Community > Posts By > wanting1forlife

wanting1forlife's photo
Wed 08/15/07 01:20 PM
I guess I should watch tv once in a while, was totally unaware of this one. If it regains its power be smart, be safe and take care of yourself and those you love!

wanting1forlife's photo
Tue 08/14/07 09:05 PM
hey babydoll, wasn't Lance on "james at 15"?

wanting1forlife's photo
Tue 08/14/07 09:00 PM
granted, but she is alice from the brady bunch and has been dead for a while now!
I wish my son lived in the same state as me

wanting1forlife's photo
Tue 08/14/07 06:28 PM
I just wanted to say thank you for all the nice comments from the REAL people on here! It is nice to know that there are men and women that appreciate some of the simple things in life. To all of you CHEERS!

wanting1forlife's photo
Tue 08/14/07 04:02 PM
Hello to all my fellow "girly men" out there. Yep that's me I enjoy cooking at times, especially dessert. I can do my own laundry, clean, vacuum, I have even sewn a button or two! I really liked the movies "fried green tomatoes" and "somewhere in time" I also prefer monogamy to being a "stud". Oh and I am also a general contractor, love to ski, wakeboard, ride off road vehicles, and will try just about any extreme sport. So to my fellow girlymen here is your chance to show your "girly" side as well, and be proud of it.

wanting1forlife's photo
Mon 08/13/07 09:10 AM
I think the vast majority of people enjoy sex, but if it is just "wham bam thankyou ma'am" then it is completely meaningless. If someone just wants to get laid it is not that hard in this world. People who are deceitful or conniving just to get someone into bed are trash. Sex is just sex, but making love is a real expression of deep feelings and I prefer that by an immeasurable amount.

wanting1forlife's photo
Sun 08/12/07 09:20 PM
and the fact that you love Scotland!!!!!!how are you single????

wanting1forlife's photo
Sun 08/12/07 09:18 PM
my god girlwoman, you are so incredibly beautiful, how can you critisize yourself for anything!!!

wanting1forlife's photo
Sun 08/12/07 08:47 PM
why does everyone think a little extra weight is so bad? I think a woman should be soft and curvy, not a stick figure. don't stress over a couple pounds, enjoy life

wanting1forlife's photo
Sun 08/12/07 06:15 PM
wow, what a load of crap, everyone wants to sound like the perfect guy or girl to whoever...guess what there is no such thing. I am sooooo far from perfect, and so is everyone else but they would love you to believe that they are sensitve, smart, and gods gift to everyone of the opposite sex. We only are what we want to be, and hopefully someone else brings out the best in us. Until then we just keep trying. I, like you hope to find the "perfect" person good luck to all of us

wanting1forlife's photo
Sun 08/12/07 05:59 PM
oh hey fineporcelain, I started reading that and then realized that he had the IQ of a grapefruit!

wanting1forlife's photo
Sun 08/12/07 05:52 PM
the 80's were the best in everything... great bands, great games, and great friends. right now bananrama is playing on the radio, don't let anyone tell you it wasn't the best decade of all time!!!

wanting1forlife's photo
Sun 08/12/07 05:29 PM
ok so here is your chance to be honest...what did you do that made you feel like a total idiot? here is mine...after wakeboarding, and wakesurfing not too bad, I was feeling pretty cool. I then jumped off the boat to tie up and tripped and fell off the dock! alright then...I am just too cool!! lol

wanting1forlife's photo
Sun 08/12/07 08:46 AM
TRUE love, if you both really have it everything else falls into place. Think about it, you would never do anything to hurt your partner and anything you could to please them. oh ya, and she nerd, I can't juggle strudel, but are donuts close enough?laugh

wanting1forlife's photo
Sun 08/12/07 08:32 AM
A few random observations here that might help. When you are the only one in another persons life I have found that there is no place else you would rather be, there is no such thing as an inconveinient phone call, you never want to be somewhere else for no apparent reason, always happy to see eachother, and sad when you have to be apart. I am sure there are many other signs to show you are the only one, but these are some of my favorites. oh, btw..cheaters you get what you deserve most of the time. The piece of s**t that my wife left for, he cheated and left her too. Funny thing, I just felt sorry for her.

wanting1forlife's photo
Sun 08/12/07 08:04 AM
I have read quite a few posts here about cheaters. Seems like men are the most guilty of it, but of course women do it too. I think it is the most horrible thing anyone can do to anyone else. I affects everyone close to the cheater in ways you can never imagine. When my ex decided that my rich (and also married) friend was better than me I took my 12 year old son and went on a little road trip just to get away for a few days. He later told me that he had to fight the urge to just grab the steering wheel and steer us in front of an oncoming semi. I cried everynight for months, it hurt everyone on both sides except the selfish people that just didn't care about anyone else. DON'T cheat, if you are not happy have the guts to end it like an adult, it will still hurt someone, maybe just a little less.

wanting1forlife's photo
Sat 08/11/07 08:38 PM
my brothers best friend is Jeremy Mc Grath, I suck on a dirt bike but love to watch the true masters

wanting1forlife's photo
Sat 08/11/07 09:51 AM
puffins, exactly!! just remember attitude is a choice, and personalities can always be improved. have a great day everyone!!

wanting1forlife's photo
Sat 08/11/07 08:51 AM
thank you anoasis, you are correct there are people that are just not attractive to one another, but to discount someone right away because they are heavy or a different color, etc.. is just narrow minded. And yes personality is VERY important, I wouldn't date Paris Hilton, Lindsay Lohan, or any of those other vapid starlets.

wanting1forlife's photo
Fri 08/10/07 06:51 PM
I have always thought of sex like a movie, sometimes you want to see a romantic one, sometimes it is a comedy, occasionally a preview of coming attractions, but as long as everyone enjoys it and is happy they went, woo hoo! :wink: