Community > Posts By > XenomorphEyez

XenomorphEyez's photo
Thu 01/07/10 07:20 PM
Edited by XenomorphEyez on Thu 01/07/10 07:21 PM
I know you are, but what am I...infinityscared

See, boredom be damned. You're so excited that I graced you with my presence AND the excitement led to lack of punctuation and spelling. Cause I know your parents aren't spending good money on college for lack of a period or capitalization, right? Glad I could help. drinker

XenomorphEyez's photo
Thu 01/07/10 07:07 PM
Just block the pervs. Mail filters are your friend. :wink:

XenomorphEyez's photo
Thu 01/07/10 07:05 PM


Hmmm, caplock is a horrible thing to waste right???


XenomorphEyez's photo
Thu 01/07/10 07:03 PM

I would really like to meet a nice girl after i just got out of a long relationship where i wasn't allowed to talk to girls id really like to meet one now hit me up on here

Oh well, we can't have that. What a romantic proposition. What girl wouldn't love to be part of your boredom. It's sooooo tempting. love

BTW, Boredom never helped anyone. You end up posting silly things on message boards. Then when nobody writes you back, you come on again and whine how nobody writes you. It's a vicious cycle. One day, you'll look back and miss those times locked in the proverbial closet. Some people pay good money for that! Count your blessings you got it for free. drinker

XenomorphEyez's photo
Thu 01/07/10 03:58 PM

12/21/2012...We're all GONNA DIE!!! scared

rofl rofl rofl

Well the NYC fault line is in Harlem. I don't live there BUT if the big one hits NYC,, then I'm on the part that will tear apart and go out into the Atlantic I guess. I don't go past 96th St anyway. So I'm good. :banana:

XenomorphEyez's photo
Thu 01/07/10 03:34 PM
Edited by XenomorphEyez on Thu 01/07/10 03:34 PM

OK... deep breath.
FIRST of all I get so tired of seeing kids, yes... you may be a legal adult but you are indeed still a kid, all upset that they haven't found the one yet. Who finds their "one and only" by the time they're 18?
And the fact that you're nice proves nothing. Nice to who? According to who's standards?
And there's something to be said about the irony of mispelling embarrassed....
I'm not tryin to rip on you but like Melody stated... it's time to put your big boy pants on and try not complaining to a group of singles about being single.
Get out there, be a teen, have fun, enjoy life.

Oh Heeeellll NOOOOO! Who do you think you are???? Me??? LEAVE BRITTTTNEYYYYY ALOOOOOONNNNEEE! I thought I was the only one that spoke to emos in search of life long love or they will die alone, like that! I blame Twilight for this Booolshyt! Turning Vampires into Fairies and whatnot. It's anarchy! F@cking bums!frustrated And so what if the youth of today thinks ridiculous is spelled rediculous??? Or embarrst is spelled wrong. It sounds right...that's all that's important as they are looking for love on a dating site and not in the real world. Priorities be damned! Education Schmeducation.

XenomorphEyez's photo
Thu 01/07/10 03:24 PM
Ugh I hope not. Hope it dies down before it comes here.

XenomorphEyez's photo
Thu 01/07/10 01:31 PM
Check out the OP all flirty and being social. See, it's not so hard. :wink: Good luck to you.

XenomorphEyez's photo
Thu 01/07/10 12:53 PM

Some would call me "special".scared

Aww, you're one of my fav people on here, I love special people!!!:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

Awe you're gonna make me blush. embarassed Now I do feel "special". happy

XenomorphEyez's photo
Thu 01/07/10 12:43 PM
Some would call me "special".scared

XenomorphEyez's photo
Thu 01/07/10 12:41 PM
I've never been cheated on, but I would want to know. There's a lot of factors that come into play when someone is cheating. It has nothing to do with being hurt mentally. I can get over that. I'm more worried about catching something that will be with me long after I cut off the guys balls.

So if you know someone is cheating--- should you tell?
what if the person doing the cheating is a friend??

Stay out of it. It's none of your business. I say this from experience of catching a friends bf with another woman while I was out one night. Our friendship was never the same after it.

XenomorphEyez's photo
Thu 01/07/10 12:35 PM
I'm embarrassed to be here too. Why do we do this to ourselves???? tears It's the fate of hermits. At least, you are still young. I'm an old bat and dementia is setting in. Save yourself!!!!drinker

XenomorphEyez's photo
Thu 01/07/10 12:32 PM

Possible future partner for Kermit...drum roll please...Taylor Swift! In an exclusive interview with in September with Kermit after the Lady Gaga kiss incident he hinted at possibly pursuing Taylor Swift in the future! Personally, I think they would make a very cute couple and wish Kermit the best of luck on his rise again to stardom!,,20305124,00.html

You go Kermit!

So Kermit is dating guys now???? Is that what that tucking alien Gaga did to him??? Or is Taylor a girl?

XenomorphEyez's photo
Thu 01/07/10 12:27 PM
Speaking of honest...35? Really? spock

XenomorphEyez's photo
Thu 01/07/10 12:24 PM

I got a new hair cut yesterday.
Is it just me, but doesn't a new hair cut make you feel great? [:

sorry you don't like your new do sad

change makes me feel great, could be a haircut, hairdo, dye, highlights love it all

LOL she said it made her feel great. rofl Nothing to cry over. flowerforyou

XenomorphEyez's photo
Thu 01/07/10 12:22 PM

Well i had never been in a relation ship ,I mean never.I see my friends dating girls everyday but my nature is definitly not the stalker type ,I find my brains pretty uncomfortable when disturbing some one unknown that too just for relationship/friendship with opposite sex.It's just i never found one.Most of my friend says that i am left with two options only ,First one is i begin stalking like them ,Lie cheat trap them into my nest take advantage of them and ditch or secondly have sexual relationships with some high class call girl for some time untill all the lust and hunger to discover about girls is finished.I find both of them reasons absurd at some momments ,Since our media has shown so many romantic flicks ,It has turned human logical mind into some fairytale?

Remember i live in a highly religious but pseudo intellect place.

What would you people comment on this situation.

You talk about woman as if they are foreign objects and you get to pick and choose who you keep and throw away.

This is why everyone should have sex by any means necessary. This kid will end up with bodies under the stairs. Seriously. He talks of stalking, taking advantage and ditching. I find you very disturbing. Unless...I am reading it wrong. If so, I apologize.

XenomorphEyez's photo
Thu 01/07/10 09:20 AM
Pigs are filthy animals! Miss Piggy is a skank. Look at this whore! Probably why Kermit turned to smack. tears

XenomorphEyez's photo
Thu 01/07/10 09:06 AM
I have friends from all over the world through different internet groups. We get together once a year. They are talking about going to Vegas this year, but I hate Vegas and won't be joining them. If I am going to get on a plane for over 5 hours, I'm going to Europe.

XenomorphEyez's photo
Thu 01/07/10 08:39 AM

It happened to me. I was living with a peruvian room mate and he introduced me to a peruvian gal named Fatima. They wanted me to marry this gal so she can come to the US. $3,000 plus a car upfront, then after marriage and she came, another $2,000. I turned it down as enticing as it was. My question was,"Do I get to sleep with her?" LOL, I mean, come on, if she's gonna be my wife,I'm gonna want to sleep with her. =P They said no. I then made a decision to say no because if I was gonna marry, it was going to be for love. So, I ended up marrying another peruvian girl years later. She got pregnant,had my son, got her green card after 3 yrs of marriage and disappeared with my son. He's now 15yrs old somewhere in California. The only remembrance I have of him is a small photo of him 5 yrs old wearing a maroon and white tuxedo. His memory forever lives on in my heart and in the only photo I still have of him.


See OP, it works out fabulous. I love a happy ending. drinker

XenomorphEyez's photo
Thu 01/07/10 08:37 AM
When I travel, I like to go to places I haven't been before. I also like the off the beaten path, mom and pop places that the natives and locals visit. They always have better food.

I've never really traveled alone.

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