Community > Posts By > severdsoul

severdsoul's photo
Sat 11/14/09 12:27 PM
Had snow here today too, but its all gone. :(

severdsoul's photo
Sat 11/14/09 06:58 AM
Stand up, look him/her square in the eyes and say..

"and now we shall finish the game"

and see what happens.

severdsoul's photo
Fri 11/13/09 10:02 AM
good point as well, although he has never done it before, only in the past week or so, its quite possible its just a phaze, and will pass.

severdsoul's photo
Fri 11/13/09 05:01 AM
Some good advice msharmony, i agree, he never see's the negative side of things, even the negative side of the 'sperm donor' i shield him from that, although at times its tough, but i dont want to cause him problems later on, so when he is around i keep things like that to my self.

Hopefuly later on, (if i still get to see him) we can work something out, it just drives me nuts to see him acting up and doing things that he knows without a doubt he is not to do.
I'm sure part of it is attention, even though he is just 2 it has to be rough on him, his world has changed and he dose not know why and he can not realy talk yet, so he cant ask or understand.
So i give him leaway on some things that before would not even be a second though.

severdsoul's photo
Thu 11/12/09 07:17 PM
Thanks for the responces and input,

So basicaly stick to my guns, buy lots of beer and ride it out.. *lol*.

I definatly wont change, he needs some structure, even if it is only once a week, (for now.. not sure how long it will last before it ends up once a month or more.. nothing would suprise me at this point.)
I want him to be a little man, in every sence of the word, not a monster, not a terror , or a pain to others.. still a kid, but a good kid.
My other worry is he is going to pick up her habbits, which i dont like, but cant stop either.. She always has the phone glued to her head, (which he already imitates) , is always on the go, which is ok but not for a little one, and twist and minupulates to make things seem the why she wants, which i realy realy hope he wont learn, and now she is sponging off a friend of a frind of the family, living in their house, rent free, she wanted to get tags to go hunting, which is not that big of a deal, i would if i had the cash extra, (we still share money, yea i know, but i dont want lil man to go without, so i keep the joint account open and cash in there just in case) but , she said she was going to get tags, and i asked what about bill's, she said, her bills were paid, hmm interesting since just just barely coverd her office space here in town, last week, and i know the phone bill is $300, not to mention the loan she took out that i was aginst, and who knows what else, i mean sure she could make good money a week doing massages, but she has not had that many massages to cover the bills. So that tells me the friend (who has money) is covering her bills, oh and she came to town in the friends truck.
Its all going to bite her in the butt later, and honestly i am a bit suprised she is doing what she is doing, maby her staying home with lil man the past 2 1/2 years was not such a wise decision, but i wanted to make sure she had time to bond with him. So i worked and she stayed home.
But i realy hope he realises later on that things that are going on now are not how they should be, or that he wont remember at all.
Just dont want him picking up all the bad habbits.

severdsoul's photo
Thu 11/12/09 06:28 PM
OK, so i my lil man just left, *sniff*... Miss him already..

But while he was here, he was doing many things that for one i dont allow, and for two should be corrected.
Nothing big, throwing food on floor, running away and throwing temper fits when he was told no, not listening at all for the first hour or so.
What the @#$#@$ is she doing? I mean come on, not to brag or sound rude, but he is one smart lil man, smarter than most, was walking at 7 months, pulling pratical jokes at a year, (those still kill me that he can put things together and its actualy funny, smart lil turd).
I was somewhat strict on him when it came to normal things, but he understands way more than most his age, so he knew what he was doing and why he shouldnt be, so i cracked down on him, sure he gets away with a lot, but there are limits.
It seems now that he is with her only most of the time, there are no limits, Which is realy going to bite her in the butt later on when he gets a bit older, but in the mean time, i have to de-program him for the first few hours and get him back to acting like a little man and not a little monster.
Is she that stupid that she can not see what is coming?
I just dont like the way he is going to end up, and sadly there is not a lot i can do about it.
Its just frustrating to see how things are going knowing there is not much you can do.
Anyone else have to deal with this?

severdsoul's photo
Thu 11/12/09 05:32 AM

I have none but think afew on a woman are sexy! Too many and to me its like looking at a news paper that talks? Then there the age thing ive NEVER seen someone at 70 yrs old whos tats look good but maybe at that age you dont care?

i dont know about you but i dont look at 70 year old women and think
"damn, if only she didnt have that tat, i`d of tottaly given her some lovein"

all about placement and significance. a big dragon on her forearm just aint good...... unless its a dragon she slayed

aww come on lonetar25, you kno you were lookin... you were thinking man if she didnt have tat's and that roll up bra i'd be all over that.. Take her walker and you have it made, cant run away.
No no no, we had sex last month remember.. it wasnt 10 min ago...

You know you were thinking , man that gray hair is fine.... *LOL*

severdsoul's photo
Thu 11/12/09 05:30 AM

i have one. its a 4 leaf clover cause im extremely irish, and my sons name under it. hell, if it gives him any luck at all its worth it.

i wanted to get a second one, a momento of me and one of my good friend, feathers and handcuffs (its an inside joke), but havent found the artist that appeases my taste.

but to me, if your going to turn your body into a canvas, you might as well make sure it has some meaning behind it, a thoughtful story, something other then "well it looked cool".

Its a shame you are not closer, my friend is the artist that did mine, he is a one of a kind, has his own shop, but a great guy, and a good artist, i'd send you to him.

severdsoul's photo
Thu 11/12/09 05:26 AM

I have none but think afew on a woman are sexy! Too many and to me its like looking at a news paper that talks? Then there the age thing ive NEVER seen someone at 70 yrs old whos tats look good but maybe at that age you dont care?

i agree there, to many is a bit much.

tat's are liquid, you have to keep in shape to keep them looking good as well has have the touched up every 10 years or so, depending on what they are.
I think a lot of tat's going when you get older is your skin looses its elasticity, etc, so the tat's sag and change.

severdsoul's photo
Thu 11/12/09 05:23 AM
Edited by severdsoul on Thu 11/12/09 05:27 AM

your kids hand is genious

maurys from newzeland have it right aswell

but my friend who has pictures from the tattoo palour wall, well he`s a tit.

girls who have tatoos that arent hidden, or dont have some meaning, to me it just ruins their natural beauty.

you wouldnt draw a mustache on the mona lisa, would you?

i dont have any but i think i will one day, as i want to mark a few significant periods in my life

Thanks, its not finished yet, have to have more detail done to it, been a while since i have had time to get in to the artist to finsih.
I wanted something that i could keep from when he was little, so now no matter how old he gets, i can always pull my shirt off and say "hey, dont give me crap , remember when you were this size?" *lol*
When he gets older and learns to write, i'm going to give him a magic marker and let him write his name below the tat, and have that done, all scribbily as kids do.
I think as long as you get them for you, there is nothing wrong with them, fully agree with you, they have to be for something, otherwise just a neon light attracting atention.

severdsoul's photo
Thu 11/12/09 05:01 AM
Missoula here, although i've lived in great falls as well before.
Would not trade montana for anything.. its 'home'.

severdsoul's photo
Thu 11/12/09 04:40 AM
Just curious what a mixed crowd think.

Personaly i have 2, want 3 more.

I have my lil man's hand on my chest, and a cheesey cow boy hat that a close friend use to wear all the time that died this year from cancer on the back of my shoulder.

I get my tatto's for me, they are not where everyone can see them, and they have personal meaning.

They have become prity much main stream in most culures, but curious who has some, what they are, what they mean, and those that dont, the opinions about them?

severdsoul's photo
Thu 11/12/09 04:34 AM
Not sure about scary, although it is unusual.
Personaly from what i see this is a sad case, look at the screen
capture i saved.

Looks to me like a guy seriously down on his luck, if you notice how thin his arms and chest are, they should not have ran, but should have actualy investigated and maby they would have solved the question of what/who it was rather than getting a sound bite to show off to thousands. But not many realy want answers, they would rather see the cool footage.

They should notify someone and go back during the day and see if they can help this poor man.

severdsoul's photo
Thu 11/12/09 04:19 AM
Edited by severdsoul on Thu 11/12/09 04:20 AM
I'm 43 and my lil one will be 2 in march. Although he is not with me, he is with his mom, but i'd take him full time in a heart beat.

Personaly a lil one is not a big deal to me, i actualy enjoy it, watching them grow up, watching them change day to day.

Starting older in life has its things to consider, but i think in many ways its better for the child, (although i didnt expect to wait this long before a lil one was running around).
For one you are more stable, you know who you are and what you want, and kids pick up on that, you are not like you were in your 20's. We all know how we were, not knocking the 20's, i had a blast, and rever back every now and then, but have to face reality i'm not 20.
Its a double edge coin, i think, there are bonuses for the kids as well as some draw backs.
But in the end, all that matters is you are there for them and love them no mater what age.

severdsoul's photo
Thu 11/12/09 04:03 AM
Edited by severdsoul on Thu 11/12/09 04:04 AM
how about the dead beat that gets someone pregnat and never dose a thing about or for the child.

Long story, but my cute lil man is realy not mine, and with all the stuff that has happend, and being single again, there is a chance i may loose him totaly, which hurts. He means the world to me.
So far i get to see him about 5 hours a week, on one of my days off, and enjoy every second.. but i miss out on so much its not even funny.
The dead beat has done nothing, well he has caused problems, which helped lead to me being single again. So i guess i cant say nothing, but nothing for lil man, I was there for everything, and hopefuly will get to continue to be, but thats yet to be seen.

We did let the dead beat see him once a month for a hour, and some times he showed up, some times he didnt, some times he was stoned, which ended the visits. (he had his kids whith him, and drove there) Sorry, no ones putting my lil man at risk.

severdsoul's photo
Thu 11/12/09 03:21 AM
Edited by severdsoul on Thu 11/12/09 03:21 AM
I went to the store..

yup, thats about it..

the rest of the time, sat around butt naked with a blanket. (one of my days off work)

I did think of veterans day, and those that served.
I have a special respect for vet's as i grew up a military brat.
I was born on a USMC Base.

severdsoul's photo
Thu 11/12/09 03:09 AM
i've done the body work before, worked in a shop in utah while the ex went to school. Hated a city that big (SLC) but loved the job.
We did some interesting cars. a 68 RT/SS Road runner, show quality paint, took 3 months, we painted a old surburban, the guy waned flames on it... why i have no idea.. but after he picked it up he stoped by a car show he was going to, enterd it for the heck of it, and actualy took 3rd place for the paint job. Suprised the heck out of us.

severdsoul's photo
Thu 11/12/09 02:21 AM
Hate: anything phone related

Dream job:

Owning my own shop where i buy cars that most consider junk, customise, chop,crop, rebuild, repaint, and make a one of a kind piece of art that everyone can enjoy. Sell them for a fair price.

Imagine a 82 LTD 4Dr with a 6" chop out of the roof, and a 3" chanel from the body, lowerd and a fresh coat of paint.

Or a 78 Honda Civic Hatch Back, reshaped into a convertable.

There are sooo many cars to rebirth. Its all about the subtle lines.

severdsoul's photo
Thu 11/12/09 02:06 AM
Its definatly rough at times. I can relate.
For me, its thursday nights. I get my lil man during the day on thursday, and enjoy every second of it..
but i'm a night owl, (work overnights) and am up all night, after a nap, house is quiet.. no lil man around..

Being lonley sucks, but not much you can do about it, just have to ride it out, it will pass, all i can say is i'm thankful for the net. :)

severdsoul's photo
Thu 11/12/09 01:53 AM
You would have to define cold...

for me, 30 degrees is warm.. light jacket, or just a shirt, as long as there is no wind blowing.

But in general i would have to say cold. You can only strip off so many clothes when its hot, then you just have to suffer.
Besides, if its cold you have to cuddle and share body heat. :)