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Topic: Which do you prefere and why
eternalsun's photo
Thu 12/06/07 05:45 PM
Here is a list of things I would like your thoughts on. Each set will have two things, pick one you like more and give a short explanation why.

MPG - power
Chocolate - vanilla
mustard - mayo
cars - trucks
marlboro - camel
beer - liqor
late nights - early mornings
money - being happy
work and money - life and spending money
accoustic - electric
bass - mids/highs
2 doors - 4 doors
big house - small house
movies - music
pools - beach
ice cream - cake
shoes - boots
pants - shorts

Sorry I'm bored. lol

nuenjins's photo
Thu 12/06/07 05:48 PM
indifferent boredom-sleepyawn

johncarl's photo
Thu 12/06/07 05:49 PM
being happy over money anny day i just did it 4 months ago and love it.:smile:

JD8502's photo
Thu 12/06/07 05:49 PM
all of the above :P

eternalsun's photo
Thu 12/06/07 05:50 PM

indifferent boredom-sleepyawn

lol sleep is better but boredom leads to creativity. Which is always a plus.

Jess642's photo
Thu 12/06/07 05:51 PM
MPG - power... I don't know what that means...

Chocolate - vanilla... Both, at different times.

mustard - mayo...Neither, I prefer Tahini.

cars - trucks...pushbike or feet.

marlboro - camel...Camel... cause I always wanted one!laugh

beer - liqor....hmmm.. I don't drink... but a coffee liquer sounds yum.

late nights - early mornings...late nights that run into early morning..devil devil

money - being happy...happy... I haven't had wealth, but I always have joy.

work and money - life and spending, who needs money? I don't.

accoustic - electric...acoustic... anywhere anytime, no need for amps.

bass - mids/highs...neither thanks.

2 doors - 4 doors...lots of windows..laugh

big house - small house... a yacht please.bigsmile

movies - because it affects me.

pools - beach....Derrr beach! That's a no brainer..laugh

ice cream - cake....hmmm cake, carrot cake, home made...yum.

shoes - boots...bare foot, cause I can!

pants - shorts...obviously shorts... I am wearing them now..laugh

longhairbiker's photo
Thu 12/06/07 05:54 PM
Are you serious eternal. Cause I got it down. Do you want my answers and why's? Is this your psyche ed assignment?

wmyers4u's photo
Thu 12/06/07 05:59 PM
trucks over cars, because trucks are way more useful, also MPG over HP ...So I would pick a small to mid size truck

longhairbiker's photo
Thu 12/06/07 05:59 PM
Always open your mind to the "third option". It opens the creativity factor and makes life more 3 dimentional.

no photo
Thu 12/06/07 06:00 PM
MPG - power: Probably MPG, for me, a car is just a way to go from Point A to Point F, the rest is irrelevant. If MPG can save a few bucks, why not?

Chocolate - vanilla: Chocolate for candy, but I like the vanilla scent

mustard - mayo: Neither

cars - trucks: Cars -- never drove a truck, never had any desire to

marlboro - camel: Neither -- don't smoke. I like camels as animals though

beer - liqor: Neither -- don't drink

late nights - early mornings: Late nights, I'm not the "morning person"

money - being happy: Being happy -- money is just a tool, and there's always more where that came from

work and money - life and spending money: Life and spending money, just more fun, I guess

accoustic - electric: Electric -- acoustic synthesizers just don't cut it. As a former musician, I played guitar with a lot of effects boxes, gotta be electric for me

bass - mids/highs: Bass! My favorite thing to play

2 doors - 4 doors: 6 doors, 8 doors, whatever. they're just doors.

big house - small house: Small is good, I'm not interested in ostentation or pretension or having to clean 63 rooms. If there's a place to write and a place to sleep, fine

movies - music: Music -- I don't have the attention span to sit and look at a screen for 2 hours unless there's a keyboard and a mouse attached

pools - beach: Either one is good

ice cream - cake: Cake, usually

shoes - boots: Shoes, ain't got no boots

pants - shorts: Pants for me, I never wear shorts

longhairbiker's photo
Thu 12/06/07 06:03 PM

WorthMoreThanRubies's photo
Thu 12/06/07 06:04 PM
MPG - power
Chocolate - vanilla....Chocolate always
mustard - mayo....mayo (as long as it's Kraft)
cars - (who doesn't love a sports car)
marlboro - camel....neither (mommy says smoking is bad for you)
beer - liquor...waiting until my 21st to find out
late nights - early mornings...late nights
money - being happy....being happy (having money won't hurt)
work and money - life and spending and spending money
accoustic - electric....electric all the way
bass - mids/highs...bass
2 doors - 4 doors...4 doors
big house - small house...small house with enough room for me
movies -!
pools - beach...the pool (no sharks)
ice cream - cream
shoes - boots...aren't they the same thing?
pants - shorts...pants

CaRisLOVE's photo
Thu 12/06/07 06:05 PM
MPG - power wat's a MPG?? lol
Chocolate - vanilla vanilla cause it's awesome
mustard - mayo mayonaise tastes too good
cars - trucks cars are cooler! but ATV's are cool too!
marlboro - camel i prefer camel toes
beer - liqor beer is like water to me!
late nights - early mornings i am tha night...
money - being happy im always happy!
work and money - life and spending money life or something like it
accoustic - electric guitar hero baby!
bass - mids/highs bass boost rocks my world!
2 doors - 4 doors 4 doors sounds more classy
big house - small house i like mansions!
movies - music i am a movie geek
pools - beach pools are sexier
ice cream - cake why not both?
shoes - boots nice shoes!
pants - shorts pants makes me a man


eternalsun's photo
Thu 12/06/07 06:07 PM


Awesome. I like it. It makes you think well beyond the words themselves, or it made me.

longhairbiker's photo
Thu 12/06/07 06:08 PM
Red-white-blue. Sausage-onion-pepperoni. Dodge-ford-chevy. Blondes-brunettes-redheads. Larry-moe-curly. Oral-anal-vaginal. Animal-vegetable-mineral.

longhairbiker's photo
Thu 12/06/07 06:25 PM
Thank you. I'm really broken and think outside the box. We all see things differently. I see things more colorfully and more vivid. And I have a creative imagination. I am free and I don't like being cornered in two dimentional problems. I was the one that always questioned "the third option". Why do I have to color within the lines? Why does the suspension of the building have to be either this way or that? In digital component transmission why does information transfer have to be in O's and I's? Where's my X's to speed transfer and unlimit the error factor? How come I can't put in multiple diminished 7ths in a song on electric guitar in G major in aolian mode if it fits and sounds really f ing cool?

no photo
Thu 12/06/07 06:26 PM
Hmmmmmmm...........(chin in hand)..........
I much prefer Reality.........with a twist ....of......inane

MissBehaving's photo
Thu 12/06/07 06:34 PM

Here is a list of things I would like your thoughts on. Each set will have two things, pick one you like more and give a short explanation why.

MPG - power
Chocolate - vanilla
mustard - mayo
cars - trucks
marlboro - camel
beer - liqor
late nights - early mornings
money - being happy
work and money - life and spending money
accoustic - electric
bass - mids/highs
2 doors - 4 doors
big house - small house
movies - music
pools - beach
ice cream - cake
shoes - boots
pants - shorts

Sorry I'm bored. lol

big house - small house - makes me think of "One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish":tongue:

longhairbiker's photo
Thu 12/06/07 06:45 PM
Why in nuclear technology is there fission and fusion? Where's my third option? Where's my mass imploding on itself which will hands down yield more power than the other two and if it can be harnessed and controlled will end our need for tangible resources and will give us the power to venture beyond this boring rock we live on very quickly and get me as far away from the repetitive predictable nutcase brittany spears as possible? Ooops I'm in trouble again. Here come the feds again to give me a lecture on superconductors and antimatter again. Aw cmon give me the materials I will build it. Oh geez yeh right go back and finish my doctorate. Cmon its simple physics! I want my flying car! Yeh you got 2 seconds of antimatter before it disappeared. Big deal. You guys were so scared of what it was going to do you did it out of the country. Boo. I want a flying carpet.

longhairbiker's photo
Thu 12/06/07 06:52 PM
You knew what they knew for 50 years and told noone. They used water for measuring and levelling. And they used it for power on their reactors. Not for cooling. I want my flying carpet.

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