Community > Posts By > MissBehaving

MissBehaving's photo
Sat 12/08/07 10:32 AM

Hello MissB... yeah really enjoying myself here,doing laundry and cleaning househappy So much fundrinker

Hey Grey ..yeah, I have some that waiting at home for me too...


MissBehaving's photo
Sat 12/08/07 10:26 AM

:cry: sad :cry: sad sad :cry: sad :cry: sad :cry:
mad huh sick indifferent explode :angry: frown

Give the new folks a chance.... make some new friendsflowerforyou

Take care :wink:

MissBehaving's photo
Sat 12/08/07 10:18 AM


Happy Saturday Canada

Hope you're enjoying yourself.


MissBehaving's photo
Sat 12/08/07 10:14 AM

What would you do, if you did 'click' with someone here?

If you found someone so similar to you, and your beliefs, wants, and requirements in this lifetime?

What are you prepared to do?

What would you 'give up'?

Really be honest with yourselves here, think about it, even if you have no desire, to find a partner, and then out of the blue, someone appears....what would you do?

What if they live across the country, or in a different country?

I am interested, not from an advice viewpoint, more as an opportunity for introspection, and understanding others.


noway noway noway I can't even imagine meeting someone I click with in person...either way I'm hoping our instincts will lead the way


MissBehaving's photo
Sat 12/08/07 10:05 AM

I am going to outline some basic fundamentals of Attraction Theory through the explanation of the pickup arts.

THIS STUFF WORKS FOR BOTH MEN AND WOMEN - anyone can take the concepts from this thread and use them to attract people of the opposite sex.

smokin Part 1: Inner Game - The right attitude

CONFIDENCE is a universally attractive attribute. You must BELIEVE in yourself. When you walk into that social setting, BELIEVE that you are an 11 on the 1-10 scale.

I cannot stress the importance of SELF-RESPECT enough. If you do not truly respect yourself, you will not know how to truly respect others, and others will not be able to respect you. If you want to attract somebody, you must eventually share a mutual respect with them.

You must UNDERSTAND the opposite gender. I don't mean this in a "I don't get it so I'll just give up and accept them for who they are and I'll pretend that's the same thing as understanding" kinda sense. Really understand the opposite sex without being bitter about it.

Have an open and socially receptive attitude. Really making this mindset a part of who you are will cause you to smile more, which is a definite plus.

Be OPTIMISTIC. Radiate a positive energy that makes people around you feel good.

Rid yourself of DESPERATION and NEEDINESS. You must be disconnected from the consequences. Live for the momment.

Be socially FEARLESS. Don't be afraid to really be yourself. To all you "nice guys" out there, do you act differently around beautiful women (perhaps "sweeter" and stuff like that) than you act around your close friends? YOU AREN'T BEING YOURSELF. Let go of your silly nice guy acts and playfully tease her for being a dork.

Know that you are a LEADER, not a follower. Know that you are a PROTECTOR OF LOVED ONES. Know that any person of the opposite sex would be totally crazy about you if YOU gave THEM the chance to get to really know you. Know that you are a little HARD TO GET because you have a lot of options in life.

Be PERSISTENT and PROACTIVE and don't be afraid to take what you want. Just don't be selfish. Be MATURE.

Learn how to be COOL without being a TOOL. Social experience will give you this calibration.

Take RESPONSIBILITY for yourself and your own actions. Be at cause in the world, not the effect. Learn from everything you can and never lose your sense of wonder and youth.

smokin Part 2: Outer Game - The right moves (Mystery Method)

None of the outer game will matter without the inner game. if you're just skipping down to find out the "pickup lines," scroll back up because inner game is key.

(A)ttraction + (C)omfort = (S)eduction

(A1) Start the interaction with an OPENER. An opener is anything that will get you guys talking. The "universal opener" can be very powerful. Here it is: "Hi!"

(A2) Attract the person to you with cat-string theory, push/pull, tension loops, 2 steps forward 1 step back, negs, etc. This is all PUA jargon for "teasing." Show that you are a fun person with a positive vibe who understands what flirting is.

(A3) Get them to invest more emotion into you by "qualifying" them. Show them that you are POTENTIALLY interested but he/she will have to prove him/herself to you a little bit. Show that he/she is SLOWLY "winning you over." Continue push/pull.

(C1) Establish RAPPORT. Begin sharing commonalities while still maintaining a high positive energy in the interaction. In this stage it is perfectly OK to expose a vulnerability or two with him/her for the purposes of building trust.

(C2) Get the phone number. If you followed steps A1 through C1 correctly so far, there is no way you WON'T get his/her phone number if you want it.

(C3) After he/she gives you 3 Indicators of Interest (IOIs), go for the kiss!

From here on out is the Seduction stage. S1 is Arousal, S2 is Last Minute Resistance (girls will get a slight attack of anxiety before having sex and may say something like "I don't know if we should be doing this..." but guys will generally be ready to do the duty in a heartbeat), and S3 is sexual intercourse.

smokin Floor is now open for discussion and questions.

laugh laugh laugh ...ok?..thanks for sharing...


MissBehaving's photo
Fri 12/07/07 01:18 PM

OK- guess no one is around... hope the fire doesn't go out if I leave... :tongue:

Have a good week end.


MissBehaving's photo
Fri 12/07/07 01:17 PM

<--- romantic love ...but NOT the Hallmark-crap romantic...

Romance can be defined in infinite waysflowerforyou

MissBehaving's photo
Fri 12/07/07 01:14 PM

You can buy alcohol at Stupidstore?

Must be just for all you Alberta-lushes.... drinker

MissBehaving's photo
Fri 12/07/07 01:09 PM

Awwwwwwwwww pooor Zero flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

Hello Canuckleheads :heart:

My week isn't over yet...have to work tomorrow AND Sunday ..helping out with training ... why did I say "oh sure, no problem" WHAT WAS I THINKING noway


Hopefully the instructor is cute ...blushing

MissBehaving's photo
Thu 12/06/07 06:34 PM

Here is a list of things I would like your thoughts on. Each set will have two things, pick one you like more and give a short explanation why.

MPG - power
Chocolate - vanilla
mustard - mayo
cars - trucks
marlboro - camel
beer - liqor
late nights - early mornings
money - being happy
work and money - life and spending money
accoustic - electric
bass - mids/highs
2 doors - 4 doors
big house - small house
movies - music
pools - beach
ice cream - cake
shoes - boots
pants - shorts

Sorry I'm bored. lol

big house - small house - makes me think of "One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish":tongue:

MissBehaving's photo
Thu 12/06/07 06:25 PM
:tongue: laugh :tongue:

Classic Lex.

MissBehaving's photo
Thu 12/06/07 06:23 PM



I constantly delete them to keep the counter at zero....

MissBehaving's photo
Thu 12/06/07 06:21 PM

I have noticed at least 10 today while browsing around... wow, this might be developing into a pet peeve! laugh

A man who cares about spelling and grammar .... I think I'm

MissBehaving's photo
Thu 12/06/07 12:49 PM

There should be a violence against Animals Day as well......flowerforyou :heart: flowerforyou

flowerforyou :heart: flowerforyou

MissBehaving's photo
Thu 12/06/07 12:47 PM

Could you do this in the slow cooker?


MissBehaving's photo
Thu 12/06/07 09:38 AM

"Wear a White Ribbon"

Did you know that December 6 is the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women in Canada? Established in 1991 by the Parliament of Canada, this day marks the anniversary of the murders in 1989 of 14 young women at l'École Polytechnique de Montréal. They died because they were women.

As well as commemorating the 14 young women whose lives ended in an act of gender-based violence that shocked the nation, December 6 represents an opportunity for Canadians to reflect on the phenomenon of violence against women in our society. It is also an opportunity to consider the women and girls for whom violence is a daily reality, and to remember those who have died as a result of gender-based violence. And finally, it is a day on which communities can consider concrete actions to eliminate all forms of violence against women and girls.

:heart: flowerforyou :heart:

MissBehaving's photo
Wed 12/05/07 12:33 PM

Physically - taller, at least 5'6... at 5' I'm a shrimp

Personally - I need to be more vocal

Superficially - don't really like my nose or my earlobes:tongue:

MissBehaving's photo
Wed 12/05/07 12:27 PM


I'm working at home today ---but wishing I could be in my office ... too many files, papers, "things" that aren't at home ...

I know, I know ... how pathetic ...'wanting" to be at work:tongue:

MissBehaving's photo
Wed 12/05/07 11:52 AM

I saw a spectacular double rainbow

Life is goodflowerforyou

MissBehaving's photo
Mon 12/03/07 06:00 PM

well I want to be the First Lady

cool... and in 8 years you can run for Senate then have your own campaign for President if you like...

First Lady is...


If she's your First Lady, I'll be your skanky mistress...and even worse...*gasp*...Canadian.
