Community > Posts By > Dempcey

Dempcey's photo
Thu 12/31/09 01:47 PM

a womans hair, the scent just sends me.!!! if that makes sense.!!:tongue: :tongue: :wink:
I know exactly what you mean. Hair does hold scent very well and some fragrances are linger more so than some perfumes on the body. yummy

Dempcey's photo
Thu 12/31/09 12:01 PM

What the hell?

I honestly thought that guys who were straight up belligerent @sshol@s was a friggen aphrodisiac to women. Every last damned woman I know has hookedup with that type....generally married em too.

Thus all of us nice guys whining in the endless "Nice Guy" threads.

Let's face facts, if I could force myself to be a mean and spiteful uncaring piece of $h*t...I would probably be married.

Now, I am just confuzeld.
Nope Sweets, woman like myself will bypass an @sshole and go straight for the guy with a sense of humor. Laughter cures all.
If I wanted to deal with an @ss I could just entertain myself most of the time :tongue:

Dempcey's photo
Thu 12/31/09 11:57 AM

A red flag for me would be someone who is controlling. If they're trying to tell me who I can and can't be friends with, that's not going to work.
Oh Hon that is one of those "time bombs". I would be fearing "abuser" for that's normally where the abuse starts (with controlling).

Rushing into meeting is also a bit of a red flag to me. I like to feel someone out even before meeting in a public place. Can never be to careful with oneself. A few emails, couple of IM's, a phone call here and there isn't asking too much.

Dempcey's photo
Thu 12/31/09 11:50 AM

:tongue: ... Ahhhh, Dempcey... flowerforyou ...

Dunnay get this lil Aromatherapist started!

I will say that the spices in pumpkin pie have proven to be aphrodisiac to men, hint, hint!

On men, favourites I love are different note mixtures of vetivert, sandalwood mysore, neroli, cedarwood atlantis, oak moss, benzoin, frankincense and pettigrain. Believe it or not, tobacco and leather are anchoring note staples!

For me? ... Jasmine, Rose Absolute and Damask and Sandalwood Mysore are my foundation for decades now!
Normally I'm burning cider scented candles, that should be fairly close to pumpkin pie?

Good ol' frankincense, but I can't find it here in Charlotte and I'm not likely to buy it online not knowing if the product is worth a damn.

I know this going to sound a bit twisted, but I like the smell of a man after a hards day of physical labor. A man that takes care of his hygiene, but has got a bit musky after the work. His natural scent.

Leather yes I forgot about that one! A nice leather couch or even a old west cow or deer throw hide.

Pettigrain? Never heard of it. Can you explain it at all?

flowerforyou Back at ya

Dempcey's photo
Thu 12/31/09 11:16 AM
Many nice pieces!
The second to last is my fav of you, message received and understood.
Your pencil work I adore! Great detail tot he eyes which is always a must to me. Her body form is elegant as well.

"The Love Bug" is getting very close to my dark side - wink.

"My Vacation Sucked" - Awesome yummy! Anything "man" excites me in art for there is very very little newer art with men. We need more!

Your cats and creature I adore.

Chess set I'd be all over it!

But the bird - that is the one that gets my attention. Beautiful choice of colors.

Hope you share more Hon!

Dempcey's photo
Wed 12/30/09 08:20 PM
I'm curious what does it for others and if there is any common scents that move us in the dating department? I know vanilla relaxes me, maybe a little too much it makes me a bit sleepy.

Paul Sebastian "Casual" for men, makes me act a right fool. It moves me enough to follow the scent like a bloodhound chasing a criminal.

I love a mans T shirt after fresh out the shower then having slept in it over night. Heck a man fresh out the shower is yummy.

I know a little of a lame question, but who knows it could be a little fun too. Cheers

Dempcey's photo
Wed 12/30/09 08:05 PM


I am screwed.

Tell you what....when we get naked I will let you look at pictures of my brother's back hair...his nick name is "The Silver Back"....that should tide you over on the body hair thang. Besides...I have never been a hairy guy to begin with...(I am the only one in my family without 3 inch long back hair...thank GOD!)
Damn I was hoping you'd miss my post.
Well there is always exceptions to every rile right?

Dempcey's photo
Wed 12/30/09 08:00 PM

Have a date.
Hoping to misbehave terribly.
O.k. I'll be happy with a kiss at 12:00, but the misbehaving will be on my mind :tongue:

That lucky b@st@rd! Make him earn that kiss. Just before midnight, jam a handfull of cheeto's and an Oreo cookie into your mouth....chew furiously, then, at the stroke of he leans in for the kiss....grin from ear to ear then plant one on him. Should make it memorable.
I was thinking "cheeto's and an Oreo cookies???" O.o Then the image of me smiling with the mixture of orange and black in my mouth made me tear up in laughter.

Don't be jealous Honey! If you ever get out this way or I yours - we must make a New Years dated. I think you and I could get into all sorts of delightful mischief!

Dempcey's photo
Wed 12/30/09 06:22 PM
Uh I'll take the hair for 50.
Forgive me, but as long as it's not thick and growing over the shoulders, down the back and beyond I love it. Shave that happy trail and the fussing will commence!!!

I love everything about a man's body so I don't want or need them to go changing their El' natural.


Dempcey's photo
Wed 12/30/09 06:15 PM
Have a date.
Hoping to misbehave terribly.
O.k. I'll be happy with a kiss at 12:00, but the misbehaving will be on my mind :tongue:

Dempcey's photo
Wed 12/30/09 06:10 PM

flowerforyou krupa, you just really make my day ya know. Humor, bold, dashing, sharing and open - what else could any woman ask for!

Apparently more money than can be spent. Hahahahaha I kid babydoll. I rarely run across the gold diggers.

I think you may have confused humor, bold, dashing, sharing and open with...meat head with so sense of modesty.
All in the eye of the beholder my Dear =) And Happy New Year to ya if I don't see ya round. Wink

Dempcey's photo
Wed 12/30/09 06:08 PM
Spear gun or harpoon?
Personally I was thinking of investing in a Battleship. About how many payments ya think that would be? indifferent

Dempcey's photo
Wed 12/30/09 01:13 PM

And on the phone ... and in person ... and so on, blah times 3!

Rebounds are not just trampolines! ... ON THE REBOUND ...

If they're still endlessly talkin' 'bout the Ex???

... No judgement, BUT they just aren't over it!!!

LOL Dancere! flowerforyou
The "No photo" thing is really becoming a huge red flag for me as well. Thus far it has never turned out to be a good sign. I hate that for there are some just reasons one would not wish to post a photo, but I'm chickered if I will respond ohwell

Speaking of ex talk, I could never understand why one wouldn't enjoy a spot of freedom and a bit of reflection as not to make the same mistakes down the road. For me at least I like to enjoy at least six months of both after a break up. Like running a long race, afterwards one bends over holds their knees and catches their breath.

Dempcey's photo
Wed 12/30/09 01:07 PM
flowerforyou krupa, you just really make my day ya know. Humor, bold, dashing, sharing and open - what else could any woman ask for!

Dempcey's photo
Wed 12/30/09 12:34 PM
Edited by Dempcey on Wed 12/30/09 12:36 PM
Or how about when you get a song in there that just won't go away huh You know the one's the silly commercial song like "I love my D-O-D-G-E truck" Gad now that's going to get back in my head and it's been at least what 4-5 years since that one out!

I just notice my punch line was killed!!! @ss isn't a dirty word, it mean s donkey...gezzz. :tongue:

Dempcey's photo
Tue 12/29/09 10:16 PM
No I heard it a long time ago from somewheres. It stuck with me.

Dempcey's photo
Tue 12/29/09 09:24 PM

leg pics? Why didn't you say so?

always willing to help. Your welcome.

hahahahaha Sorry dude but, you walked right into that one.

Oh dear I should have really caught that (May I suggest the sausage), for I am a detailed person, but in my defense I was distracted by the legs and the hair. I have a thing for long hair on a man.

Love that photo more and more by the minute.

Dempcey's photo
Tue 12/29/09 09:04 PM

Yes, stay in the moment and be open to the unexpected! Ya NEVER know!

Yanno? ... I like you, Dempcey! You're really going to fit in these forums nicely...

Stick around here, there are some truly wonderful people to get to know!

flowerforyou ...Welcome!!!

20-4 Roger that. Likewise Hon! flowerforyou
Looking forward to good times, advice, learning and growing with many good people!

Dempcey's photo
Tue 12/29/09 08:34 PM

... Letting go of all expectations ...

Now there is a word hard for me to gnaw on. It took me ages to get over that. Expecting this or that, must have's and must not's. I have found now that surprises are truly a gift and learning something new in someone is always refreshing. Some men have a knack of surprising me and that is a delightful treat.

Dempcey's photo
Tue 12/29/09 08:08 PM

... Those attraction triggers can reduce us ALL to babblin', Jr High idjits in a hopeless crush and w/ out a lick of common sense, mush for brains!

... I believe it is not so much what 'our heart' wants that rushes us in where angels fear to tread ...

... More an ideation of what we WANT that available person to BE, and the lust and desire that generates, transposed onto this random being's identity ... that actually hasn't what we seek in the least, never did and never will!

Then, too late! Our entire, inner chemistry lab and very being are overtaken, down into the 'Tsunami of Stupidity'!

In the end? ... We chose badly!

Just wishful and delusional, majikal thinking that can put us so far DOWN under, in our own spell, that we throw ourselves from the highest cliff, dashed on the rocks below ... (metaphorically speaking, of course ...)!

Wisdom is a hard earned treasure; I'm glad your children are learning by example, that your errors have actually taken on such meaning! I pray the same for my daughter, times infinity!!!

History CAN teach! TY!

I understand what you are saying, truly, but my womanhood will not run my emotions either. I see lust and chemistry for what it is and thankful for it. It makes me feel alive, but I know how to separate love from lust, and chemistry from the "right one".

Nothing like a good instant chemistry thing and yes it can make us act out of character, but to what degree? Self discipline coupled with that blessed wisdom is core.

Please don't think I was aiming my post at you Hon, I tend to speak more to myself as to remind myself who I am and where I came from. I don't mind anyone else getting any understanding or another view on an issue as well as I have enjoyed your thoughts! :wink:

Oh, absolutely! NO offense taken ... more a feeling we've (those older and wiser) all walked in your shoes, and hopefully learned and grew from it. I know I have!

Was more elaborating on the 'before you know what you really always knew anyway' phase! Relating your post to the on topic 'red flag' thang; sometimes WE have been our own red flag in duping ourselves ...

I relate to every single thing you said in both posts, and am also saluting the wisdom that I too have gained from similarity of history!

In theory anyway ... I hope to pass my own 'test' next time. I ONLY seek one last and true love! That means exercising all this spoken of: wisdom, control, caution, patience and uncanny discernment!

But by living and learning and practicing what we have learned doesn't it seem we just cut down our chances of finding the one by at least 75% ? A great deal of red flags out there.

Honestly, sometimes I think I might be a little too hard on some men, not giving them a chance for I am ever watchful of the red flags and sometimes dismiss them before I could have discover the so called red flag was just a case of nerves. I don't think I do, but it is possible.

The bad side of being happy and content with oneself at least for me is I can take love or leave it and I am not willing to go through any drama to achieve it, love or "the one" that is.