Community > Posts By > paul1217

paul1217's photo
Sat 02/25/12 02:18 PM

Peeps ignore me here all the time.
Do I care?
Yes I do.


Thats why, honestly, the first thing I do when I Mingle, is tell everyone "I love them" on the "Did somebody tell you they loved you thread". And even though I say "Everyone" or "All", I get at least 5 people who say, "no", which I think sucks!

Then I go back through, all the threads I posted on, the day before, and acknowledge, any posts at all pertaining to me. Then I go, and acknowledge EVERYONE, who posts ANYTHING, on one of MY threads.And yeah, sometimes I say, "Everyone" or "All", but no one gets completely ignored.

I think its really rude, to ignore someone, talking to you. And yeah, sometimes I say "Everyone" or "All" but at least no one gets ignored, on any of my threads EVER!

I try my best to "do unto others", and I dont like it, when my posts get ignored, either.


Well how would you like standing in a group of your friends, and having them all ignoring you?

To me, here, its the same thing.

Sorry, what was that you said? I got distracted by the voices in my head telling me to stop ignoring the nice lady and pay.......... will you guys please be quiet!!! Sorry, what was I saying? I guess it doesn't matter it will probably just get ignored anyway. Hey does anyone know where I can get a bungee cord?

paul1217's photo
Sat 02/25/12 01:21 PM
Welcome to Mingle, and good luck! I was thinking about trying an ancient method of meeting women, until my friend informed me that clubbing women and dragging them back to my cave is frowned upon these days! laugh

paul1217's photo
Sat 02/25/12 01:15 PM

I've heard a lot of... BUZZ about that bank.

Yeah, it is a beehive of activity.
But you have to be smoking to
make a withdrawal.
I bet.

I usually wait until after a withdrawal to start smoking. Is that why I am always broke and without honey?

paul1217's photo
Sat 02/25/12 01:02 PM
Edited by paul1217 on Sat 02/25/12 01:04 PM

So have you guys reached the point in your lives where you know you're going to be single forever?

What is it that somebody always says? When you stop searching there's light at the end of the tunnel? Yeah *burps* that's exactly how it works for everyone. Some of us are just doomed I feel. I think I could accept someone I like never feeling the same way, I think I'm getting used to it. Ever feel like you're cursed? People are just too far away and too blind to see you?

Get out of my head!!!! I even tried the stop searching thing, unfortunately the light at the end of the tunnel was the headlamp of an oncoming train.

I am fortunate to always have a wonderful friend to talk to and spend time with. It is so comforting to have an attractive woman to hang out with. It is such a boost to my morale just knowing that she cares and will always be there, as long as I never suggest the possibility of a physical relationship with her as that tends to make her nauseous.

Having a dear friend like that makes it so much easier to cope with being single. Whenever I start to think it would be nice to have that special someone in my life she will share an uplifting story, about how the gentleman that she is currently sleeping with is mistreating or cheating on her, and I realize how lucky I am to have avoided that whole relationship headache.

So cheer up, you are not alone. Take comfort in knowing that there are others out there that are destined to be alone forever. And remember to always look on the bright side, millions of stray animals are being taken care of, and an entire internet dating business is thriving thanks to us and others like us!frustrated frustrated frustrated

paul1217's photo
Thu 02/23/12 07:27 PM
We the unwilling, led by the unknowing, have been doing so much with so little for so long, that it is now possible for us to do almost anything, with absolutely nothing!

paul1217's photo
Thu 02/23/12 03:15 PM
The one who cares the least controls the relationship up to the point that the one that cared the most walks away and finds someone that is not looking to use feelings as a tool and or weapon! That is usually the point at which the one that cared the least realizes that they now care the most and the person that cared the most doesn't give a crap any more!

paul1217's photo
Wed 02/22/12 06:15 PM

The only write up I have had at work was due to a facebook post, (off the clock)....but, maybe you can make it work. I just don't see how it could benefit you.

Not sure if the "write up" at work affects your position in any way, but if it was made in private while you were off the clock, I don't believe that they can legally hold it against you in any way! You can find out for sure by contacting your local Labor Dept.

I have friends at work on my FB list and some that are not. For this reason I have set my privacy so only my "Friends" can see my posts, and not "Friends of Friends". You have to remember the six degrees of separation rule. You have no idea who the Friends of Friends may be!

Paul, with the new "ticker" thing on the side of Facebook even friends of friends can see what you write, if the mutual friend has commented. i.e. if I am friend's with you and Krupa but you and Krupa aren't, you can read the post after I comment on it no matter what the privacy setting is...

I will have to check my privacy settings again. Going to send you a private message to test what you have said here. I think we have a mutual friend on FB, I know she has commented on posts of mine just not sure how long ago.

paul1217's photo
Wed 02/22/12 05:01 PM

The only write up I have had at work was due to a facebook post, (off the clock)....but, maybe you can make it work. I just don't see how it could benefit you.

Not sure if the "write up" at work affects your position in any way, but if it was made in private while you were off the clock, I don't believe that they can legally hold it against you in any way! You can find out for sure by contacting your local Labor Dept.

I have friends at work on my FB list and some that are not. For this reason I have set my privacy so only my "Friends" can see my posts, and not "Friends of Friends". You have to remember the six degrees of separation rule. You have no idea who the Friends of Friends may be!

paul1217's photo
Wed 02/22/12 04:52 PM

how come we're not allowed to delete things we've posted?
like clear history or something?

Another reason to never Drink and Post! laugh

paul1217's photo
Wed 02/22/12 04:50 PM
People need to be careful with FB and check their privacy settings often. As Facebook adds features they usually set the new feature default to the least private setting as default. And if you have your account accessible to search engines anyone can google your name and find your FB account. That goes for most online accounts all anyone needs is your username.

While most business correspondences require your full name, a confidentiality disclaimer added to the bottom of your e-mails as part of your signature should keep business relationships from crossing the line into your personal life. Most or us have made friends in our business dealings, any request to cross into the personal part of our life should first be made in the business part of our life. He should have asked you on the phone, or via e-mail at work if it was ok before sending a request to your FB account.

And I have to say it again, Check your Privacy Settings Often!!!

paul1217's photo
Wed 02/22/12 04:35 PM

wew should just call this the " not me club" lol
i was thinking the same thing lollaugh laugh

does anyone have any intetions on asking anyone on this site ?!?!? mmmmmhmmmmmmmmmm??????

This is pretty sad, but I'm not even sure my cat loves me.... but so here goes it "not me"sad

Hard to believe a beautiful woman like you doesn't have them lined up to ask you out! flowers

paul1217's photo
Wed 02/22/12 04:18 PM
You never really say why you started out as FWB, or if you have come straight out and told him that you want more from the relationship now. You say you met on another site so you haven't been friends for a lot of years. Talk to him and see what happens, friends can often be made easily, True Friends are a lot harder to find.

If you tell him honestly how you feel the worst that can happen is you lose a friend that may not have been as good a friend as you thought.

Good luck.

paul1217's photo
Sun 02/19/12 06:16 PM
Friends with benes, has a variety of meanings mainly because the word friends can have a variety of meanings. I have heard of people on dating sites, often men, suggesting the "friends with benefits" to women they haven't even met yet.

If this man is really a friend, then you should be able to tell him how you feel and what you want. If you two have a solid friendship as a base then you should be able to talk honestly and the friendship will survive. The benefits may or may not survive the discussion, that will depend on the depths of each of your feelings.

Talk to him, if you don't you might lose the entire friendship.

Good luck.

paul1217's photo
Sun 02/19/12 06:07 PM
The best night with my best friend! I'll be smiling quite some time! happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy

paul1217's photo
Thu 02/16/12 06:41 PM
My work ethic definitely from my Dad. My high tolerance for pain Mom. And my need to be connected to the Ocean, from 13 generations of mariners, that sailed everything from Revolutionary Warships to Whaling vessels to Cargo ships trading spices with India.

paul1217's photo
Thu 02/16/12 06:11 PM

Still Single and Back again!
waving waving

waving flowers

paul1217's photo
Thu 02/16/12 06:05 PM
Still Single and Back again!

paul1217's photo
Tue 01/31/12 03:36 PM
I know exactly how you feel. Pretty much given up myself. Take the time to get to where you want to be and you may be surprised. What you have been looking for may just find you when you are not looking.

You are an attractive woman so if you just relax you find what you have been looking for may just show up when you least expect it.

paul1217's photo
Mon 01/30/12 07:13 PM

I sure am. Only if its free tho. My uncle had it done by some professional years ago and we all got a copy. My dad has some story about the daughter of a count who wanted to marry the farmhand. That wouldnt be allowed acourse so she ran off with him to the new world. No documents of course. meh.

I will check the freepage link. Thanks. has some free information, but the information that is posted there is not always correct. Anyone can add information to family trees on this site and it is not always checked for accuracy. My mother is a member of the Daughters of the American Revolution, and they will not accept ancestral information obtained from most of the "free web sites". If you simply google an ancestors name and any other information you know is correct (ie. date of birth, place of birth, spouse, marriage date, children, parents, etc.) you can find a lot of information from historical records. It takes some time, but if you go through more than the first few pages of "hits", which will usually be the "free pages" you will begin to see historical records that you may even be able to download for free.

Most of the sites like Ancestry, Rootsweb etc. simply pull info from public domain sources and then try to charge you to unlock the content. A little patience can save you money and get you more accurate information. Good luck in your search.

paul1217's photo
Mon 01/30/12 06:49 PM

sounds one sided,, have u ever botherd to inquire why men would go out for fun outside the marriage? He may not be getting d needed attention he used to get before they were married, and u know, when children sets in, womens love tends to shift to the children. Making the man with no option. Though not justifiable..

Ok here is where I step in and you get to see my head blow off.

Where in the world can one person in a marriage relationship with children, blame another person in that marriage for "not getting enough attention?" A woman's love does NOT shift from her husband to her children. HER responsibilities shifts to the children. That is all. And if the male person in this marriage feels neglected he needs to grow the fu@k up. He helped with the conception of those children, his responsiblities do not stop there. His responsiblities do not stop at bringing home the bacon. But on many occasions it does and the woman feels overwhelmed. MEN and WOMEN always have options, the problem they take the EASY way out and look for the FUN option. AND you can quote me, "Life is not always fun when you are raising children in a marriage." Fun comes back AFTER the kids are grown and have left the home. Sheesh. A mature, responsible person will understand this.

I realize that this may be the case in many situations and I am aware that in the majority of cases it is probably the male to blame. The problem is that this is one of the reasons that the men who do not fall into this category have such a difficult time in the dating world.

When my ex was pregnant she had complications that required her to be on absolute bed rest. During this time, I worked, took care of the house, made dinner, did the laundry and then drove 45 minutes to see my ex who had to stay with her parents so there was someone to take care of her while I was working.

After our daughter was born, my ex would take care of her while I was working, and the minute I came home she would hand me my daughter and take a needed break. An hour later she would ask me what was for dinner, so I would cook the meal, clean up, do laundry and go put my daughter to sleep. Then I would pass out, so I could start again the next day. This went on for about 4 months while my ex recovered from an emergency c section. After she regained a little of her strength she came down with Epstein Barr and was exhausted for another month. When she finally recovered from that she walked out because she was " Tired of being stuck home all the time with no money"

Not saying that some men are not swine, but this is a dating site, how about giving the rest of us a fighting chance? happy frustrated

absolutely, some men mature after marriage and some dont,,

Marriage had nothing to do with my maturing. Every man and every woman either mature and take responsibility for their actions or they don't. Why is it that if a man who was married is mature, it was the marriage (or the woman) that caused the maturity. If the man matures is it necessarily the woman's achievement for making him mature? And if he doesn't mature it has to be his fault.

Some men mature before they get married, some men take responsibility for and provide for their children, because it is the right thing to do and that is the way they were raised.

Maturity is probably more of a result of the man, or woman's, upbringing than the contribution of their spouse.

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