littlebitdifferent's photo
Tue 02/16/10 01:38 AM
Just remember that you are who you are, and if you know what you want, go for it. Assertiveness is sexy, so don't hang about. :)

littlebitdifferent's photo
Sat 02/13/10 10:00 AM
So, any tips on improving my profile? what would draw the ladies in?

littlebitdifferent's photo
Fri 02/12/10 07:56 AM
if he's stopped talking to you because of it, you might as well go for it, what else have you got to loose?

littlebitdifferent's photo
Fri 02/12/10 07:52 AM
no idea what is considered sexy where you are. Personally LOVE welsh accents. I watched a whole series of torchwood just to hear Gwen talk. *drools*

littlebitdifferent's photo
Thu 02/11/10 09:47 PM
you've given two pictures, one too small and out of focus to be any use, and one too close and hiding your face, gives the impression you don't want people to see your face, what have you got to hide?

Your profile is closed and cold, if you are completely unwilling to even talk to anyone who isn't into the same things as you, you're going to be searching for a long while.

"if you dont know who Stephen Sondheim is, dont even bother to send me a message."

littlebitdifferent's photo
Wed 02/10/10 01:56 PM
the bottom of a lake. :-P

littlebitdifferent's photo
Tue 02/09/10 12:42 PM
it looks it when it's in the garage next to my parents bikes when I visit them! Dad has a 750 and a 1300 and mum has a 600.

But no, 400 isn't tiny, and it's more than quick enough, as well as not costing the earth to insure. :)

littlebitdifferent's photo
Tue 02/09/10 08:42 AM
My favourite one I've ever SUCCESSFULLY used.

"Righty, I'm going to go grab a cab, unless you want to take me back to yours."

I'm assuming it would have worked just as well if I'd invited her to join me in the taxi back to mine.

Be upfront, girls seem to admire the honesty.

littlebitdifferent's photo
Mon 02/08/10 10:44 AM
I understand irony fine, I'm just quick to defend the greats!

littlebitdifferent's photo
Mon 02/08/10 09:41 AM
That was amazing :)

littlebitdifferent's photo
Mon 02/08/10 09:37 AM
This produced a genuine LOL :)

littlebitdifferent's photo
Mon 02/08/10 09:31 AM
Happy Birthday, Drink, Dance, Get mashed. :)

littlebitdifferent's photo
Mon 02/08/10 08:53 AM
:O How could you? We've produced some of the best artists EVER!

littlebitdifferent's photo
Mon 02/08/10 08:46 AM
I wasn't going to call you anyway - the toasters

littlebitdifferent's photo
Mon 02/08/10 08:11 AM
I have a wee bike :) She's great fun! CB400SF. Don't follow it as a sport though. Just use it for getting around and having fun out on the A Roads.

littlebitdifferent's photo
Mon 02/08/10 07:58 AM
Hi Tammy. :)

littlebitdifferent's photo
Mon 02/08/10 12:07 AM
Just realised how poorly worded that was, had a quick re-write. And yeah, it was referring to previous ones not working out the way I would have liked them to.

littlebitdifferent's photo
Sun 02/07/10 11:50 PM
So, what do we think?

littlebitdifferent's photo
Sun 02/07/10 11:47 PM
WARNING : Destroys everything good around him for no good reason. Approach with caution.

littlebitdifferent's photo
Sun 02/07/10 06:43 PM
9 days in here, good luck! It's getting easier as the days crawl past.