It's one of the great joys in life. LIve a little!

Pucks's photo
Mon 05/14/07 09:38 PM
Some people are just rude...And yes women can be too..not just men.