how hard is it?
How hard is it? Touch it and see.
Tornadoes are easy to avoid. Just get under ground. Have an earth covered dome home, and you are safe.
Hey, willing2 - Why stop at 80? Go for 84...or 87...0r 94.
It depends upon where the person is. In japan, 12 is the age of consent. In Yemen, people marry three year olds. In much of the American south, there is no age limit for dating/marrying a gal as long as her parents/guardians consent. Personally, I prefer older to younger. There is something to be said for experience, and it is better being with someone who has lived enough to know what the world is really like. Generally, a guy who prefers such young gals generally lacks any skill, or confidence, or equipment, and wants a partner who will be too inexperienced to notice his shortcomings... especially if he is unusually short. A young gal won't have had much to compare shorty against, and won't realize what she is missing.
Do you believe...........
There is something to it, but very little. If you sleep curled into a fetal position, you are probably whimpy, feel unloved, etc. If you sprawl all over the bed, hog the covers, etc, you are probably selfish and rude. If you cuddle up to a bedmate, and hold him/her close you are probably loving, and romantic. Apart from things like this, your sleeping doesn't say much about you.
There is nothing you can do about what was done. All you can do is suggest that your friend become more sensible in future. Either don't go to clubs/partys, or don't drink/eat at the ones gone to, or only eat/drink what you prepare yourself, and never let anyone else near your food/drink. Also avoid booze. Drinking booze makes you less observant, less careful, etc, so someone can more easily slip a drug into your food/drink. If your friend goes to partys, gets raped, and goes to more partys, perhaps she enjoys being raped. If so, there is nothing you can do about that.
You can always ask-POLITELY-but may not get any response. It doesn't hurt to try, but don't expect much.
Live beneath your means, and do without. Do not buy every fad toy, bit of clothing/jewelry, etc. Do not party. Get by without: cable/satellite tv, internet, phone, movies, music, video games, etc. Live as close to being a homeless bum as possible without actually becomeing a homeless bum, and do that for as many years as need be. Put all the money you are saving onto paying off previous debts. Shun new credit/debt. When all is paid off, start living a bit higher...but not much.
If you get internet again, get a lower speed connection. Instead of cable/satelliet tv, use your internet connection to get streaming video and watch TV shows/movies that way for a lot less. Read more,and buy only used books, and borrow books from the public library. Limit boozing to just two drinks on very special occasions...New Years, wedding anniversarie your own/your spouses' birthdays, a college graduation, or such. Eat healthier. Cook your meals at home rather than dining out at restaurants. Develope low cost hobbies. Buy things-cameras, vcrs, etc-refurbished rather than new. Have no car/truck/motorcycle,and get around by walking, bicycling, and riding city buses. Grow most of your own food...fruits & veges. As for meat, hunt and fish, and eat only what you kill, and clean. Generate your own electricity, and sell the surplus you don't use to the electric company. Play card games...solitaire when alone, and other games when with people. Really learn to play well. Play for money, and win more than you lose. Learn to enjoy research, and then do some. Figure out: who was Jack The Ripper?; Was GHW Bush The Gunman On The Grassy Knoll? Did space aliens land at Roswell? and so on. Then, write a book, or two, about the findings of your researches. Such entertainment is cheap. Lower your outgo, and increase your income, and avoid debt... espcially credit card debt. |
Fly problem???
Develope some mind power, and kill the flies with mind waves. Use a quartz crystal, if need be, to amplify your mind, and think evil thoughts about the flies. Imagine the flies exploding, splatting against invisible walls, etc. If your mind is strong enough, the flies will die, and others will sense their deaths and stay away. This works better than bags of water...if you have mind enough to make it work. It works on people, too, which is the basis of Voodoo, The Placebo Effect, and more.
No one owns an electric shaver. Shavers cut facial hairs. Electric so called razors/shavers do not cut hairs. They pull, and break, them. Shave one part of your face with a manual razor, and part with an electric razor. Examine hairs cut by each razor under a high powered microscope. You will see the differences between cut, and broken, hairs. I prefer the feel of a cut rather than the feel of a pull. To each his own, though.
How is the next dictator to be born in 2018 when the world is supposed to end in 2012? IF your system of figuring applies to more tha 4 people out of a hundred billion, or so, THEN it MAY work to produce another major dictator in 2018. That, however, is a mighty BIG IF. History is cyclical in some ways, but not in others. Cycles set up INFLUENCES...NOT REQUIREMENTS. The socio-political forces which gave us Hitler no longer exist, so they can't give us Hitler II. These days, Germany is NOT under The Versaille Treaty. There is no world war for a modern Hitler to serve in, and draw support from the veterans of. Small wars like Iraq won't produce enough disgruntled vets to put a Hitler type into power, and a modern world war will go so nuclear, or chemical, or biological, or all of the above, that there won't be enough survivors to give a new Hitler type the suppoert needed to get into power. It was reasoning like yours that convinced people the world was going to end in 1888, and 1900, and 1911, and 1925, and so on. Each focused upon different alleged cycles. According to one based upon the size of The Great Pyramid, Christ was supposed to return in 1976.
A thought
Grow up. The NSA has enough data on everyone to fill two NYC phone books-including Yellow Pages-sized volumes. That's two NYC phone books (w/YP)on me, two on you, two on every single person in the country. Anyone who wants to knows more about you already than Goodle can learn in a lifetime. The MIC knows what brand of TP you use, and how many sheets you use per wipe. There is no privacy,and hasn't been for a long time. We have been in 1984 (Orwellian...Big Brother wise) since 1948. Get used to it.
I know it won't happen. There are too many Jews in the USA,and they recall Arney's stating that the man he admires most of all is Adolf Hitler. The fool actually said it on camera. Americans will posthumously elect Ted Kennedy before Arnold gets within a thousand miles of even being able to run.
Aren't you glad that Palestinians are stupid...and cheap?
Hollywood Video: charged too much, lacked the videos I wanted most, charged late fees, rented me damaged items at full price, kept me standing on line while their male, and female, employees flirted with each other, and were slow to return items to the shelves. I gave up, and went to Netflix....which always has what I want, at low prices, with no hassles. If I get a damaged item, I mail it back,and get an undamaged replacement in a day, or two. They charge no late I can keep the things a day, or a week, or whatever, with no penalties. Hollywood: got too big, thought it was the boss, took it's customers for granted, failed to keep up with it's competitors, and became more trouble than it was worth. Of course, hiring cheapazz illegal alien teens who didn't want to work for a living, and could barely understand English, probably had something to do with it, too. Short term thinking bankrupted Hollywood Video. Long term is the way to go in business.
Leave...and go date her Mama.
What works for you?
What works best is: being honest, being interesting, replying to something mentioned in the profile of the one you are emailing, and being witty.
Why are we helping Israel?
It could have something to do with the Jews who own most of our: banks, publishing houses, news media, movie studios, record companies, oil companies, manufacturing plants, ore deposits, etc. It may also have to do with: America claiming to be a Christian nation, Christ being King of Israel, and all non-Christians coming together to attack Israel in the last days.
Revelation,and other scriptures, make it clear that if you are Christian you are a spiritual Jew, and a supporter of Israel, and if you oppose Israel, you are aligned with the Anti-Christ, and are an enemy of Christ. Would you rather we send foreign aid to the Islamic nations which launch terror attacks against us? Israel stands up to the terrorists better than we do. They deserve some help for that. If Israel were no longer there, the terrorists would be on us full time. Even if Israel never existed, the Muslim extremists want to get Amereica's wealth,and to pay it back for the Catholic Crusades England, and Italy, launched millenia ago. America is largely Catholic, so hurting America hurts Catholicism. Islamic terrorists are out to harm America no matter what we do, or don't do, in regard to Israel. By helping Israel fight Islamic terror, we help ourselves. |
Find a way to pay me for some gems, have the gems I supply appraised for insurance purposes by a GIA Certifed Gemologist, and then have the appraisal in hand when you go too sell the gems for-or use them as collateral for a personal loan of-$1,000.00 or more.